But why should Americans concern themselves with countries halfway across the globe adopting Chinese-style net censorship? Because under Senator Joe Lieberman’s 197-page Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, the United States would formally mimic China’s “great firewall” of web censorship.
When Lieberman himself attempted to debunk claims that the bill provides Obama, and any following President for that matter, with a figurative ‘kill switch’ to disable certain parts of the Internet, he explained that the government was merely seeking to emulate powers over the Internet already enjoyed by the Communist Chinese.
These animated cartoon police officers patrol on all sites registered with Beijing servers. Yahoo news reported that “The male and female cartoon officers, designed for the ministry by Sohu, offer a text warning to surfers to abide by the law and tips on Internet security as they move across the screen in a virtual car, motorcycle or on foot”.
Firstly, despite Lieberman’s spin, the text of the bill clearly gives Obama the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight.
Secondly, and even more alarmingly, Lieberman’s acknowledgement that the United States is seeking to emulate China’s policies on Internet control confirm that the entire cybersecurity agenda is primarily concerned with silencing political opposition to the state, since this factor completely dominates the Chinese model which Lieberman openly invokes as the ultimate goal of cybersecurity.
China’s vice-like grip over its Internet systems has very little to do with “cybersecurity” and everything to do with silencing all dissent against the state.
Chinese Internet censorship is imposed via a centralized government blacklist of any websites that contain criticism of the state, porn, or any other content deemed unsuitable by the authorities. Every time you attempt to visit a website, you are re-routed through the government firewall, often making for long delays and crippling speeds.
Oh, my! This is what it is! As you can imagine, with this blogging, I go to many many sites that would fit the above categories. I have noticed over the past few months several things have made my searching just a bit cumbersome. First, as mentioned above, I get rerouted to ridiculous sales sites that lead to nothing but contain the main words of my search. I must return to the search page and try again. Sometimes it takes two or three times but eventually I get to my destination.
Second, I get a lot more 404's or dead pages. There are some things I just cannot access. usually writings of more contraversial writers not particularly sympathetic with the Zionist agenda. My goodness! How surprising can THAT be?! On the screen, I am at the site, but all I have is white., that is far as I can go. In some cases a different approach works, in others, nothing at all.
Third. Every time I pull up Google to do a search, I get one a dumb quiz to prove I am Human. I still end up on a Google 404 page but can work from it.
So, friends and neighbours, it seems Canada, having fully entered the NWO agenda with the craven brutality of the paramilitary police in Toronto a few weeks ago at the GMO summit , is proving itself to be the perfect little NWO state, especially here in British Columbia. We are locked into the goose step that Harper failed to mention it to the citizens he holds in such contempt. It might be time to do a little research because I truly do not like Google's participation in this and all I can do is learn and resist, resist, resist in any way possible.
China has exercised its power to shut down the Internet, something that Lieberman wants to introduce in the U.S., at politically sensitive times in order to stem the flow of information about government abuse and atrocities.
During the anti-government riots which occurred in July 2009, the Chinese government completely shut down the Internet across the entire northwestern region of Xinjiang for days. In several regions, the authorities completely cut off the Internet for nearly a year, with many areas only now slowly starting to come back online.
Major news and discussion portals used by the Muslim Uighurs in the area remain blocked. Similarly, Internet access in parts of Tibet is routinely restricted as part of government efforts to pre-empt and neutralize unrest.
Major websites like Twitter, Google and You Tube have also been shut down either temporarily or permanently by Chinese authorities.
It is unlikely that this will happen in North America because, toss in a few key words, and the government can find out just who is writing about what. The beauty of these programmes is that they save the CIA a lot of time and effort, even if verification might be needed on some issues.
News websites in China now require users to register their true identities in order to leave comments. This abolition of anonymity is used to chill free speech in that it prevents the user from engaging in criticism of the state for fear that they would be tracked down by authorities.
Personally, I have no problem with that. It is my feeling that if you have something to say you attach your name to it. Call me old fashioned, but that is how I feel.
Chinese authorities are now going further than merely maintaining a “blacklist” of banned websites by instituting a “whitelist” of allowed websites, a move that “could potentially place much of the Internet off-limits to Chinese readers”.
Websites not pre-registered with the government would be completely blocked to all Internet users, meaning “millions of completely innocuous sites” would be banned. This equates to requiring government approval to set up a website, which would obviously not be granted if the person or organization making the application has a history of or is likely to engage in dissent against the state.
The problem is one never knows just what Obama really means. He is such a consummate dis-informant that he obfuscates like a Zionist. Much of his public persona is there to calm and convince, as if he is a high end car salesman. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the agenda his bosses in Chicago want is still going on as scheduled.
The model Lieberman has identified as the goal of cybersecurity is centered around keeping people oppressed by eliminating any means of widespread dissent and preventing people from organizing politically. It has nothing to do with providing security against foreign hackers and terrorists and everything to do with strangling free speech critical of the state.
However, this is not merely a war on free speech, it’s a war on Internet anonymity. Even if the government shuts down portions of the web, new networks are guaranteed to pop up to take their place. Indeed, as people who have attempted to downplay concerns about the ‘kill switch’ have rightly pointed out, Obama could already attempt to shut down the Internet using the Communications Act, the PCNAA legislation merely codifies this power formally into law.
The real threat posed by the wider cybersecurity agenda is the implementation of an individual identity system for all Internet users. This is what was proposed by Obama’s cybersecurity co-ordinator Howard Schmidt in a paper compiled with the aid of the National Security Council.
Reports the Financial Times the strategy revolves around, “The creation of a system for identity management that would allow citizens to use additional authentication techniques, such as physical tokens or modules on mobile phones, to verify who they are before buying things online or accessing such sensitive information as health or banking records.”
Only with this government-issued “token” will Internet users be allowed to “able to move from website to website,” a system not too far removed from what China proposed and rejected for being too authoritarian.
So in this sense, the cybersecurity agenda will ensure a world wide web even more draconian than the Chinese model, where the threat of the government identifying individuals, now that anonymity is removed, who engage in “hate speech” critical of the government and revoking their license to use the Internet, will inevitably chill free speech from the very outset.
I truly smell the touch of the ADL in this arrangement. They are behind the whole concept of "hate speech" and very much proponents of "political correctness". This fits in very well with the Zionist/Jewish push for the New World Order in which they rule as the superiors of all non Jews. Their vision is extremely Draconian to those who are not white and Jewish born.
ADL is clearly beginning a second phase ~ to train lawyers and law enforcement nationwide on prosecuting hate criminals.
In ADL-speak, “haters” are those who oppose:
1) Homosexuality.2) Allege Jews dominate media.
3) Allege Jews dominate Government.
4)Allege Jews dominate Finance,
5) Guilty of “strong” criticism of Israel or its leaders.
6) It will be a crime for Christians to acknowledge the New Testament’s account of Jews demanding the crucifixion of Jesus.
7) It will be a crime to doubt the Holocaust.
8) We know there will be plenty more to add, but this is why the ADL is training lawyers to work especially in this field. Canada has one such creature already known as Richard Warman, a rather smarmy obnoxious individual to say the least.
To trust the federal government with the power to regulate free speech by means of a licensing system for the Internet and not expect the state to abuse such power is the height of stupidity.
Cass Sunstein, Obama’s information czar, openly wrote in a 2008 paper of his desire to combat “conspiracy theories” (ie any information communicated primarily through the Internet which represents a threat to the image of the state) by empowering the government to tax or even ban outright opinions of which it disapproves. This is what cybersecurity is all about, eliminating the voices of the oppressed as big government seeks to quicken its takeover of America with the aid of silent obedience.
As I have always maintained, knowledge is the power. So the more you know, the better prepared you are to deal with problems. And it is wonderful to know there are other like-minded souls like yours!
The cybersecurity assault on the Internet is also dovetailed with an attack from a slightly different angle. Numerous private networks, from transport hubs, to libraries, to universities, to federal government agencies have installed filters that censor political websites which engage in the “hate speech” of dissenting against the state. Since the entire Internet consists of a fusion of privately-owned networks controlled by corporations such as Verizon, AT&T and Qwest, how long before such filters are standardized?
Lieberman’s kill switch bill and the broader cybersecurity agenda has little to do with over hyped threats from foreign hackers and terrorists and everything to do with placing a muzzle on the last outpost of true free speech ~ the Internet.
The state wants to turn the world wide web into a clone of cable television, a sterile medium controlled almost entirely by mega corporations and regulated by FCC bureaucracy and red tape.
Your political blog, no matter how many millions of readers it has the potential to attract, has no place in this newly regulated Internet police state.Already a generation later, no one but older people in China, remember Tienamen Square. This is exactly the goal of the Zionist control of media as well, so that they can continue to paint their half truths for profit
Tale action ~ call your Senator and demand that they vote against Lieberman’s Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, or kiss your right to unrestricted, unregulated, and anonymous free speech on the Internet goodbye. The bill has already been approved by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and is now awaiting a vote by the full Senate.
Find your Senator from the list here or call the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Tell your Senator’s office that you will vote them out of office if he/she votes in favor of PCNAA.
Post: Banned in China
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