Daniel also was what we now call an agent
provocateur/infiltrator during the Parisian riots in 1964.
Although David Icke has been covering these issues for a decade, I've been doing so for the four years I have been writing. That which he writes about in this recent Newsletter is one of those topics that's very difficult for most people to even broach let alone comprehend in its fullness. It just seems too far out; too unreal; too fantastic to even imagine it could exist here in this world. Yet it does and it continues for all the reasons that David outlines below.
Do move it on to others. God willing the day will come when the tears no longer slide down the cheeks of the innocent.
As usual I have added considerably to the original piece. Photographs have been added, along with videos, commentary and added facts, as well as many links both in the story and at the end. This may be in Britain, but it is an international atrocity as you will see. My words, except for the links, are in this shade of light green.
Do move it on to others. God willing the day will come when the tears no longer slide down the cheeks of the innocent.
As usual I have added considerably to the original piece. Photographs have been added, along with videos, commentary and added facts, as well as many links both in the story and at the end. This may be in Britain, but it is an international atrocity as you will see. My words, except for the links, are in this shade of light green.
July 11th 2010
Soulless, adjHello all ...
1. lacking any humanising qualities or influences; dead; mechanical soulless work
2. (of a person) lacking in sensitivity or nobility
3. heartless; cruel
4. Lacking sensitivity or the capacity for deep feeling
It was more than 15 years ago that I first became aware of the Control System's obsession with children.
At first it was the realisation that the global cabal of families, agents and gofers was infested with paedophiles and child killers like Father George Bush and former British prime minister, Edward Heath, among so many others that we have seen, and still see, on CNN and the BBC day after day, year after year.
Then I discovered that children were being abducted in staggering numbers around the world to be sacrificed in Satanic rituals to the 'gods' by this same web of sickness and insanity.
Still later I began to understand that these paedophiles and Satanists were conduits for demonic entities, many taking a reptilian form, that possessed them from realms beyond human sight. While the paedophile is having sex with the child the entity sucks and absorbs the child's life force.
“For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim." Aliester Crowley
This 'glowing coat of awareness' is what the other-dimensional reptilian and other 'demons' are seeking to access via the paedophiles they possess. To do this they need a constant supply of children, of course, hence the obsession with child sex that I came across all those years ago.
I have written at length before about the breathtaking numbers of children that go missing every year worldwide never to be seen again. Most people think that the number of missing children can be gauged by how many times they see missing children stories in the media, but that is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the number involved.
Many of them end up in the child trafficking rings
ultimately controlled by the bloodline cabal
which abduct children both en-masse
and also to order with a specific child
with specific genetic traits
targeted on behalf of a 'client'.
ultimately controlled by the bloodline cabal
which abduct children both en-masse
and also to order with a specific child
with specific genetic traits
targeted on behalf of a 'client'.
Did you get that?
Many of these people
have a "shopping list"
and others
do the shopping for them!
Many of these people
have a "shopping list"
and others
do the shopping for them!
Blond-haired, blue-eyed children attract the best price, it seems, and many of these end up in the Middle East, not least Saudi Arabia, but they are also sold to buyers all over the world.

These organizations are supposed to be there ~ officially at least ~ to protect the vulnerable, especially children, but the truth is that they have become vehicles for stealing children from their parents for no other reason than to provide an endless supply for the Satanists and paedophiles ~ many, once again, stolen to order.
A child in a community will be identified and put on the 'wanted list' and then Social Services will invent a reason to take the little boy or girl from their parents and hand them to foster parents and adoptive parents who are connected to the rings
This does not mean that all foster and adoptive parents are paedophiles and Satanists, of course, the vast majority are not, but a highly significant number are.
This is why the figures for stealing children from their parents on ludicrous grounds and in outrageous circumstances of cruelty and injustice are soaring across the world. It is also why the 'family courts' that make these decisions on the say-so of corrupt social workers and police are held in secret.
The authorities claim that the secrecy is to 'protect the child' when it is really there to protect the Satanists and paedophiles, and the system itself, from public exposure.

Corruption is hardly a word that will suffice. Anyone with a functioning mind must know that the 'legal system' worldwide is corrupt to its core and about anything except justice; but the secret family court system is beyond even that. It is truly, truly evil.
Satanic and paedophile social workers, police officers, lawyers and judges conspire together to remove children from loving parents to feed their insatiable rings and ring-masters.
Evidence is fabricated by social workers and police, and 'judgments' are clearly written by many judges before a hearing is even finished, often even started. To do this coldly and knowingly to part little children from their loving parents, to part the children themselves from each other, requires a level of soulless, heartless inhumanity that is beyond my imagination.
The family court system, from social workers through police to judges, is awash with such people. As I have said many times before, once you secure the major positions ~ the hire and fire positions ~ in an organization you can simply and quickly appoint 'your own' at all levels.
Anyone who won't play ball, or could be a source of exposure, is simply denied promotion, often hounded and harassed, until they leave. In this way, the Satanists and paedophiles have basically taken over and they dominate the upper echelons of the police, Social Services, legal profession, judiciary and government.
Many of the lower levels, too.
Social Services are given big financial incentives by governments to meet targets for removing children from parents and gutless social workers who are not directly part of the paedophile and Satanic networks often lie and cheat to meet the targets under pressure from their 'superiors'.
Either way, the outcome is the same.
Devastated parents,
devastated children
and families torn apart.
Devastated parents,
devastated children
and families torn apart.
I have been investigating these subjects for well over a decade and there is no doubt that the Social Services system becomes more arrogant and blatant by the day ~ there are so many cases it is not possible to keep track of them all and the vast majority never come to public attention anyway because of the enforced secrecy.
But thank goodness public awareness of what is going on is also increasing, though not fast enough.
The stories are as harrowing and traumatic as they are now endless with thousands of parents every year in Britain unjustly accused of abuse or being unable to care for their children. They are told that if they challenge the decision of the Social Service (SS) Mafia to take away their children they will never see them again even in rare 'supervised' visits.
They are also told that it will be bad for their case if they speak publicly about what has happened when, in truth, the outcome has been decided from the start.
Of course, genuinely abused and neglected children have to be removed from that situation, but this is not what we are talking about here. Loving and doting parents are being parted from their very cared-for children.

He tells of one case in which a woman was still giving birth when five policemen and two social workers ~ five policemen ~ walked in to seize the baby virtually from the mother's womb.
Do these people continue to call themselves human? Do they continue to believe they are connected to anything remotely resembling a soul? If so, they are deluding themselves.
Oh, they will say, we were only following orders, but isn't that what they said at Nuremburg? Try following what passes for your heart, chaps.
Those who do this only because they are 'following orders' have got balls the size of peanuts and a heart to match. How they can look their own children in the eyes and do this, I'll never know.
Thousands of children are taken unjustly from parents every year in Britain alone, so imagine the number across the world. It is done by accusing them of abusing their children with no evidence or of being unfit to be parents because of psychological problems that don't exist.
Social Services even have 'on call' psychiatrists to give them the verdict they want.
See my newsletter They Want Your Children ... It's Time To Get Involved for more examples of the incredible excuses that are used to steal children from their parents and what happens when they challenge the system.

I asked him how he could possibly endure such a trial and he said, "It is very easy when one's only option is to return to physical torture." In his case he was not only being abused but being force trained to master various psychic skills.

Among much controversy and denial, her son showed up in the entourage of Bush Jr. and is in several photos receiving very "friendly" affection by the ex-President.Close up shots of his face show him to be a lovely blonde child.
One father, Mark Harris, was jailed for four months by a Family Court judge (see under moron) for waving at his children as they went past in a car after the court had denied this loving father any access to them whatsoever.
He was later sent to prison for ten months for driving past his children's house hoping to catch a glimpse of them. The charge was 'contempt of court', but how can you be in contempt of a court so contemptuous?
It took him nearly ten years, 133 court appearances, 33 different judges, two prison sentences and a hunger strike before he was allowed to see his own children again. As he said:
'They took my daughter's childhood, her formative years, from me. Lisa is 20 now. I didn't see her between the ages of ten and 16. An awful lot happens in a child's life in that time, and I missed it all.'His children didn't even know why their father did not come to see them. That's how sick it all is.

Together again after all the lost years.
Mark has written a book, Family Court Hell.
My god, he should know.
Mark tells his story.
You would reel back if this was happening in an officially totalitarian country, but this is now a common experience in 'free' Britain, 'free' America and other countries who lie and posture about being 'free and democratic'.
You may have been following the appalling story of Hollie Greig, the Down's Syndrome girl, her mother Anne, and their lay legal advisor, the wonderful, Robert Green, as they have sought justice over Hollie's claims that she was abused for a decade by a paedophile and Satanic ring that included 'pillars' of the Scottish establishment.
Police and Social Services raided the house of Hollie and Anne recently causing a considerable mess and damage (Britain is clearly full of 'brave' police officers) and both Anne and Robert were hauled before the High Court in London last week in a case brought by Shropshire Social Services, a hearing which all concerned were warned not to talk about or they would be jailed.
All together now: 'Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Freeee ...'
The case was brought in the latest desperate attempt (there have been so many) by the Satanist-controlled British establishment to stop Hollie, Anne and Robert from exposing what happened to her and the people involved.
Those trying to silence them are disgusting, gutless and pathetic, but then the very fabric of the establishment and the Control System is spun from such callous vindictiveness.

who have been campaigning with a gathering army of people
to have the claims of establishment sexual abuse properly investigated.
Am I allowed to say that?
I have lost track of all the gagging orders.
Not that I give a shit anyway.
I have lost track of all the gagging orders.
Not that I give a shit anyway.
Woe betide any parent or child who dares to report another parent or anyone else for paedophile or Satanic abuse. That is what Hollie and Anne did and the establishment came down on them immediately.
One of its own was in danger of being exposed as a paedophile, along with establishment figures, and so the Scottish police and Social Services went into action forcing a mother and her Down's Syndrome daughter to flee in terror to England where the English wing of the same grotesque network has continued the intimidation.
I am following a similar case where I live on the Satanist-controlled Isle of Wight in which a mother has had her ten-year-old daughter seized by the Isle of Wight Social Services after reporting the father for sexual abuse and also her 'flashbacks' of Satanic-type ritual.
I am not in the least surprised about either on the Isle of Wight (see Isle of Wight: Nice Place ~ Shame About the Cesspit).
The notoriously corrupt Isle of Wight police and Social Services have conspired to bring all this about and a mother and child who both want to be together have been parted by a catalogue of lies, misrepresentations and fraudulent procedures. It's the usual story I hear again and again.
They won't even let the mother speak to her daughter on the phone because they claim that they talk to each other in code. These people have the brains of a beetroot and the heart of one, too.
Message to Isle of Wight police and Social Services:
If you think this is over
~ it ain't.
If you think this is over
~ it ain't.
If you are a big tree,
we are a small axe, sharpened to cut you down,
ready to cut you down! ~ Bob Marley
The latest I heard just as I was finishing this article is that the mother's bank account has been frozen and £20,000 removed. The bank will not tell her who authorised this and so we can only guess for now. But it is called common theft and someone must be held to account for it.
This is far from the first time something like this has happened to a mother in this situation.
Another case I am following closely is that of Maureen Spalek who had her three children stolen by the State many years ago in Liverpool, a city in the region of Merseyside in the English northwest, and she has since been subjected to disgraceful persecution and harassment by the, well, disgraceful Merseyside police and Social Services.
Maureen has even been arrested and taken to court for the 'crime' of sending one of her children a birthday card via the new home imposed by those who steal children for a living.
She was also flagged down by an unmarked police car on the outskirts of the town where two of her children are with an adoptive mother. Her car was seized and she was arrested, handcuffed and held in a police cell until lunchtime the next day. The police alleged that she was in breach of a court order forbidding her to enter the town ~ click here for the story ...
This week she was held again at the Merseyside police Belle Vale Custody Suite in Liverpool after being arrested for sending a text to an individual about a month ago. She says the text was not in the least threatening or rude. The custody suite sergeant said that since she sent the text, and had a police warning for it, there had now been a complaint made against her for harassment.
These guys are very, very sick.

The police would not reveal who authorised the arrest and the custody suite sergeant put the phone down when questioned. No doubt he then went home to his kids.
The authorities are very worried about Maureen Spalek and some would suspect that this is connected with activities at Liverpool's infamous Alder Hey Children's Hospital, along with Social Services and the stealing and abuse of children.
Alder Hey was exposed for the unauthorised removal, retention, and disposal of children's organs and other human tissue kept in more than 2,000 pots containing body parts from some 850 infants.
Maureen Spalek has discovered that her children have been taken to Alder Hey for appointments although they were not ill. So what were they doing there?
I posted news of her latest arrest on the website this week and invited people to ring the Merseyside police to tell them what they thought of the disgusting treatment of this lady. So many did that they crashed the police phone system and she was released with the charges dropped.
'You seem to have a lot of friends', a police officer told her. Yes, and if they continue to harass this woman they have seen nothing yet.
It shows what can be done if enough people are committed to the cause of freedom, fairness and justice for all. That is what we need ~ commitment to these values, focus and determination to do what is necessary.
We have a tiny tail currently wagging a massive dog and only when the dog starts to wake up and take action can this situation end.

The scale of that web has been confirmed yet again by police raids in Belgium at the home of Cardinal Godfried Danneels, the former head of the country's eight million Catholics, and also at the archdiocesan palace near Brussels and the crypt of the cathedral at Mechelen.

Belgium is a massive centre for Satanism and paedophilia, not least because it is home to the Satanists and paedophiles at the headquarters of both the European Union and NATO. There is a lot of demand to 'satisfy' there.
Police confiscated 450 files containing reports of paedophile offences by members of the clergy and reports say they also found connections between Cardinal Danneels and Marc Dutroux, the Belgian serial killer who kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls, the youngest was eight, during 1995 and 1996. He murdered four of them.

There was an enormous cover-up by the Belgian authorities to stop the connections being made public between Dutroux and the 'elite' (low-life) of Belgian society that included royalty, politicians, the judiciary and the hierarchy of the Church of Rome (Babylon).
Dutroux and his accomplices procured and kidnapped children for famous Satanists and paedophiles and whenever their surviving victims spoke out, even after Dutroux was arrested, they were ridiculed and vilified by a Belgian media controlled by the same Satanists and paedophiles.
This video identifies and shows pictures of some of the big names
Dutroux was procurer and fall guy for. The EU is NOT a safe place for pretty children.!
Dutroux was procurer and fall guy for. The EU is NOT a safe place for pretty children.!
Social Services in Belgium would be connected to this, too, because these organisations always are in every country. That's why we need to get involved and make life far more difficult for these sick people than it has been up to now.
We have made a start, but there is so much more to do, and when the truth is eventually exposed, as it will be, the world is going to be shocked to its bones at the names that will come to light.
Not him?? Not her?? Not them??
Oh yes, him, her, them ~ royalty, politicians, 'leaders' who took us to war, the guy in the long frock on the balcony, entertainers, the famous guy off the telly ...
The truth will blow your mind.
Sadly, not mine. I have been investigating this for too many years to doubt it at all.
This horrific sitution went on up until 1967. I have met and loved several victims. In one case a family of eight children were stolen and separated to all corners of the globe! Each one of them became a slave of some sort and, as innocents, reared in Satanic situations.
One, I cared for as a dear friend, found out his identity. His name and DOB had both been altered. He was reunited to his aged father after over 30 years separation and both died within months. He is now buried in the family plot. And he is just one who could not travel out of Australia until this matter was straightened out.
I attest that the deepest levels of highly influential satanists and the Australian government were involved in these horrors. As was the Catholic Church, as witnessed by another friend who was psychologically broken due to this programme. The Salvation Army, the Christian Churches (various denominations), the Catholic Church, the British Child Care System, were all involved. Might I also add, they sent children with different characteristics to Africa, more dominant and brutally prone as a matter of "necessity".
Noor " Still later I began to understand that these paedophiles and Satanists were conduits for demonic entities, many taking a reptilian form, that possessed them from realms beyond human sight. While the paedophile is having sex with the child the entity sucks and absorbs the child's life force."
ReplyDeleteThis is the absolute occult truth ! I saw those "forces" during a sexual intercourse. I have personaly been a victim of them. I still have to struggle. Those forces invade you through the lowest shakras, activate your sexuality as much as possible, (as perverse as it can be according to your tendancies). They suck your sexual/vital energies. If you "agree" with those you can commit murders, if you disagree, you will have to pray a lot so that higher shakras get opened, and so that you may reach the Light. They are really vampires, they DO fear the Light, not the sun, but the inner Light.
On the opposite, I do not fear for those children's souls, they will be safe !
My experience has been lasting for more than 30 years. Darkness is a very hard Initiation, but if God allows it, I already perfectly know what will be my task on the other side : try to help some souls to get rid of the abyssies...
I was not a believer before.
The worst demons on this very earth are linked to the Talmud and "high" freemasonry. I can Vouch for it ! I have had the proof in my private life...