Sunday, 17 July 2011



July 17, 2011
Goon Squad
Boston, MA

Today the president of the American Defense League (ADL), Patrick Henry, issued a stunning report in which he accuses the Israeli government of being chock full of racists, bigots and hypocrites.
"What got us started on this project was all the American and Israeli Jews that have virtually taken over our government, like the State Department, which is run by Zionist Hillary Clinton; the Treasury Department and have taken complete control over the world's largest counterfeiting outfit, the woefully misnamed 'Federal Reserve,' which is not part of the Federal Government and has NO reserve. These 'fifth columnists' have burrowed their way into the bureaucracy and control the info going into and coming out of those departments."

"Another area in which they dominate is our ME peace-making efforts where the USA is supposed to act as some kind of 'neutral broker' in areas of conflict. People in the Arab countries in which the USA is interfering, acting like it was trying to bring peace while bringing death and destruction, aren't fools.

They know that when we repeatedly appoint 'Israeli-Firsters' like the recently deceased Richard Holbrooke and the rabid Zionist and protector of Israel, Dennis Ross, who is currently a special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia, that the USA is there for one and only one reason; to protect Israel at all costs.
They know that when we repeatedly appoint 'Israeli-Firsters' like the recently deceased Richard Holbrooke and the rabid Zionist and protector of Israel, Dennis Ross, who is currently a special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia, that the USA is there for one and only one reason; to protect Israel at all costs.

"One of the more insane State Department appointees is that
blood-soaked Jewish American Elliot Abrams, who's left a trail of dead from Central America, to Palestine, to Afghanistan thru his repeated appointments in the Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Junior administrations."

"He's currently cooling his heels at the CFR, but most likely, Mr. Abrams will return in some future administration."

Mr. Henry added:
"And all of those 'Too Big to Fail' Wall Street bankster gangster outfits that stole trillions from Americans, and then threatened to completely crash our economy if they didn't receive billions more in taxpayer subsidies, all ran by American and Israeli Jews."

"So the ADL decided to look into who's running some Israeli government departments to see if they had any of us GOYIM (non-Jews) appointees and we found NONE, absolutely no Americans, REAL Americans who put our country first in their loyalty."

"We couldn't find one, not one true blue American in any position in any of their government offices, so that's when we decided to issue this report."
Mr. Henry said:

"We at the American Defense League reject any and all attempts to smear our efforts by certain parties who use the tried and true tactic of calling someone 'anti-Semitic' since we know that is just a ruse to shut down any attempts at getting the truth out to Americans. 

We figure if Israel can pack our government full of Americans of dubious loyalty, then it should only be fair that real Americans are serving in the various Israeli government administrations

To find that not to be the case is why we accuse Israel's government to be filled with racists, bigots and hypocrites,"


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