Sunday 6 March 2011


By Arthur Topham
March 4, 2011

Why “Chemtrails For” you might ask? Good question; even for a dummy I might add!

Well, it appears that most folks are just too dumbed down these days to realize that they’re being sprayed like insects or weeds from jet planes flying over their heads. Now whether it’s the contents of the sprays themselves affecting their cognitive abilities or some form of inherent stupidity endemic to the general population, the fact remains, and is clearly evident, that the problem has been around in our face for well over a decade now and still your average dummy hasn’t caught on to the fact. Thus the need for added remedial intervention.

This is why I posted such a large graphic image with this article. It’s because so many people who actually believe they have eyes in good, functioning condition and who ought to be able to recognize chemtrails in the sky, inevitably react to the mention of this phenomenon with immediate skepticism and denial as if those delivering the goods were somehow imagining it all and playing tricks on them.

To suspend their disbelief for but a moment when actually pressed to do so and then tilt their heads back 20 degrees or so and look up at the sky, becomes, for all practical purposes, an insurmountable task; one they will do anything to wriggle and squirm out of rather than willingly do. Exhibitions of such overt behavior are indicative of of one the fundamental hallmarks of dummies. No question.


Now why this dumbed down reaction pattern is present in so many otherwise intelligent people remains an enigma to this day. Even though the information is out there in print, on dvd and currently is spreading across the cyberian firmament like wildfire, the number of dummies remain exceptionally high.

On Facebook it’s the talk of the town amongst such groups as the “Chemtrail Consciousness Coalition (CCC)” where members are continually screaming out in digital octaves and imagery to the world,


If you haven’t joined Facebook and wish to in order to participate in the chemtrail awareness movement then just click here to find out how to become a member.

In many ways it’s like the old days, back in the 60s, when the stoners would use expressions like, “You’re either on the bus or off” to indicate a person who had been “Experienced” (as Jimi Hendrix used to say). 
Magnificent? Yes. Natural? No!

 Seems like this aspect of human life never changes.
Until a person wakes up to whatever it is that they’re slumbering through, be it the fact that they’re being drenched in an array of chemicals, heavy metals, biological organisms inimical to human health or the other assorted arsenals of lab created Frankenstein toxins,  or unaware of the basics of history itself, they just go on behaving as if the problem is somehow not there or not real and the people who say it is are just all conspiracy nuts trying to freak  others out because they get off on that sort of thing.
While I don’t have enough data at hand to explain it conclusively I firmly believe that it is somehow tied in with other similar types of aberrant behaviour wherein the majority of people are so conditioned mentally to perceive outer forms of reality in a certain, prescribed manner that, whenever they are confronted with the actual and true, their mental synapses, preconditioned by pseudo-informational overload, suddenly short-circuit and the message to the appropriate area of the brain is derailed or blocked, leaving them somehow suspended in the Dummy Zone; frozen in time like some Kurt Vonnegut character.

We can see this in other areas as well particularly with mainstream television viewers who will become so emotionally wrapped up in their favorite programming that it becomes virtually impossible to explain to them that what they are watching is not actually real.

Religion, Philosophy and Politics are other similar fields of mental activity wherein people form certain images or constructs that, once solidified over time, become adamantine in the mind and extremely difficult to re-envision and let go of.


Not too long ago I had ordered the new DVD What In The World Are They Spraying? from the fine fellows down in the U.S. of A. who, being caring, concerned and conscious enough to have got their acts together, had produced a feature length video on the subject of spraying chemicals and other assorted nasty shit into our collective breathing space.

I am of course referring here to Michael J. Murphy, G. Edward Griffin and Paul Wittenberger, the three musketeers of the Great Unveiling of this dark, sinister and deadly attack upon humanity and all living forms. While they weren’t the first to investigate this monstrous act of global terrorism against life itself, their dvd has been extremely useful in shattering the ‘glass darkly’ that prevents the awakening of a lot of otherwise prime candidates for Chemtrails for

Those wishing to check out the excellent efforts of G. Edward Griffin should take the time to visit his website at and find out a whole lot more about chemtrails and related topics. As for Michael J. Murphy’s work I suggest visiting his two sites as well. The Coalition Against Geo-Engineering and Truth Media Productions.

As for myself I’m not your average dummy when it comes to the chemtrail spraying issue. I first got wind of it back in the last century and actually started publishing articles on chemtrails in my former alternative newspaper, The Radical back in the year 2000. What a hell of a way to begin a new century I thought! knowing that the planet was being subjected to this ultimate insanity and yet no one would cop to it and the vast majority of people, because they didn’t see it on CBC, BBC, CNN or FOX, refused to admit that it could possibly exist.

Well anyway, after I received and watched the DVD a couple of times and was convinced of its efficacious nature, I invited my good friend to watch it with me. He lived just down the road a ways, his home situated atop a small hill overlooking the once scenic Fraser River valley in central B.C. When the DVD was finished I expected that he would be in wholehearted agreement with me that this criminal conspiracy to poison and kill people and planet was precisely what had been happening in the skies above us for well over a decade now.

Instead, I was shocked to hear him say, in obvious sincerity, that yes he agreed that this was going on down in the states and in Hawaii and in Europe (areas where the DVD producers had gone to film the phenomenon) but that he had never seen any chemtrails overhead in the region of the province in which we both had resided for the past twenty years or longer!

At first I couldn’t believe my ears and in sheer exasperation I questioned him as to his response thinking that possibly he was giving me the old ‘tongue in cheek’ patent reply that the normal dummy does. But eventually, it finally sunk in, the realization that people are actually incapable of grasping what is taking place in the skies and assuming that the assorted fake cloud cover they see is actual natural formations.

This same reaction is repeated over and over on the net but there it’s exacerbated by the presence of nay sayers and disinfo agents who do their utmost to spray out digital trails of disinformation regarding chemtrails.

I would be remiss here were I not to include a few more websites in my short list of online chemtrail information centers. One of the original pioneers of the anti-chemtrail movement worldwide is a man by the name of William (Will) Thomas, a Canadian, living in the Gulf Island region of British Columbia. He has written books on the subject, lectured widely and researched extensively this conspiracy to commit global genocide. I first learned of the subject from him and recommend that all dummies take a good look at his William Thomas Online website for all the gory details and stats.

Please see Conscious Life News for more information on spraying.

Thanks to the good work of Murphy, Griffin & Co. interested readers should also check out a European site called The Balfort Group founded by the former Mayor of Evergem, Belgium, Mr. Peter Vereecke. The Belfort Group has been working hard to document and uncover the goods on the perpetrators of this criminal act against Life.

And finally, from Miami, Florida the work of S.H. Pearson who has been documenting the disasters for some years now. Their work can be found at The Payload.


Chemtrails versus contrails has thus become another area of dispute that tends to dominate discussions and prevent people from gaining a clear understanding of what’s going on above their heads.
While the explanations are simple enough to understand when it comes to differentiating between a con trail (frozen, con-densed ice crystals that jets flying through cold air leave behind then disappear within minutes) and chemtrails (artificial chemical gases containing a multiply combination of toxic heavy metals such as aluminum and barium and strontium plus other poisonous, biological ingredients of a dire and sinister nature, all of which DO NOT DISSIPATE after being sprayed into the atmosphere but slowly spread out and transform themselves into an assortment of shapes, many eventually resembling formations similar to cirrus clouds and what meteorologists called “horsetails,”)
There is a grouping on the internet similar to those who infiltrate the countless blogs and forums of cyberspace to cause confusion and disruption, who are attempting to make this distinction between the two as convoluted and confusing as possible. Their motives for doing so are to keep people unaware via deception and distraction and therefore rendered unwilling to act and do something to stop this ultimate crime of global genocide from occurring.


This, of course, is the $64,000 question. Who, in this war of the world scenario, is actually responsible for the bio-chemical assault upon the planet and why are they able, in the face of insurmountable evidence, to continually elude detection and prevent national governments from acting to gain knowledge of their nefarious actions?

Most people today, including a growing number of dummies even, are aware of the usual suspects when it comes to the psychopaths de jour; those who continually busy themselves screwing up the environment and nation state economies and cultures, in their endless quest for more wealth and power and control.
Victoria BC ~ subtle isn't it?

We have an over abundance of acronyms and tags to identify these possible perpetrators, some of the main ones being the New World Order (NWO); the Illuminati; the Space Aliens; the Icke Reptilians, the Council on Foreign Relations, the UNO, WB, MIT, etc., but, obviously, having these generic descriptive terms at hand hasn’t helped one bloody bit to expose the problem or stop the spraying (thus far anyway).

All bullshit aside, somewhere, someone, or a group of someones, is issuing these massive spraying directives and no military, be it that of the USA or Canada or NATO or any other nation like Australia or New Zealand or the EU countries, is willing to challenge these orders or question publicly why the spraying is occurring over their airspace.

Now I ask you, just how dumb is that?

Here we have a virtual threat occurring that will have global consequences for all sentient life on the planet yet this mysterious group of self-appointed gods (some might prefer the term “devils”) continue to pursue a course of poisoning and killing people, soil, water, air and the myriad other species that obviously depend upon this living planet for their healthy and survival without a single politician, statesman, academic or mainstream media asking why.

When crap like this is happening around the planet and the governments (supposed representatives of the welfare and well-being of their constituents) are complicit in it by the obvious fact of their silence and tacit consent, then it really doesn’t take the proverbial rocket scientist to figure out that something is very, very seriously amiss in the whole equation. Even a dummy ought to be able to figure that one out, non?

Addressing this very question of responsibility and accountability and what repercussions ought to occur respecting the punishment of those found to be guilty of these crimes against the planet, the website (motto: “Monitoring the Planned Poisoning of Humanity”) has posed the question, “WHAT IS JUST PUNISHMENT?” to its audience in the form of a poll where people can register their sentiments.

In response to the question, “What is the just punishment for those orchestrating and taking part in the death dumps?” the voter is given four choices:
~ A slap on the hand and told not to do it again?
~ 10 years in prison with time off for good behavior?
~ Life in prison without possibility of parole?
~ Death by hanging or lethal injection?

The results thus far do not bode well for those who ultimately WILL be held accountable for these insidious crimes. 61% of the votes cast to date indicate that the culprits ought to bite the dust; 35% would cast them into a dungeon for life; 3% would give them 10 years in prison and 1% feel a slap on the hand is sufficient for the crime.

It’s fairly obvious that people who realize what’s going on are pissed off, big time, and for good reason. Whether the dummies will vote in a similar pattern is of course debatable for the simple reason that most, if not all of them, are still too dense to even realize that the poll is happening. Best they get with the program and check out the site. It definitely contains much in the way of valuable information on health effects, areas where spraying is happening, and much more.


What do we do? It always comes down to this question in the end. How do those who know what the problem is teach, convince, awaken, spur on, cajole, harass, push, shove, demand, enlighten, etc. the vast numbers of dummies who for a myriad of reasons refuse to respond to endless pleading and consistent insistence that they give their heads a shake and wake up?

It truly is a conundrum of universal proportions.
Victoria BC ~ How can anyone look at this and not wonder a little?!??

If we all lived in the Middle East, as someone once suggested, we could take a hostage; someone of such stature that the world’s controlled media would be forced to cover the story.

The terms of release would be the exposure on prime time television around the world of all the documented evidence to date proving that humanity is under the gun and systematically being poisoned and condemned to a slow and agonizing death along with all the rest of our fellow species.
Once the dummies viewed it on the Idiot Box there would be no turning back.

Big Bro would have spoken and they would in all likelihood rise up en masse and demand that the spraying stop.

Politicians would quake in their boots and calls for investigations would resound across the nations where the spraying was occurring.

The world would be aflame with outrage and head would definitely roll.
Apart from such a radical solution there remains only the peaceful process of carrying the flame of truth to each and every corner of the planet in the hope that eventually enough numbers will be recruited to form an army of protesters strong enough to take to the streets and demand their governments


After a decade and more of trying to initiate change via this method I’m not at all convinced any longer that it will prove effective and I certainly don’t foresee another decade of continuous spraying without such permanent damage occurring that will make any future efforts worthwhile.
Summer sunset in Victoria, BC.

All we can possibly hope for is the unfolding of the old occult expression: “As Above, So Below.”

Not in the sense of the contaminants continually falling to earth but in the more vital and virtual context of numbers of people from Cyberspace who will continue to organize and transform their knowledge into down-to-earth movements and protests that will soon show the rest of the dummies that we truly are serious about putting a final end to this mass murder of planet Earth.

Arthur Topham is a writer, researcher, publisher, builder and placer miner living in the mountains of central British Columbia, Canada. He can be reached at 

Arthur has also begun a site for British Columbians on chemtrails generally as well as to alert them to just how high local activity is. The photos used in this piece are photos Arthur took around his own area; he has been speaking to me of these things for a few years now.  I, too, am in British Columbia, and here, beside the ocean, we are very heavily sprayed. The weather has changed, the skies are often a hazy white instead of sunny blue.

A few weeks ago I was looking at sunsets and sunrises in Flickr or one of those sites and it was amazing how many chemtrails were obvious in the photos and how people just saw them as part of a beautiful photograph ~ thus are they conditioned to not know real clouds from streaks across the sky.

When was the last time you heard of children being taught about various cloud types in science class?

Arthur’s chemtrail site is  BRITISH COLUMBIA Chemtrail Alert
His political blog is: RADICAL PRESS

 Maui Chemtrail sunset


Heavy Aerosol Activity Over Cheshire

More Experiments

Insane Geoengineering over Cheshire

Easyjet Cloud Seeding

Aerosol Attack in August 2010 over Cheshire


What in the World Are They Spraying - Full Movie

Parliamentary Document on Geoengineering.

Belfort Group - Belgian Watchdog - Case Orange Scientific Study

Sulphur in the Jet Fuel on TV

Chemtrails - List Of Countries / "Why?"

G. Edward Griffin talks about new CHEMTRAIL film

Evergreen Aviation Admits to Chemtrail Contracts with USAF

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped

200 Million Tons of Aluminum Aerosol Chemtrail Poisoning All Life! Scientific Proof!

Killer Chemtrails: The Shocking Truth

Chemtrails: British Gov Admits to Spraying Norwich

Chemtrails Admitted and Confirmed by History Channel

It's all secret

I've got all the PDFs you can shake stick at.

Whitening the Clouds

Anyone want any info LOL

Pass it on.
Owning the weather

Here's some more

It's all interesting reading.

Angels Don't Play This HAARP

One of the numerous HAARP Patents

Ba Dum Pssssh!


They are experimenting and want us to do the observations for them.

How Vapour Trails Block the Sun.

The San-Francisco based “Silver Lining Project” directed by entrepreneur Kelly Wanser has so far received $ 300,000 dollars from Bill Gates to develop technologies that will increase the whiteness of marine clouds.

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    The power of insanity


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