Oil-coated baby dolphin carried to shore by tourist dies
“Dolphin was crying” as “people scraped oil off”, Coast Guard unclear on cause of death
The dolphin was crying as people rushed to save it. She said people scraped oil off the dolphin with their hands. “It was so sad. It just broke all our hearts,” Travis said.
By Mary Hamer
23 June, 2010
I am that dolphin dying in the Gulf of Mexico ~ Due to the man-made environmental disaster caused by an Oil spill & toxic dispersants.
MY DOLPHIN POD & OUR PAIN & SUFFERING due to the OIL & DISPERSANTS: The Gulf of Mexico oil spill & the toxic dispersants are giving my dolphin pod, my family & me headaches. Now when we breathe air into our blow holes in the top of our heads we often breathe in oil
(1) which causes our lungs to burn and we cough.
(2) & The dispersants make our eyes and our skin burn and blister. Our baby dolphins are all dying now and we cry. I used to jump through the air with joy when I saw the sun rise. Now I am too tired. These waters are oxygen depleted.
(3) We are also hungry as we search for food in large dead zones in the Gulf. Many of the fish are gone now and those that are left taste like petroleum and dispersant soaps. We are in great pain. We are suffering.
As a wildlife specialist said: “You see this bird totally covered in oil and all you can see are those (sad) eyes looking at you blinking”. (4)
Before the oil spill and dispersants, life was good here in the Gulf of Mexico. I would jump through the air with the wind and then fall back into the clear blue and clean water. I used to play with the other dolphins. and the fish were delicious.
Every now and then a pelican would compete with us for the fish, but the fish were plentiful. My dolphin pod, my family and I were in heaven here in these beautiful waters in the pre-oil spill days. It was a good life.
Although things are bad here in the Gulf of Mexico now ~ things may even get worse. I fear for all life here in these waters. An author states:
“A gas bubble approx. 15-20 miles across 10+ feet high near (BP’s) well head … has formed and it may cause a massive explosion in the Gulf of Mexico within weeks or months.”
Causing a possible “Volcanic eruption and a huge tsunami”. (5), (6)
Oil wells are also known to increase the risk for earthquake activity. (7) So this tragic event in the Gulf may get much worse for me and the other dolphins and wildlife here in these waters.
Thank you Pierce Brosnan, the National Resources Defense Council and the International Fund for Animal Welfare for speaking out on behalf of marine animals and against other environmentally dangerous technology such as Military sonar ~ which causes brain hemorrhages and deaths in whales and dolphins. (8)
You humans with your big Egos say that you are the Superior species and that God have given you the right to dominate and conquer the Earth. Yet you have caused this tragic man-made environmental disaster here in the Gulf of Mexico. You destroy animals, plants and ecosystems.
you are an imperfect species:
you fail to be proactive
and to prevent catastrophes such as this oil spill. (9)
and you saw your Homo Sapien reflection in it
and you fell in love with yourself. (10)
You think only of your own selfish needs and you deny and ignore the importance of the Earth and it’s animals and other life forms.
You humans leave a path of misery behind you.
You willfully commit Crimes against the Earth.
You willfully commit Ecocide against the Earth.
Humans lack respect for the Earth.
Homo Sapiens are disconnected with Nature.
You humans live in your sterile heated & cooled homes while you drink your filtered water and you eat your clean foods ~
While you pollute the air, land and the waters of the Earth for the wildlife.
You dominate and multiply,
you consume,
you conquer;
You deplete,
you lessen,
you diminish,
you weaken and
you destroy the Earth.
Clint Mansell has written a powerful Requiem for the Gulf of Mexico, including images of the oil spill. (11) This requiem speaks for those of us with No voice ~ for those of us who are victims of human aggression ~ for those of us who are dying due to human recklessness, human greed for profits & human lust for oil.
I am that dolphin dying in the Gulf of Mexico.
I say good-bye now to the Earth.
I am dizzy,
I am nauseous,
I have chest pains & I am weak. (12)
My liver & kidneys are failing. (13), (14), (15)
My red blood cells are exploding. (16), (17)
I am almost blind from the toxic chemicals.
I am gasping for air.
Yes, I am dying.
Then I breathe my last breath here at sunset.
Good-bye sweet Earth & to my family & my dolphin pod.
Then I am silent as I float here in the oil stained waves
& dispersant fumes of the Gulf of Mexico.
The tide slowly washes me onto the shore.
On this sandy shore of Louisiana,
I lie here all alone,
belly up with my mouth open as flies buzz around my body,
here on the beach as the yellow sun slowly sets.
In the early morning hours a corporate oil rep. sees me,
looks both ways & he throws my body into a black garbage bag;
Then he throws the bag into a hot, dirty, smelly dumpster ~ to hide evidence. (18)
I am gone forever.
Yes, I am that dolphin dying in the Gulf of Mexico.
Thank you.
Respectfully, Mary Hamer, M.D.

1. www.floridaoilspilllaw.com. Reporter: Pack of Dolphins seen Blowing ‘Water Thick with Oil’ out through their Holes. By OilFlorida. 6/13/10.
2. www.amsa.gov.au. The Effects of Maritime Oil Spills on Wildlife.
3. blog.nola.com. Sea Creatures Flee Oil Spill, Gather Near Shore of Gulf of Mexico. AP.
4. news.yahoo.com. Birds Frozen in Oil: Image of a Desperate Summer. By Seth Borenstein. AP. 6/5/10.
5. Lendman, Stephen. Oval Office Duplicity: Cover for Corporate Criminality. Countercurrents.org. 6/19/10. Referencing: author Richard Hoagland.
6. Palmer, Robert. BP Oil Spill has the Makings of a Perfect Storm. Countercurrents.org. 6/20/10.]
7. Hamer, Mary. The Rape of the Earth. Countercurrents.org. 5/14/10.
8. www.nrdc.org. The Use of Military sonar Poses a Deadly Threat to Whales & Other Marine Life.
9. www.nytimes.com. Prosecuting Crimes against the Earth. By David Uhlmann. 6/3/10.
10. www.answers.com. Narcissism Definition. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia.
11. www.youtube.com: Requiem for the Gulf. By Clint Mansell. 5/20/10.
12. www.physorg.com. Dispersants: Lesser Evil against Oil Spill or Gulf Poison?
13. www.amsa.gov.au. The Effects of Maritime Oil Spills on Wildlife.
14. en.wikipedia.org. Corexit Dispersant.
15. beforeitsnews.com. Fellowship of the Minds. Why is BP Using Highly toxic Corexit Oil Dispersant? 6/11/10.
16. en.wikipedia.org. Corexit Dispersant.
17. beforeitsnews.com. Fellowship of the Minds. Why is BP Using Highly toxic Corexit Oil Dispersant? 6/11/10.
ReplyDeleteWords can't describe how sickening this whole thing is. The gulf over there 80 miles from me by the way is where 80% of the world's dolphins lived. Wiped out now.
I see you finally linked one of my blogs. I was afraid I had made you mad or something!
Mickey, dearest, how could I ever be "mad" at you?