persists to this day in U.S. policy
Mowhawk Nation News
May 25, 2009
A psychopath is chronically immoral and anti-social, covered by a mask of sanity and always searching for victims. U.S. movers and shakers who are trying to gain control of the world come from an elite background. Many go to the northeastern U.S. schools like Harvard, Princeton and Yale.
They get jobs on Wall Street in Manhattan and Washington DC.
By day they work in top jobs. They make their way up into behind-the-scenes positions where they carry out the will of those who are trying to set up the new world order system.
This eventually includes forays into brutal violence and blood lust against defenseless unarmed people. Their bizarre initiations include killing innocent people at random. The end game is total control.
Psychopaths have to look normal to cover up their vile nature and training. They have no morals or ethics which frees them to carry out genocide, starvation, spreading pandemics and desecrating the environment. When they are confronted with their crimes, they maintain a studied blandness.
Psychopaths are possessive, greedy, have no deep feelings, no ties and are manipulators. They have no conscience. They start out with small simple crimes. This is not enough. They graduate to mass murder. It's like a mad dog that has eaten human flesh. He stepped over the line and therefore has to be shot.
Psychopaths like to talk about their activities, such as depopulating the world, creating one world government and one world religion, with them running it. There is no one world order without one world religion
Psychopaths want the world to know how vicious and sadistic they are to instill fear. Because they think the agenda is so advanced they now openly show their contempt for humanity.
Henry Kissinger doesn't mind being credited with the policy to rid the world of "useless eaters".
Prince Philip boasts he wants to be reincarnated as a virus to kill off most of the people of the world.
Maurice Strong of the Manitou Foundation, who is creating a one world religion, has close ties with both these men. It's a cabal!
It takes one to know one. To carry out these atrocities, recruiters carefully select psycho enforcers for their lack of empathy.
What happened to the Hippocratic oath? Psychologists and medical personnel sat next to the Iraqi victims as they were being tortured by U.S. soldiers and specialists. In Abu Graib Prison, U.S. soldiers got a kick out of raping little boys, torturing and killing the prisoners. They even took pictures and films as souvenirs. did Cheney and Bush get their jollies looking at them?
The U.S. mistakenly thinks it still has a good reputation as humanitarians. At one time no one believed they could be such monsters. To most it is so heinous the mind cannot wrap itself around it.
The attacks by the Canada Border Services Agency guards CBSA at Cornwall, Ontario, are getting progressively more vicious. These are a few of hundreds of recent assaults. Last June 2008 they grabbed two grandmothers and beat them. One had a heart attack.
Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, hospitalized with a heart attack on June 14, 2008, after being attacked by special forces in Canada at the Cornwall/Akwesasne border. Photo by Sagowaiak
A mother of 7 was taken out to the parking lot and accosted by five CBSA guards. They tried to rape her. She fought them off. They charged her with assault. This case is still in court.
One young pregnant mother was put under the x-ray machine for commercial tractor trailers. She lost the baby and had another that had some rare medical problems.
Three young children were taken inside the customs building for hours and questioned. They were ages 18 months, 3 and 4. They would not let the parents communicate with them.
The swarming technique being used by CBSA agents is when five or six surround a victim like a shark feeding frenzy. A superior on a cell phone stands nearby and instructs them.
They have complete confidence that their superiors will support them, right up to the president and prime minister's offices. Now these goons want guns in their hands!
In the 1997 Somalia Inquiry Report, Canadian soldiers on a peacekeeping mission had made bets. The first one to kill a Somalian would get a bottle of wine. We see this same mentality at the border crossings, except that the Indigenous Canadians will be the targets. The border guards are the commandos who will try to hunt us down.
MNN is publicizing CBSA routine brutality and racism because mainstream media won't. The guards seem to be getting a kick out of the publicity in Indian country. It's part of their psychopathology.
Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, looks like the controlling maniac with an appetite for the jugular. He did not go to Harvard, but has the U.S. cowboy mentality.
These psychopaths want control no matter what. Their sadism trickles down from the top to the rank and file. Harper shows that "studied" placid expression. He is surrounded by people who are more than willing to carry out "the agenda". Soon they will be marching around in military attire saluting him.
American psychopaths are exporting their depravity from what was formerly called the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. Death squads were trained there to be adjuncts to the dictators that the U.S. had installed in South America. It is now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation which still contravenes the Geneva Conventions.
The U.S. is the new Babylon, a world super power that takes whatever it wants from anywhere. They don't have the economic superiority, but do have the most lethal military.
President Obama is following the Bush agenda. Some change, eh! Are we surprised? What is the public's reaction? Denial and complacency! They pretend to misunderstand. When confronted these maniacs are trained to smile, just like any serial killer.
Kahentinetha & Karakwine,
MNN Mohawk Nation News
This eventually includes forays into brutal violence and blood lust against defenseless unarmed people. Their bizarre initiations include killing innocent people at random. The end game is total control.
Psychopaths have to look normal to cover up their vile nature and training. They have no morals or ethics which frees them to carry out genocide, starvation, spreading pandemics and desecrating the environment. When they are confronted with their crimes, they maintain a studied blandness.
Psychopaths are possessive, greedy, have no deep feelings, no ties and are manipulators. They have no conscience. They start out with small simple crimes. This is not enough. They graduate to mass murder. It's like a mad dog that has eaten human flesh. He stepped over the line and therefore has to be shot.
Psychopaths like to talk about their activities, such as depopulating the world, creating one world government and one world religion, with them running it. There is no one world order without one world religion
Psychopaths want the world to know how vicious and sadistic they are to instill fear. Because they think the agenda is so advanced they now openly show their contempt for humanity.
Henry Kissinger doesn't mind being credited with the policy to rid the world of "useless eaters".
Prince Philip boasts he wants to be reincarnated as a virus to kill off most of the people of the world.
Maurice Strong of the Manitou Foundation, who is creating a one world religion, has close ties with both these men. It's a cabal!
It takes one to know one. To carry out these atrocities, recruiters carefully select psycho enforcers for their lack of empathy.
What happened to the Hippocratic oath? Psychologists and medical personnel sat next to the Iraqi victims as they were being tortured by U.S. soldiers and specialists. In Abu Graib Prison, U.S. soldiers got a kick out of raping little boys, torturing and killing the prisoners. They even took pictures and films as souvenirs. did Cheney and Bush get their jollies looking at them?
The U.S. mistakenly thinks it still has a good reputation as humanitarians. At one time no one believed they could be such monsters. To most it is so heinous the mind cannot wrap itself around it.
The attacks by the Canada Border Services Agency guards CBSA at Cornwall, Ontario, are getting progressively more vicious. These are a few of hundreds of recent assaults. Last June 2008 they grabbed two grandmothers and beat them. One had a heart attack.

A mother of 7 was taken out to the parking lot and accosted by five CBSA guards. They tried to rape her. She fought them off. They charged her with assault. This case is still in court.
One young pregnant mother was put under the x-ray machine for commercial tractor trailers. She lost the baby and had another that had some rare medical problems.
Three young children were taken inside the customs building for hours and questioned. They were ages 18 months, 3 and 4. They would not let the parents communicate with them.
The swarming technique being used by CBSA agents is when five or six surround a victim like a shark feeding frenzy. A superior on a cell phone stands nearby and instructs them.
They have complete confidence that their superiors will support them, right up to the president and prime minister's offices. Now these goons want guns in their hands!
In the 1997 Somalia Inquiry Report, Canadian soldiers on a peacekeeping mission had made bets. The first one to kill a Somalian would get a bottle of wine. We see this same mentality at the border crossings, except that the Indigenous Canadians will be the targets. The border guards are the commandos who will try to hunt us down.
MNN is publicizing CBSA routine brutality and racism because mainstream media won't. The guards seem to be getting a kick out of the publicity in Indian country. It's part of their psychopathology.
Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, looks like the controlling maniac with an appetite for the jugular. He did not go to Harvard, but has the U.S. cowboy mentality.
These psychopaths want control no matter what. Their sadism trickles down from the top to the rank and file. Harper shows that "studied" placid expression. He is surrounded by people who are more than willing to carry out "the agenda". Soon they will be marching around in military attire saluting him.
American psychopaths are exporting their depravity from what was formerly called the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. Death squads were trained there to be adjuncts to the dictators that the U.S. had installed in South America. It is now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation which still contravenes the Geneva Conventions.
The U.S. is the new Babylon, a world super power that takes whatever it wants from anywhere. They don't have the economic superiority, but do have the most lethal military.
President Obama is following the Bush agenda. Some change, eh! Are we surprised? What is the public's reaction? Denial and complacency! They pretend to misunderstand. When confronted these maniacs are trained to smile, just like any serial killer.
Kahentinetha & Karakwine,
MNN Mohawk Nation News
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