November 16, 2009
By Patrick Grimm
An organism with a savage nature now draws blood and sustenance from our nation. This parasitic beast is never referred to publicly and is only spoken of in hushed tones and fearful whispers by those few enlightened persons amongst the addled public. But silence and fear do not change reality or the sinister “personality” traits of this creature that now grips and drains us. Yes, there is a name to our pain; it is Big Jewry. Big Jewry’s savagery and callousness is remarkable and grows more wretched and excessive with every passing day.
Michael Savage, a right-wing Zionist Jew, has a nightly radio program called the Savage Nation. On this program, the San Francisco host insists that we need “a more Savage Nation.” He may throw out some perfunctory barbs against modern liberalism and rail against its excesses with his Brooklyn accent, but he will not identify the true “enemy within.” That enemy is Big Jewry. What Dr. Savage seems not to notice or what he chooses to bury within his mostly neo-conservative rants is that we do have a more savage nation.
America, under the control of Big Jewry is, next to Israel, the most hated nation on planet earth, and I must say, it is rightfully hated and despised by people of good will everywhere. The savagery of Big Jewry has made it so. We are a “more savage nation” in every possible way. Our savagery knows no bounds. Michael Savage may identify the effects, but with true Jewish clannishness, he dares not identify the Cause, the Primary Mover that has pushed us into the maelstrom, the national catastrophe we are besieged by. This catastrophe has been brought on by one group.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. The mortgage bubble has popped. Our banking institutions collapse daily. Foreclosures and bankruptcy will soon be the norm in America. We are a country held up by a precarious pyramid counterfeiting scheme run by a Federal Reserve headed up entirely by the Zionist agents of Big Jewry.
Paulson, Bernanke and their ilk steer the American economic machine straight through a guard rail. We are bankrupt and wading in enough red ink to reach a horse’s bridle. Our plastique politicians, also agents of Zion and Big Jewry, now submit and bow to the magnates of Jewish power and global Zionism. They reward the robbery, the banditry of the thieving Jews of Wall Street by reaching into the public purse and snatching hundreds of billions of our devalued dollars to pay this Pied Viper. There will be trillions more forthcoming. Do you doubt it?
Big Jewry is a savage beast. Its Talmudic satellite states, puppet governments for the criminal headquarters of the internationalist Diaspora, a speck of stolen land called Israel, wage war against nationalism wherever it rears its long overdue head. The Jew-stocked media then disseminate their usual cover-up and lies and provide more subterfuge for the Terrible Tribe. The beastly eternal war state of Zionism arms these Zio-America-friendly nations and they then instigate wars against countries attempting to wrest themselves free of the yoke of Jewry.
This was what we witnessed with the orchestrated conflict between Georgia and Russia. Georgia killed Russian peace-keepers after being armed to the teeth by Israeli weaponry and technology. When Russia justifiably reacted, the Big Jewry media presented the entire conflagration as an unprovoked attack by Russia against an innocent country that was an ally of the United States. Of course, what they didn’t tell the viewer is that Georgia is a haven for Jews with Israeli dual citizenship and its entire government is rife with them. Georgia is a smaller version of what so many other countries have morphed into after an infusion of Jewish people and Jewish money; it is a Talmudic satellite state of Israel.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. It demands 100% fealty to its agenda or destruction will ensue. Sarah Palin, a pretty, but empty-headed Christian fundamentalist who is, surprise, surprise, a Zionist, swears her “love for Israel” and assures the Jews that she is on board for their agenda. Of course, she had already been vetted to ensure that she would always put the interests of Israel before the United States. In fact, in recent years while governor of Alaska, the proud hockey mom even met with rabbis from the Chabad Lubavitch sect of Hasidic Orthodox Judaism.
The Lubavitchers are a racist, fanatically anti-Gentile organization which declares non-Jews not to even be human beings at all, but refuse and animals. Yet there is not a peep from the Jew Tube about this radical Jewish sect which courts presidents and prime ministers.
Governor Palin is surely bright enough to know that she must bend to the will of Big Jewry or be obliterated by its beast-like machine of defamation and slander. And so she does, smiling her adorably cute smile and winking at the Goyim knowingly as she embraces the Jewish tribalists who loathe every value she holds dear and who especially hate every white person who draws breath. We can be sure that if elected, Palin will continue to carry out the savage aims of Jewish supremacism or be immediately damned by the media.
Then Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, far right, listens as Chabad's Rabbi Yossi Greenberg addresses Anchorage's Jewish community
Big Jewry is a savage beast. As we speak, a brave and courageous academic and activist, a man I have met personally, Dr. Frederick Toben is being held by the acolytes of worldwide Big Jewry after having been seized at an airport in London. He will soon be deported to Germany where he will be tried by Jewish extremists for daring to question their version of what took place during World War II.
The sheer brazenness of this power play by Big Jewry against this brave man shows that their audacity and chutzpah has only been ballooned by their success at imprisoning other academics who expose their Holocaust lies and their fantastically powerful control over both the economies and media apparatuses of America, Canada and Europe. The beast has only grown stronger as we have been weakened by its societal toxins.
Our laziness, fear and hesitation to oppose this behemoth has paved the way for the imprisonment of Toben, Zundel, Rudolf and Irving, among many, many others. Soon any critics of Jews and Zionism, whether abroad or in the United States, will be thrown into FEMA style concentration camps without trial and with no hope of ever being released. This is not fantasy. It is an eventuality. The gulag is coming to a town near you. If you don’t believe this then you don’t know Jewish history very well.
Big Jewry is a savage beast. To ensconce themselves in the highest seats of power, they have used bribery, blackmail, murder, espionage and intimidation against our government officials. To stymie our will to stop them, they have utilized pornography, mass media, the drugging of our young men and the poisoning of our food, water and pharmaceuticals.
They have seized the once white-run universities and now scrape off the last slivers of any racial pride that could still conceivably be hanging on. They have infiltrated our white nationalist activist groups with their Jew agents, dirty and compromised individuals like pseudo-Nazi Bill White (Weiss) and the FBI informant Hal Turner.
Big Jewry hates white unity and racial awareness and tries to stamp it out at every turn. Why? Because it is potentially one of the most powerful ways that we could unite to smash their power base in the media, in academia and in Hollywood. We have not succeeded on this front and our children and communities now pay the price as our youth are brainwashed, chemically lobotomized and neutered, or are maimed or killed as they spill their blood for the Jew in the Middle East.
Our once serene neighborhoods now ring out with the gunfire of minority criminals and are strewn with the garbage tossed into the streets by the Third World dregs welcomed into America by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
Things grow more precarious and more tragic for our nation and people by the day. The parasitic organism, the beast of Big Jewry tears at every last shred of our dignity and our institutions, unleashing a flood of scatology, socialism, sickness and swill into the faces of our families.
America is sick, bankrupt financially and morally, and literally dying as a nation. It is a rotting corpse that the rest of the world gazes upon with disgust, fascination and pity. We are the perennially interesting car crash. We are no more significant in our decay than this.

including (allegedly) sale of body organs stolen from unsuspecting goyim.
Yet the enemy, the culprits, the parasitic Ones must be named. One group has done this, has purposefully and malignantly orchestrated this death knell for our nation-state and our people.
They are the same Tribe that rotted away
Egypt and Rome from within.
They were tossed out of Greece
before Christianity was even a thought.
Spain drove them violently from their borders.
England dismissed them from its kingdom
in the 13th century, only to have
this Tribe finagle their way back in later.
France expelled them numerous times,
always to return.
Napoleon Bonaparte was tricked
into granting them the rights of full citizens.
Russia was besieged, imprisoned
and its people finally mass murdered by this Tribe.
The Palestinians were displaced and slaughtered
by them and British soldiers were hung from piano wire
by this enemy when they wanted to stop the carnage.
They are, and always have been, the Jews.

Egypt and Rome from within.
They were tossed out of Greece
before Christianity was even a thought.
Spain drove them violently from their borders.
England dismissed them from its kingdom
in the 13th century, only to have
this Tribe finagle their way back in later.
France expelled them numerous times,
always to return.
Napoleon Bonaparte was tricked
into granting them the rights of full citizens.
Russia was besieged, imprisoned
and its people finally mass murdered by this Tribe.
The Palestinians were displaced and slaughtered
by them and British soldiers were hung from piano wire
by this enemy when they wanted to stop the carnage.
They are, and always have been, the Jews.

For you see, it is not enough, my friends, to rail against the blood they have spilled. We must point out the parasite. It is not enough to only indicate their crimes and the trillions stolen and the more than a billion people murdered historically either directly or indirectly by their machinations, deceit and money power.
It is, and has always been, BIG JEWRY. It is the beast, the savage and callous creature that is the Eternal Jew.
Nice caption:
ReplyDelete"A dark cloud of Big Jewry out for a walk, in typical fashion pushing everything light and airy out of the way."
But you'll never beat, "A Cabal of Racial Supremacists surround a Captive Beast"!
Nice caption:
ReplyDelete"A dark cloud of Big Jewry out for a walk, in typical fashion pushing everything light and airy out of the way."
But you'll never beat, "A Cabal of Racial Supremacists surround a Captive Beast"!
Yes I just checked that one. I remember I rather laughed a few times. So perfect. Sometimes the muse just whispers the perfect note to us, she can be so kind at times. Other times, she leaves us to struggle.