Friday, 27 February 2015
Friday, 20 February 2015
14, 2014 (18:00) - Russian TV1 airs satellite images clearly showing a
fighter jet firing a missile at Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, the
passenger aircraft that was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014. - See
more at:
14, 2014 (18:00) - Russian TV1 airs satellite images clearly showing a
fighter jet firing a missile at Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, the
passenger aircraft that was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014. - See
more at:
November 14, 2014 (18:00) - Russian TV1 airs
satellite images clearly showing a fighter jet firing a missile at Malaysia
Airlines Flight MH17, the passenger aircraft that was shot down over Ukraine in
July 2014. - See more at:
Ed Noor: Old
article from earlier this year but interesting. Make of it what you will. I apologize for the lack of translation to the images but I did manage to find a copy of the video with English subtitles. Highly recommended. For the real truth about the Ukraine and Russia The Vineyard of the Saker is the only place to go, IMHO. The links provided are also top quality.
Vladimir Sungorkin, Dmitry
Steshin, Nikolay Varsegov for Komsomolskaya Pravda (
In the "case of Malaysian Boeing" a "secret witness" stepped forward whose testimony remove all charges from the militia and Russia. And explain the mysterious behavior of Western experts.
This man came to the editorial office of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" by himself. We checked his papers - he is not an actor and not a fake person. We can not yet reveal his personal information - he still has relatives in Ukraine and is afraid of revenge and blackmail. Judging by what Alexander (let's name him that) told us, the fear is substantiated. We provide a transcript of our conversation virtually uncut:

Ukraine declared they had no combat missions on the day of the catastrophe. ~ Photo: Viktor GUSEYNOV
- Where were you on July 17, 2014, the day Malaysian Boeing was shot down?
- I was on the territory of Ukraine, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, the village Aviatorskoye. It is a regular airport. There at this time were based fighter jets and helicopters. Planes regularly flew on bombing missions, Su-25 attack aircraft bombed Donetsk, Lugansk. This lasted a long time.
- The aircraft flew every day?
- Daily.
- Why did you assume that these airplanes could be related to the downing of the "Boeing"?
- A few reasons. Out of the eight airplanes, which were based there, only two had "air-to-air" missiles. They were suspended.
- Why? Were there any aircraft battles in the air?
- No, the aircraft was fitted with missiles to cover themselves in the air. Just in case. Mostly they had air-to-ground ammunition. NURS, bombs.
-Tell us about July 17.
- Airplanes flew regularly. All day since the morning. In the afternoon, about an hour before the downing of the "Boeing", three attack fighters were raised into the air. I don't remember the exact time. One of the airplanes was equipped with such missiles. It was a Su-25.
- Have you personally seen it?
- Yes.
- Where was your vantage point?
- On site. Cannot tell you exactly.
- Did you have an opportunity to see specifically what the pylons of the aircraft where fitted with? Could you confuse "air-to-air" and "air-to-ground" missiles?
- No, I couldn't confuse it. They vary in size, plumage, coloration. With a guidance head. Very easy to recognize. Anyway, after a short time, only one airplane returned, two were shot down. Somewhere in the East of Ukraine, I was told. The airplane that came back, was the one with those suspended missiles.
- It returned without the missiles?
- Without the missiles. That pilot was very scared.
- Do you know this pilot, have you seen him?
- Yes.
- Can you tell us his name?
- Last name Voloshin.
- Was he alone in the airplane?
- Yes. The airplane is designed for one person.
- Do you know his name?
- Vladislav, I think. Don't remember exactly. Captain.
- Captain Voloshin came back. What happened next?
- Came back with blank ammunition.
- No missiles left?
- Yes.
The Ukrainian authorities are using fakes to put the blame for the
collapse of the Malaysian Boeing on opolchenye. ~ Photo: Viktor GUSEYNOV
- Could you tell us, Alexander, the airplane came back from the mission, you still do not know about the loss of the "Boeing", but you were somehow surprised by the absence of "air-to-air" missiles. Why?
- These "air-to-air" missiles are not included in the basic ammunition package.
They are used only with a special order. Typically, the aircraft with such rockets were not to allowed into the air. Because this missiles should not be frequently transported in the air.
In all two such missiles can fit on this plane. Never before they had been applied. They were written off previously. But literally on the eve, a week before this incident (the loss of "Boeing" - Ed.) the use of these missiles was urgently renewed. And they put again into service. They have not been used for many years.
- Why?
- They were expired. Made back in the Soviet years. But by the urgent order their expiration date was extended.
- And on this day they were put on the plane?
- They always stood with these missiles.
- But didn't fly?
- Tried to let them in the air less frequently - every flight depletes the resource. But on this day, the plane flew.
- And came back without them?
- Yes. Knowing this pilot a little bit... (quite possibly, when the other two airplanes were shot down in front of him), he just had a frightened reaction, inadequate. Could out of fright or in revenge launch the missiles into a Boeing. Maybe he took it for some other combat aircraft.
- Are these missiles with self-guiding heads?
- Yes.
- When he launched them, they began to look for a target?
- No. The pilot himself finds the target. Then launches the missile, and it flies at the target.
- Could the pilot use these missiles against ground targets?
- It's pointless.
- What else do you remember this day? What did the pilot say?
- He said a phrase, when he was lead out of the airplane: "It was not the right plane." And in the evening there was a phrase to a question from one pilot to him, to Voloshin: "What's up with the plane?" To which he replied: "The plane was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
- Did this pilot serve there for a long time? How old is he?
- Voloshin is about 30 years old. His base is in Nikolaev. They were transferred to Dnepropetrovsk. Before they were sent to Chuguev near Kharkov. And all this time they bombed Donetsk and Lugansk. And, according to one of the officers of the Nikolaev base, they still continue to do so.
- Did the pilots have good combat experience?
- Those who were there, had experience. Nikolaev base was even one year, in my opinion, 2013, the best base in Ukraine.
- Was the story about the "Boeing" discussed among the pilots?
- All attempts to discuss were immediately stopped. And the pilots mostly talked among themselves only, they are so... stuck-up...
- After everyone learned about this "Boeing" what happened to this pilot, captain Voloshin?
- After all of this flights continued. And the pilots did not rotate. The same faces.
The aircraft got on a wrong time in a wrong place. ~ Photo: Viktor GUSEYNOV
- Let's try to recap the events. How could it develop? Three airplanes left on a combat mission. They were roughly in the same area, as Boeing. Two airplanes were shot down. This captain Voloshin was nervous, got scared, and possibly he mistook the Boeing for combat aircraft?
- Possible. The distance was long, he may have not seen specifically what kind of aircraft.
- What distance do these missiles need?
- At 3-5 kilometers they can find the target.
- And what is the speed difference between combat aircraft and the Boeing?
- No difference: the rockets have pretty good speed. Very fast rocket.
- Will catch up anyway? And height?
- It may easily at its maximum altitude - to 7 thousand meters - quite easily focus on the target.
- To reach it higher?
- Yes. The aircraft can simply lift the nose up, and can find the target with no problems and launch the rocket. The range of this missile is more than 10 kilometers.
- At what distance from the target does this rocket explodes? Does it hit the fuselage and explodes?
- Depending on the modification. Literally could when it hits the body or at a distance of 500 meters.
- We worked at the crash site and noticed that the fragments were trapped in the hull of the aircraft very closely. It seemed like it exploded literally two feet away from the Boeing.
- There is such a missile. The principle of fragments - it breaks, and the fragments hit. And then hits the main warhead of the rocket.
- Ukraine announced that on this day they had no combat flights. We checked different aggregate sources on the downed airplanes, Ukraine denied everywhere that its military aircraft flew on this day.
- I know about this. Ukraine also announced that two of these airplanes were shot down on the 16th, and not the 17th. And many times the date was changed. But actually, the flights were on a daily basis. I saw it myself. Even during the ceasefire there were flights, although, less frequent.
- What ammunition was on the aircraft at your airfield? Were phosphorus bombs used, incendiary devices? Ukrainian artillery used it very actively on the ground.
- I didn't see phosphorus bombs. But space-detonating bombs were used.
- Are they prohibited?
- Yes. This bomb was intended for Afghanistan. It was prohibited and was not used until lately. It was prohibited by some Convention, I do not remember, can't say. This bomb is inhumane, burns everything. Burns absolutely everything.
- They were attached and used during hostilities?
- Yes. And there were also banned cluster bombs. Aircraft cluster bomb - depending on size can hit a very ambitious target. One bomb covers a stadium. Entirely, the whole entire area - two hectares.
- Why did they use such weapons?
- They were following orders. And whose order is unclear.
- What's the point of such weapons - scare tactic?
- Maximum annihilation of manpower
A “secret witness” appeared in the “Malaysian Boeing case” (sitting with his back to the screen)
- Why did you go to Russia, why decided to tell? Why, finally, no one learned this before? You're not the only witness!
- Everyone is intimidated by the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine. - Ed.) and the National Guard. People can be beaten for every careless word, jailed on any insignificant suspicion of sympathies towards Russia or the militia. I was initially against this "anti-terrorist operation". Did not agree with the policy of the Ukrainian state. The civil war is wrong. To kill your own people is not normal. And to take some part in it or not, but to be on the Ukrainian side and to be partially involved in this, I don't want to in the first place!
Please go to Komsomolskaya Pravda for the video recording of this conversation (in Russian) and more infographics
Translated by Kristina Rus for
In the "case of Malaysian Boeing" a "secret witness" stepped forward whose testimony remove all charges from the militia and Russia. And explain the mysterious behavior of Western experts.
This man came to the editorial office of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" by himself. We checked his papers - he is not an actor and not a fake person. We can not yet reveal his personal information - he still has relatives in Ukraine and is afraid of revenge and blackmail. Judging by what Alexander (let's name him that) told us, the fear is substantiated. We provide a transcript of our conversation virtually uncut:

Ukraine declared they had no combat missions on the day of the catastrophe. ~ Photo: Viktor GUSEYNOV
- Where were you on July 17, 2014, the day Malaysian Boeing was shot down?
- I was on the territory of Ukraine, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, the village Aviatorskoye. It is a regular airport. There at this time were based fighter jets and helicopters. Planes regularly flew on bombing missions, Su-25 attack aircraft bombed Donetsk, Lugansk. This lasted a long time.
- The aircraft flew every day?
- Daily.
- Why did you assume that these airplanes could be related to the downing of the "Boeing"?
- A few reasons. Out of the eight airplanes, which were based there, only two had "air-to-air" missiles. They were suspended.
- Why? Were there any aircraft battles in the air?
- No, the aircraft was fitted with missiles to cover themselves in the air. Just in case. Mostly they had air-to-ground ammunition. NURS, bombs.
-Tell us about July 17.
- Airplanes flew regularly. All day since the morning. In the afternoon, about an hour before the downing of the "Boeing", three attack fighters were raised into the air. I don't remember the exact time. One of the airplanes was equipped with such missiles. It was a Su-25.
- Have you personally seen it?
- Yes.
- Where was your vantage point?
- On site. Cannot tell you exactly.
- Did you have an opportunity to see specifically what the pylons of the aircraft where fitted with? Could you confuse "air-to-air" and "air-to-ground" missiles?
- No, I couldn't confuse it. They vary in size, plumage, coloration. With a guidance head. Very easy to recognize. Anyway, after a short time, only one airplane returned, two were shot down. Somewhere in the East of Ukraine, I was told. The airplane that came back, was the one with those suspended missiles.
- It returned without the missiles?
- Without the missiles. That pilot was very scared.
- Do you know this pilot, have you seen him?
- Yes.
- Can you tell us his name?
- Last name Voloshin.
- Was he alone in the airplane?
- Yes. The airplane is designed for one person.
- Do you know his name?
- Vladislav, I think. Don't remember exactly. Captain.
- Captain Voloshin came back. What happened next?
- Came back with blank ammunition.
- No missiles left?
- Yes.

- Could you tell us, Alexander, the airplane came back from the mission, you still do not know about the loss of the "Boeing", but you were somehow surprised by the absence of "air-to-air" missiles. Why?
- These "air-to-air" missiles are not included in the basic ammunition package.
They are used only with a special order. Typically, the aircraft with such rockets were not to allowed into the air. Because this missiles should not be frequently transported in the air.
In all two such missiles can fit on this plane. Never before they had been applied. They were written off previously. But literally on the eve, a week before this incident (the loss of "Boeing" - Ed.) the use of these missiles was urgently renewed. And they put again into service. They have not been used for many years.
- Why?
- They were expired. Made back in the Soviet years. But by the urgent order their expiration date was extended.
- And on this day they were put on the plane?
- They always stood with these missiles.
- But didn't fly?
- Tried to let them in the air less frequently - every flight depletes the resource. But on this day, the plane flew.
- And came back without them?
- Yes. Knowing this pilot a little bit... (quite possibly, when the other two airplanes were shot down in front of him), he just had a frightened reaction, inadequate. Could out of fright or in revenge launch the missiles into a Boeing. Maybe he took it for some other combat aircraft.
- Are these missiles with self-guiding heads?
- Yes.
- When he launched them, they began to look for a target?
- No. The pilot himself finds the target. Then launches the missile, and it flies at the target.
- Could the pilot use these missiles against ground targets?
- It's pointless.
- What else do you remember this day? What did the pilot say?
- He said a phrase, when he was lead out of the airplane: "It was not the right plane." And in the evening there was a phrase to a question from one pilot to him, to Voloshin: "What's up with the plane?" To which he replied: "The plane was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
- Did this pilot serve there for a long time? How old is he?
- Voloshin is about 30 years old. His base is in Nikolaev. They were transferred to Dnepropetrovsk. Before they were sent to Chuguev near Kharkov. And all this time they bombed Donetsk and Lugansk. And, according to one of the officers of the Nikolaev base, they still continue to do so.
- Did the pilots have good combat experience?
- Those who were there, had experience. Nikolaev base was even one year, in my opinion, 2013, the best base in Ukraine.
- Was the story about the "Boeing" discussed among the pilots?
- All attempts to discuss were immediately stopped. And the pilots mostly talked among themselves only, they are so... stuck-up...
- After everyone learned about this "Boeing" what happened to this pilot, captain Voloshin?
- After all of this flights continued. And the pilots did not rotate. The same faces.

- Let's try to recap the events. How could it develop? Three airplanes left on a combat mission. They were roughly in the same area, as Boeing. Two airplanes were shot down. This captain Voloshin was nervous, got scared, and possibly he mistook the Boeing for combat aircraft?
- Possible. The distance was long, he may have not seen specifically what kind of aircraft.
- What distance do these missiles need?
- At 3-5 kilometers they can find the target.
- And what is the speed difference between combat aircraft and the Boeing?
- No difference: the rockets have pretty good speed. Very fast rocket.
- Will catch up anyway? And height?
- It may easily at its maximum altitude - to 7 thousand meters - quite easily focus on the target.
- To reach it higher?
- Yes. The aircraft can simply lift the nose up, and can find the target with no problems and launch the rocket. The range of this missile is more than 10 kilometers.
- At what distance from the target does this rocket explodes? Does it hit the fuselage and explodes?
- Depending on the modification. Literally could when it hits the body or at a distance of 500 meters.
- We worked at the crash site and noticed that the fragments were trapped in the hull of the aircraft very closely. It seemed like it exploded literally two feet away from the Boeing.
- There is such a missile. The principle of fragments - it breaks, and the fragments hit. And then hits the main warhead of the rocket.
- Ukraine announced that on this day they had no combat flights. We checked different aggregate sources on the downed airplanes, Ukraine denied everywhere that its military aircraft flew on this day.
- I know about this. Ukraine also announced that two of these airplanes were shot down on the 16th, and not the 17th. And many times the date was changed. But actually, the flights were on a daily basis. I saw it myself. Even during the ceasefire there were flights, although, less frequent.
- What ammunition was on the aircraft at your airfield? Were phosphorus bombs used, incendiary devices? Ukrainian artillery used it very actively on the ground.
- I didn't see phosphorus bombs. But space-detonating bombs were used.
- Are they prohibited?
- Yes. This bomb was intended for Afghanistan. It was prohibited and was not used until lately. It was prohibited by some Convention, I do not remember, can't say. This bomb is inhumane, burns everything. Burns absolutely everything.
- They were attached and used during hostilities?
- Yes. And there were also banned cluster bombs. Aircraft cluster bomb - depending on size can hit a very ambitious target. One bomb covers a stadium. Entirely, the whole entire area - two hectares.
- Why did they use such weapons?
- They were following orders. And whose order is unclear.
- What's the point of such weapons - scare tactic?
- Maximum annihilation of manpower

- Why did you go to Russia, why decided to tell? Why, finally, no one learned this before? You're not the only witness!
- Everyone is intimidated by the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine. - Ed.) and the National Guard. People can be beaten for every careless word, jailed on any insignificant suspicion of sympathies towards Russia or the militia. I was initially against this "anti-terrorist operation". Did not agree with the policy of the Ukrainian state. The civil war is wrong. To kill your own people is not normal. And to take some part in it or not, but to be on the Ukrainian side and to be partially involved in this, I don't want to in the first place!
Please go to Komsomolskaya Pravda for the video recording of this conversation (in Russian) and more infographics
Translated by Kristina Rus for
Full speech delivered by
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the memorial
anniversary of the Resistance Leader Martyrs held in Sayyed Ashuhada Compound
on February 16, 2015.
February 19, 2015
I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad, on his chaste and pure Household, on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets.
Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.
First, I would like to welcome you all in this dear and solemn occasion - the anniversary of the Leader Martyrs.
However, allow me first to tackle a really grave incident. I find myself obliged to express our as well as your strong condemnation of the brutal and savage crime perpetrated by the Takfiri Daesh organization against the oppressed Egyptian workers in Libya. This crime cannot be tolerated or bore by the mind, heart, conscience, religion or humanity. In your name, we extend our condolences to their oppressed and deemed-weak families, the Egyptian people, the Egyptian government, and the Coptic Church. We also express our consolation and deep sorrow for this calamity which afflicted them. In fact, it afflicted us all - Islam and Christianity, Muslims and Christians, and every human being who has a mind, a conscience, and an intact nature. We will return to this topic again in the course of the speech.
First, I would like to talk about the occasion and the act of commemorating this occasion. Then, I will talk a little about the Lebanese affairs before making a general overview and a general stance on the situation of the region.
Every year, on this very day, together we mark the anniversary of the Leader Martyrs, the family of leaders, Martyr Sayyed Abbass Mussawi - our Secretary General, leader, master, beloved, and inspirer -, his well-educated, resisting wife Martyr Sayyeda Um Yasser, and his small child Hussein, the Sheikh of the Islamic Resistance Martyrs - His Eminence Martyr Sheikh Ragheb Harb, and the senior jihadi Leader Martyr Hajj Imad Moghniyeh who are the symbol of our steadfastness and victory. We mark their anniversary for our sake and our good and not theirs. We mark their anniversary to teach our children, grandchildren and future generations. We commemorate this occasion so that the near past which we lived and partook in making remains connected to the present and overlooking the future.
This period of time must remain in our minds - we who have lived this era -, and it must dwell in the minds of our children, grandchildren, and the generations to come.
This period of time extends from the establishment of the State of "Israel" in 1948, the wars which were staged later in 1967 and 1973, the events that took place in Lebanon, the resistance announced by the Palestinian people, the resistance announced later on by His Eminence Sayyed Mussa Sadre (May Allah return him back safe and sound along with both his companions), Camp David Agreement, the divine and historic victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran which took place in like these days under the leadership of His Eminence Imam Khomeini (May Allah sanctify his secret), the "Israeli" invasion in 1982, and the post-invasion era to our day including the wars, confrontations, events, and conspiracies.
This era is pregnant with events and development, and no one - neither we nor our children or the generations to come - can approach the present and the challenges of the day in a logical, objective, scientific, intact, and sound way apart from all of this past and the equations and achievements made: the facts and illusions, logic and lunacy, desperate bargains and sound options, waiting a mirage that did not and will never come true and waiting for victories made by the determination, sacrifices, tears, blood, aspirations, and pains of men and women. This time era with all what it comprises represents a great humanistic, fiducial, cultural, and jihadi school for our people and nation.
These leader martyrs were among its most prominent figures and leaderships and its martyred witnesses. Second, we always and all year long need to resort to them. We need to turn to Sayyed Abbass, Um Yasser, Sheikh Ragheb, and Hajj Imad as ideals to follow. We need to learn from them to abstain from this world when it ornaments to us its vanities: prestige, wealth, and luxury. We need to learn from them to be modest and even humble when we become strong. We need to learn from them to be strong when we confront quaking and hurricane-like calamities. We need to learn from them wisdom when we are fought with ordeals and seditions that disperse minds and insight. We take from them and are inspired by their ardor and zeal when tired, by their boldness when hesitating, and by their unlimited sacrifices when the position requires that. We learn from them to trust in Allah, our nation, our people, ourselves, and our resistance fighters when people feel frustrated as hardships, difficulties, and challenges target them from all sides. We take from them hope, confidence, and insight. As you heard a while ago, when "Israel" was occupying our land, Sayyed Abbass, Sheikh Ragheb, and Hajj Imad first and later on expressed their vision that "Israel" would not only withdraw from our land but also will be eliminated from the world. That is at a time "Israel" was occupying our land, our men and women were in prison, and we were weak and "Israel" was strong. As such, we take from them a clear vision and intact insight, confidence and hope, and most importantly we learn from them to be faithful and loyal, to have tolerance, to be up to the level of the tough and difficult current challenges we are facing, and to be competent at shouldering the responsibility of making a decent, noble, and prideful future that befits our people, homeland, and nation. Thus we always take pains to talk about them, their biography, their morals, their conduct, their achievements, their jihad, and their sacrifices so that we as well our children, grandchildren, and the future generations come to know and learn.
This is what we must take pains to achieve when we broadcast the names, photos, biographies, and wills of all the martyrs every day and around the year. That's because they truly present an integrated, intellectual jihadi school which we must introduce and with which we must be acquainted. For 32 years by now, a generation of young men who were 18, 19, 20, 23, and 25 at most by that time and who were scholars and fighters whether men or women took the initiative and shouldered the responsibility. Some of them were martyred in the different stages of the path.
Many of our veteran cadres were mighty in the fields of jihad and enduring difficulties and wounds and then died of a long struggle with illness the last of whom was a dear leader of the pioneer Resistance leaders late Hajj Mustafa Shehadeh (May Allah have mercy on him). Some were detained and suffered from the cuffs of detention. Some were wounded and are still suffering from their injuries. Some are still moving in this path holding their blood on their palms. The slogan held by this first generation which included Sayyed Abbass, Sheikh Ragheb, and Hajj Imad, and Hajjeh Um Yasser is {Among the Believers are men who have been true to their Covenant with Allah: othem some have completed their vow, and some atill wait: but they have never changed their determination in the least}.
Among the young men today are children of the first generation who in their turn pledged, lived up to their pledge, and adhered to their pledge, and many of them passed away as martyrs the last of whom were those who were killed in the "Israeli" aggression in Quneitra.
The children of the first generation were also senior partakers in making victory. The anniversary of the leader martyrs comes this year with evidence on what I am saying. The son of Leader Martyr Imad Moghniyeh - Jihad - stood on this podium to pledge his allegiance and willingly declare his affiliation, identity, and option. No one obliged him to do so. He could have continued his university education. He was a young gentle man. His life and his future were before him. The entire world was before him. However, the son of Hajj Imad carried Hajj Imad's spirit, soul, knowledge, and love. He abandoned all of that. Where did he go? He went to Golan and to Quneitra where his life was sealed in martyrdom. As such are the martyrs the sons of martyrs. The blood of martyr Jihad and his brethrens in Quneitra days ago forcefully revived the anniversary of the martyrdom of Hajj Imad Moghniyeh.
It brought him back to life again. At that moment we felt as if Hajj Imad was martyred anew. People had this emotional, spiritual, and moral feeling. The people sympathized with the incidents what brought this matchless, brilliant, and historic leader to the forefront of events again emphasizing that his memory and presence is still the most forceful and supreme in the conscience of the friend and foe who is still haunted by the blood of Imad Moghniyeh and will always be haunted by the blood of Imad Moghniyeh.
Brothers and sisters! On this great and dear day to us and in a show of loyalty to these leader martyrs and as responsible people, we tackle some issues that concern us in Lebanon and some issues that concern us also in the region.
First I will tackle some Lebanese affairs.
First: We are in the month of February in which many incidents took place especially on February 14th. On this occasion, I extend my condolences and consolation to the family of Martyr Premier Rafiq Hariri, his lovers, his party, and his supporters for the sorrowful event of his martyrdom that shook Lebanon and the region, and the repercussions of which are still taking place to our very day. I also extend my consolations to all the families and lovers of all the martyrs - whether men and women - who fell on that day in that painful, sorrowful, and very dangerous incident.
Second: Today and before the danger of terror that is threatening Lebanon and the region, we in Hizbullah support the call for devising a national anti-terror strategy. I believe that the Lebanese political forces and Lebanese leaderships may agree on an enemy that is terrorism. That may not be as difficult as agreeing on a defense strategy in face of "Israel" for, unfortunately, we disagree over another enemy, which is "Israel". Anyway, we support the call for devising a national strategy against terrorism. Now how are we to achieve that?
Now I received the result of whether there was shooting in the air or not as I started my speech. It is supposed that in the compound you haven't heard anything. I thank all our honorable people in Dahiyeh, Beirut, and all regions for abiding by our call and appeal. This is always expected from you, and you always live up to our expectations. We must always cooperate, and Inshallah we will come to an end with this phenomenon so that we don't find ourselves obliged to issue a statement for every ceremony and request from you not to shoot in the air.
We must cooperate as far as this issue is concerned. It is an old tradition in Lebanon to shoot in the air in funerals of martyrs, martyr processions, and in the various occasions, and we must cooperate on the media, cultural, and political levels to put an end to it Inshallah. Many thanks to all those who answered our call and adhered to our recommendations. I am very thankful to you all.
So we are with devising a national anti-terror strategy. Now who is to work on this? It is the government. The parliament presents an initiative. A national unity session may be held. This needs follow up. The mechanism needs discussion. Anyway, in principle, we call for that, and we support that.
The third point has to do with the security plan in Bekaa. We renew our ultimate support for the plan which we believe came late. The security plan must continue and must be activated. So it must not last for a week or two or a month or two. The Bekaa region has been suffering from thieves, criminals, corruptive people who kidnap people to receive ransoms, and outlaws who terrorize people.
We hope that this era had come to an end Inshallah. Between parentheses, I say that there were popular requests that we - Hizbullah, Amal Movement, and the political forces in Bekaa - assume this responsibility but this was not a right step. Here I am telling our people in Bekaa that this is not right and will not be right in the future.
What is right is that the state is the most able and the most competent side of assuming this responsibility which is its obligation in fact. All of us must support and back the army, the security forces, and the government in controlling the security situation. Thus the security plan needs follow up. It was said that the wanted fled. Well that is good. Now let the army and the security forces be aware and serious so that they do not come back. As long as they are away from the region, the region will be free of thieves, criminals, corruptive people, and killers. As such no such things will be tolerated in the future.
Alongside the security plan in Bekaa, two other things are needed. I will only mention topics so that I can cover all the points. The first point is the development plan in Bekaa. If the state wants to control that area, it is not enough to dispatch the army and the security forces. It must develop the area: a hospital, a school, roads, water, electricity, job opportunities and anything possible so that these honorable people live in dignity and stay and stick to their land. The north and especially Akkar needs development and not only security.
The second point is resolving the problem of tens of thousands of people who are wanted for trivial, minor or old offenses. This issue is still unresolved, and it must be addressed after all. It is not right that tens of thousands remain wanted and are arrested on check points for very trivial reasons.
There is a third point which is lurking and upcoming. I will not tackle it in details. I will leave it for another occasion. I will only mention it because we are talking about Bekaa. This will take place when the snow melts. Today on the other side of the eastern mountain range, and in the hills and mountains of Arsal, Daesh and al-Nusra are found. Daesh extends from Libya to all the regions it wishes to be found in until reaching the barren mountains of Arsal. Well, now the mountains are covered with snow. The windy weather and weather conditions have limited or prevented confrontations. However, when the snow melts, there is something waiting to take place there. The state as well as the Lebanese people must decide on how to deal with this threat and danger on the hills and mountains that intimidates the villages and everyone. Man must take a position. When we tackle the regional issues we will return to this topic again. These can easily be defeated but that requires a decision and a national will.
We are coming to that stage, and we must take a position accordingly. Now we are in the month of February. There are storms with many names, and it has become difficult for us to memorize the name of each storm. There is snow, and it is freezing cold. Our brave men are on the top of mountains of elevations between 2000 and 2500 meters. On this occasion, we must renew our tribute to the officers of the Lebanese Army and the security forces as well as to the Resistance men. Also on the other side there are the officers and soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army and the Resistance men. These men in that area are preventing terrorist attacks and preventing dispatching bomb-laden vehicles to the various Lebanese regions. On the Day of the Leader Martyrs, we give all our regards and high-esteem for their patience, determination, and steadfastness in face of storms and freezing snow.
Fourth: On the anniversary of the understanding between Hizbullah and the Free Patriotic Movement which also took place in February, the importance of this great achievement is manifested more and more day after day. Its consequences are also made clear on the political situations in Lebanon and even in the region. That's because one of the most important consequences of the understanding is the impact of the stance related to the Resistance which is a part of all the challenges, consequences, and victories of the region. We call for deepening and strengthening the relationship between Hizbullah and the Free Patriotic Movement. We also call for making similar understandings on the national level. At that time, we dreamed that the very understanding would widen to include the others. Well, some clauses may be sensitive or there might be some pro forma protocols. Let's keep such clauses aside. Any two or three sides or movement may reach an understanding similar to this national understanding in which all of us may join.
So it would not hold the name of Hizbullah or the Free Patriotic Movement. We would rather be among those partaking in making it and inking it. It would be a whole new agreement that includes everything that closes ranks, achieves accord, addresses the dilemmas of dialogue, and ensures great national interests.
Fifth, as for presidential elections, we call for exerting internal efforts in this perspective as there is not any such internal effort in fact. No side is making any move except for remote or insignificant steps. Thus we call for resuming internal national efforts, and it is well known where, how, and with whom. So there is no need to go more into details. The concerned persons are well known. Again I tell all those who care for putting an end to vacuum and for remaking institutions in Lebanon: Do not wait for the changes in the region and foreign changes. Do not wait for the Iranian nuclear file or the US-Iranian talks or the Saudi-Iranian talks. Do not wait for anything in the region. On the contrary, the region is moving towards more crises and confrontations. New fronts are being opened. I will tackle the regional affairs later in my speech.
Previously, we used to say that no one is free enough to be bothered with us. In the future too, no one will be free to be preoccupied with us. So let's not let this vacuum stay for long. If we are serious and independent, sovereign, and a decision-maker in his bloc and can vote for the person of his choice as everyone of us claims to be, let's resume this internal national effort to resolve the issue of presidential elections.
Sixth, regarding the government, we support it and back it in resuming its work. This is a national need. In fact, the Lebanese have no other choice. The alternative is vacuum and forfeiture. I believe that no one agrees on this alternative. There are problems facing the work of the government; we must cooperate to resolve these problems. As for the issue of the mechanism of taking a decision, we will deal positively with some of the presented solutions. Some of these solutions are logical and appropriate, and we call on the forces partaking in the government to deal positively with this issue to overcome this crisis so that the government convene anew, resume its work, and assume its responsibilities.
Seventh, Hizbullah will continue the dialogue with the Future Movement Inshallah as we see that this dialogue has so far led to good and positive results within the ceilings of expectations set at the very beginning. That means from the very beginning, they and we knew the magnitude of expectations. Well, let's not handle this issue on platforms. The expectations are clear. The agenda is agreed upon. It is clear too, and it is within the expectations. Within the agenda, the results are good, and with the seriousness characterizing both sides, we hope we will reach a good and positive result that would be to the interest of Lebanon and all the Lebanese Inshallah. We will move forward in this dialogue. Well some people may bother us; others may be annoyed by the dialogue; some people still talk inappropriately. Still we along with our masses must tolerate and endure all of that to the interest of the country.
The last point on the domestic level has to do with us renewing our encouragement and support to any form of dialogue between any Lebanese political forces no matter under what title it comes or what results it may yield. Even if the results are humble, dialogue remains the best option before us as Lebanese.
This is as far as Lebanon is concerned. Let's move now to the region though through a Lebanese prelude. There is a critical and crucial point which I hope we all would contemplate on. For decades by now and all through the stage we lived and passed through to our very day, there has always been a dispute in Lebanon. There are two logics which you hear in ceremonies and occasions.
The first logic says that we want Lebanon apart from the region and apart from the events taking place in the region. It is the policy of isolating it from what is taking place in the entire region. This policy is against interfering in the affairs of the region. This logic is nice regardless of whether those saying this are committing themselves to it or not. We are talking in theory. In theory, there is a logic that goes against interfering in what is taking place in the region whether on the political, media, or military level. This is the policy of staying apart. Lebanon cannot tolerate interfering. Lebanon's conditions are complicated and difficult. Thus Lebanon must remain away, and it must not be hurled in any of the axes. I reiterate that some sides - no matter who they may be - say so though in practice that may not be the case. That's because many sides in the country may or may not be parts of an axes. They may or may not be interfering in the affairs of the region. This is another field of study.
The other logic theoretically says that is impossible. The logic you are talking about is nice. This Arabic composition you are making is nice; however allow me to say that it is unrealistic. The true status quo, the land, the field, history, geography, demography, security, peace, and livelihood say against that. That is similar to natural phenomena. When a snowy storm is approaching you can't stand in its face and tell it: Cool down. We are Lebanese. We want to stay isolated from storms, snow, and rain. We have our own snow, our own rain, and our own climate. We are a piece from Heaven, and we have nothing to do with anyone else. Well how is this translated into action? Is such logic realistic or right?
Whether the Lebanese like it or not, Lebanon has always been effected by what takes place in the region: the establishment of the state of "Israel" and the usurp of Palestine have had great repercussions on Lebanon and the region. All what takes place in the region has its repercussions on Lebanon. No one can say: Hold on. We cannot tolerate. We do not want to be influenced by your repercussions. Here we have to say. Here one may be logical or illogical. What is the truth? What is the true situation? This is the truth. On the contrary, Lebanon today is under the impact of what is taking place in the region more than in any time in the past. Today the destiny of Lebanon is not made in Lebanon only. Now the fate of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Yemen among other countries is made in the region as a region. No fate is made in one country alone. The region has been molded anew. The entire region was shocked and scattered. It is now being recreated from scratch. Whoever wants to decide the fate of Lebanon must partake in making the fate of the region, and whoever is absent in making the fate of the region is in fact telling others to make our fate as we cannot do anything. No, today the fate of the states in the region is made in the region. Even more, the fate of the world is now being made in the region.
In a while we will start talking about Daesh, Libya, Italy, and Europe. However now and in the light of this labor pain, the fate of entities will be determined. Some entities may continue or stop to exist. On light of this labor pain, some people will continue or stop to exist. Will things remain as such or will there be a kind of rejoining or disintegration, or are we heading to years and decades of destruction? What is the future? All of this is being made in the region? States and peoples in the region as well as the entire world are being influenced by that. No one can say I am Lebanese or whatever. That is unrealistic. The issue is not intellectual luxury or political luxury. The fate of our people and of our country is at stake. Our dignity and the future of our generations are at stake.
In this framework and as a joke I say that in the past, we faced the problem of convincing some Lebanese that we are part of the Arab region, the Levant, the Middle East, and the Arab-"Israeli" struggle when having discussions with them. They used to say that is not the case; Lebanon is an island in the Pacific Ocean. We live at ease, we are not influenced by anything, and we are not concerned with anything. Their stance today has taken a more negative course because we now have to convince them that Lebanon is part of Planet Earth, not of Mars. Today the Globe - the entire Globe - is influenced by what is taking place in the region. This logic has, in fact, always been a point of disagreement that used to cause further disagreements. Well, we approach this issue with such a mentality because we believe that the fate of Lebanon, the fate of the people of Lebanon, the future of Lebanon, the will of Lebanon, the security of Lebanon, the ability to live in Lebanon, and the economy of Lebanon cannot be isolated from the developments and events taking place in the region. When I talk about the region, I will talk in general and not in details.
However, still I have a brief comment which I find appropriate to say. To those who criticize our stance from what is taking place in Bahrain for example saying that such a stance harms the relation with a dear fraternal country called Bahrain I say:
Indeed, Bahrain is a dear fraternal country exactly like any other Arab country is for us. I accept that they criticize our stance, and they have the right to criticize our stance only if they abide by this policy - the policy that goes against interfering in the affairs of others. But that is not accepted from those who interfere in the affairs of another Arab country the relation of which with Lebanon is by far more important and more critical than Lebanon's relations with Bahrain. I mean Syria.
Security, economy, path, horizons, sea, water, people and families are common between Lebanon and Syria. Since the beginning of the events in Syria up till now, some have interfered and even been part of the battle on Syria and its government, regime, army, and the choice of a wide section of its people, and they were part of the media and political war against it. Arms were led in to Syria, and money was paid and is still. Those acting as such pertaining to Syria have no right to criticize our stance on Bahrain. After all, what did we do as far as Bahrain is concerned? We issued a political position. We did not send arms to Bahrain. We did not instigate violence in Bahrain. We did not call for toppling the regime in Bahrain. On the contrary, we always used to back the callers for the peaceful movement, to call for dialogue and reform in Bahrain, to reject violence, and to avoid violent reactions and suppression practiced by the regime.
The stance we took must be met by appreciation by the deaf and blind government of Bahrain. It must be appreciated by everyone who cares for any Arab country. That's because when a political side in any Arab country addresses another Arab country saying:
Your demands are rightful. Resort to peaceful means. Do not head to violence. Go towards dialogue. Accept any settlement.
Such a stance should be highly evaluated. However, because the government in Bahrain is afraid of any rightful word, it is frightened by any call believing {that every cry is against them}. As such it becomes tense and starts threatening you. By what? By expelling the Lebanese from Bahrain. This is the means resorted to by the weak and feeble authorities. Such authorities act as such. They threaten that they will expel the Lebanese in Bahrain if so and so carry on talking in such a way.
Anyway, we are now in the month of February which also witnesses the anniversary of the peaceful, civil, and civilized uprising of the people of Bahrain whom we salute and hail for their patience, steadfastness, awareness, and wisdom.
So whoever gives advice and preaches must first observe them himself. Then we can talk together if we are to observe them or not and whether what we are doing is right or wrong.
I will tackle the situation in the region besides the "Israeli" threat in a couple of words. We will talk about what is new as we do not want to reiterate what is old. The threat and danger represented by the Takfiri current with its most prominent form - Daesh - has been forcefully evident in new fields and domains.
Previously we have said that this is not a threat to some governments only but rather to all governments. It is not a threat to some regimes only but rather to all regimes, entities, peoples, and armies. It is not a threat to religious, or factional, or racial minorities. It is a threat to everyone.
We have said that very early. We also said that it is a threat to Islam as a religion and as a divine mission. Since that day to this day, all the events that took place assert this concept that we have talked about together very early.
Now, the entire world has admitted that yes the Takfiri current under the name of Daesh is posing a threat to the security of the region and to world security. Does anyone in this world argue this point? There is only "Israel" because it does not consider Daesh a threat or a danger. You have seen "Israeli" War Minister Yaalon making an inspection visit to Golan a couple of days ago and saying that Daesh does not pose a threat or danger. He also said that al-Nusra does not pose any threat or danger.
Well, "Israel" alone considers that Daesh and al-Nusra do not pose a threat. Still all world countries consider - even if apparently - that Daesh poses a threat and a danger to the security of the region and to world security. Later on we will talk about al-Nusra.
"Israel" has the right to say that Daesh does not form a threat because all what Daesh had made so far and is still making absolutely serves the interests of "Israel" whether Daesh is aware of that or not.
What is taking place now? New fronts are being opened. There are new forms of brutality and criminality they brought along from Hollywood or from other places. The way in which the Jordanian pilot Maaz Kassabah was burnt is catastrophic. The way in which the oppressed deemed-week Egyptian workers were slaughtered which we saw on TV screens is disgraceful and frightful. Hostages are being slaughtered in such a way. Even more, new fronts are being opened and new targets are being set.
Daesh has nothing to do in Palestine or in al-Quds.
That's why Yaalon says that Daesh forms no threat. In fact, the true and absolute target of Daesh is Mecca and Medina. I call on the brethrens in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to calm down a little. The absolute goal is Mecca and Medina. Today I watched that in the news. I am not very much sure whether new rulers were appointed today or whether they are talking about an old report. I am saying so to be precautious but what I heard today says that Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi - the Caliph of Daesh - appointed a prince on Mecca and ruler on Medina.
So the goal is Mecca and Medina and not al-Quds. It's because the caliphate of Daesh would not be completed without the Two Holy Shrines of
Mecca and Medina.
What did those who slaughtered the Egyptian Copts in Libya said? They said that their goal is Rome! Their options are very remote!
Mecca and Medina remain relatively nearer that Rome. They may say that we can go to Mecca and Medina, and from there we move through Jordan to Palestine. Still they want to go to Rome! What do they have to do in Rome?!
These are new wars and fronts. Whom are they serving? For whose interest are they fighting? Here and for the first time I dare to say: Consider the "Israeli" Mossad, the CIA, and the British intelligence. Previously, we did not pose the theory of a conspiracy. But now we say let's take that into consideration.
Everything that the Takfiri current and Daesh do serves "Israel", "Israel's" hegemony over the region, and the US hegemony over the region.
They are also provoking Europe. Imagine for example that a couple of days ago Italian Defense Minister said: We are ready to lead an international coalition against terrorism in Libya. Between parentheses we ask the Italian Defense minister: Why do you want to lead an international attack on terrorism in Libya?
Listen very well to the answer of the Italian Defense Minister. I hope that March 14 Bloc would hear the answer very well. It is because "terrorism is now only 350 kilometers away from the Italian border." She says only 350 kilometers.
The Defense Minister, Italy, and the European Union are civilized, and still they are thinking of staging a military action against Libya because terrorism is now 350 kilometers away. As for us, terrorism is on the barren mountains at the border, in al-Qseir and Qalamoun. Terrorism is on our hills and in bomb-laden cars. Still some parties are arguing whether I am right or wrong.
Before this status quo which is in fact not exaggerated, there is a truth called a true serious danger.
The threat was in Syria. Now it is in Syria and Iraq. It also reached Libya. Also in Sinaa they say that Ansar Beit Al Maqdes has pledged allegiance to Daesh or something of this sort. Similar things are taking place in other places too. Today in Tunisia, there is a state of full mobilization. In Yemen, a branch of al-Qaeda had pledged allegiance to Daesh Caliph and are proceeding and occupying camps in southern provinces in the country.
There is a true threat. They are slaughtering and killing. These are not films. They are producing true films. It is absolutely sure that their mind, spirit, and brutality come from Hollywood. This is the culture of Hollywood.
What is the culture of Hollywood? Is there anything other than killing and slaughtering? Is this from here, from the Orient, from Islam, from Christianity, from prophets, from the caliphs, from the companions of the Prophet, or from the Household of the Prophet (Peace be upon them)? God forbids. It is not from any of these.
The origin of what we are seeing now before our eyes on TV screens is clear. In face of this danger which is threatening everyone, we call on the peoples and the governments of the region to join efforts to confront this vast, dangerous, terrorist Takfiri threat.
I reiterate that we are all able to defeat this threat as well as to defeat those standing behind it whether the "Israeli" Mossad, the Americans or the English.
Brothers and sisters! The strategies followed by the international coalition and the international community are minor - that is if we thought good of them. If we thought bad of them, we wonder whether they really want to get rid of Daesh or not. Let's be serious. I will refer to this again in a separate clause. Thus the nation, the peoples of the nation, the governments, the scholars, the political parties, the resisting forces, and the armies are all concerned in confronting this threat which is the most dangerous threat except for the "Israeli" threat.
Thus I have a couple of clauses to say briefly.
Clause One: The intellectual, political, media, and field confrontation of this Takfiri current must be considered a kind of defense - a defense of Islam. It is not anymore a defense of a definite axis or regime or state or faction or sect or minority. They are threatening everyone. They are threatening Islam above all.
I hope that everyone understands very well what I am saying. Any conduct made by a Muslim who claims to be a Muslim that disagrees with human nature cannot be from Islam. It is impossible to be from Islam. Allah Al Mighty says {So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith (establish) Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind; no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allah: that is the standard Religion}. This is the nature which does not change since Allah created man}.
From the very beginning to Doom's Day there is one and only one human nature. {That is the standard Religion}. The standard religion is the religion that agrees and is in harmony with human nature. Such deeds which sicken the minds, hearts, and spirits and which all humanity with its various and diversified doctrinal and political ideas, visions and directions loathes cannot be Islamic deeds or deeds pertaining to any religion.
So this battle is a battle in defense of Islam. And today, I will tell you with pride: As we form or consider ourselves part of this battle in face of this Takfiri current, we consider ourselves defending the Islam of Mohammad Bin Abdullah (Peace be upon him and his Household). We are not defending Shiites, Sunnites, this sect, or that sect.
Everyone knows that when the battle becomes a battle in defense of the religion of Allah Al Mighty and of the sanctities of Allah, then our sacrifices will have no limits, our patience will have no limits, our tolerance will have no limits, and our willingness to go to the end is with no limits as our Master Imam Abu Abdullah Al Hussein did in Karbala.
Here I am saying that we are doing so. I further call on everyone - on all Muslims - to defend their religion no matter if they are scholars, authorities, journalists, or authors. So arms are not a must. The worst deformation in human history for a divine religion is what Daesh is perpetrating now. No such thing ever took place in history.
Second: The entire world - or at least the states in our region which are living this threat and this danger - must tell some regional states which are still supporting Daesh with arms, money, facilities, and media that the game is over. Apparently such satellite channels may not seem to be defending Daesh. But if you listen carefully, you find that in fact they are defending Daesh. I am not going to explain this now. The game is over. The region, the peoples of the region, and the governments of the region will not be able to tolerate this level of criminality and brutality which is being perpetrated in the name of Islam against all the peoples of the region.
Third: This is a very important point. I will be frank and mention names. We must not fool ourselves or allow anyone to fool us by trying to differentiate between Daesh and al-Nusra Front. As we have always said in the past. I do not want to reiterate. They are one reality. They have the same essence, ideology, culture, spirit, goal, conduct, and goal. I hope that one of the Lebanese or the Arabs would explain to us the difference between al-Nusra and Daesh. How is Daesh a terrorist and al-Nusra Front rebels? I wish I can find someone especially in Lebanon who may explain this to us on the TV or when sitting with our brethrens.
We must not be fooled. They are the very current. Their dispute was organizational. It was over leadership. However, the outcome is one and the same. Thus today, there are calls to confront the Takfiri currents with no discrimination. That is true. This is a sound stance. As for Jordan, it cannot fight Daesh in Iraq and support al-Nusra Front in Syria. Some Gulf countries cannot partake in an international coalition to fight Daesh in Iraq while offering money, arms, capabilities, and facilities to al-Nusra Front. Al-Nusra is, in fact, the other face of Daesh. The entire current which poses a real threat must be confronted.
Fourth: The governments in the region and the states in the region must limit and address the ongoing struggles. We must help, and we must take initiatives too. Some may say that I am exaggerating in my theories. However, after all, we must be responsible when talking about this stage. What can we do or what can others do? I do not know. Today there are two priorities: The priority to confront the Zionist scheme which is proceeding in Palestine in demolishing houses and building settlements and in threatening Gaza and the region. The second priority is the Takfiri scheme which is threatening us all. Well, this must be a priority too. This means that we must be realistic in the other files too.
Some Arab countries, especially Gulf countries, must approach the region's problems in a different manner, because they are in the circle of danger. So do not {be led by arrogance to perpetrate more crimes}. Do not get agitated and nurture anger and grudge. Cool down and sit and contemplate. After all, in Iraq for example, the Iraqi people, the Iraqi troops, the Kurd troops, the Shiite as well as the Sunnite tribes fought Daesh and rendered it inactive. In fact, they prevented Daesh from reaching Kuwait. They prevented Daesh from reaching Saudi Arabia. Otherwise, its eyes are not on Baghdad only. Its eyes are on Mecca and Medina as we said before. So approach Iraq from another perspective.
Today in Iraq there is a political operation. The Shiites, Sunnites, and Kurds met one way or another. At times, there are some flaws. At times, crimes take place. However, instead of instigating sectarian and factional ordeals in Iraq through your satellite channels, do play an active role in keeping the Iraqis united together that they would be able to prevent Daesh from expanding again and to be able to confront and crush Daesh. The Iraqis are defending you as well as your thrones and oil.
You have to approach Iraq in a different way. Enough with your Sunnite-Shiite-sectarian grudge.
You also failed to achieve your goals in Yemen. Search for the reasons behind your failure after you have spent billions of dollars. Power is not found on financial corruption through buying consciences....
Still, you can approach Yemen in a different way. Today, there is a true popular revolution which cannot be ignored. In fact, this revolution is standing in face of al-Qaeda and Daesh that are threatening all of you. All of these documents talk about al-Qaeda's original scheme which was to control Yemen and Syria and thereof move to Mecca and Medina. O rulers of the Gulf. If you do not want to read, don't you have people who may read for you? Why don't you read a little?
Approaching Yemen is not to the effect of pushing Yemen towards an internal explosion or to the effect of instigating the Yemenis against each other or to the effect of seeking help from the Security Council in face of the Yemeni people or a large section of the Yemeni people. The approach must be peaceful and quiet. Ansarullah and its leadership are brave, wise, aware, and responsible enough to lead dialogue and make agreements. As such the entire situation would be under control. As for agitation and wrath, that would lead Yemen to unfavorable results, and the Gulf countries will pay the price for that because they will turn Yemen to a neighboring volcano and they will widen the field where Al Qaeda and Daesh act.
As for Bahrain, go and talk with Al Khalifa Monarchy. Let them calm down a little and act reasonably. Let them stop acting with suppression and open the gate for dialogue. Let them set the detainees free. The people in Bahrain want a settlement and reforms. Indeed some people in Bahrain do not accept what I am saying. But the majority does.
Let's move to Syria now. The game is over in Syria. The continuation fighting in Syria is just a stubborn act to the effect that some said a word and they want their word to be done even if all of Syria was ruined and casualties increased.
Be realistic in viewing the status quo in Syria. Open the gate for a political solution. Allow the opposition to partake in a settlement. Here I do not mean the Takfiri opposition which is not allowed to partake in a settlement. The regime is ready to partake in a settlement. Let's see if it's possible for people to calm down a little, sit together and address the affairs of the region. So we can create a situation that helps all sides to confront the danger that is threatening everyone.
Even in Lebanon, lift the veto on the presidential issue and allow the Lebanese to sit down and negotiate to reach an agreement over a president and over the entire composition in the country. What is the problem in that? In another word as far as this clause is concerned, do us a favor and allow the people reorganize their priorities and act accordingly.
Fifth: The peoples of the region and the governments of the region must not wait for an international strategy or a NATO strategy or an American strategy or anything of this sort.
They must take the initiative as we did in Syria, in Lebanon, in Iraq, and as initiatives are being taken in more than one Arab country. We must take the initiative to confront this current, and we must not allow it to expand, gain power, and become deep-rooted and the like.
Saying that America wants to get rid of Daesh is disputable. Who says that America wants to get rid of Daesh? Have a look at the status quo and see how it is to the interest of America under the pretext of America defending the states of the region. This is a conspiracy of regimes. They lowered the price of oil and opened the fire on themselves and on all their friends and foes.
It is robbing the oil of the region and the wealth of the region. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being robbed under the pretext of the burden of war of the international coalition troops. Through Daesh only, America is robbing our oil and our wealth.
America is exhausting us as well as our armies, peoples, states, and nerves.
Through Daesh, America is planting grudges and enmities which might not end in decades. It is ruining the entire region for its interest and for the interest of keeping "Israel" powerful, prominent, and protected.
Why is America in a hurry? In best cases, if America finds out that it wants to get rid of Daesh, it can still do that slowly and later on when the American presidential elections approach. So why should it get rid of Daesh now? When the American presidential elections are due, they would make several moves and hit Daesh so that the Democratic Party wins. So the knife of Daesh must remain on our neck ~ we the Iraqis, the Syrians, the Lebanese whom Daesh is at their borders in Qalamoun, Irsal barren mountains, the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Tunisians, the Yemenis, and all the peoples of the region ~ until the American presidential elections approach to know whether the Americans want to make any move in this perspective.
Brothers and sisters! Those who bet on the Americans are bargaining on a mirage.
How do you bet on the very side which robs you, conspires against you, and had fabricated these and dispatched them to you? It is not allowed that we wait for the Americans or the international community. Act as the resistance acted.
The Resistance of Imam Sayyed Mussa Sadre, the resistance of the Lebanese, the Lebanese resistance, the national resistance, the Islamic resistance, the resistance of Sayyed Abbass, Sheikh Ragheb, and Hajj Abbass, the resistance in Lebanon, the resistance in Gaza, and the resistance in Palestine did not wait for a united Arab strategy or a united international strategy and still the resistance made victory.
Why are we to wait for the Americans? We will not wait for the Americans or the NATO. In Iraq, they did not wait. In Iraq, the religious authority, scholars, the government, the army, the security forces, and popular masses that included Shiites, Sunnites, Kurds, and tribes held arms and fought. So far, the Americans haven't handed them the arms they paid for beforehand. The arms and the ammunition come from Iran and from other sources.
They did not wait for anyone. They defeated Daesh in Diala Province; they defeated it in most provinces - Salaheddine and Jarf Sakher; now they are defeating it in Anbar; and they will defeat it in Mosel. Why not?
In Syria too, this is taking place. It is taking place every day with the good Daesh and the bad Daesh because they are both Daesh whether in al-Qseir, Qalamoun, or Irsal barren mountains.
So it is not allowed to wait for anyone. We must take the initiative. We must assume the responsibility. Thus I have something to say. You will find what I will say strange. It is in fact the conclusion we draw from this look over the situation of the region. I tell those who call on us to withdraw from Syria: I in my turn call on you to join us in going to Syria.
I further call on you to go to Iraq too. We did not talk about Iraq previously though we are humbly present there now in this first and critical stage. Let's go together to Iraq too.
They may say that I am going too far but I will say it anyway. Let's go to any place to confront this threat that is threatening our nation and our region because as such we will be defending Lebanon and the people of Lebanon. This is the way major powers, decent states, and strong armies in the world act.
However, we will not take you to Ukraine!
On the light of the situation in the region, let's reconsider and discuss your logic as well as our logic and your evidence as well as our evidence. Let no one be afraid that in case things are settled in Syria, the Syrian rule will return. This is part of the past, and you know all the conditions that accompanied this past. You know it better than we do. There is no need to put such fears before true and serious dangers that threaten us all.
I call for coordination between the Lebanese Army and the Arab Syrian Army before the snow melts on the eastern mountain range borders. I call on the Lebanese government to coordinate with the Syrian government as per the refugees, the displaced, and security.
Today the danger is by far greater than any party, sectarian, or factional considerations. In this framework, we also call for a comprehensive view to this issue.
It is our fate to fight in defense of Lebanon and the nation since 1982. We were young men then. Our beards were not visible yet. However, we assumed this responsibility, and we proceeded. Some among us were martyred, and we continued in our path from 1982 to 2000 to 2006.
Today, on the path of our leader martyrs - the symbol of our steadfastness and victory - the caravans of martyrs move along to make victory with their blood. The Resistance has always been and will always be the answer. We will always assume the responsibility and make victories with our steadfastness, blood, and inspiration from our leader martyrs - Sayyed Abbass, Sheikh Ragheb, Hajj Imad, Um Yasser, and all the martyrs until {Allah commands; and He is the best to command}. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

By Paul Craig Roberts
February 17, 2015
With the eyes
of the world focused on the war in Ukraine and the stalemate in the talks
between the Greeks and the EU, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul
Craig Roberts, explained to King World News why Russian President, Vladimir
Putin, has just warned the West that it faces terrifying consequences.
Former U.S.
Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:
“The U.S. demonization of Russia and Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has resulted in alienating those Russians who were supportive of the West and the United States. The constant demonization of Russia and Putin has galvanized the Russian people behind their president.
Just today it
was reported that Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has a staggering 85
percent approval rating in Russia. No politician in the West or anywhere
else in the world has approval numbers anywhere close to that. So the
West has completely and utterly failed in its attempt to force a change in
political leadership in Russia.
Humiliated and Defeated
Now the
question is: What about Ukraine? The Ukrainian military has failed
in eastern Ukraine. The pro-Russian people and their forces have defeated
the Ukrainian Army on all fronts and the Ukrainian military is thoroughly
demoralized and humiliated.
Breaking Rules to Support Bankrupt Ukraine’s War Effort
Now the
question becomes: What about the survival of the Ukrainian government?
Under their own rules, the IMF cannot lend to countries that are at war.
The IMF is not supposed to have their funds used to support a war effort or to
enter a conflict on the side of one party.
The IMF also
is not supposed to lend to bankrupt countries. Well, Ukraine is clearly
bankrupt. But Western institutions are following Washington’s lead and
since Washington is lawless, all entities in the West are becoming lawless.
Merkel and
Hollande Worried
chess master Putin may simply be waiting until Ukraine collapses economically
and militarily later this year. Ukraine is now facing economic and military
collapse and Merkel and Hollande are desperately trying to stop Washington from
worsening the crisis. They have realized that Washington doesn’t care
about Europe's fate or the risks to which Washington subjects Europeans as
Washington strives for hegemony over Russia.
War With
Russia an Act Of Suicide
Europe has
realized that Washington is pushing them into a war. Germany and France
know that a war with Russia would be an act of suicide. They are not
going to go along with that. They are distancing themselves from
Washington’s aggressive policies.
Warns West of Terrifying Consequences
Russia just
conducted their largest nuclear drills in history. Putin is reminding the
West that Russia will not sacrifice its national interests to Washington's
demands. Putin can’t allow Russia to be attacked. The only way
Russia can be attacked is if military arms flow through Europe to the eastern
front. Putin has made it clear with his nuclear exercises that this will
have dire consequences for Europe.
Putin is
letting the European governments know that if they enable Washington’s
aggression against Russia, then they are at risk. In other words, Putin
will not allow Europe to enable Washington to bring war to Russia with no
consequences to Europe.”
ED Noor: A Few Closing Chuckles for an Extremely Serious Situation (because at times, all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of this folly that could surely be the destruction of us all.)
ED Noor: A Few Closing Chuckles for an Extremely Serious Situation (because at times, all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of this folly that could surely be the destruction of us all.)

ED Noor: This is not a new article but it is definitely worth posting. After all, March 2015 Education and Sharing Day, USA, is right around the corner. I had no idea just how deeply ingrained this “special day” is, having thought it was only signed in during the Daddy Bush presidency. It is much older than that. Those of you who are familiar with the contents of this blog will know much of what is being discussed here; Chabad Lubavitch should be fairly common ground. It cannot be stressed just how criminal the activities of this organization are when they are put under scrutiny, as so many continue to be by international law enforcement.
ED Noor: This is not a new article but it is definitely worth posting. After all, March 2015 Education and Sharing Day, USA, is right around the corner. I had no idea just how deeply ingrained this “special day” is, having thought it was only signed in during the Daddy Bush presidency. It is much older than that. Those of you who are familiar with the contents of this blog will know much of what is being discussed here; Chabad Lubavitch should be fairly common ground. It cannot be stressed just how criminal the activities of this organization are when they are put under scrutiny, as so many continue to be by international law enforcement.
By Alison Weir
Originally posted; April 07, 2014
If things
proceed normally, President Barak Obama will soon proclaim April 11, 2014 “Education and
Sharing Day, U.S.A.” Despite the innocuous name, this day honours the memory of
a religious leader whose lesser-known teachings help fuel some of the most
violent attacks against Palestinians by extremist Israeli settlers and
The leader
being honoured on this day is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, charismatic
head of a mystical/fundamentalist version of Judaism. Every year since 1978, a
Presidential Proclamation, often accompanied by a Congressional Resolution (the 1990 one had
219 sponsors), has declared Schneerson’s
birthday an official national day of observance.
first passed a Resolution honoring Schneerson in 1975. Three years later a Joint Congressional Resolution called on
President Jimmy Carter to proclaim “Education Day, U.S.A.” on the anniversary
of Schneerson’s birth. The idea was to set aside a day to honour both education
and the alleged educational work of Schneerson and the religious sect he headed
Carter, like
Congress, dutifully obeyed the Schneerson-initiated resolution, as has
every president since. And some individual states are now enacting their
own observances of Schneerson’s birthday, with Minnesota and Alabama leading the way.
and his movement are an extremely mixed bag.
has been praised widely for a public persona and organization that emphasized “deep compassion and insight,” worked to
bring many secular Jews “back” into the fold, created numerous schools around
the world, and had offered, in the words of the Jewish
Virtual Library, “social-service programs and humanitarian aid to all people,
regardless of religious affiliation or background.”
there is also a less attractive underside often at odds with such public
perceptions. And some of the more extreme parts of Schneerson’s teachings ~
such as that Jews are a completely different species than non-Jews, and that
non-Jews exist only to serve Jews ~ have been largely hidden, it appears, even
from many who consider themselves his followers.
As we will
see, such views profoundly impact the lives of Palestinians living ~ and dying ~
under Israeli occupation and military invasions.
Who was Rabbi Schneerson?
lived from 1902 to 1994 and oversaw the growth of what is now the largest Jewish organization in the world. The religious movement he led is
known as “Chabad-Lubavitch,” (sometimes just called
“Lubavitch” or “Chabad,” the name of its organizational
arm). Schneerson was the seventh and final Lubavitcher “Rebbe” (sacred leader).
He is often simply called “the Rebbe.”
Founded in
the late 1700s and originally based in the Polish-Russian town of Lubavitch, it is the largest of about a
dozen forms of “Hasidism,” a version of Orthodox Judaism connected to
mysticism, characterized by devotion to a dynastic leader, and whose adherents
often wear distinctive clothing. (Spellings of these terms can vary; Hasid is
also written as Hassid, Chasid, etc.)
There is an
extreme cult of personality focused on Schneerson himself. Some followers
consider him the Messiah, and Schneerson himself reportedly sometimes implied this was
true. Some Lubavitch educators consider him divine, making such claims as, “the Rebbe is actually ‘the
essence and being [of God] … he is without limits, capable of effecting
anything, all-knowing and a proper object of worshipful prostration.”
While many
secular Jews and Jews from other denominations
disagree with its actions and theology, Chabad-Lubavitch is generally
acknowledged to be a powerful force in Jewish life today.
According to a 1994 New York Times report,
it is “one of the most influential and controversial forces in world Jewry.”
There are
approximately 3,600 Chabad institutions in over 1,000 cities
in 70 countries, and 200,000 adherents. Up to a million people attend Chabad
services at least once a year. Numerous campuses have such centers and the Chabad
website states
that hundreds of thousands of children attend Chabad summer camps.
According to
the Times, Schneerson “presided over a
religious empire that reached from the back streets of Brooklyn to the main streets
of Israel and by 1990 was taking in an estimated $100 million a year in
In the U.S.,
the Times reports, Schneerson’s “‘mitzvah tanks’ ~ converted campers
that are rolling recruiting stations whose purpose is to draw Jews to the
Lubavitch way ~ roamed streets from midtown Manhattan to Crown Heights. And the
Lubavitchers’ Brooklyn-based publishing house claimed to be the world’s largest
distributor of Jewish books.”
While Chabad
sometimes openly teaches that “the soul of the Jew is
different than the soul of the non-Jew,” Schneerson’s specific teachings on
this subject are largely unknown.
Quite likely
very few Americans, both Jews and non-Jews, are aware of Schneerson’s teachings
about the alleged deep differences between them ~ and about how these teachings
are applied in the West Bank and Gaza.
Let us look
at Schneerson’s words, as quoted by two respected Jewish professors, Israel
Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, in their book Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (text available online here. This book, praised by Noam Chomsky,
Edward Said, and many others is essential reading for anyone who truly wishes
to understand modern day Israel-Palestine. (Brackets in the quotes below are in
the translations by Shahak and Mezvinsky.)


“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”Most people don’t know about this aspect of Schneerson’s teaching because, according to Shahak and Mezvinsky, such teachings are intentionally minimized, mistranslated, or hidden entirely.
“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”
“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist; a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”
“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

Shahak, (right) an
Israeli professor who was a survivor of the Nazi holocaust, writes that this
lack of translation of an important work is not unusual, explaining that much
critical information about Israel and some forms of Judaism is available only
in Hebrew.
He and
co-author Mezvinsky, who was a Connecticut Distinguished University Professor
who taught at Central Connecticut State University, write,
“The great majority of the books on Judaism and Israel, published in English especially, falsify their subject matter.”
According to
Shahak and Mezvinsky, “Almost every moderately sophisticated Israeli Jew knows
the facts about Israeli Jewish society that are described in this book. These
facts, however, are unknown to most interested Jews and non-Jews outside Israel
who do not know Hebrew and thus cannot read most of what Israeli Jews write
about themselves in Hebrew.”
In Shahak’s
earlier book, Jewish
Religion, Jewish History, he provides a number of examples.
In one, he describes a 1962 book published in Israel in a bilingual edition.
The Hebrew text was on one page, with the English translation on the facing
Shahak describes one set of facing pages in which
the Hebrew text of a major Jewish code of laws contained a command to
exterminate Jewish infidels: “It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own
hands.” The English version on the facing page softened it to “It is a duty to
take active measures to destroy them.’”
The Hebrew
page then went on to name which “infidels” must be exterminated, adding “may
the name of the wicked rot.” Among them was Jesus of Nazareth. The facing page
with the English translation failed to tell any of this.
“Even more
significant,” Shahak reports, “in spite of the wide circulation of this book
among scholars in the English-speaking countries, not one of them has, as far
as I know, protested against this glaring deception.”
Praised by Said, Chomsky, etc., Shahak is almost unknown today. This pattern
of selective omission, it seems, applies to Shahak himself, whose work is
largely unknown to Palestine activists today, even though he was considered a
major figure in the struggle against Israeli oppression of Palestinians, and
his work was praised by diverse writers.
While Shahak
was alive, Noam Chomsky called him “an outstanding scholar,” and said he had
“remarkable insight and depth of knowledge. His work is informed and
penetrating, a contribution of great value.”
Edward Said
wrote, “Shahak is a very brave man who should be honoured for his services to
humanity … One of the most remarkable individuals in the contemporary Middle
East.” Said wrote a forward for Shahak’s Jewish History, Jewish Religion.
Catholic New
Times said: ‘This is a remarkable book …[It] deserves a
wide readership, not only among Jews, but among Christians who seek a fuller
understanding both of historical Judaism and of modern-day Israel.”
Socialist stated: “Anyone who wants to change the Jewish
community so that it stops siding with the forces of reaction should read this
The London
Review of Books called Shahak’s book “remarkable, powerful, and
If they did,
it’s hard to believe that Americans would allow $8.5
million per day of their tax money to be given to Israel,
where such teachings underlie a powerful minority that is disproportionately
influential in governmental actions.
Nor is it
likely that a fully informed American public would allow donations to religious
institutions in Israel that teach supremacist, sometimes violent doctrines to
be tax-deductible in the U.S.
organization raised over $10 million tax-deductible dollars in the
U.S. in 2011 alone ~ removing money from the U.S. economy and enabling illegal,
aggressive Israeli settlements in Palestine. And some of this money went to
benefit individuals convicted of murder ~ including the murderer of Israeli
Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
The New York Times obituary on Schneerson reported that Schneerson was “a major political
force in Israel, both in the Knesset and among the electorate,” but failed to
describe the nature of his impact.
One of a
sprinkling of writers willing to publicly discuss Shahak and Mezvinsky’s
findings is Allan Brownfeld, who is less reticent. Brownfeld is editor of the
American Council for Judaism’s periodical Issues and contributor to the Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs.
In a review of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, Brownfeld describes Schneerson’s views on Israel:
“Rabbi Schneerson always supported Israeli wars and opposed any retreat. In 1974 he strongly opposed the Israeli withdrawal from the Suez area. He promised Israel divine favours if it persisted in occupying the land.”
reports that after Schneerson’s death,
“[T]housands of his Israeli followers played an important role in the election victory of Binyamin Netanyahu. Among the religious settlers in the occupied territories, the Chabad Hassids constitute one of the most extreme groups. Baruch Goldstein, the mass murderer of Palestinians, was one of them.”
Another such
Chabad Hassid is Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg (also sometimes written as “Ginzburg”
and “Ginsburgh”), who studied under Schneerson in Crown Heights and who heads
up a major Chabad institution in the West Bank.
praised Goldstein, the murderer of 29 Palestinians while they were praying, and
considers all non-Jews subhuman.
According to
author Motti Inbari, Ginsburg “gives prominence to Halachic and Kabbalistic
approaches that emphasize the distinction between Jew and non-Jew (Gentile),
imposing a clear separation and hierarchy in this respect.”
In his book Jewish Fundamentalism and the Temple Mount: Who Will Build
the Third Temple? Inbari
states, “[Ginsburg] claims that while the Jews are the Chosen People and were
created in God’s image, the Gentiles do not have this status and are
effectively considered subhuman.”
Professor Inbari, an Israeli academic who now
teaches in the U.S., writes that Ginsburg’s theological approach continues
“certain perceptions that were popular in medieval times.”
“For example,” Inbari writes, “the commandment ‘You shall not murder’ does not apply to the killing of a Gentile, since ‘you shall not murder’ relates to the murder of a human, while for him the Gentiles do not constitute humans.”
reports, “Similarly, Ginzburg stated that, on the theoretical level, if a Jew
requires a liver transplant to survive, it would be permissible to seize a
Gentile and take their liver forcefully.”
While the
mainstream American press almost never reports this kind of information, an
April 26, 1996 article in Jewish Week by Lawrence
Cohler reported on Ginsburg’s teachings, including their problematic roots in
Jewish texts.
reported that a professor of Bible at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Rabbi
Moshe Greenberg, “called for radically revising Jewish thinking about some
Jewish texts on the grounds that scholars such as Rabbi Ginsburgh are far from
aberrant in their use of them.”
quoted Greenberg’s concerns: “‘There’ll be a statement in Talmud… made in
circumstances where it’s purely theoretical, because Jews then never had the
power to do it,’ he explained. And now, he said, ‘It’s carried over into
circumstances where Jews have a state and are empowered.’”
A rabbi
associated with Ginsburg coauthored a notorious Israeli book, The King’s Torah, which claims that
Jewish law at times permits the killing of non-Jewish infants. American donations to
the Chabad school Ginsburg heads up, and that published the above book, are tax-deductible in the U.S. Ginsburg, who
endorses the book, teaches classes throughout Israel, the U.S. and France.
extremism is opposed by the majority of Israelis, and major Jewish religious
authorities condemn it, a Chief Rabbi, for example, stating: “’According to the Torah, every
man is created in God’s image.”
Yet, such
extremist views continue to exert a powerful influence.Israeli military manuals echo extremist teachings: “kill even good
military manuals sometimes replicate extremist teachings. For example, a booklet
authored by a Chief Chaplain stated, “In war, when our forces storm the enemy,
they are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good
civilians…” Such teachings by the IDF rabbinate were prominent during
Israel’s 2008-9 attack on Gaza that killed 1,400
Gazans, approximately half of them civilians.
(The Palestinian resistance killed nine Israelis during this “war.”)
writer Stephen Lendman has described these teachings, giving a number
of examples.
writes, “In 2007, Israel’s former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the
Israeli army to mass-murder Palestinians:
“If they don’t stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1000. And if they don’t stop after 1000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don’t stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million.”
reports that some extremist Israeli rabbis teach that “the ten commandments
don’t apply to non-Jews. So killing them in defending the homeland is
acceptable, and according to the chairman of the Jewish Rabbinic Council:
“‘There is no such thing as enemy civilians in war time. The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them…. A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail.’”
writes, “Rabbi David Batsri called Arabs ‘a blight, a devil, a disaster….
donkeys, and we have to ask ourselves why God didn’t create them to walk on all
fours. Well, the answer is that they are needed to build and clean.’”
Another such rabbi is Manis Friedman, a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi inspired by Schneerson who served as the simultaneous translator for a series of Schneerson’s talks. (Friedman is currently dean of a Jewish Studies institute in Minnesota.)
Another such rabbi is Manis Friedman, a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi inspired by Schneerson who served as the simultaneous translator for a series of Schneerson’s talks. (Friedman is currently dean of a Jewish Studies institute in Minnesota.)
A 2009
article in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reports, “Like the best
Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis, Manis Friedman has won the hearts of many unaffiliated
Jews with his charismatic talks about love and God; it was Friedman who helped
lead Bob Dylan into a relationship with Chabad.
Friedman, who today travels the country as a Chabad speaker, showed a less warm
and cuddly side when he was asked how he thinks Jews should treat their Arab
In Moment
magazine’s article, “Ask the Rabbis // How Should Jews Treat Their Arab
Neighbors?” Friedman answered:
“I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.“The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).”
reports, “Views like these aren’t exceptions. Though a minority, they
proliferate throughout Israeli society…”
They also,
Lendman notes, work to prevent peace in Israel-Palestine.
Shahak and
Mezvinsky note that when the book containing Schneerson’s statements quoted
above about Jews and non-Jews was published in Israel, he was allied to the
Labor Party and his movement had been provided “many important benefits” from
the Israeli government.
In the
mid-1970s Schneerson decided that the Labor Party was too moderate and shifted
his support to the more right-wing parties in power today. The authors report,
“Ariel Sharon was the Rebbe’s favorite Israeli senior politician. Sharon in
turn praised the Rebbe publicly and delivered a moving speech about him in the
Knesset after the Rebbe’s death.”
Coming to an America near you.

decries the fact that few Americans are properly informed about the
fundamentalist movement in Israel “and the theology upon which it is based.”
He notes
that Jewish Americans, in particular, are often unaware of the “narrow
ethnocentrism which is promoted by the movement’s leading rabbis, or of the
traditional Jewish sources they are able to call upon in drawing clear
distinctions between the moral obligations owed to Jews and non-Jews.”
that Jews are superior and gentiles inferior were contained in some of the
earliest Hassidic texts, including its classic text, “Tanya,” still taught today.
quotes statements by “the revered father of the messianic tendency of Jewish fundamentalism,” Rabbi Kook the Elder, and states that these were derived from
earlier texts. [Kook, incidentally, was also an early Zionist, who helped push for the Balfour
Declaration in England before moving to Palestine. He was the uncle of Hillel
Kook, an agent who went by the name “Peter Bergson” and created front groups in
the U.S. for a violent Zionist guerilla group that operated in 1930s and '40s
Brownfeld quotes Kook: “The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews ~ all of them in all different levels ~ is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.”
explains that Kook’s teaching, which he says is followed by leaders of the
settler movement in the occupied West Bank, “is based upon the Lurianic
Cabbala, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late
16th to the early 19th century.”
Shahak and
Mezvinsky state,
“One of the basic tenets of the Lurianic Cabbala is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. According to the Lurianic Cabbala, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews; the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary.”
Shahak and Mezvinsky report that this aspect is often covered up in
English-language discussions. Scholarly authors of books about Jewish mysticism
and the Lurianic Cabbala, they write, have frequently “wilfully omitted
reference to such ideas.”
Shahak and
Mezvinsky write that it is essential to understand these beliefs in order to
understand the current situation in the West Bank, where many of the most
militant West Bank settlers are motivated by religious ideologies in which
every non-Jew is seen as “the earthly embodiment” of Satan,
and according to the Halacha (Jewish law), the term ‘human beings’ refers solely to Jews.”
author and former chief of Israeli military intelligence Yehoshafat Harkabi
touches on this in his 1988 book Israel’s Fateful Hour.
writes that while such extremist beliefs are not “widely dominant,” the reality
is that “nationalistic religious extremists are by no means a lunatic fringe;
many are respected men whose words are widely heeded.”
He reports
that the campus rabbi of a major Israeli university published an article in the
student newspaper entitled “The Commandment of Genocide in the Torah,” in which
he implied that those who have a quarrel with Jews “ought to be destroyed,
children and all.” Harkabi writes that a book by another rabbi “explained that
the killing of a non-Jew is not considered murder.”
writes, “Although messianic fundamentalists constitute a relatively small
portion of the Israeli population [most Israeli settlers are motivated by the
subsidized lifestyle US tax money to Israel provides], their political
influence has been growing. If they have contempt for non-Jews, their hatred
for Jews who oppose their views is even greater.”
cites the murder of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who had started to
make peace with the Palestinians, writing that it was just one “in a long line
of murders of Jews who followed a path different from that ordained by rabbinic
authorities.” Brownfeld reports that Shahak and Mezvinsky “cite case after
case, from the Middle Ages until the 19th century.”
The authors
report, “It was usual in some Hasidic circles until the last quarter of the
nineteenth century to attack and often to murder Jews who had reform religious
They quote a long article by Israeli writer Rami
Rosen, “History of a Denial,” published by Ha’aretz Magazine in 1996.
This article, which cannot be found online, at least in English, is also cited
in the book Brother Against Brother: Violence
and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination,
by Israeli professor Ehud Sprinzak.
In his Ha’aretz
article Rosen reported:
“A check of main facts of the [Jewish] historiography of the last 1500 years shows that the picture is different from the one previously shown to us. It includes massacres of Christians; mock repetitions of the crucifixion of Jesus that usually took place on Purim; cruel murders within the family; liquidation of informers, often done for religious reasons by secret rabbinical courts, which issued a sentence of ‘pursuer’ and appointed secret executioners; assassinations of adulterous women in synagogues and/or the cutting of their noses by command of the rabbis.”
Rosen’s article may seem shocking, in reality, it simply shows that members of
the Jewish population, like members of Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and diverse
other populations, have at times committed atrocities, sometimes allegedly in
the name of their religion. The difference, as Shahak and Mezvinsky point out,
is that such information is largely covered up in the U.S. Such cover-ups,
however, don’t make facts go away. They merely bury them, where they smoulder
and at times eventually lead to exaggerated perceptions.
U.S. media
rarely report that some extremist Israeli settlers
are intensely hostile to Christians, and in one instance threatened peace activists who came to the
West Bank to participate in nonviolent demonstrations, “We killed Jesus and
we’ll kill you, too.” There is also a record of official hostility. For
example, a few years ago an Israeli mayor ordered all New Testaments to
be rounded up and burned.

ED Noor: Don't expect any positive educational changes from Jeb Bush, the third of the unholy Bush Trio.
Schneerson is honoured on national “Education” days, the reality is that the
elementary schools he created often failed to teach children “basic
reading, writing, spelling, math, science and history,” according to a
In his
article “National Education Day and the Education I Never Had,”
Chaim Levin reports on his experience at the Chabad school “Oholei Torah”
(Educational Institute Oholei Menachem) in Crown Heights, New York ~ the site
of Chabad’s world headquarters:
“I have profound respect for the late Rebbe and his legacy. However, I remember very clearly those talks that [Schneerson] gave ~ the ones we studied every year in elementary school about the unimportance of ‘secular’ (non-religious, formal) education, and the great importance of only studying limmudei kodesh (holy studies). As a result of this attitude, thousands of students were not taught anything other than the Bible throughout our years attending Chabad institutions.”
The goal of
such schools, Levin writes, was to produce “schluchim,” missionaries who would
promote Chabad all over the world.
he notes, “Failure to provide basic formal education cripples children within
Chabad communities. We cannot ignore the harm done…” Levin writes, “Until this
day, Oholei Torah and many other Chabad schools ~ particularly schools for boys
and a few for girls in Crown Heights and in some other places ~ do not provide
basic formal education.”
In his 2000
article, Brownfeld writes that Shahak and Mezvinsky’s book should be “a wake-up
call “to Americans, particularly Jewish supporters of Israel.”
years later, however, very few people are aware of these books and their
powerful information, and U.S. tax money continues to flow to Israel. The main
author, Israel Shahak, is now dead, as is Edward Said; Noam Chomsky rarely, if
ever, mentions him; and Shahak’s co-author, Norton Mezvinsky (uncle of Chelsea
Clinton’s husband), is a member of a Lubavitch congregation in New York.
In many
ways, little seems to have changed since 1994, when Congressmen Charles
Schumer, Newt Gingrich, and others introduced legislation to bestow on
Schneerson the Congressional Gold Medal. The bill passed both Houses by
unanimous consent, honouring Schneerson for his “outstanding and lasting
contributions toward improvements in world education, morality, and acts of
And in two weeks,
Americans will be officially called on to observe a day that honours Rabbi
Menachem Mendel Schneerson and the Lubavitcher movement.
That is,
unless masses of people contact
their Congressional representatives to demand a whole new direction: a
“National Education and Sharing Day” that honors an individual who values
education, and who believes that all people ~ in the words of the Declaration of Independence ~ are created
Alison Weir is executive director of If Americans Knew
and president of the Council for the National Interest. Her book, Against Our Better Judgment: How the U.S. was used to create
Israel, contains additional information on Rabbi Kook’s family
connection to American front groups for Israeli terrorists. (Kook was unusual
in his support for political Zionism; most Jewish religious leaders at the time
considered the movement heretical). Weir is NOT the British historian.)
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