Tell me this. Do you not shudder to come into the same place with men possessed, who have so many unclean spirits, who have been reared amid slaughter and bloodshed? Must you share a greeting with them and exchange a bare word?
Must you not turn away from them since they are the common disgrace and infection of the whole world?
Have they not come to every form of wickedness?
Have not all the prophets spent themselves making many and long speeches of accusation against them?
What tragedy, what manner of lawlessness have they not eclipsed by their blood-guiltiness?
They sacrificed their own sons and daughters to demons.
They refused to recognize nature, they forgot the pangs, of birth, they trod underfoot the rearing of their children, they overturned from their foundations the laws of kingship, they became more savage than any wild beast. What else do you wish me to tell you?
Shall I tell you of their plundering, their covetousness, their abandonment of the poor, their thefts, their cheating in trade?
The whole day long will not be enough to give you an account of these things. ~ Medieval Sourcebook: Saint John Chrysostom (c.347-407)

It is a fascinating story, presented here in a unique, unprecedented and thoroughly documented fashion. Months of intense research has gone into this work.
In 1884, a Mademoiselle Justine Glinka, the daughter of a Russian general, was engaged in Paris in gathering political information for the court of Tzar Alexander III.
Glinka employed a Jewish agent named Joseph Schoerst, alias Shapiro, who had passed himself off as a Freemason and a member of the Mizraim Lodge, a Jewish Masonic order with its own particular rites and protocols.
None other than Solomon Rothschild, scion of the Jewish banking dynasty, was a prominent member of the French Freemasons.
Schoerst offered to Glinka for the sum of 2,500 francs, a document which he said would interest her greatly. This document contained extraordinary dictated writings from assorted speeches which would later be included in the final compilation of the Protocols of Zion.
Glinka quickly passed the document to her immediate superior in Paris, General Orgeyevski, who sent them, in turn, to General Cherevin, Minister of the Interior, for transmission directly to the Imperial Court in St Petersburg.
Upon Cherevin’s death in 1896, he willed a copy of his memoirs containing the Protocols to Tzar Nicholas II. (View Sources Here, Here & Here.)
Glinka’s information eventually found its way into the hands of one Sergei Nilus, a highly educated Russian mystic attached to Tsar Nicholas II’s court who served as Minister of Foreign Religions.
In 1902, Nilus published, “The Rule of Satan on Earth ~ Notes of an Orthodox Believer,” in which he cites excerpts from this early aggregation of the material first purchased by Madame Glinka.
Next stop for the Protocols occurred in 1903 when a prominent publisher by the name of Pavel Krusheva quoted writings from the Protocols in his daily newspaper, Znamya. After its publication, Krusheva suffered an attempt on his life and from that moment on, he lived in constant fear and had to carry weapons for his own protection. He also took the step of being accompanied by a personal cook to prevent being poisoned.
In 1905, Sergei Nilus published a new edition of his “Rule of Satan” which included a complete version of the Protocols as the final chapter. This was the first time a full compilation of the Protocols had been made available to the general public in book form.
In 1917, (the same year of the final Russian Revolution), Nilus had prepared a final edition ~ fully documented ~ but before he could distribute it, Kerensky, a half-Jew, who had succeeded to power after the Revolution, had most of the copies destroyed. Anyone caught by the Bolsheviks in possession of The Protocols was shot on the spot.
In 1918, the Protocols appeared again in a Moscow periodical, The Sentinel, marked by the Jewish-led Bolsheviks as a counter-revolutionary newspaper. In February, 1919, the Bolsheviks ordered the newspaper shut down.
In 1924, Professor Nilus was arrested by the Jewish-dominated “Cheka,” imprisoned, and then tortured. He was told by the president of the court (who was Jewish) that this treatment was meted out to him for “having done them (the Zionist Bolshevik Jews) incalculable harm in publishing the Protocols.” (View Sources Here, Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.)
THE DOMINATING FIGURE of the growing Zionist movement of the late 1800s, was a Jew by the name of Asher Ginsberg, who adopted the pseudonym, “Achad Ha’am,” meaning “one of the people.”
The son of a Jewish tax collector, Ginsberg was born in Kiev and later settled in Odessa, the Jewish center of activist agitation. Here he established in 1889 his Zionist group, “Sons Of Moses.”
Steeped in the works of Nietzsche, it was to the Sons of Moses that Ginsberg delivered his “protocols” for the annihilation of Christian culture and the ascendancy of Jewish nationalism based on Nietzsche’s own nationalistic vision for Germany.
The meetings of this secret society were held in Ginsberg’s house. Among the first members were: Ben Avigdor, Zalman Epstein, Louis Epstein, and Jacob Eisenstaat.
In early 1889, Ginsberg had broken with the more conservative forces of Zionism and moved into a radical position with his pamphlet, “This Is Not The Way.”
The intent of Ginsberg’s pamphlet was to oppose the “politically expedient” views of his former mentor, Leon Pinsker, a leader of the Lovers of Zion movement. Ginsberg wanted to first form a “national consciousness” in diaspora Jewry and the revival of conversational Hebrew prior to using political influence, as Pinsker promoted, for the establishing of a Jewish state.
Differences notwithstanding as regards timing, Pinsker did not differ from Ginsberg in the use of power to achieve their shared Zionist goals. In his book, “Auto-Emancipation,” Pinsker described the master-method to bring about this “self-emancipation” and to “restore the Jewish nation:”
Leon Pinsker: “The struggle to achieve our ends must be entered upon in such a spirit as to exert an irresistible pressure upon international politics.” (View Entire Story Here, Here, Here & Here.)
A striking similarity to Pinsker’s political programme is found in Protocol No. 1:
From The Protocols: “Only force and cunning conquers in political affairs. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit, and treachery for the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the rule of others if by it we secure submission and sovereignty.” (View Entire Story Here.)
Following in the footsteps of his mentor, Ginsberg’s forceful rhetoric, yet with a novel and direct appeal to fanaticism, also resembled the style of The Protocols when he insisted:
Asher Ginsberg: “Jews must first become consciously, aggressively national.” (View Entire Story Here.)
Ginsberg’s call for an aggressive Jewish nationalism is clearly mirrored in Protocol No. 5:
From The Protocols: “We shall so wear down the Goyim that they will be compelled to offer us an international authority which by its position will enable us to absorb all the governmental forces of the world and thus form a super-government.” (View Entire Story Here.)
It is through persons who lived in Odessa at that time that information was obtained that a manuscript of the “Protocols” in Hebrew was circulated among the Jews.
Later, a Jew by the name of Herman Bernstein, publisher of the “Free Press” of Detroit, while claiming the Protocols to be a forgery, admitted in the presence of William Cameron secretary to Henry Ford, that he had personally read the Protocols in their published Hebrew form in Odessa.
Please read: THE INTERNATIONAL JEW by Henry Ford
During the Jewish-led Bolshevik Revolution, few towns were so torn as Odessa, where Ginsberg taught the destruction of Christian society, a basic tenet of The Protocols.
Among other outrages such as the raping of Christian women and girls, a Christian orphanage was destroyed and all the children shot to death. Racism and a deadly mockery of non-Jewish life was already an established practice of world Zionism. (View Sources Here, Here, Here & Here.)
CLASSIFIED US INTELLIGENCE DOCUMENTS investigating international financial issues surrounding WW I were compiled in August 1919. These sensitive documents were given SECRET classification until 1973.
A hard copy of this document may be obtained from US National Archives in Washington DC ~ its number is 245-1.
On page 5 of the document, the public writings of Theodore Herzl, hailed as the father of world political Zionism, are cited as having “identity of thought found in the Protocols.”
This long-suppressed, finally declassified document, displays striking similarities between Herzl’s essay published in 1897 titled “The Jewish State” and Protocols 1 and 20:
Theodore Herzl:
“Every point which arises in the relations between nations is a question of might. I do not here surrender any portion of our prescriptive right when I make this statement.
In the world as it now is and will probably remain, might precedes right. For us to be loyal patriots as were the Huguenots who were forced to emigrate is therefore useless. The Jews must acquire economic power sufficiently great to overcome prejudice against them.
When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, but when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse.” (View Entire Story Here, Here & Here.)
From The Protocols:
“According to the law of being, might is right. Our right lies in force. Through our financial dominance we will manipulate capital, create depressions, and bankrupt Gentile states.
In our hands is the greatest power of our day ~ gold. We shall not fail with such wealth to prove that all the evil we have had to commit has served to bringing everything into order.
We shall contrive to prove that we are benefactors who have restored to the mangled earth the true good of the person, on the condition, of course, of strict observance of the laws established by us.”
(View Entire Story Here & Here.)
CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH THEODORE HERZL, was Max Nordau, who convinced the Zionist leader to organize the First Zionist Congress of 1897.
Nordau was born Simcha Sudfeld in 1849 in Budapest and later changed his name to create a “Gentile” public face. It was at the First Zionist Congress, held in Basel, Switzerland, that Nordau was elected to serve as Vice President to the Presidency of Herzl.
At the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903, Nordau announced the Zionist plan as a fait accompli for the next two decades:
Max Nordau: “The rungs of our ladder lead upward and upward: The First Zionist Congress ~ The English Proposition For A Jewish Homeland ~ The Future World War ~ The Peace Conference By Which A Jewish Palestine Will Be Created “ (View Entire Story Here.)
Herein are displayed the “rungs” of both the Zionist and Protocols ladder … a preconceived plan to be put into motion by controlling the levers of international politics.
History does not lie. Nor do the words of the Jews who foretold what they would be forging in the century ahead.
Excellent article Noor.
ReplyDeleteFrom the article:
"None other than Solomon Rothschild, scion of the Jewish banking dynasty, was a prominent member of the French Freemasons."
Very important, the Grand Orient Lodge of France was instrumental in the Freemason-Zionists-Communists taking over the Vatican in the 1958 conclave. They were working on it for a very long time but that is when it happened in full.
This resulted in:
Windswept House: A Vatican Novel
The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer
by Malachi Martin
June 29, 1963
"The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principal agents of this Ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul. That requirement -- the signal that the Availing Time had begun -- had been accomplished just eight days before with the election of the latest Peter-in-the-Line."
[P. 7; Emphasis added]
Concerning the very real enthronement ceremony of Satan in the Vatican on June 29, 1963 also see:
In The Fatima Crusader article, Malachi Martin, a famous ex-Jesuit, Vatican insider, and best-selling author, is quoted,
"Archbishop Milingo is a good bishop and his contention that there are satanists in Rome is completely correct. Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome."
In 1990, Martin made reference to a Satanic rite held in Rome in his 1990 non-fiction best-seller about geopolitics and the Vatican, The Keys of This Blood:
Most frighteningly for [Pope] John Paul [II], he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops' chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the 'superforce.' Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI's reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to 'the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary'. . . an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia — rites and practices — was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel's rites. (p. 632)
The above quotes are from these easily accessible sources but all of this is in print sources.
And finally, the charade continues in John Paul II and Benedict XVI, both of whom totally were/are involved in the Satanic pedophiliac rites of the fallen Vatican stronghold of demons - i.e. Biblical Babylon.
JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
The JPIIPPA is the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army made up only of male priests who thrived under the cover-up and secrecy of the 27 years pedophiliac papacy of Pope John Paul II the Great. This Papal Army pales in comparison to the Army of Herod who massacred (only) little boys in order to kill the boy Jesus Christ. The JPIIPPA trademark is the "living Hell" they left behind in the pedophiliac-holocaust of the body and souls of thousands of little boys and girls around the world.
The Angel’s Promise
Rev. 18:21. And a strong angel took up a stone, as it were a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, “With this violence will Babylon; the great city, be overthrown, and will not be found any more. 22. And the sound of harpers and musicians and flute-players and trumpet will not be heard in thee any more; and no craftsman of any craft will be found in thee any more; and sound of millstone will not be heard in thee any more. 23. And light of lamp will not shine in thee any more; and voice of bridegroom and of bride will not be heard in thee any more; because thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for by thy witchcraft (pharmakeia) all the nations have been led astray. 24. And in her was found blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain upon the earth.” – from Apocalypse Chapter 18
v. 23 “…witchcraft (pharmakeia)…”
Pharmakoi: sorcerer (or sorceress); pharmakon: sorcerer’s sacrifice; pharmakos: sorcery; pharmakeia: witchcraft – all the foregoing offered to Satan via idolatry (idoololatreia); in this description, especially including the idolatry of mammon, but based on the worst – that is Satanic worship via child sacrifice and pedophilia, all of which Jesus Christ absolutely condemned as being damned eternally.
When we read from St. Athanasius [feastday May 2] in his book Against the Heathen, we see the idolatry and depravity from which Jesus Christ redeemed us from to have no part in. St. Athanasius was the defender of the Church against Arianism, the attempt to return on the part of churchmen to a “reasonable” synthesis with paganism. In other words, apostasy. In fact if one looks at false ecumenism and the world wide return to paganism and moral depravity and the horror of the human sacrifice of abortion (according to Human Life International many abortion providers are training their people to offer the murdered babies to mother goddess Gaia via magic) then we are living in the time when the excuse of worshipping the Earth Mother will be offered as a reason to abandon God and His morality.
Do so at your own risk, for that will be rewarded by God with absolute damnation forever.
Note on John Paul II
Karol Wojtyla (Antipope JPII) was a Communist evolutionary pantheist protector of child molesters. Wojtyla was no Catholic - he was a drooling depraved idiot when he died, the beginning of his eternal suffering for his manifold sins.
1 Timothy 5:24
Some men's sins are manifest, going before to judgment: and some men they follow after.