Sunday 20 February 2011



Jews can say to Jewish audiences what Gentiles would never dare. In fact, any Gentile cartoonist who penned any of the these cartoons would lose his syndication in every American newspaper and be publically branded an anti-Semite of the lowest calibre. Oh, they would also have Abe Foxman up in arms! 

Please enlarge the thumbs of these cartoons to read them in full. You might be quite surprised at what Jewish humour disrespects. Or, on the otherhand, maybe you won't! 
 The Shondai

Here is a breakdown of the above cartoon by Eli Valley called La Shonda. The cartoon is set with three Jews on a tropical island: a rabbi, a Jewish communal leader and an international fugitive. The Jewish criminal fugitive who made a fortune by dumping arsenic and poisoning the people of Peru is dearly loved by the other two Jews because he supports Jewish causes. (Note: This is not some cartoon fantasy, in real life, many murderous Jewish gangsters such as Moe Dalitz and probably the biggest organized crime boss in 2oth century America: Meyer Lansky, were famous for supporting Jewish causes. There have literally been hundreds of gangsters and fraudsters that have given huge sums to Jewish causes and Israel.)

The fugitive says, “No amount of racketeering, wire fraud or tax evasion gives me the same pleasure as alerting people to the dangers of anti-Semitism.” The rabbi and communal leader ask and receive his support for a Jewish “Ethics Chair” at a university.

Then Bernie Madoff shows up and the other Jews are effusive in their praise for Madoff’s illegal ponzi scheme calling him a genius on the order of King Solomon. Madoff is wonderful as long as he supports Jewish causes such as, “…supporting trips to Israel for Jewish teens.”

Then Madoff breaks the news that he didn’t just steal from Gentiles but from Jews too.

This revelation brings horrendous outrage from the three Jews. “This is AN OUTRAGE!!! It cuts to the soul of who we are as a people! What happened to our ETHICS? Our VALUES? You have shamed not only yourself but the entire community! I intend to write several op-eds about this!”

At which point they ask for 2 million dollars from the Jewish gangster who had poisoned the people of Peru so they can have conferences on the immorality of Jews cheating other Jews!

The cartoon shows three things. First, it truthfully illustrates the damning reality that powerful Jews, even ones who do horrendous harm and evil to non-Jews, are protected and honored by the Jewish community, unless, of course, they do harm to their fellow Jews.

Secondly, it shows that there are at least a few Jews who see this evil process and protest it. They are to be commended by Jews and Gentiles alike.

And third, it reveals the fact that non-Jews cannot even tell the truth and defend themselves from these racist Jewish predators. For surely, there is not a single Gentile in the America or Europe who could publish such a cartoon in the mainstream press without him being attacked as an anti-Semite and without having his career completely destroyed.

Just take a look at the cartoon, look at it closely, read it closely.  This cartoon, it’s theme, the fact that Jews can speak about what we can’t, it is all very instructive for the non-Jews of the world. It should help all of us wake up!

Now for more by this particular cartoonist. His work was a regular feature in HEEB magazine, an "ultra hip" Gen X Jewish magazine graced by the likes of Sarah Silverman.




For some strange reason, Stuart reminds me of Abe Foxman....

Can you possibly imagine the uproar if a Gentile created the above??

This one hits close to home does it not?

 A little modern history regarding Palestine....

 And more history regarding Armenia...

If you have ever enjoyed the posturings of Abe Foxman... 
this next  one is for you...  truly it is brilliant...

We shall lure the beast with a copy of "The Protocols of Zion" 
smothered in Budweiser and A1 sauce...... Priceless.

Now for a change of pace: 

After the cartoon scandal and the outrage of the Muslim world that ensued, a group of Israelis announced their own anti-Jewish cartoons contest ( This generated wide coverage in the Israeli media and Jewish supportive press around the world. At the end of the day, the Israelis in particular, and Jews in general, insist on being ‘seen’ as open-minded beings, people who can easily handle self-mockery.

Cartoons were submitted from around the world, created by Jews and Israelis.  Most of the cartoons are hilariously vicious, but how can one put it, the Jewish and the Israeli media are now far less enthusiastic about the entire issue of self-mockery. Two jurists (Art Spiegelman and Amos Biderman) dismissed the work as low quality. One suggested that the cartoons were “frightening for being too real, lack any sense of irony, and look very much like genuine Anti-Semitic cartoons,”

"We don't think this is the right way," said a spokesman for the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. The Simon Wiesenthal Center dismissed the contest as "gallows humor." Once it was clear what the imagery of the cartoons might suggest, the Israeli mainstream press ignored the contest completely

The artists who sent in their cartoons have something to say about the devastating Jewish reality, something that Israeli and Jewish media would prefer to brush under the carpet. The two artists who created the contest were abandoned. The Israelis and the Jewish media failed miserably in the 'self- mockery exam'. 

Let's take a look at some of the entries. Remember, these Jewish creators were merely snubbed. Had they been Gentile, I am sure the Jewish version of a fatwa would have been issued.

In an era in which Jews celebrate their symptoms collectively, as well as violently, it is rather natural that a few Jews who happen to be ethically motivated and talented enough to express themselves would raise their voices. Seemingly, the morally deteriorated conduct of the Jewish state and its supportive Jewish lobbies around the world push some Jews towards some manifestations of collective self-hate. The Israeli Anti-Semitic Cartoons Contest illustrated, with a real collection of  ‘Kosher anti-Semitism’, a celebration of what could be defined as ‘proud Jewish self-hatred’.
It is crucial to suggest the following necessary criticism.  Rather clearly, for most of the cartoons, the Orthodox Jew, the one with the caftan and the beard, serves as a stereotype of the Jewish protagonist of Zionist crimes. As bizarre as it may sound, Orthodox Jews have very little to do with the crime they are associated with: the Holocaust industry, the Zionist sin which oppresses Palestinians, and American lobbying for Israel. If anything, the converse is true. 

It is a Jewish Orthodox sect, namely Neturei Karta, that collectively supports the Palestinians and fiercely fights Zionism. The secular Jewish tendency to stereotype the Orthodox Jew may expose two fundamental psychological elements within the collective Jewish secular psyche.

First, more than anything else, anti-Jewishness, and anti-Semitism, are internal Jewish affairs. It is the Jews who are the first to hate everything Jewish. 

Second, the so-called ‘liberated’ secular Jew is eager to disassociate himself from any possible ties with the notion of the ‘Jew’, whom he intentionally defines as a Diaspora ultra-Orthodox man wrapped in a characteristic caftan and covered with facial hair. 

Rather than looking in the mirror and engaging in self-reflection, the secular Jew pins the current crimes of Israel and Jewish lobbies on a backward-looking and unattractive man with a big nose and a big black skullcap. This is a misleading, manipulative tactic. The crimes of the Jewish state, and its supportive Jewish lobbies, are committed by some handsome Sabras and ordinary looking human beings. The Orthodox Jews have no share in this crime, at least not collectively.

This collection of cartoons that follows is a glimpse into the world of a few morally enlightened Jews and what they feel uncomfortable with. It portrays what seems to be the Jewish notion of Anti-Semitism. Clearly, three main themes keep repeating themselves.

1.‘Jewish Power’

2.‘Zionist official Holocaust narrative’

3.‘Blood Libel’


Seemingly,several cartoonists found a way to ridicule what they see as a Jewish intent to own the world, to run its media, to run America and to seek any means of power and control available, dismissing any possible moral conduct. These cartoonists do not shy away from illustrating that which we are all banned from saying.
The ‘Other’ refers to the Jews the intent to own the world.

Jews in disguise run, what seems to be, the ‘World Order’.

This ‘American Flag’ doesn’t leave us with any doubt 
that we are dealing the ‘Jewnited States of JewMerica’.

The real power behind the American $$$$$s?.

Elders Of Zion is something no anti-Semite would never skip. 
This time it is an offer no one can refuse: 
Join now, Circumcise later. Brilliant.

The holocaust narrative cartoons can be divided into three main categories: the ones that ridicule the notion of Jewish suffering, the ones that ridicule the official historical narrative (mainly numbers), and the ones that draw moral conclusions and associate Nazi crimes with current Israeli brutality and the ones that draw moral conclusions and associate Nazi crimes with current Israeli brutality.
Jewish identity is associated with the exceptional capability to enjoy, not to say celebrate, one’s symptoms. In practical terms, one may suggest that Jews may know better than others how to capitalise on their collective suffering. They have managed to transform pain into wealth; they were rather quick in turning the Holocaust into an industrial affair. Without a doubt, Post-WW2 Jewish politics reduced Jewish agony into an unbeatable positivist argument backed with many numbers, mountains of shoes, and piles of glasses and golden teeth.  

  A portrayal of the process of cold decision-making made by the concentration camp inmates.

Ostensibly, many of the Jewish cartoonists can’t stop themselves from ridiculing the sacred ‘six’ figure. Nowadays, when some German-speaking nations are actively implementing Holocaust denial laws and arresting historical revisionists, it is rather crucial to emphasise that many Jews do not take the ‘six‘ figure and the Zionist Holocaust narrative very seriously.
As we will see next, the Jewish cartoonists portray the Holocaust as an utter manipulative lie.

Next you will see some clear discrepancies within the Holocaust tale they learned in Israel.


 Hitler got it right?

Jewish cartoonists couldn’t avoid the subject of blood libel. Jewish European history is spiced with sporadic tales of blood libel in which Jews are blamed for making Matzos for Passover using the blood of Christian youngsters. Indeed, not many would take such an allegation seriously in the 21st century. However, the blood-thirstiness portrayed by Israeli politicians as well as the Israeli society, who time after time votes in war criminals, raises some major concerns regarding the moral integrity of the Hebraic people. The cartoonist challenges the ethical quality of the Jewish state and its Jewish inhabitants.
Palestinians are indeed a necessary ingredient for Passover Matzos.

Are Palestinian babies Kosher? 
This is a legitimate Talmudic question to ask your local Rabbi.

A major interpretation into the cartoonists’ insights seems to be that Jews are capable of anything. They run the show, they own the world, and they are brutal, monstrous cannibals. It is no wonder that the Israeli media ignored the event and dismissed its importance. Israel is far from interested in letting the world know what Jews could think of themselves.

Cartoons stretch our notions and categories beyond imagination. Yet, it may be hard for some to admit, the Zionist moral reality is overwhelmingly stretched and this has been the case for more than a while. Whether it is the continuous robbery of Palestinian lands, the endless ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, or the merciless daily killing of innocent Palestinian civilians, all those appalling crimes are done by the Jewish state in the name of the Jewish People.
As far as the Jewish state is concerned, there is no room left for the absurd.  Moreover, the current state of Jewish ethics is a total disaster. It is no coincidence therefore that within the continuous cruelty towards the Palestinian people, a reference is made to the plausibility of Blood Libel or there is a comparison with Nazis. The cartoons may suggest that if world Jewry supports such genocidal crimes against the Palestinian people, Jews are probably capable of anything.
It is quite apparent that many of the Jewish cartoonists present us with a very low image of the Jewish character, world Jewry, Jewish interests and so on. Although it may be possible that many of the cartoonists are taking a very highly cynical standpoint that is far from what they themselves believe in, it is as well very likely that we are dealing here with an outstanding collective manifestation of Jewish self-contempt. 

And now for a few last cartoons, stragglers if you will, that are just random hits at the world of the Jew.

Next, an example of what happens when a cartoon is created by a Jew or a goyim. Both of the following have the very same theme, but the one by the goyim got the attention of the ADL.

The goyim version 

 The response

The HEEB magazine cartoon that got no public negative attention.

I understand and appreciate the sentiments that lie behind the following competition, however, can you IMAGINE not only saying these things but also holding such a contest if you were Gentile? It does boggle the mind somewhat to know that such things go on within Jewish society, whether those involved are slapped on the wrist or not. WE would be drawn and quartered then left out for for the vultures!



To be sure, false Holocaust memoirs are hardly a recent phenomenon (Next time, Art Spiegelman, do a little research–there was no concentration camp called "Mauschwitz."). But in recent years, they seem to have become both more common and more crappy. It’s no longer enough to simply say you were in a concentration camp, like Fauxlocaust survivor Benjamin Wilkomirski. No, now you need to have been led across Europe by wolves, or have a chance encounter years later that results in your marriage to the hidden Jewish girl who saved you. Bad enough that these assorted frauds and lunatics should spew this nonsense, but do they have to do such a bad job of it? Have they no shame?

The answer, of course, is that they don’t. And so while the rest of the world may turn away or offer the occasional book deal, we cannot remain silent (much less offer a book deal). What we can ~ no, must–do, is confront this dangerous trend the only way we know how–with a self-aggrandizing and somewhat offensive publicity stunt. 

And thus, we unveil the Heeb Magazine Fake Holocaust Memoir Competition. Simply write a fake Holocaust Memoir recounting your tale of Holocaust survival, get it to us by April 1, and let us do the rest,

Now considering what you have just seen and read, the last cartoon has been floating about for some time now. With all the pressure to be politically correct in our treatment of Jews, do we have the "right" to protest the following?   

Pretty funny, hmm? Not!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic series of cartoons. Thanks for all your work. I followed the link from the "How Dare I" blog.


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