Wednesday, 20 April 2011


For decades, the White people of America have been subjected to a continual barrage from Blacks and others that you and I are somehow "responsible" for the African slave trade and that we need to "atone" for our "guilt."

There are a number of flaws with the idea that we are somehow "responsible" for the African slave trade.

First of all, very few White people even owned slaves-slavery was a rich man's pursuit and slavery did not exist amongst the middle and working classes of White people.

Second of all, even if every one of us had an ancestor who owned slaves (which is an extremely unlikely proposition), it makes little sense to blame the children for the supposed sins of their fathers.

Third of all, it is a fact that Blacks sold their own kind into slavery. As this is the case, Blacks are every bit as much to blame for slavery as are Whites.

Fourth, European Whites did not bring the slaves to America. On the contrary, it was the Asiatic Jews who brought them here (as Louis Fahrakkan has also pointed out). 

Now listen to Dr. David Duke speak on this issue and do his usual excellent job on this important issue. That old "divide and conquer" scheme again..... 





  2. "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 1"

    "An accurate accounting of the history of Blacks and Jews from the Columbian era to the Civil War, including the extensive record of Jewish slave trading in the western hemisphere.

    "334 pages • 1,275 footnotes • Quoted Jewish Sources include: Newspapers • Scholars & Rabbis • Court Records • Shipping Records – Wills – Runaway Slave & Slave Auction Ads • Synagogue Records & Sermons • Census Data • Slave Bills of Sale • Tax Records • Private Correspondence • Full Index • Bibliography

    Volume 2

    "Jews were important members of Jim Crow society. Jewish politicians helped create and enforce the Jim Crow laws, and Jewish merchants targeted Black cotton sharecroppers, growing extremely wealthy in the process. Shockingly, Jews became Klan members, and some even supplied the Klan with guns, sheets, and hoods!"

    "Jews Selling Blacks"

    "144 pages of Jewish slave sale ads reproduced from American newspapers. Jews bought and sold whole plantations—slaves and all—and they marketed slaves who ranged in age from infants to the elderly. Jewish merchants arranged bank financing for their marketing of the Black man and woman—Black slaves ON LAYAWAY! This book puts an end to the mythology that Jews had no role in the slave trade."

    "Those who would use this material as a basis for the violation of the human rights of another are abusing the knowledge herein. The wise will benefit to see this as an opportunity to develop a more equitable relationship between the families of man"


    The key domino in getting the world to accept a global fractional reserve currency is China.

    Don't misunderstand, global currency is 100% suicide and will lead to an effective one world government by the oligarch banking families.

    The private central bank in China is rumored to be 50/50 rather than 100% Rothschild owned as it is in the other 192 of 197 countries. Therefore, it is slighly harder to implement the private fractional reserve global currency in China than elsewhere in the Rothschild empire, excluding Iran, Sudan, North Korea and Cuba.

    George Soros (Swartz) has the job of selling the Evelyn Rothschild (Bauer) plan for defacto global autocracy as instead being the salvation of the economic crisis.

    event - reaction - solution

    debt suffocation - fear of devaluation - global fractional reserve currency (world government)

    Once the China domino falls, the door will be wide open to implement a private global currency in 193 countries. It will be touted as "gold backed" instead of "fiat", but actually will only be fractionally gold backed at less than 1:100.

    More importantly it will be a private currency - meaning that Rothschild and the oligarch banking families will be able to create money autocratically with out input from the people of the world who use it.

    This 'gold backed', fractional reserve, private global currency will be lent out to governments and individuals with usury. Thus ensuring literal debt slavery from cradle to grave for individuals and countries.

    As the life blood of any society, Rothschild will hold everyone and every country in the palm of his hand. And once implemented, anyone who dares to oppose him can be taken off the grid with the flick of a key stroke.

    Worse than heroin. As bad as cancer. Manifest dictatorship disguised as "economic freedom". Orwellian doublespeak - 100%.

    Don't do it, ever.

  4. Excellent article. Here is another important video highlighting the Jewish persecution of Africans and the scapegoating of Europeans:

    It will be taken down on the 29th April so I would advise everyone to download it now before it disappears into the memory hole.


  6. Great info presented here. I was always confused learning about slavery as a kid, and why white people in general were always blamed. I didn't even discover the facts surrounding Jewish involvement and sponsorship of the slave trade here in America until relatively recently. Thanks for highlighting this important subject.


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