ED Noor: Less than two months after the murder of the Dawasbshe family in this article
by Mark Glenn of The Ugly Truth, the body of Syrian refugee, two-year-old Aylan Kurdi washed up on a
Mediterranean shore, one of a group of doomed immigrants. Syrian refugee
children have been dying in the Mediterranean for some time now. More than
2,000 migrants have died just this year making the sea crossing,
and 3,279 died last year. Many of them are Syrian: Half of that country's
population has been displaced, with 4 million fleeing the country as
refugees since the war began in 2011. Syrian children die routinely: crossing
the Mediterranean, in overcrowded and underfunded refugee camps in Jordan and
Lebanon and Turkey, and in Syria itself. This entire exercise is
international media operating on its shallowest most sensational level.

Meanwhile, the religiously-driven
incineration of a Palestinian father and his tiny son, not much younger than
Aylan Kurdi, is pushed onto the backburner of international attention as all
eyes focus on the burial of this hapless child and his family. Israel does not
want the world to remember that the Palestinian child was killed and the rest of his family badly burned, their
home set alight in Duma, south of Nablus, in the early hours of Friday morning
with the Hebrew words “Revenge” and “Long live the king messiah” spray-painted
on their walls, alongside a Star of David.
All deaths such as these are beyond tragic and the
horrors undergone by the victims scream for justice from a world gone mad. But
is the life of a Palestinian baby sleeping in the “safety” of his family home of
any less value than that of a Syrian migrant child drowned thousands of miles from his home?
Mark Glenn
‘I will place you high in my councils Trash,
and I will send you to burn…’~ The devil speaking to the pyromaniac
‘Trashcan Man’ in Stephen King’s horror novel The Stand
season is over, and as such, the infamous hive of enchanters, witches, and
sorcerers making up that place of ill-repute known as Hollywood are now basking
in the afterglow of yet another successful year.
with good reason are they celebrating. As expected, the previous year’s black
magic indeed did the trick in (further) intoxicating and incapacitating the
collective American mind, degrading it deeper and deeper into its already
seemingly bottomless stupor and narcosis. The ship of fools making up Populus
Americanus, proudly and yet stupidly characterizing their sinking ship of state
as ‘the land of the free’ and ‘home of the brave,’ continue their steady
stampede backwards, all the while the Spielbergs, Weinsteins, Katzenbergs,
Milchons, Seinfelds, Silvermans, Sandlers, etc, continue grinding forward with
all the unstoppable inertia of an Israeli Merkava tank flattening a
matchstick-constructed Palestinian home filled with terrified women and
success being ‘a wrap’ however ~even amidst the ongoing reverberations of ‘Mazel
Tov’, ‘L’Chaim’ and the celebratory clinking of wine glasses full of
Manischewitz and Magen David ~ doesn’t mean that the ‘fat lady’ has sung and
that those holding membership in the coven have been granted a sabbatical.
Indeed, Hollywood sorcery after all being a never-ending/ever-occurring process
and as unavoidable as death and taxes means that ~ just as the old saying
indicates ~ ‘the show must go on’, as there is no rest for the wicked
and the Devil’s work is never done.

ED Noor: In the JMSM the tragic death of the Syrian baby is highly publicized, thousands of commemorations such as the above, showing the safety he should have been sleeping in, the safety of the children of most of the viewers of the cartoon. They unconsciously will compare and relate this precious lost life to their own children perhaps sleeping safely nearby. Who remembers this Palestine infant or invites the general public to make a similar comparison to their own?
nowhere is all this show business more apparent ~ complete with volume, makeup,
theatrics and special effects ~ than with the all-star lineup and over-the-top
‘jrama’ on display in the aftermath of the recent ritual murders of 18-month
old Ali Saad Dawabshe and his father Sa’ad by Jewish terrorists aiming to
appease the violent, vengeful, vindictive god of Israel.
what has been a very loud, public, and–at the risk of over-repetition ~ ‘jramatic’
gang war taking place these days within the organized pro-Israel community
(otherwise known as La Kosher Nostra) with right-wing Likud and left-wing
Labor trading political bullets with each other on the streets of Tel Aviv,
D.C., New York, etc, nevertheless both sides have now declared a temporary
cease-fire of sorts in order to deal with what inarguably is one of the most
dangerous existential threats the Jewish state has faced in a long time.
deliberate, premeditated, and (more importantly) religiously-driven
incineration of a Palestinian father and his tiny son, not as an accident or
‘incident’ (as obligatorily portrayed in both Israeli and American media when
it invariably takes place) has brought not only new curiosity to the kinds of
‘ethics’ guiding the Jewish state and her ‘chosen people’, but new clarity as
combination of both curiosity and clarity on the part of civilized Gentile
peoples the world over (heretofore obediently compliant to Israel’s demands of
blind acceptance and unquestioning recognition) and increasing in intensity on
a daily basis portends nothing less than what paleontologists refer to as an
‘ELE’, or ‘Extinction Level Event’ in terms of the Jewish state’s future

in many respects to those moments where some Hollywood icon is caught on film
saying or doing something erupting in some scandal where irrevocable damage is
done to the refined and sophisticated image falsely crafted by their
handlers for the furtherance and maintenance of their stardom, likewise the
recent tragedy surrounding the deliberate holocausting of two innocent
Palestinians has ripped away the thin mask of civility and ‘humanness’
inaccurately and unjustifiably attributed to the Zionist entity from its
inception, a gross misappropriation of respect that has functioned as the
primary mechanism by which this dysfunctional and dangerous criminal enclave
has been provided an undeserved seat at the table of nations.
however, Gentiledom ~ whose political and monetary support is as intrinsically
necessary to the continued existence of the Jewish state as healthy blood is to
mosquitoes, lice, and other parasites ~ is obviously having second thoughts
about further investment.
exponentially-increasing instances of overt, extreme, epileptic violence
against non-Jews, both in Israel and beyond, resulting from the yet-to-be-named
religiously-induced mental illness Jtosis (the inevitable end result of
Judaic ‘ethics’ being imposed on an otherwise healthy human mind) is reviving
all the old stereotypes fairly and accurately attributed to Jews as a group
since the days of the Pharaohs as described in the book of Genesis.
by day, with each new episode of violent, psychotic behavior on the part of the
self-appointed/self-anointed Chosenites, the mountain of money and resources
expended over the last century by groups such as ADL, WJC, etc, in drugging the
Gentile mind with various hallucinogenic ideas designed to bring about the
equivalent of an ideological ‘acid trip’ where Jews are seen as a harmless,
powerless, beneficent people who just want to ‘get along’ with their Gentile
counterparts shatters into tiny shards of sharp, cutting reality, leaving the
broken fantasy naked before the world in all its brutal, ugly truth.
both sides of the right/left spectrum operating at the higher levels within the
Kosher Nostra power structure know this. They understand that this latest act of
religiously-induced psychosis whereby a Palestinian father and his tiny son
become the sacrificial burnt offerings in a Judaic black mass in honoring the
violent, racist, Old Testament god of Israel stands no chance of being
‘explained away’ as typically takes place whenever the Jewish state embarks
upon one of her chronic feeding frenzies of innocent non-Jews.
sides know there is no amount of sorcery or seduction that can succeed in
painting this as a case of the Jewish state ‘defending’ itself against
terrorism or ‘protecting’ itself against those who pose an ‘existential
threat’, as ceremoniously occurs each and every time some Judaically-inspired,
ritualistic bloodbath explodes in Gaza or wherever.
they know that it is what it is, and, more importantly, that it will be seen
for what it is–the deliberate, pre-meditated murder of 2 innocent Gentiles
(more and more characterized these days by Jewish religious and political
leaders as ‘donkeys’, ‘cockroaches’ ‘beasts walking on two legs,’ etc) by
Judaic terrorists acting in accordance with what their Judaic ‘ethics’ demand.
such then, both sides understand the looming danger associated with this latest
act of Judaic terrorism in an up-until-now sleeping Gentile society of 7
billion souls coming to rational terms with the dangers posed ~ not only to those
in the tragic circumstance of living in close proximity to the 6,000,000 +
mentally-unstable individuals making up ‘the Jewish state’, but as well ~ to all
Gentiledom by a sprawling, organized criminal conspiracy operating at the
highest levels within the world’s most powerful nations and protected by layer
upon layer of obscurity and duplicitous denial.
it is for this reason then why suddenly ~ despite a years-long campaign of
snarling, scratching, hissing, and biting at each other ~ the two otherwise
bitter enemies are now putting down their Tommy guns, folding up their
switchblades, pocketing their brass knuckles and finding themselves the best of
friends. Putting aside their ‘differences’–in truth more methodological than
ideological in nature ~ they are now seen rushing together with the same speed
as newlyweds to their first-time marriage bed in offering their empty
condemnations of the deliberate ritualistic murders of father and son Dawabshe
and with all the same ‘jrama’, special effects, and theatricism successfully
used year after year by extended family members with names such as Spielberg,
Weinstein, Katzenberg, Milchon, Seinfeld, Silverman, Sandler, etc.

~ personally responsible for the incineration of THOUSANDS of innocent
Palestinians just like the Dawabshe family in the various bloodbaths he has
personally ordered and overseen on a regular basis against the people of Gaza,
nevertheless playing the role of the ‘compassionate‘ Jew acting in accordance
with his ‘compassionate’ Judaism by visiting the hospital room of the surviving
family members writhing in agony as they fight tooth and nail to save every
microbe of life left in them following being doused in gasoline and set aflame
by Jewish terrorists.
both in Israel and throughout Gentiledom, slithering their way to the nearest
microphone to condemn such savagery with truckloads of well-rehearsed,
over-the-top theatrics and buckets of crocodile tears, claiming that such evil,
barbaric behavior contradicts the basic precepts of ‘Jewish ethics’ as laid out
in both the Torah and Talmud, despite the fact they themselves know better than
anyone else exactly what appears in black and white and in
impossible-to-misunderstand clarity within the various chapters and various
books making up the beating heart of ‘Jewish ethics’, to wit:
“When the LORD your God brings you into the land
you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then
slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that
breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You
shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and
burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy
God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face
of the earth…” ~ Book of Deuteronomy
all of this, with quivering, sympathetic lower lips and watery eyes gushing
rivers of faux tears, a lump of behavioral Fool’s Gold meant to whet the
appetites of world Gentiledom seeking some expression of humanity in a morally
bankrupt Jewish state over-funded to the hilt by gullible Gentile investors.
then, what must be remembered is that ~ as an operational protocol ~ lying is
indeed as much the Judaic way as tomatoes are the main component making up
tomato sauce. ‘Deception’ and ‘Judaism’
are as much irrevocably intertwined with each other as are the two strands
making up the double helix in a molecule of DNA. It was neither by some
grammatical accident that Israel’s Mossad happened to adopt ‘by way of
deception, we shall make war’ as its motto, given that dishonesty,
duplicity and all their synonymic cousins have always functioned as the pistons
and spark plugs driving Jewish interests in their war against Gentiledom.
with the biblical account of Abraham selling his wife Sarah into prostitution
to Egypt’s Pharaoh under the pretext she was his ‘sister’ rather than his wife,
to Jacob stealing his brother Esau’s inheritance through the Judaic involuntary
reflexes of chicanery and identity fraud, to the Pharisee’s use of false
witness and perjury in removing the troublesome Jesus of Nazareth as a
political threat to Israel’s deliberate murderous attack on the USS LIBERTY
that was characterized as a case of ‘mistaken identity’, lying ~ seen more as a
virtue than a vice ~ is not as much ‘necessary’ in furthering Judaic interests as
it is ‘indispensable’.

the biblical account of Jesus praising the character qualities of Nathanael,
one of His up-and-coming footsoldiers in the fight against Jewish supremacism,
in saying ‘Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no deceit’ was not as
much a compliment towards the individual as it was a general statement about
the seemingly magnetic pull that those holding membership in the Judaic cult
possess towards all flavors of dishonesty, a nuanced fact that sadly the
‘Christian West’ seemed to have overlooked when allowing this toxic element to
dwell within its midst for the last 20 centuries now.
the political damage ~ in both the near and distant future ~ that the
deliberate burning-to-death of the Dawabshe family portends for Israel and for
institutionalized Jewish power around the world, what both sides making up the
Judaic right/left paradigm fear viz a viz this new ‘curiosity’ on the
part of ‘the nations’ is a more-precise understanding of just what-the-hell (no
pun intended) authentic Judaism in all its myriad of forms and structures truly
any crime organization whose true nature must remain obscure and subterranean
and whose members are sworn under pain of death never to reveal the inner
workings of ‘the family’, likewise the inner workings of Judaism must be ~ as
described by former AIPAC official Steve Rosen when discussing the machinations
of the Zionist power structure in America:
a night flower that thrives in the dark & shrivels up in the sunlight.’
then, Judaism as an organized conspiracy against Gentiledom can only exist
where an accurate understanding of its inner workings remains foggy and
confused. What the ‘made’ members of Kosher Nostra fear now resulting
from the increasingly frequent instance of anti-Gentile Judaic violence is that
along with this new curiosity comes its inevitable by-product ~ a chain
reaction of sorts resulting in a reversal of the amnesial spell cast upon the
Gentile mind over the last century as to the nature of the conspiracy working
against them, thus revealing Judaism in all its forms to be the violent, racist,
imperialist, rapacious ideology that it is.
truth is, the only difference between what took place in setting aflame the
Dawabshe family by Jewish terrorists and what takes place with periodic
regularity by Israel in inflicting state-sponsored terrorism against Gaza (or
wherever) is purely cosmetic. In the case of the Dawabshes, those tossing the
Molotovs weren’t wearing IDF uniforms and doing so with
courtesy-of-Uncle-Sam-state-of-the-art equipment and therefore forfeiting
that certain degree of legitimacy that generally accompanies a nation’s
right to engage in war to protect itself.

those inclined to be receptive to the present theatrics surrounding the
ritualistic murder of the Dawabshes and thus seduced into believing what both
sides of the Judaic power structure are putting forth, namely that it is/was an
aberration and an abrogation of ‘Judaic ethics’ should remember well that as
Gaza was being annihilated, incinerated, immolated, and in general ripped to
pieces by Judaic dogs clad in IDF uniforms during various Judaic massacres
proudly bearing made-for-Hollywood titles such as ‘Cast Lead’, Pillar of Cloud’
and ‘Defensive Edge’, Jews the world over celebrated and supported the carnage
taking place and did so in numbers as high as 95%. They danced in the streets,
wrote supportive OpEds in their local papers, gathered at the border with
refreshments to watch the carnage with shock and awe and Tweeted about the
‘orgasms’ they experienced when hearing about Palestinian children being
other words, thousands of families being incinerated in the very same
religiously-ritualistic manner as the Dawabshes (and of Mohammed Abu Khdeir
last year, forced by Jewish terrorists to drink gasoline before being set on
fire) was a cause for celebration, but one family being burned to death was a
cause for ‘soul searching?’
they say on Oscar’s night before announcing the winner for best screenplay, ‘The
envelope please…’
than this though as it relates to the recent holocausting of the Dawabshe
family, what the goombahs of Kosher Nostra fear more than anything is the
Gentile nations coming to understand how central to Judaic ritual murder ~ past
and present ~ is the burning of innocent living creatures.
we forget, it was none other than Abraham himself, as recounted in the book of
Genesis, hearing voices in his head commanding him to murder his own son Isaac
and then incinerate his young body in ‘proving’ his love to the god of Israel,
just as took place with Mohammed Abu Khdeir, the Dawabshe family and every
other family in Gaza or wherever when Israel hears the call of the wild and
decides to obey it. Following the conquest of the Holy Land and the mass murder
and displacement of every non-Judaic people living there, the slaughter and
incineration of innocent living creatures then becomes the focal point of all
Judaic religious ritual, to wit:
‘The priest is to lay his hand on the head of the
goat and slaughter it at the place of the burnt offering. The priest is then to
take some of the goat’s blood and smear it on the horns of the altar of burnt
offering and then pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar. He
shall remove all the fat and then the priest shall burn the victim on the altar
as an aroma pleasing to the LORD, and in this way the priest will make
atonement for the people of Israel and they will be forgiven their sins.’ ~ Book
of Leviticus
today, Gentiles occupying no place higher in value than donkeys, sheep,
and cattle, it is easy to see then how various holocausts of innocent people ~ from
Mohammed Abu Khdeir to the Dawabshes to the people of Gaza and beyond ~ are
consummated and then celebrated.
than this though, what both wings of the Kosher Nostra vulture fear is the
Gentile awareness that it is not just some small house owned by a Palestinian
family named Dawabshe that has been set on fire, but rather that the entire
world has been set ablaze, a case of deliberate mass-arson on the part of
organized Jewish interests who believe that burning down the entire non-Judaic
system of the civilized world becomes in effect ‘an aroma pleasing to the
Lord’, as written in the various ‘holy’ books of Judaism.
ED Noor: Was the Talmudic Moloch pleased with the scent of this innocent?
the Judaically-engineered (and demanded) literal incineration of countries such
as Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc, there are the symbolic infernos
and holocausts to consider as well.
and the West, seen as the legacy of Rome and as the great, great, grandchildren
of the same Romans who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. watch helplessly as their
economies go up in flames, due entirely to the undeniable, overwhelming control
that Judaic interests maintain over money and finance.
societies of the West ~ ravaged by the flames of moral and social breakdown as
the Judaic virtues of vice, vulgarity, viciousness, venality, and violence
become the new catechism ~ are powerless in extinguishing the flames presently
devouring their communities and families, a situation due entirely to the
undeniable, overwhelming control that Judaic interests maintain over media and
other forms of mass-mind control.
political structures of the West, thousands of years old, having gotten their
birth in ancient Greece and Rome, are now left smoldering ruins, as nations
ranging from the US to Canada to Great Britain, France, Germany and beyond are
unable to act in their own best interests, due entirely to the undeniable,
overwhelming control that Judaic interests maintain over the political affairs
of Gentile nations.
Yehuda Ladsberg; Israeli settler who torched Mohamed Abu Khdeir above, with his own infant son.
the character ‘Trashcan Man’ in Stephen King’s horror novel The Stand, a
psychotic with a penchant for pyromania who hears voices in his head from the
devil instructing him to burn, likewise will Israel and all her people continue
to heed the call of the wild and to follow in the footsteps of all those who
have done likewise in their own Judaic past because, at the end of the day, it
is in the nature of the beast to do so.
can be rest assured that the present Judaic theatrics surrounding the
holocausting of Sa’ad Dawabshe and his infant son by Jewish terrorists acting
in accordance with the ‘ethics’ of Judaism, theatrics represented in the
present over-the-top/pedal-to-the-metal wailing and gnashing of teeth splayed
across newspapers and the internet is but a small portion of the noise taking
place surrounding it, in that after the show is done and the audience has
gone home, behind closed doors where Gentile ears are not welcome are heard
shouts of Mazel Tov’, ‘L’Chaim’ and the celebratory clinking of
wine glasses full of Manischewitz and Magen David. The wailing is replaced
with singing ~ nothing sad, somber, serious, or solemn, but rather ~ something
orgasmic, such as that disco song from the 1970’s made fabulously popular by
certain promoters with names such as Spielberg, Weinstein, Katzenberg, Milchon,
Seinfeld, Silverman, Sandler, etc:
my surprise
hundred stories high…
getting loose y’all
down on the roof
are screaming…
of control…
was so entertaining…
the boogie started to explode
heard somebody say
baby burn…
baby burn…
baby burn…
baby burn…
came in a chain reaction
get enough…
I had to self-destruct…
heat was on
to the top
going strong
that is when my spark got hot
heard somebody say
baby burn…
baby burn…
baby burn…
baby burn…