Noor al Haqiqa


The most deadly program to your mental health
and well-being is the one labeled “NEWS.”
If everyone would only turn away from the nightly
subliminal news, then the odds for the
American resistance would improve greatly.
and well-being is the one labeled “NEWS.”
If everyone would only turn away from the nightly
subliminal news, then the odds for the
American resistance would improve greatly.


Be very selective what you let them watch.

Part 3 of The Arrivals. Did you know the cartoonist for Walt Disney's classic "Bambi" was previously employed as a pornographic artist in Germany? This short film focuses on how the minds and psyches of our children are shaped by modern entertainment and uses some examples guaranteed to have your chin on the floor with amazement!
Part 3 of The Arrivals. Did you know the cartoonist for Walt Disney's classic "Bambi" was previously employed as a pornographic artist in Germany? This short film focuses on how the minds and psyches of our children are shaped by modern entertainment and uses some examples guaranteed to have your chin on the floor with amazement!
Next, you have to take the “red pill” and
see how deep the hole goes.
see how deep the hole goes.

The red pill is knowledge; you have to do a little research.
I’m not asking you to trust my research,
except as a guide for your own.
I’m not asking you to trust my research,
except as a guide for your own.
"GREAT AND ENLIGHTENED TEACHERS", such as Freud and his nephew Bernays, have studied us common folks of the Western world very extensively, for over one-hundred years, to understand what we think, in order to construct methods for altering what we think, to turn us into this race of “sheeple.”

The “scientific method” for changing human nature itself, which has been created as a result of this research has resulted in our manipulation in everything from marketing goods to politicians and most deadly of all, wars. They have this manipulation down to such a fine art that they truly believe it is foolproof and tend to grow careless in their arrogance.
The following BBC Series, THE CENTURY OF THE SELF, shows exactly how this was done!
In the real world we must shut down the signal
at its source, the television.
The controlled press has to be shut down.
All of us have to turn-away from this source
of spiritual/psychological poison.
It is the primary threat we face today.
This is the singular corrosive force that empowers
the controllers over all other measures, even the economic ones.
This invasive degenerative force is welcomed into every
living room, where it is embraced like an old friend.
A large majority of people trust TV and everything it tells them.
at its source, the television.
The controlled press has to be shut down.
All of us have to turn-away from this source
of spiritual/psychological poison.
It is the primary threat we face today.
This is the singular corrosive force that empowers
the controllers over all other measures, even the economic ones.
This invasive degenerative force is welcomed into every
living room, where it is embraced like an old friend.
A large majority of people trust TV and everything it tells them.
"Do you want to stay stupid and let your country go to hell in a basket? Why don't you just walk over to the set and turn it off. That's right, completely off. Go on, you can do it. Now isn't that better? Don't you feel a little better already? You've just taken the first step in deprogramming yourself. It wasn't that hard, was it? Until we speak again, try to keep it off. Now that will be a bit harder." ~ Jim Marrs
The “nightly news” is the primary programming channel;
it must be switched off,
if humanity is to survive the final round-up.
it must be switched off,
if humanity is to survive the final round-up.

The object of the programming is to suppress, or if possible, to eliminate the free will. The technocrats who maintain the systems of control believe that the creation of a global dictatorship requires the suppression of free will in all subjects, beginning with Americans, who are the unfortunate target nation which has the privilege of being the epicenter of the global wave generator.

We have to convince everyone to ignore the news and
turn-off all other network programming.
Even seemingly innocuous programs like sit-coms
and soap operas are used for brainwashing,
conveying corrupt immorality to the sheeple
The second most-important component of brainwashing
is children’s tv and video games
(Followed closely by the behavioral conditioning dispensed
by the educational system.)
Anyone who wants to save their kids
should seriously consider unplugging these “one-eyed babysitters.”
is children’s tv and video games
(Followed closely by the behavioral conditioning dispensed
by the educational system.)
Anyone who wants to save their kids
should seriously consider unplugging these “one-eyed babysitters.”
We must encourage independent thought and
cultivate a spirit of resistance.
cultivate a spirit of resistance.
Organized resistance to psychological manipulation
must focus on finding ways to break through the news filter
that keeps independent thought away from the sheeple.

must focus on finding ways to break through the news filter
that keeps independent thought away from the sheeple.

New methods must be devised to transmit simple
short messages of truth that summarize the dilemma.
short messages of truth that summarize the dilemma.
Education should be aimed at specific target groups.
Specific goals should be set,
such as stopping the war on Iran and Afghanistan, Palestine,
wherever Amerikkka and Israel have their fingers in.
BOTH must also be leashed.
Discover the sources of
programming and psychological conditioning
that are affecting you personally
and find ways to shut them all off.
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