Archangel St. Michael protecting Kiev
ED Noor: Dear reader, if you are still confused about the events and history of the situation in today’s Ukraine, this piece by Israel Shamir should clarify things. Mark this page for future reference because the details and comparisons given are important considering the horror facing all of us, especially the Ukranian people. Today’s charges of weather war against America by Russia regarding the Ukrainian earthquakes earlier today could be an indication of just some of the international repercussions involved here.
By Israel Shamir
English language
editing by Ken Freeland
February 24, 2014
I am a great fan of Kiev, an affable city of pleasing bourgeois character, with its plentiful small restaurants, clean tree-lined streets, and bonhomie of its beer gardens. A hundred years ago Kiev was predominantly a Russian resort, and some central areas have retained this flavour. Now Kiev is patrolled by armed thugs from the Western Ukraine, by fighters from the neo-Nazi -Right Sector, descendants of Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian Quisling’s troopers, and by their local comrades-in-arms of nationalist persuasion.
I am a great fan of Kiev, an affable city of pleasing bourgeois character, with its plentiful small restaurants, clean tree-lined streets, and bonhomie of its beer gardens. A hundred years ago Kiev was predominantly a Russian resort, and some central areas have retained this flavour. Now Kiev is patrolled by armed thugs from the Western Ukraine, by fighters from the neo-Nazi -Right Sector, descendants of Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian Quisling’s troopers, and by their local comrades-in-arms of nationalist persuasion.

The Brown Revolution has won in the Ukraine. This big East European country of fifty million inhabitants has gone the way of Libya.
.The US and the EU won this round, and pushed Russia back eastwards, just as they intended.
remains to be seen whether the neo-Nazi thugs who won the battle will agree to
surrender the sweet fruits of victory to politicians, who are, God knows, nasty
enough. And more importantly, it remains to be seen whether the
Russian-speaking East and South East of the country will accept the Brown rule
of Kiev, or split off and go their own way, as the people of Israel (so
relates the Bible) after King Solomon’s death rebelled against his heir saying
“To your tents, o Israel!” and proclaimed independence of their fief (I Kings
it seems that the Easterners’ desire to preserve Ukrainian state integrity is
stronger than their dislike for the victorious Browns. Though they assembled
their representatives for what could be a declaration of independence, they did
not dare to claim power. These peaceful people have little stamina for strife.
great neighbour, Russia, does not appear overtly concerned with this ominous
development. Both Russian news agencies, TASS and RIA, didn’t even place the
dire Ukrainian news at the top, as Reuters and BBC did: for them, the Olympics
and the biathlon were of greater importance, as you can see on these print
“ostrich” attitude is quite typical of the Russian media: whenever they find
themselves in an embarrassing position, they escape into showing the Swan Lake
ballet on TV. That’s what they did when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
This time it was the Olympics instead of the ballet.
opposition in Russia heartily approved of the Ukrainian coup.
Yesterday Kiev, tomorrow Moscow, they chanted. Maidan (the main square of Kiev, the
site of anti-government demos) equals
Bolotnaya (a square in Moscow, the site of anti-government protests in
December 2012) is another popular slogan.
majority of Russians were upset but not surprised. Russia decided to minimise
its involvement in the Ukraine some weeks ago as if they wished to demonstrate
to the world their non-interference. Their behaviour bordered on recklessness.
foreign ministers of EC countries and their allies crowded Kiev, Putin sent
Vladimir Lukin, a human rights emissary, an elder low-level politician of very
little clout, to deal with the Ukrainian crisis.
Russian Ambassador Mr Zurabov, another non-entity, completely disappeared from
public view. (Now he was recalled to Moscow). Putin made not a single
public statement on the Ukraine, treating it as though it were Libya or Mali,
not a neighbouring country quite close to the Russian hinterland.
hands-off approach could have been expected: Russia did not interfere in the
disastrous Ukrainian elections 2004, or in the Georgian elections that produced
extremely anti-Russian governments.
Russia gets involved only if there is a real battle on the ground, and a legitimate government asks for help, as in Ossetia in 2008 or in Syria in 2011.
.Russia supports those who fight for their cause, otherwise Russia, somewhat disappointingly, stands aside.
West has no such inhibitions and its representatives were extremely active: the
US State Department representative Victoria “Fuck EC’’ Nuland had spent days
and weeks in Kiev, feeding the insurgents with cookies, delivering millions of
smuggled greenbacks to them, meeting with their leaders, planning and plotting
the coup.
is awash with the newest US dollars fresh from its mint (of a kind yet unseen
in Moscow, I’ve been told by Russian friends). The US embassy spread money
around like a tipsy Texan in a night club.
Every able-bodied young man willing to fight received five hundred dollar a week, a qualified fighter ~ up to a thousand, a platoon commander had two thousand dollars ~ good money by Ukrainian standards.
is not all. People are also needed for a successful coup. There was an
opposition to Yanukovych who won democratic elections, and accordingly, three
parties lost elections. Supporters of the three parties could field a lot of
people for a peaceful demonstration, or for a sit-in. But would they fight when
push comes to shove? Probably not. Ditto the recipients of generous US and EC
grants (Nuland estimated the total sum of American
investment in “democracy building” at five billion dollars). They could be
called to come to the main square for a demo.
the NGO beneficiaries are timid folk, not likely to risk their well-being. And
the US needed a better fighting stock to remove the democratically elected
president from power.
the Western Ukraine, the serpent eggs hatched:
Children of Nazi collaborators who had imbibed hatred towards the Russians with their mothers’ milk. Their fathers had formed a network under Reinhard Gehlen, the German spymaster.
.In 1945, as Germany was defeated, Gehlen swore allegiance to the US and delivered his networks to the CIA. They continued their guerrilla war against the Soviets until 1956. Their cruelty was legendary, for they aimed to terrify the population into full compliance to their command. Notoriously, they strangulated the Ukrainians suspected of being friendly to Russians with their bare hands.
horrifying confession of a participant tells of their
activities in Volyn:
“One night, we strangulated 84 men. We strangulated adults, as for little kids, we held their legs, swung and broke their heads at a doorpost. …Two nice kids, Stepa and Olya, 12 and 14 years old… we tore the younger one into two parts, and there was no need to strangulate her mother Julia, she died of a heart attack” and so on and so on.
slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Poles and Jews; even the dreadful Baby Yar
massacre was done by them, with German connivance, somewhat similar to Israeli
connivance in the Sabra and Shatila massacres of Palestinians by the Lebanese
fascists of the Phalange.
children of these Bandera murderers were brought up to hate Communism, Soviets
and Russians, and in adoration of their fathers’ deeds.
formed the spearhead of the pro-US anti-government rebels in the Ukraine, the
Right Sector led by out-and-out fascist Dmytro Yarosh. They were ready to fight,
to die and kill.
units attract potential rebels of differing backgrounds: their spokesman is
young Russian -turned -Ukrainian -nationalist Artem Skoropadsky, a journalist
with the mainstream oligarch-owned Kommersant-UA daily. There are
similar young Russians who join Salafi networks and become suicide-bombers in
the Caucasus Mountains ~ young people whose desire for action and sacrifice
could not be satisfied in the consumer society.
This is a Slav al-Qaeda ~
real neo-Nazi storm troopers,
a natural ally of the US.
And they did not fight only for association with EC and against joining a Russia-led TC. Their enemies were also the Russians in the Ukraine, and Russian-speaking ethnic Ukrainians. The difference between the twain is moot. Before independence in 1991, some three quarters of the population preferred to speak Russian. Since then, successive governments have tried to force people to use Ukrainian.
the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, anyone who speaks Russian is an enemy. You can compare
this with Scotland, where people speak English, and nationalists would like to
force them to speak the language of Burns.
the spearhead of the Right Sector, with its fervent anti-communist and
anti-Russian fighters, a larger organisation could be counted on: the neo-Nazi
Freedom (Svoboda), of Tyagnibok.
years ago Tyagnibok called for a fight against Russians and
Jews, now he has become more cautious regarding the Jews. He is still as
anti-Russian as John Foster Dulles. Tyagnibok was tolerated or even encouraged
by Yanukovych, who wanted to take a leaf from the French president Jacques
Chirac’s book. Chirac won the second round of elections against nationalist Le
Pen, while probably he would have lost against any other opponent. In the same
wise, Yanukovych wished Tyagnibok to become his defeatable opponent at the
second round of presidential elections.
parliamentary parties (the biggest one is the party of Julia Timoshenko with
25% of seats, the smaller one was the party of Klitschko the boxer with 15%)
would support the turmoil as a way to gain power they lost at the elections.
a union of nationalists and liberals
was formed. This union is the trademark of a new US policy in the Eastern
Europe. It was tried in Russia two years ago, where enemies of Putin comprise
of these two forces, of pro-Western liberals and of their new allies, Russian
ethnic nationalists, soft and hard neo-Nazis.
liberals won’t fight, they are unpopular with the masses; they include an
above-average percentage of Jews, gays, millionaires and liberal columnists;
nationalists can incite the great unwashed masses almost as well as the
Bolsheviks, and will fight.
is the anti-Putin cocktail preferred by the US. This alliance actually took
over 20% of vote in Moscow city elections, after their attempt to seize power
by coup was beaten off by Putin. The Ukraine is their second, successful joint
Bear in mind: liberals do not have to support democracy.
They do so only if they are certain democracy will deliver what
they want.
Otherwise, they can join forces with al Qaeda as now in Syria,
with Islamic extremists as in Libya,
with the Army as in Egypt,
or with neo-Nazis, as now in Russia and the Ukraine.
.Historically, the liberal–Nazi alliance did not work because the old Nazis were enemies of bankers and financial capital, and therefore anti-Jewish. This hitch could be avoided:
Mussolini was friendly to Jews and had a few Jewish ministers in his government; he objected to Hitler’s anti-Jewish attitude saying that “Jews are useful and friendly”.
Hitler replied that if he were to allow that, thousands of Jews would join his party.
.Nowadays, this problem has vanished: modern neo-Nazis are friendly towards Jews, bankers and gays. The Norwegian killer Breivik is an exemplary sample of a Jew-friendly neo-Nazi. So are the Ukrainian and Russian neo-Nazis.
the original Bandera thugs killed every Jew (and Pole) that came their way,
their modern heirs receive some valuable Jewish support. The oligarchs of
Jewish origin (Kolomoysky, Pinchuk and Poroshenko) financed them, while a
prominent Jewish leader, Chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations
and Communities of the Ukraine, Josef Zissels, supported them and
justified them.
are many supporters of Bandera in Israel; they usually claim that Bandera was
not an anti-Semite, as he had a Jewish doctor. (So did Hitler.)
ED Noor: Western backed neo-Nazis in Kiev. These guys are not dressed for peace.Jews do not mind Nazis who do not target them.
The Russian neo-Nazis target Tajik gastarbeiters, and the Ukrainian neo-Nazis target Russian-speakers.
The Russian neo-Nazis target Tajik gastarbeiters, and the Ukrainian neo-Nazis target Russian-speakers.
revolution deserves to be described in a few lines:
Yanukovych was not too bad a president, prudent though weak. Still the Ukraine came to the edge of financial abyss. (You can read more about it in my previous piece) He tried to save the situation by allying with the EC, but the EC had no money to spare.
.Then he tried to make a deal with Russia, and Putin offered him a way out, without even demanding from him that the Ukraine join the Russian-led TC. This triggered the violent response of the EC and the US, as they were worried it would strengthen Russia.
as people call him for short, had few friends. Powerful Ukrainian oligarchs
weren’t enamoured with him. Besides the usual reasons, they did not like the
raider habits of Yanuk’s son, who would steal other men’s businesses. Here they
may have had a point, for the leader of Belarus, the doughty Lukashenko, said
that Yanuk’s son’s unorthodox ways of acquiring businesses brought disaster.
Yanuk’s electorate, the Russian-speaking people of the Ukraine (and they are a majority in the land, like English-speaking Scots are majority in Scotland) were disappointed with him because he did not give them the right to speak Russian and teach their children in Russian.
.The followers of Julia Timoshenko disliked him for jailing their leader. (She richly deserved it: she hired assassins, stole billions of Ukrainian state money in cahoots with a former prime minister, made a crooked deal with Gazprom at the expense of Ukrainian consumers, and what not.)
.Extreme nationalists hated him for not eradicating the Russian language.
US-orchestrated attack on the elected President followed Gene Sharp’s instructions to a tee,
(1) seize a central square and organise a mass peaceful sit-in,
(2) speak endlessly of danger of violent dispersal,
(3) if the authorities do nothing, provoke bloodshed,
(4) yell bloody murder,
(5) the authority is horrified and stupefied and
(6) removed and
(7) new powers take over.
ED Noor: To quote the Who: "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.... won't be fooled again." Alas, the people are again being fooled by the ever-shifting masks and phantasmic media machinations of our enemy. But remember, no matter how you paint it, it ain't over till the fat lady has finished her song..
The most important element of the scheme has never been voiced by the cunning Sharp, and that is why the Occupy Wall Street movement (who thumbed through the book) failed to achieve the desired result. You have to have the Masters of Discourse™ i.e., Western mainstream media, on your side. Otherwise, the government will squash you as they did with the Occupy and many other similar movements. But here, the Western media was fully on the rebels’ side, for the events were organised by the US embassy.
first, they gathered for a sit-in on the Independence Square (aka “Maidan
Square”) some people they knew:
Recipients of USAID grants via the NGO network, wrote a Ukrainian expert Andrey Vajra, networks of fugitive oligarch Khoroshkovski,
.neo-Nazis of the Right Sector
.and radicals of the Common Cause.
peaceful assembly was lavishly entertained by artists; food and drink were
served for free, free sex was encouraged ~ it was a carnival in the centre of the
capital, and it began to attract the masses, as would happen in every city in
the known universe. This carnival was paid for by the oligarchs and by the US
But the carnival could not last forever. As per (2), rumours of violent dispersal were spread. People became scared and drifted away. Only a small crowd of activists remained on the square.
.Provocation as per (3) was supplied by a Western agent within the administration, Mr Sergey Levochkin.
wrote his resignation letter, posted it and ordered police to violently
disperse the sit-in. Police moved in and dispersed the activists. Nobody was
killed, nobody was seriously wounded, ~ today, after a hundredfold dead, it is
ridiculous even to mention this thrashing, ~ but the opposition yelled bloody
murder at the time.
The world media, this powerful tool in the hands of Masters of Discourse, decried “Yanukovych massacred children”.
EC and the US slapped on sanctions, foreign diplomats moved in, all claiming
they want to protect peaceful demonstrators, while at the same time beefing up
the Maidan crowd with armed gunmen and Right Sector fighters.

Spectacle-like unreal quality of Kiev events was emphasized by arrival of the
imperial warmonger, the neocon philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy. He came to
Maidan like he came to Libya and Bosnia, claiming human rights and threatening
sanctions and bombing.
ED Noor: Then it was as a Jew that a gloating Levy had his photo taken in Qaddafi's shelled out home in which family and children were killed. I could not narrow it down to just one image of this disgusting poseur. How I would like to see this vainFauntleroy Levy suddenly lose his hair from visiting one of the locations of his pro-NWO warmongering.
Whenever Levy comes, war is following. I hope I shall be away from every country he plans to visit.
ED Noor: Then it was as a Jew that a gloating Levy had his photo taken in Qaddafi's shelled out home in which family and children were killed. I could not narrow it down to just one image of this disgusting poseur. How I would like to see this vain
Whenever Levy comes, war is following. I hope I shall be away from every country he plans to visit.
First victims of the Brown Revolution were the monuments ~ those of Lenin, for they do hate communism in every form, and those of the world war, because the revolutionaries solidarize with the lost side, with the German Nazis.
will tell us to what extent Yanuk and his advisors understood what they were
doing. Anyway, he encouraged the fire of Maidan by his inefficient raids by a
weaponless police force. The neo-Nazis of Maidan used snipers against the
police force, dozens of people were killed, but President Obama called upon
Yanuk to desist, and he desisted. After renewed shooting, he would send the
police in again. An EC diplomat would threaten him with the Hague tribunal
dock, and he would call his police back. No government could function in such
Eventually he collapsed, signed on the dotted line and departed for unknown destination. The rebels seized power, forbade the Russian language and began sacking Kiev and Lvov. Now the life of the placid people of Kiev has been turned into a living hell: daily robberies, beating, murder abound.
.The victors are preparing a military operation against the Russian-speaking areas in the South East of Ukraine. The spectacle of the revolution can yet turn really bloody.
Ukrainians hope that Julia Timoshenko, freshly released from jail, will be able
to rein the rebels in.
ED Noor: Julia shows her roots!
hope that President Putin will pay heed to the Ukrainian events, now that his
Olympic games are, mercifully, finished. The spectacle is not over until the
fat lady sings, but sing she will ~ her song still remains to be seen and
Shamir can be reached at
The neo-Nazis of Maidan used snipers against the police?
ReplyDeleteIt is mossad that are the snipers shooting police. This post keeps pinning the crimes of jews on the enemies of jews! I say again 110 and never again!
This seems to be an epistle in ambiguity......