Below the films, a series of standard Zionist propaganda towards Hamas. The creator goes to town regarding the false advertising shown in America, the gussied up films, fake bombs, and complete ignorance of the phone representative who answers the phone.
Humor at the expense of political integrity is common in propaganda. However, this one is a tired old saw and not at all amusing when you heard it again and again and again from a cold hearted Zionist beast to justify the slaughter and serious injury of many thousands. In a thousand years when the babies are still being malformed from the chemicals and poisons I can hear them STILL saying it was Hamas' fault for hiding behind babies and under school desks, obviously a lie.
Typical Zionist Propaganda and Sarcasm and general nastiness. No one denies the rockets are a bad idea but so were the 42 years, now 62, of one cruel act after another and senseless genocidal slaughter of thousands of Palestinians. This is not merely tit for tat, it was because the Zionists have perfected the skill of egging the enemy on until they respond and when they do, they scream victim. When you compare these rockets to the weapons they use Gaza as a test ground for, (white phosphorus, Dime, DU, who knows what else) let alone the level of casualties, things are quite different from what the Zionist-owned media lets the world know about.

"white phosphorus, DU, "
ReplyDeleteAdd "Dime" - Dense Inert Metal Explosive bombs which have tungsten powder in them and are made to explode in only small anti-personnel space. They fragment legs and arms and leave them literally in tatters - bloody ragged tatters. It causes cancer in survivors.
More violations of God's law and international law and every form of decency known to man by the IsraHelli ghouls.
Hey Noor,..the only way to stop the zionists and it has slowed them before, is to kill jews. jews are the only antidote to jewish evil, because they are all cowards and detest one on one confrontation. Like cockroaches and the light.
ReplyDeleteLove light & peace - through superior firepower! (grin)
Veritas, I cannot agree with you or my blog would be down in a minutes. I do not advocate violence even though I can at times see how handy it might be.
ReplyDeleteI would never condone random violence just because of labels. Honest that is me. However, remember the majority are Jewish, but there are a good number on NON Jewish Zionists as well. Joe Lieberman said, "You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist" and he was right, filthy scumbucket that he is.
Hey Noor,...I accept and respect your conscientious objection to killing, I was tongue-in-cheek, however, I am a former combat Soldier (wounded twice in combat) and I do believe that a substantial punitive action against israhell, whether it be financial or military will ‘turn’ the majority, zionist or not and precipitate a humanising of the conditions for the Gazans particularly and the Palestinians as a whole. The punishment for this:
Can only be extreme; I have two beautiful little girls one was 4 years old when Kawkab al Dayeh was 4 years old (I wonder how many people make the effort to find out who this little angel was). If anyone and I mean anyone did this to my kids – death would be the only sentence.
The punishment has to fit the crime, unfortunately for those people in the ‘entirely occupied’ areas of Palestine that is illegally referred to as Israel in their cozy sheltered over-financed (by working-class taxpayers in the US) smug state have to be shoved into reality. israhell is one of the richest countries in the world and has the highest standard of living for the privileged jew class. Never before has a country that is constantly at war experienced such affluence while expending so much expensive military hardware – constantly. Why? Because the poor people of the U.S are financing their murderous activity.
I don’t care about israhell one bit – it is an illegal apartheid abomination owned and controlled by the rothschilds for the sole purpose of providing a gangsters’ hideout to an evil zionist cabal.
If the majority don’t care then the minority suffer along with them – tough life – ask the men, women and children of Palestine.
Keep up the good work Noor you are an essential part of the resistance.
Veritas, ty for your letter. Good to learn more. I read that link and it contained stuff we all know. I am afraid I know even worse stuff....
ReplyDeleteI kinda have to say what I did as a form of self defence if necessary. Have you ever heard the song "If I had a Rocket Launcher" by Bruce Cockburn? You have no idea how many times those words have been passionately mine!
When the Gaza Holocaust was on I made a point of telling and illustrating some of the worst obscenities because none of the truth was told and the imagery was so one sided. I left out some stories because they could not be completely verified or I read them then lost the link. Stories like the toddler who somehow got out of the house and was gunned down. When her family, uncle and father I think it was, tried to get her body, they too were killed.
The Israeli dogs fed on the child for a few days under the eyes of her besieged family until one finally was able to collect the remains. That story left me in hatred for days.
I also believe that the people of Rothschildlandia have been corrupted beyond belief by Bolshevik mind control and lowered education because they have a very strictly enforced "streaming" system. Meanwhile the lower levels are taught to kill. Thanks to the Bronfmans in the Kurt Waldheim scandal a few years ago the brutal and uneducated fanatic Russian Jews have no place else to emigrate and they end up in the settlements. Their options were removed. And the rather crazy angry American Jews end up there. Better there than back in the US I figure. I have read interviews between rabbis who were sharing populaces of Hassidic settlers to break down local Palestinian populaces due to the Jews' radicalism and violence levels.
Have you read my stuff on their books dedicated to killing of goyim and Palestinians in a manner that leaves you unchallenged in the eyes of god? They did it with Jesus. And the Nazis although in the case of the Nazis, it was a match in Hell.
I just think the defector Jews like Finklestein, Naomi Wolf, those who stand with the peaceful of Bilin against their own military, the young who refuse to serve at great cost to their personal lives... these must be considered so blanket statements .. well I am a literal person. Thing is, even the ones who stand for peace, the writers, I watch for hidden agendas and they do exist.
someone needs to throw a bubble over Israel and toss in a few big bug bombs! Make sure that the leaders are at ground zero... oh yes I would LOVE to see that abomination of a woman Tzipi Livni the target as she stands next to Netanyahoooo.
I recommend you listen to If I had a Rocket Launcer. In fact, I will post it up right now before I go out for the day. The words are powerful. The fallout from that song and the humanitarian opportunities that came with it alas burned Bruce out and he has done nothing meaningful since. A shame after 40 years of fine creative work. We need MORE resistance tunes for the white folk who do not listen to rap. There are some GREAT rap songs ... I am particularly fond of Daddy Chang's Palestine. How be I put a few up for you now? Smiles.
Believe me, I single raised two girls to be strong young ladies who, alas think their mother has an over active imagination. The education system rather undid all my work during their formative years. The ONLY times in my life that my fingers tingled for want of contact with the flesh of a tormentor was when I was in MOMMABEAR mode so I know what you say.
The thing is, I am a woos. I catch and release bug.. except for roaches and earwigs. I cringe at even verbal violence and without sucking it up usually manage to deal with things with humor ... not an option for the Palestinians. Oh and a few times tears have worked with public officials but not often.
Hey Noor,...Beautiful Noor; thank you for a most enervating response: I am blushed with admiration for your passion – I am thrilled to find that you are not only sympathetic but empathetic:
ReplyDeleteErlebnis: German philosophical term for experience. In post-Romantic German philosophy the term took on the connotation of 'lived' or having experienced ‘something’.
I truly accept that you have experienced some-thing akin to that which animates the Tigress.
Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
I am honoured by your response and I swoon.
Nameste: “The ‘Light’ in me recognises the ‘Light’ in you”...
Back to work!
Hey Noor,...Beautiful Noor; thank you for a most enervating response: I am blushed with admiration for your passion – I am thrilled to find that you are not only sympathetic but empathetic:
ReplyDeleteErlebnis: German philosophical term for experience. In post-Romantic German philosophy the term took on the connotation of 'lived' or having experienced ‘something’.
I truly accept that you have experienced some-thing akin to that which animates the Tigress...
Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
I am honoured by your response and I swoon.
Nameste: “The ‘Light’ in me recognises the ‘Light’ in you”...
Back to work!