June 16, 2010
Stephen Harper called NDP House leader Libby Davies an extremist and then compared her to Helen Thomas, the long-time White House correspondent who was forced to resign recently over controversial remarks about Israel.
He didn’t stop there.
He demanded that her boss, NDP Leader Jack Layton, fire Ms. Davies, a Vancouver MP, who is also the party’s deputy leader, over remarks she made that questioned Israel’s right to exist.
“I am looking forward to seeing the Leader of the NDP get up and unequivocally distance himself from the comments of his House leader and his deputy leader that have called Israel's existence an occupation. This is a fundamental denial of Israel's right to exist. It repeats the kinds of comments that were made by Helen Thomas on which she was forced to resign, and the member of the NDP who said that should be forced to resign as well.”
It was a firey Question Period Tuesday, with the Prime Minister lashing out at Mr. Layton, who was trying to needle him about the deal reached between the Liberals, Bloc and the government over the release of the Afghan detainee documents.
The NDP walked away from the negotiations Tuesday morning, saying that they were a joke and the public would not be getting to the truth of whether there was torture of the prisoners.
“The coalition of the unwilling is on the march, unwilling to let members of Parliament do their jobs, unwilling to give them access to all of the documents that are necessary to be revealed … and unwilling to get to the bottom of the role that was played by both Liberals and Conservatives in covering up what they knew about torture in Afghanistan,” charged Mr. Layton.
“Is the Prime Minister not ashamed about having put together this coalition of the unwilling to prevent the truth from becoming known to all Canadians?”
He never got an answer. What he got instead was a lot of heat and anger from the Prime Minister, who demanded Mr. Layton distance himself from Ms. Davies’s remarks.
Mr. Layton did just that: “No one in our party has ever denied the right of Israel to exist.”
Ms. Davies provoked this uproar after she gave an interview at an anti-Israel protest earlier this month, in which she said the Israeli occupation began in 1948.
Imagine if she had gone into the truth of the creation of Rothschildlandia all the way back to Theodor Herzl!
It’s a lengthy interview, which has been circulating around political Ottawa on Youtube.
The imbroglio over the Davies remarks, however, was not the only tension during the 45-minute session. The Liberals made sure of that.
They were again grilling the government about the hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on the two summits that will take place over three days next week.
Both Toronto Centre Liberal MP Bob Rae, who led off the questioning for an absent Michael Ignatieff, and Public Safety critic Mark Holland accused the government of running up costs because it sole-sourced contracts.
I can never tell who is playing what role and why, even in our own politics. Rae is pro-Zionist and married to a Jewish lady. Ignatieff was bought and sold ages ago as well.
“The real question is we have an extraordinary number of contracts being let without tender and without competition, single-source contracts. We have to recognize the degree of the problem,” charged Mr. Rae.
“My question for the Prime Minister is really a very simple one: Is he prepared to accept any degree of responsibility on his part, on the part of his government, for all the changes that took place, all the shifting of ground that took place for the change of venue?”
The Prime Minister was not; he said Mr. Rae was making “false” statements.
Mr. Holland tried the same line of questioning, charging that the costs were run up because of the two venues ~ Huntsville for the G8 and Toronto for the G20 ~ and the lack of competition in awarding contracts.
“More than 85 per cent of the contracts the government has doled out were sole-sourced,” he said. “Why? Who is getting these contracts and what connections do they have?”
Public Works and Government Services Minister Rona Ambrose said that “professional public servants” are managing the process, and it is being done fairly.
June 16, 2010
PM Harper and the Liberals demand the resignation of Libby Davies.
Why? Because she has an opinion they disagree with, and she exercised her free speech rights!
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has joined a growing list of people demanding Libby Davies resign her position as NDP deputy leader over comments made at an anti-Israeli government protest this month
Rae also said Davies erred in suggesting that this was "the longest occupation in the world," adding that it reflects a "complete disregard" for the facts.Actually Boob Rae, your statement is completely disregarding facts.
Here are just a few facts:
Israel never accepted their borders as laid out by the UN.
Israel has never formally acknowledged their borders.
Israel has been outside of the UN mandated borders pretty much since their inception.
Israel is occupying another land, another people, another nation in what is pretty much a 60 year occupation.
And, if Libby Davies supports a boycott and divestment of Israel, she is well within her right. How she spends her money and where she spends her money is her own business.
I remind both the Liberals and the Conservatives that Israel very nearly killed more than one Canadian in International Waters just recently.
and your own citizens for a change!
And one more thing a link to another video, with thanks to HHQ, for taking the time to bring it to my attention.
Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara
This is just the latest of many brutal and unjustified attacks the Israeli army has committed on peace keepers, political activists and small children to name a few. Using live fire on the unarmed, white phosphorous on the young, bulldozing a young woman.
These indiscriminate attacks, a brutal occupations and collective punishments are what have raised the ire of decent people world wide.
This is why Libby Davies is under attack at this moment in Canada.
ALL the parties are headed by Isr-el heads towing the line to the lobby. CJPAC dispenses the j-w gold, and Bna' brith and CJC hold the whips.
ReplyDeleteHarper is a Zionist breed...has been for a long time. I remember his face before he became the prime minister. He used to argue a lot, attack a lot in such enthusiasm, and a way suggestive of being a person following certain lines set to him, not by him. I never like the guy, and we all have to do our best to oust him as he is selling the country to the states and the Zionists dogs.