Monday 14 March 2011


The scam of austerity. The following is a collection of union oriented cartoons I thought I had posted a few weeks ago ~ but apparently I had forgotten to. So, better late than never, (sometimes), here they are.

Some things have been going on forever it seems.

Joe Hill was a man of inspiration

Sally Fields in Norma Rae

Part one

Part two

Please enlarge this thumb regarding child labour.

Just too cute.


Look around America today and you see a war zone. A war against the middle class ! A covert war that has been going on for years ~  A war with a battle plan. It is a plan to finance politicians who have an agenda to give the final death blow against labor and the middle class and take over government.

WHAT WE SEE IS... A war to steal the money out of the hands and pockets of hard working families. A war that takes food from children's mouths. A war that sucks the heat from our furnaces on the coldest winter's days.


I ASK THEN... Where is all that money going? Money doesn't disappear nor does it dematerialize; it had to go somewhere.

It went into the huge bank vaults of the bankers and, the 2% of the population who intentionally sucked all the money from North America and created the job losses and home foreclosures in the first place.

The same bankers and, the 2% of the population who were bailed-out by the US tax payers with over $700 Billion dollars from hard working people.

These same 2% and same Wall Street bankers who took American bail-out money on threat of martial law did not re-invest it in the people to create jobs as they had promised. They kept the money and continued to foreclose against families and then rewarded themselves with lavish million dollar bonuses as "job well done".

~ Proving again that: "TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS" was a Scam.!

These bankers and, the 2% who now sit comfortably on piles money, now have all the time in the world to wait... Wait and watch as the citizens, families and workers squirm in pain and misery fighting poverty just for the basics in life... as they continue to lose their homes and jobs.


What we are seeing is a process leading this country down the same economic path as Turkey, Mexico, Greece. "A country with NO middle class!" 

A country with only the VERY RICH and The VERY POOR.

What we are witnessing is the resurgence economic principals dating back to the "PRE-INDUSTRIAL ERA"!


Henry Ford in 1914 set an example for all of us to follow. breaking with the long on-going "Industrial Era" mentality  when he broke the greedy on-going practice of rich industrialists: of paying their workers (a pittance!) ~ as little as possible...

Henry Ford made a bold deliberate move 
to "think outside the box" ! 
To pay twice the going labor rate to his workers. 
With an Idea so that this workers could then afford 
to buy his automobiles...
His workers bought automobiles and more...
houses and refrigerators 
and life got better for everyone... 
It was then...
The middle class was born.

Henry Ford's one bold act changed the world forever... 
And today has proven one very important economic principal 
for all us to follow into the future.


We see that there is a plan in the works to turn back the clock! To reverted back again to those old failed economic principals of the Industrial Age ~ Once again paying people as little as possible... (a pittance!) while "The New Industrialists" once again horde huge profits on the backs of poor exploited labor. 

These are greedy people, this slash and burn industrial age thinking is destructive to the global economy as it is to our families our neighbors and to the fabric of our society.

** The Future is before us: **

But before we can move forward... We must learn from the past.

We must act,,, to plant the seeds of the future and stimulate growth to grow a strong "global economy" an economy that gives "all workers" a fair "World Wage" and basic global worker's rights; rights, that regulate and protect the global work force. We need to level the playing field world-wide for long-term global growth and stability. To put and end to the greedy destructive short-term profits and exploitation of labor that is destroying the world around us.


Henry Ford's proved by example that in order for a populous to contribute to the economy they must be paid a fair living wage. It is in everyones best interest! A fair " Wage" globally expands the market place for all goods stimulates all commerce allows all people to be better their lives and contribute to a healthy economy and future for all of us everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Unions keep a lot of people out of work too.
    If unions were fair then anyone could work not just those that have paid dues with cash.
    In reality it's all about kick backs and bribes when it comes to unions. Unions have destroyed our economy by driving companies over seas.
    Unions wages and demands became too much.


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