Best line ever: When Pink Floyd hates you as a country, it's all over.
Another honest hero who was jailed for three years speaks out. Australian Brendon O'Connell gives one of the fastest moving interviews ever. Interestingly (but not surprising) according to the Israeli paper reviews I read on this likeable chap he is the devil incarnate and deserves much more time for his views. HIS VIEWS! His THOUGHTS! Do you get it yet, boys and girls? HIS THOUGHTS! Judging by the above photo from before the trial and jail time, the result of his incarceration has only honed and toned this man ~ on all levels ~ one of Australia's finer citizens and made him an even sharper blade against our common foe.

One of the few who put themselves on the line. Still hoping to find out how long his hunger fast in support of the Palestinian strikers lasted. As he discusses, the Australian police were very interested in his information on Jewish inflitration. I would think he had a considerable impact on the situation down under viz the revision of the Jew Hate Speech legislation and associated howling.
This is so good it is 2 much so wish he lived in London ,Amazing as he is not even from the Muslim world would love to see this from the Muslims [not going to happen ] He is just GREAT ,this is just the best Peace and more Peace to him Made my Day /LIFE