(Excerpt from "Sex, Lies & Mind Control")
When I was 13 years old, I was dedicated to a man who would become my mind control owner. That's US Senator Robert C. Byrd. Senator Byrd had been in office as long as I had been alive. Senator Byrd is head of our US Senate appropriations committee. He holds the purse strings for our country.
And I know from my victimization under his control that he had absolutely no concern for the American public. In stead he was interested in appropriating our money to usher in the NWO.
Senator Byrd's perversions were extremely brutal and just being sexually assaulted by him was sufficient to traumatize my mind to readily accept anything that he instructed me to do.
One of the things that he instructed me to do was to attend the Muskegon Catholic Central High School ~ which was very much involved in this ClA/Jesuit merger of mind control information. Through implementation of trauma in the school system, a person such as myself would photographically record whatever I was taught.
I got all A's but I didn't gain any information I could use. I couldn't think to use anything that I had learned, but I was recording facts and that's what they were interested in.
I wasn't the only one. Muskegon Catholic Central had many students that had been severely traumatized and subjected to occult rituals. Some were groomed to participate in organized sports. After all, a person suffering from DID had no limitations on what they thought they could accomplish in sports. Since they had compartmentalized memory, they "forgot" how tired they were. Therefore they were always fresh and ready for more with a real high energy level and extreme endurance. Catholic Central was first in the state and first in the nation in sports throughout those years.
It was while I was in Catholic Central that Gerald Ford became President. This devastated me. Not that I could even think about it by that time, because I couldn't. I could only sense that if Gerald Ford was President, then people everywhere actually condoned child abuse and mind control.
I was conditioned to believe that I had no place to run or hide ~ a theme that's widely used on traumatized people all the way from the lowest level of occultism. Even in sexual abuse, the children are told "we're watching you ~ there's no place to run and no place to hide." That's the theme that therapists hear many times over.
On a CIA level, of course, they were using that same theme. And I felt totally trapped. Who was I going to turn to? I couldn't turn to my parents. I couldn't turn to my church. I couldn't turn to my school or local politicians ~ and now I couldn't even turn to the President of the United States. I felt totally helpless and totally locked in ~ which was exactly what they wanted.
However, now that I'm in control of my own mind and can think for myself, I know that I do have a place to run ~ and it's right at them!
After graduating from Muskegon Catholic Central, Senator Byrd ordered that I go to Nashville, Tennessee. Although Senator Byrd is from West Virginia, his influence in Nashville is still very strong be cause of the corruption that permeated the country music industry.
CIA drug running operations were going on within the country try music industry. White slavery was prevalent. And corruption all the way to the top of the politicians from Tennessee was extensive.
Also, Senator Byrd fancied himself an entertainer. He thought he was a fiddler and he'd play at the Grand Ole Opry on occasion. And it was on one of those occasions that I was first went to Nashville. Playing music behind Senator Byrd was a guy named Wayne Cox.
After the Opry, I was subjected to an occult ritual and witnessed a murder. The first of many that I would witness Wayne Cox commit. He shot a railroad bum right between the eyes and removed his hands. This was so traumatizing to me that I readily accepted the program that I would have to go with Wayne Cox. Of course this was against my will. I was so terrified after what had happened but I couldn't think to refuse. I could not think to not do what I was told.
As my handler, Cox followed Senator Byrd's instructions to insure that I was at certain places at specific times for mind control programming and above all, for further traumatization.
Because Senator Byrd was preparing me to participate in criminal covert operations during the Reagan-Bush administration, he wanted numerous memory compartments to be programmed. Which meant I would need to be further traumatized for each "compartment" and Wayne Cox was actively involved as a serial killer in occultism.
Wayne Cox took me to his homestead in Louisiana where he was working under the direction of Louisiana Senator, J. Bennett Johnston. Senator Johnston was running a whole band of mercenaries that were being sent into South America. These mercenaries were mind control programmed because their government secrets could be kept behind their amnesiac barriers. They were far more efficient than normal soldiers, plus they had physical endurance, plus they followed orders.
Wayne Cox was triggering these mercenaries into operation according to J Bennett Johnston's instructions. These guys, like me, had been so severely traumatized by occult ritual that when they saw that severed hand--that "hand of glory" as it's called--from one of Cox's numerous victims, they automatically went into a trance and robotically carried out the programmed orders.
Senator Johnston firmly believed that when the airplanes took these guys down to South America, the planes should not come back empty. Instead they should come back with large quantities of cocaine for CIA drug operations to fuel the NWO effort. That's when I learned the extent of the ClA's involvement in the drug industry. I learned that the ClA's so-called "war on drugs" is no more than the CIA eliminating the competition.
Incidentally, Wayne Cox remains free from prosecution due to who and what he knows is involved in MK Ultra. He remains free in Chatham, Louisiana to continue his horrific crimes for reasons of "national security."
The traumas that I endured in Louisiana were certainly sufficient to create the memory compartments that Senator Byrd wanted. One way that J. Bennett Johnston manipulated my mind, was by telling me that he was a space alien and that he had been part of the "Philadelphia experiment". And that when that ship has disappeared, it had come back a space ship. It certainly had a strong effect on my young mind because I felt absolutely helpless thinking that space aliens were in control.
In 1977, J. Bennett Johnston took me to his General Dynamics office. It was highly secured and he showed me a top secret Stealth Fighter. There was no information out about this Stealth Fighter. It wasn't in any college textbooks. There wasn't any people talking about it. I never heard of it before and yet here it was right in front of me, a triangular space ship.
We have to be very careful when we realize that the government is at least 25 years ahead of us technologically. The effects of first seeing that advanced technology can allow for any belief system, and I know for a fact that there is a plan to convince people that once their advanced technology is revealed, that it is derived from space aliens, and aliens are in control of our country. But in truth, these are people.
They always manipulated me by some aspect that made me feel completely helpless. As though it was beyond my realm to affect at all. They told me that they were gods, that they were aliens and that they were demons. In fact, these are people. These are people that are subject to the same laws as the rest of us. These are people that are certainly within our realm to affect. Remember that. Because they are people, they can be stopped--their charade's gone on long enough!
thanks for informing. what are the actual news? how is kelly? i want to start something in germany. any contact?