Friday 4 March 2011


Gosh I love creeps who send out nasty trojans for innocent (!!) people like yours truly to contact! NOT! This latest killed my ability to install any firewalls or protection programmes. I have had 3 or 4 of them in the past month but could always take care of them with relative ease. But not this one. It was vicious because it killed my AVG programme and quickly messed up a bunch of files. 

The longshot? Besides a major headache? I had to remove everything and now I am reformatting. In the process I lost all my personal links and my "secret sources" so it will take a few days before I am up and running as  before. So please be patient, my friends, while I repopulate my pc and get things back to where they were before I caught that friendly little Trojan.  Email address book is gone... poof.

If I were an angry person I would have cussed.... but that is not my style. I just think that putting out trojans and so on to generate business selling your programmes is just plain rotten. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Noor,...You know, only about three days ago all my video files disappeared from my blog; all of them right throughout the site, nada. I had to uninstall firefox and install IE just to recover my blog; what a drag!!!

    It was about the time a new blogger commented at my place, this guy suddenly materialized; he also happens to be the latest blue-eyed boy out here it would seem, from the links and glowing comments. I had never even seen this guys' handle in so much as a comment section before a week or so ago, now he has a very slick blog and high profile popularity because of his amazingly polished and researched posts; he's an aussie to! Very spooky because the yids here in rothschalia are very prominent right now and totally bold.

    Anyhoo, may or may not be a coincidence.

    Glad to see you are recovering though, it's a bit scary when it happens huh?



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