This following piece, The Dangerous Mythology of American Hope, perfectly captures my feelings about the cult of Obama that has been cultivated in America, and around the globe, for the past months. From the moment Queen Oprah embraced him publically, I have felt Obama to be no more substantial than a blank sheet of paper. When placed beside men of true substance, of whom there are so few in these modern times , the man just did not measure up. Never was this better highlighted than in THIS short YouTube film in which both Martin Luther King Jr. and Obama are featured. I saw Obama address AIPAC and, alas, it was obvious whom he would slavishly serve, and it would not be the American people.
On the night of his election, when I saw the incredibly uplifting exuberance of Harlem, I felt their immediate exhilaration but deep inside I knew the truth: the party would not last long. This man will betray us all and that these people will feel doubly betrayed.
Never before have we witnessed so much attention paid to a President Elect. His ideas and opinions on everything were publicized, a front as Busch robbed the nation of its last few crumbs, but when it came to something as crucial as the horrors of the Israeli attack on Gaza, he was silent. That is when my worst fears were confirmed.
On the night of his election, when I saw the incredibly uplifting exuberance of Harlem, I felt their immediate exhilaration but deep inside I knew the truth: the party would not last long. This man will betray us all and that these people will feel doubly betrayed.
Never before have we witnessed so much attention paid to a President Elect. His ideas and opinions on everything were publicized, a front as Busch robbed the nation of its last few crumbs, but when it came to something as crucial as the horrors of the Israeli attack on Gaza, he was silent. That is when my worst fears were confirmed.
Written by mister.old.school January 23, 2009

These past few months have witnessed a seismic shift in the emotional landscape of the American psyche. For the first time in a great while, the concept of "hope" entered our minds.
First as a barely whispered notion so tenuous the very mention might ruin its chances of materialization. Sullen and fatigued, we dare not lift our collective melancholy out of fear for another catastrophe of failed expectations.
Then, the seemingly impossible happened ~ the gossamer tendrils of a nascent optimism grew from our hushed longings. Suddenly, and without warning, we saw the possibilities of something we had dare not utter; hope.

Now, as this unimaginable arc has delivered its trajectory of full-on hope into the hearts and minds of millions, we are reinvigorated with a sanguine confidence we thought long dead. And here my friends, my conspiratorious speculators, my treasured debate adversaries, and revered readers is the danger of our time.
Hope is a far more dangerous manipulator than fear.
Fear, as a deviously clever device intended for the manipulation of the masses, has been the primary exploitative methodology of the so-called "Powers That Be" for decades. Under the guise of fearful concern for our collective safety, numerous ill-deeds have been perpetrated in our (society's) name. While we (the larger "we" of the nation as a whole) may have great disdain for what has been done, we tolerated the "hard choices" as a fair exchange for safety and security ~ while forgetting we have neither.

Hope, especially on the heels of fear, is a far more dangerous and cunning method of control. From the acceptance speech to the inaugural address, our emotions have been expertly carried down a path from baited breath to tearful expectancy. My friends, my conspiratorious speculators, my treasured debate adversaries, and revered readers be not fooled by the grand show playing out in the monstrous amphitheater of American politics. Step back, take pause, deep breath, and recall the reasons and misgivings that inspired your visits to a conspiracy theory web site. There is no "change" other than a new act in the same old play.
Certainly, we have witnessed the historic rise of a Black Man to the most important position of leadership in the world. An accomplishment worthy of a resounding chorus of hope.

Clearly, this man presents ideas and an apparent strategic direction diametrically different than those before him. A stunning injection of violins and violas to the chorus.
Passionately, this man speaks with conviction and evokes the change we longed for. Oboes, clarinets, and french horns pick up the melody of hope, complimenting the strings and voices.
Transformational, are his first acts in office as we applaud bold corrective actions. Drums, cymbals, and percussion transform the beautiful melody of hope into an ambitious march of expectancy.

There is no "change" other than a new act in the same old play. The same orchestra is playing. The same conductor is in charge. The same venue holds the show. Only the music has changed.
What nefarious manipulations may now be accomplished under the guise of hope that could not happen under the specter of fear?
The past decades have shown that real American Hope is a myth. Now, as the orchestra plays an inspired symphony of aspiration, we never notice the ominous bassoon and piano playing the same old undercurrent we've heard for far too long.
Cynical, but (unfortunately) probably true. I only ask you to remember the Roman General who lead his forces into Germany to again suppress a rebellion only to be surprised by a new tactic of them throwing rocks down from trees, destroying the forces under his command. The Roman General has heard muttering about the future not being like the past before he was found dead from suicide the next day.
ReplyDeleteThe future isn't always like the past-at least I HOPE it won't be this time. Give Obama a chance, don't kill baby hope in her crib with cynicism.