Witches Sabbath by Goya
ED Noor: For a
much more extensive photographic series on this particular handsign, please go here.
People that are Christians now, but were Satanists, recognized President Clinton's signal at his inauguration as a sign of Satan. That seems fairly cut and dried, and it is. Clinton communicated what he wanted to the people to whom he wanted to communicate. The whole affair with him flashing the Satanic handsignal took only a couple of seconds. ~ Fritz Springmeier, Bloodlines of the Illuminati
It is being flashed everywhere ~ on TV, in
newspapers and magazines, at sporting events, and even at presidential
inaugurations. I'm referring, of course, to the sign of El Diablo, the
horned devil, also known as the sign of Il Cornuto and as Diabolicus.
It began in the modern era with the followers of satanic cults, the members of
the official Church of Satan, and heavy metal rock music bands and fans
flourishing the sign of two separated fingers upward sign. The rock bands made
it popular and trendy, and now it seems almost everyone is doing it.
Three versions of the "El Diablo," the
sign of Satan, the horned God. The hand sign at right is also the deaf's
gesture, or signing, for "I love you," a fact which has many people
The sign often is confused with the deaf's signing of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?"
Then, we have the confusion of the El Diablo hand sign with the University of Texas "hook 'em horns" sign. Texas' mascot is the longhorn cow and it is only natural that the horns sign be employed by the student body, alumnai, and fans of that great institution.
When Jenna Bush, the daughter of President George W. Bush, gave the horns sign at the 2004 presidential inauguration, it shocked the world. Most viewers of international TV did not know that Jenna is a recent graduate of the University of Texas. However, at that same inaugural gala, the President also was photographed giving the sign, and so was the other Bush daughter. Not only that, but the First Lady, Laura, and even the President's mother, Barbara Bush, got into the mix. They, too, were seen giving the sign. Hmmm.
Partying, Drinking, Rebellion, Or...?
The sign often is confused with the deaf's signing of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?"
Then, we have the confusion of the El Diablo hand sign with the University of Texas "hook 'em horns" sign. Texas' mascot is the longhorn cow and it is only natural that the horns sign be employed by the student body, alumnai, and fans of that great institution.
When Jenna Bush, the daughter of President George W. Bush, gave the horns sign at the 2004 presidential inauguration, it shocked the world. Most viewers of international TV did not know that Jenna is a recent graduate of the University of Texas. However, at that same inaugural gala, the President also was photographed giving the sign, and so was the other Bush daughter. Not only that, but the First Lady, Laura, and even the President's mother, Barbara Bush, got into the mix. They, too, were seen giving the sign. Hmmm.
Partying, Drinking, Rebellion, Or...?
With the rapid rise in popularity of the El Diablo
sign among rock fans, many people seem to be blissfully unaware of the satanic
background and dark history of this sign. To some, giving the sign more likely
indicates their eagerness and gusto for fun, partying, drinking, and youthful
Thus it is that I leave it to you, the reader, to decide which of the persons shown here, in this chapter, in rendering the El Diablo sign, are paying homage to Satan and which are employing it for some other purpose. I have my own opinion, what's yours? For example, in the picture shown here you'll discover former President Bill Clinton, from Arkansas, and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi giving the sign. Are they telling us they are Texas Longhorns fans or that they love Satan?
A final word: Even if you and I are willing to overlook the giving of this sign by many as not intentionally satanic, we cannot dismiss the evidence that many, if not most, who employ the sign are, in fact, thereby honoring Satan, the rebellious dark angel. The case here, later in this chapter, of the vampire Satanists who stabbed a victim 66 times and drank his blood undeniably stamps the El Diablo hand sign given by the murderers as intensely satanic in nature.
Neither can the picture here of the Hindu sect member, the witch, and of Anton LaVey, High Priest of Satan, giving the sign also be disputed or explained away.
As for the photos of the top-ranked Christian evangelists shown in the pages that follow, what do you have to say, dear reader? Are these men servants of the One, True God, or do they cryptically serve His Adversary, Lucifer? Judging from their hand gestures, what do you say?
Thus it is that I leave it to you, the reader, to decide which of the persons shown here, in this chapter, in rendering the El Diablo sign, are paying homage to Satan and which are employing it for some other purpose. I have my own opinion, what's yours? For example, in the picture shown here you'll discover former President Bill Clinton, from Arkansas, and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi giving the sign. Are they telling us they are Texas Longhorns fans or that they love Satan?
A final word: Even if you and I are willing to overlook the giving of this sign by many as not intentionally satanic, we cannot dismiss the evidence that many, if not most, who employ the sign are, in fact, thereby honoring Satan, the rebellious dark angel. The case here, later in this chapter, of the vampire Satanists who stabbed a victim 66 times and drank his blood undeniably stamps the El Diablo hand sign given by the murderers as intensely satanic in nature.
Neither can the picture here of the Hindu sect member, the witch, and of Anton LaVey, High Priest of Satan, giving the sign also be disputed or explained away.
As for the photos of the top-ranked Christian evangelists shown in the pages that follow, what do you have to say, dear reader? Are these men servants of the One, True God, or do they cryptically serve His Adversary, Lucifer? Judging from their hand gestures, what do you say?
This photograph of President George W. Bush in Time
magazine (June 4, 2001) is curious. It shows Bush presenting the horned devil
sign. Also, the simultaneous joint use of the circle is evident. Nowhere in the
article does the author explain why Bush is making this sign or even explain
why he is dressed in what appears to be college robes.
Just as curious, the article, including the caption, mentions the word charm, charmed, or charming a grand total of exactly six times. A charm, of course, is a magical talisman. The text also includes the eyebrow-raising phrases:
Just as curious, the article, including the caption, mentions the word charm, charmed, or charming a grand total of exactly six times. A charm, of course, is a magical talisman. The text also includes the eyebrow-raising phrases:
"There's something funny there" and "something funny..."Yes, indeed, there is something funny and strange at work here.
This article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer
newspaper followed the international controversy of Bush and family giving what
appeared to be the devil's hand sign.
Yet another article, this one in Fort Worth's
Star-Telegram newspaper. The editors insisted that the Bushes were only
displaying the "Hook 'em Horns" sign common to University of Texas
Longhorns fans. The article points out that in Africa and Europe, the sign is
clearly the devil's own. Doesn't it seem odd to you that even Mother Barbara
Bush is giving the sign?
And, after all, neither George nor Laura were ever
students at the University of Texas! George was a bonesman at New England's
preppie school, Yale.
Article in Newsweek (September 18, 2000). Do you
think these two young men were knowledgeable of what the hand sign means?
The top two executives of the McDonald's fast food
chain jointly display interesting hand signs in this photograph in Newsweek
dated February 2004. At left CEO Charlie Bell with his predecessor, Jim
Note that Bell (left) extends the thumb, Cantalupo
does not, once again demonstrating the confusion ~ or is it simply the blurring
of distinctions ~ between the two types
of signs. Are both men giving a diabolical sign ~ or is neither?
Those who claim that if the thumb is displayed, it
is not the "El Diablo" Satan hand sign may just want to take a gander
at the cover of a recently published (2005) book by Sondra London entitled True Vampires—Blood-Sucking Killers Past
and Present. Published by Feral House, a book company originally founded by
Anton LaVey, High Priest of the Church of Satan, the cover clearly demonstrates
that, for hard-core Satanists, there is no real difference in meaning whether
the sign includes the thumb or does not.
Manuela Ruda, 2 i, (shown at left in sun glasses
giving the "El Diablo" hand sign), and her husband, Daniel, 26, a
pair of self-proclaimed vampire satanists from Germany, sacrificed a victim to
Satan. The pair ceremoniously stabbed the man exactly 66 times with a dagger.
Then they drank his blood.
Some might say that Manuela's hand sign is merely
the deaf "love you," but the couples' grim conduct indicated
otherwise. Also shown: Manuela's head, shaved to reveal an inverted Christian
cross. Manuela also had a rough-edged, blood red circle tatooed on her scalp.
The two were trained to be Satan worshippers while visiting Scotland. (From
news report and article in Strange Times magazine, Great Britain)
An American member of the Aghora sect of Hinduism
drinks from the top of a human skull. Some members of the sect practice
cannibalism to gain magical powers (The Tampa Tribune, June 2, 2003, p. 1).
The illustration from the book Witches, by Una
Woodruff and Colin Wilson (Crescent Books, New York, 1988), shows a satanic
witch signaling the "El Diablo."
High priest of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey,
was honored upon his death in this article in the San Francisco Chronicle. In
the picture, LaVey is giving the "El Diablo" hand sign while, on the
wall, is the "Baphomet" version of the satanic pentagram star.
Was it mere coincidence that on the very day that
this wicked satanist died in California, across the sea, in England, Illuminati
chief Lord Edmond de Rothschild also passed away?
In a video exposing charismatic "prosperity
preacher" televangelists, these four men were among many apparently giving
what some people claim is the universally recognized "El Diablo" ~ horns
of the devil sign.
Christian Rock? ~ Is there such a thing as Christian
rock'n'roll? This book, authored by a mother of a young man who was a member of
a rock band, was intended to defend Christian rock music. But perhaps
tellingly, the cover seems to show one person giving the horned devil sign and
a couple more displaying the F...k You! sign (finger in middle of hand
upraised) ~ all at a Christian rock concert!
Also, lights displayed in three triangles are in
the background. The triangle has three sides. Three plus three equals nine. The
number nine in occult numerology conceals the number 666, the number of the
beast, since adding the digits 6+6+6=18=9. Whether the cover artist and the
author were aware of these oddities is unknown.
Helen Keller (1880-1968), shown here
at her desk, creator of the deaf signing system. The brilliant Keller was a
pitiful character in some ways. Stricken blind and deaf at an early age, she
nevertheless went on to considerable achievements in life.
But Helen Keller also got involved in occultic
sects like Swedenborgianism and Theosophy. Did her membership in these groups
inspire Keller to choose a hand sign for the deaf, translated as "I love
you", which is today often used interchangeably with the universal "I
love (and/or worship) Satan" hand sign?
Helen Keller with Alexander Graham Bell. Keller
wrote a book, My Religion, in which she explained her occult religious
views and her enthusiasm for the teachings of mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg.
Was the architecture of the deaf signs based on
Keller's aberrant religious views?
These U.S. postal stamps depicting the deaf's
"I love you" sign are shocking, to say the least. The inventor of the
deaf signing system was herself an occultist and devotee of Theosophy, the
Hindu/occult group founded by Russian mystic Helena Blavatsky, author of The
Secret Doctrine.
Academy Award-winning actor Kevin Spacey, who is
acknowledged as a homosexual. The mysterious painting on the wall directly
behind Spacey is of Lucifer, with horns, amidst the flames of hell.
The revealing but quite subtle message below reads:
"You've got to send the elevator back down."
Actress Salma Hayek giving either the deaf's
"I love you" or the horns of the devil sign.
Handsome actor Pierce Brosnan of Great Britain, to
left of actor Greg Kinnear, has a rather odd look on his face as he
gesticulates with his left hand. (People magazine February 7, 2005)
The comedian duo, Penn & Teller, are vulgar,
foul-mouthed and satanic. The two once performed a revolting skit in Las Vegas
in which Teller, dressed as "Christ Jesus" on a
full-size cross, entered the room on a cart.
A midget dressed as an angel performed a simulated
sex act on the near-naked Teller who was pretending to be Jesus. Shocked
and offended, many in the audience abruptly got out of their seats and walked
out of the room.
"This was beyond bad taste," said Rick
Neiswanger, who attended the exhibition but had no idea that Penn & Teller
would pull such a blasphemous stunt.
In the Globe tabloid (February 7, 2005), actor Chad
Michael Murry (movie ~ A Cinderella Story), lets readers know what kind of star
he is.
This scotch whiskey ad in Rolling Stone magazine
shows a bizarre image of a Scottish highlander rock'n'roller giving a satanic
sign. The circle was placed there by the person who clipped and sent this ad to
Rock band Metallica
Big in the 80s, the band Night Ranger is now heard
on Sirius satellite radio. (Newsweek, November 29, 2004)
According to the article (USA Today, February 24,
2003, p. 3A) that accompanied this photograph, it depicts a near-capacity crowd
of almost 500 people at the Bowery Ballroom in Manhattan, New York City.
Fittingly, the enthusiastic crowd came to hear the
band called Satanicide.
Popular singing group Nickelback gives thanks to
their hidden deity for their great success. Two are giving the "El
Diablo" sign, a third (the one with the hat on) has a skull emblazoned on
his T-shirt. (USA Today, June 5, 2002, p. 2A) 

The Beatles singing group shown at left in a
cartoon drawing from their Yellow Submarine album. John Lennon flashed the
"El Diablo" sign. At right, Paul McCartney gives the "OK,"
or "666," sign while Lennon again displays the horned devil signal
with his left hand.
Lennon, who once bragged the Beatles were more
popular than Jesus, was assassinated just outside the Dakota House
condominiums in New York City, where he and wife Yoko Ono lived. It was at the
gothic Dakota House condominium complex that the deeply satanic movie,
Rosemary's Baby, was filmed.
The crowd at a boxing match at Austin Convention
Center, Austin, Texas. (Photo: page 1 of Austin American Statesman newspaper,
August 16, 2003)
Canadian Ross Rebagliati celebrates his gold medal,
won in the giant slalom event at the '98 Winter Olympics. (USA Today, February
9, 1998, p. E1)
Tour de France champion bicyclist Lance Armstrong
gestures heavenward with the index finger of his left hand while, with his
right hand, Armstrong seems to be beckoning to a strange God known in
the Bible as the "Prince of the power of the air."
Lance Armstrong is a resident of Austin, Texas, and
it is possible the famous athlete's sign could just be in honor of the
University of Texas at Austin. But if so, why give it in France?
ED Noor: Consider the fact that in 2012 Armstrong was stripped of all his medals and honours when it was discovered he took performance enhancing drugs during these contests.
Actress Meryl Streep gives the sign of the Devil
just over the head of "Angels in America" director, Mike Nichols. In
2004, the HBO series "Angels in America" was aired. It was possibly
the most evil TV program ever broadcast. The director and actress were given "Golden
Globe" awards, indicating how hateful Hollywood and the TV networks have
The series depicted angels having sex with
homosexuals and blasphemously mocked God. It praised communist spies
like Ethel Rosenberg. (Photo: Newsweek, November 17, 2003)
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