Tuesday 26 September 2023


More thanks dear readers. Things are moving along in the vehicle department I am happy to report. As stated before, your kind words are just as well received and rewarding. 
To the person who inquired, yes I did receive a gift in my email to the bank. How the heck did you get my banking information? I could not figure out who this could be. But thank you so much. I had only $100 after paying for the car and that certainly came in handy. The little Corolla I got is just lovely and only 17 years old, excellent condition. Except for the radio; that needs work but that is not a major problem.

Anyhow, it is late and this little post awaits your attention. We are moving into autumn and leaves are beginning to change, even here on the Island.

Once again, the magnificent Russian stallion, Hermit's Titanium.

Operation Acoustic Kitty. I thought it was a joke. It wasn't. They figured cats go everywhere, sit on laps, etc, and could be useful spy tools around Russian embassies. Your taxes paid for this. Some animals met sad ends; cats just don't operate in any predictable fashion for this sort of "work".

The person responsible is the one who brought this innocent into that hell.

And they will all vote Democrat

Even invisible electric fences could be effective? They can keep livestock and other animals well confined around here.

Bob Hope nails it. He was a despicable man in private; according to Kathy O'Brien the beautiful women who accompanied him on his military tours to entertain the troops were MK Ultra sex slaves. Hope was very involved in this dark side of Hollywood. My parents thought him the funniest man alive as did most of their generation.

Autumn goddess of the week.

Uniparty philosophy

This image right here should be enough to toss this woman out of government. It is just plain wrong by traditional Canadian standards.

Does it involve a guillotine?

International media has taken note of this blunder.

This new angry face has become public. This is the face of a dictator.

The predictive art of the late David Dees (RIP)

Even cartoonists are starting to draw the wrong Fetterman! At least three of these are not the original creature. That person was messy but not swarthy. And... no neck growth.


Once I would just have jumped on my bicycle and ridden this exciting dangerous path...
Some old Obama cartoons..

He also promised to put Hillary in jail.

DEW attacks?


This was an error that went up in NYC, no one checked the spelling.

Photo-shopped but certainly not an impossible action
Nepalese Sky burial.

This one is just so precious!

That is an aggressive snake

Bill's daughter and her beau.


  1. Gracias siempre, Noor!

  2. Thanks again, dear Noor, for your memes, and congratulations for your new old car. I'm happy for you. Kind regards another Grandma

  3. They're all good but the Urkel one really made me laugh, and the Musk series caused me to stop and think.

    Thank you!

  4. Glad you are Mobile and healed up, gracious lady, a big fan!…you should charge

  5. The Biden's just aren't corrupt. I don't know what they are.
    We haven't invented a word, for what they are.
    Incestuous addicts, liars, frauds and traitors, adulterers and devil worshippers,...
    The list goed on and on and on and.........
    Feel free to add to the list, and if you come up with a term to describe them, let us know.


  6. "This was an error that went up in NYC, no one checked the spelling."

    It's perfect as it is.
    That's where the Ukraine belongs, in the sewer, with the Urine.
    Even the color is right. Perfect.



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