ED Noor: Here we have an epic piece by Mark Glenn ~ an essential read
that should not be ignored. TUT has touched upon this ancient history for a few
months now but finally Mr.Glenn has, with the help of Sabba, provided us all
with one of the most important tools available to a thinking voter ~ historical
insight and a world class honest analysis of the situation facing us all. Netanyahu
will not take his election peacefully. We have already seen his reaction to the
Iran deal in how actions against the Palestinians have skyrocketed since its
signing. Or the action in Paris to deter France signing the agreement. Nope, a
man who can blow up the twin towers is not going to take this easily. He is a
fanatic as can be seen in this short video:
"Trump stands out as a political Pavarotti of sorts,
loud, proud, very broad in his vocal range and who with great aplomb sings not
only from a different political page but in a different political key."
Like an EKG announcing in shrill, ear-splitting
decibels that a life-threatening cardiac event is in full swing, so too is an
already-saturated-in-noise-pollution world made dirtier these days by the
incessant screeching emanating from a certain religio-nationalist neighborhood,
as minute by minute the residents there sink deep, deep, deeper into apoplexy
over both the person and presidential candidacy of one Donald J. Trump.
That the world (or at least those portions of it
prisonered by the stupefying and stupidizing effects of media-induced Zionist
black magic) finds itself being carpet-bombed with news pieces and OpEds
underscoring the sense of doom currently gripping Israel’s partisans concerning
a future Trump presidency is not an issue up for debate. Within every known
means of mass communication the panic-stricken noise is as much everywhere as
it is relentless.
(ED Noor: Right down to the idiotic aticles like: Donald Trump's taste for well-done steaks is disqualifying).
And unlike many instances involving Judaic
theatrics that oftentimes are more bark than actual bite, all can be assured
that this panic ~ as visible as heat waves boiling off of sun-scorched pavement
in mid-summer ~ is indeed the real deal. Like a rotten tooth gone to abscess
causing throbbing, maddening pain for its victim, likewise the very dramatic,
hysterical, full-throated displays of militant ‘anti-Trumpism’ (a
Judaically-based, politically-correct bigotry embraced and propagated by
unregenerate anti-Trumpites) does indeed indicate that an exposed nerve has not
only been touched, but rubbed raw.
The aggravating factor in this case is the
political possibility (probability?) of what the sum total of Trump’s words
portend vis a vis Israel and for organized Jewish interests in general. The
political establishment in America and all its members being in effect the
equivalent of the Judea Tabernacle Choir, where a carefully-scripted soundtrack
favorable only to Judaic interests repeats itself over and over again like a
broken record,
What’s more ~ to the obvious unnerving of those conductors wildly waving their
batons in the air in commandeering the course of the program in directions that
suit only them ~ Trump’s political trumpeting attracts both attention and
applause from a disenchanted political audience in America very much in the
mood to hear something different besides the same-old, same-old.
Trump stands out as a political Pavarotti of sorts, loud, proud, very broad in his vocal range and who with great aplomb sings not only from a different political page but in a different political key.

Furthermore, all can be equally assured that not
only are these anti-Trumpite elements not simply making noise just for the sake
of making noise, but as well that bringing him down has been made prioritus
By hook or by crook, whether through some type of
electoral chicanery or whether his physical safety is remanded over to the
not-so-tender mercies of today’s Sicarii (the Judaic assassins of
yesteryear whose religio-political murder and mayhem sparked the 1st
Roman-Jewish war lasting from 66 to 135 A.D) the leadership of La Kosher Nostra
is as intent upon scuttling the chances of DJT becoming POTUS as they were in
deep-sixing the political antics of one troublesome carpenter from Nazareth and
using much of the same tactics.
Today’s learned elders of Zion, trafficking in the
same evasive, innuendo-based tactics towards Trump they have mastered over the
course of thousands of years accuse him of (what else?) Nazism, racism,
xenophobia, vulgarity, of ‘putting America in danger’ and a chorus line of
other baseless, emotionally-driven and irrelevant charges high in mud content.
By doing so, they hope to electrify and energize
the mob against him in favor of some Barabbas substitute pre-selected to do the
bidding of the Jewish state, and as such, anything and everything is made the
subject of political discourse, except of course the real thorn in Judea’s eye,
which are the problematic noises Trump has made indicating that a tectonic
movement of geo-political plates is about to occur with regards to the bigger
plans Israel envisions not only for herself but as well for the rest of the
ED Noor: Roman triumphal procession with spoils from the Temple, depicted on the inside wall of the Arch of Titus in Rome. (Bittersweet observation: It is amazing ISIS has left such a historical remnant standing!)
ED Noor: Roman triumphal procession with spoils from the Temple, depicted on the inside wall of the Arch of Titus in Rome. (Bittersweet observation: It is amazing ISIS has left such a historical remnant standing!)
In particular, what has Judea’s knickers in a knot
are the concerns that a major rewrite of history is about to take place, where
a political/religious hijacking that occurred decades ago (i.e. Israel’s
hostile takeover of America in the political, military, foreign policy and
economic sense in the immediate aftermath of JFK’s assassination) is about to
be undone, with Trump representing the point-man of a political SEAL team sent
in to deal with the hijackers in a manner up close and personal.
Furthermore ~ just as the previous metaphor
suggests ~ it’s not just Trump all by his lonesome that has Judea so jittery
these days, but something much bigger and much badder than simply a billionaire
real estate developer with a penchant for brash language.
If thousands of years of pogroms, expulsions, and
being forced to wander from place to place amidst a sea of less-than-welcoming
Gentiles has resulted in anything, it is the evolutionized capacity on the part
of Judea’s ‘managerial class’ in divining possible/probable tomorrows based
upon today-events. Armed with a school-of-hard-knocks-developed 6th sense, and
utilizing social thermometers and barometers in detecting impending Gentile
fevers and Gentile storms, the ‘brains’ of the Judaic body politic have indeed
mastered the use of ‘pre-emption’ against those believed to possess even the
slightest disaffections or disinclinations towards ‘Am Y’Israel’’ ~ the
people of Israel ~ or those otherwise perceived in some manner to represent an
obstacle to Judaic designs.
ED Noor: The "Wandering Jew" wanders for many reasons. We are now dealing with their pent up fury and final opportunity to finish their vengeful campaign also known as the NWO or international Communism. Trump challenges this. .
This being the case then, the same pack of political hyenas now circling the would-be lion king understand that Trump is just one of a much larger and more dangerous pride of powerful alphas organized around the mission of clearing the American landscape of those poachers and scavengers calling themselves the Neoconservatives.
This being the case then, the same pack of political hyenas now circling the would-be lion king understand that Trump is just one of a much larger and more dangerous pride of powerful alphas organized around the mission of clearing the American landscape of those poachers and scavengers calling themselves the Neoconservatives.
Through that afore-described ‘6th sense,’ they
understand he is the proverbial tip of the iceberg indicating that something
bigger and more foreboding is headed Israel’s way than simply a candidate ‘not
wanting Jewish money’ or promising to take an ‘unbiased approach’ to the
Israeli/Palestinian situation.
His comments concerning ‘what really happened’ on
9/11 and charging that a cover-up took place, to his criticism of the
Zionist-wrought disasters in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc that have destabilized the
region and made it a breeding ground for terrorists, to his promise of improved
relations with Russia to his targeting of economically eviscerating trade deals
and the problems associated with illegal immigration, all wrapped up in one
nice, audiogenic phrase ‘Let’s Make America Great Again’ speaks volumes about
what Trump & co have in store 5 minutes after he has taken his oath of
office on Inauguration Day, 2017.
In sum, what’s been made clear to the banditos
making up the Kosher Nostra Krime Syndicate is that a billionaire Wyatt Earp
and his posse have ridden into town and that a 21st century political
re-enactment of the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral is about to take place
between heavyweights in the American power establishment and those
deeply-entrenched Neocon saboteurs and spies sent in decades ago to destroy
America from within.
The ‘posse’ organized around Trump that has Judea
so panicked these days is of course comprised of those as-of-now unnamed
individuals and institutions, highly placed within the political, military,
intelligence, law enforcement and economic apparati of the USGOV acting in much
the same capacity as ‘machers’ bearing names such as Sheldon Adelson,
Haim Saban, Paul Singer, et al. Like a team of explosives experts carefully
placing shaped charges in some soon-to-be-demolished building condemned as a
hazard to public safety, likewise these elements ~ many closely involved in the
9/11 investigation and who know intimately Israel’s direct role in all of it
(as well as her involvement in the murders of both Kennedy brothers, her deliberate
attack on the USS LIBERTY, the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995
and the near-total collapse of the US economy in September of 2008) are hard at
work preparing for the soon-to-materialize ‘clash of civilizations’ between
what remains of Pax Americana and the multi-tentacled, multi-headed,
multi-horned beast representing those Judaic interests out to destroy the US
and the West through the means of perpetual war, economic evisceration, and
political dismemberment.
Of course, the first reaction on the part of those
who understand the parasitic relationship between Judea and the West is to
point out the illogic of such a scenario ~ i.e. the destruction of that very
system that has acted for decades as Israel’s main sustenance in terms of cash,
military hardware and political protection ~ in that it would in effect mean
the death of the Jewish state itself.
This would certainly be the case if in fact the
Jewish state truly needed all that Western lucre for its existence, which it
doesn’t. While it’s true that during her infancy she depended heavily upon the
money, arms, and support of the West while cutting her fangs, today however,
things are different. What began as a baby crocodile that needed momma’s help
during its developmental stage has now grown into a monster of
apocalyptically-immense size, along with an apocalyptically destructive
disposition and equally destructive apocalyptic hardware.
Despite her incessant demands for increased aid and
reparations, Israel doesn’t need the West’s money per se. Receiving it
certainly makes things easier for her, but like a millionaire-many-times-over
taking advantage of various public assistance programs so as to leave his pile
of gelt untouched as it accrues interest, likewise Israel could walk away from
western money and would fare none the worse.
Indeed, not only letting go of momma’s skirt, but
indeed taking momma down and devouring her is very much on Israel’s to-do list,
for as soon as America has ‘paid her debt’ to Judean society, i.e. has fulfilled
the requirements handed down by ‘the court’ and has made ‘restitution’ by
destroying the entirety of the Muslim Middle East for Israel’s benefit, leaving
the U.S. a bankrupted, broken empire, America will then be pushed out of
region, leaving control of all the oil wells and refineries in the hands of the
Jewish state.
ED Noor: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up
and blow away.” ~ Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002
This ~ paired with her military might and uncontested dominance of the world’s banking systems ~ will turn her overnight from a tiny slice of land innocuously referred to as ‘a homeland for the Jewish people’ into a nuclear-armed superpower threatening economic and atomic annihilation against anyone daring to resist her demands, just as those religious texts that function as the founding documents of her existence have outlined in clear detail now for thousands of years., to wit:
“Foreigners will rebuild your walls, and their kings will serve you…Your gates will always stand open, day and night, so that Gentiles may bring you the wealth of their nations, and their kings led in triumphal procession, for the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish, it will be utterly destroyed.”–Isaiah 60:10-12
And the notion that this is not a well-known fact
to those making up the various gears of the Donald Trump bulldozer ~ powerful,
well-connected individuals fully cognizant of not only what Israel’s done to
America in the past but as well what she plans to do tomorrow.~ hovers
somewhere between the improbable and the impossible. These individuals, who
have lived and breathed ‘national security’ for the entirety of their lives and
whose job is to be constantly watching out for icebergs that threaten to sink
the ship of state know what is coming, how bad it will be for them personally
and thus, for reasons related to saving their own skin and their own necks, are
mounting what is a (more-than-likely too little/too late) surgical strike aimed
at removing the Neoconservative cancer from the American body politic in a
desperate move to extend the life of the empire just a little bit longer.
Those handicapped in understanding how/why Israel
would be willing to embark on such a mad course ~ burning down America and the
West which have acted as both surrogate and midwife now for over half a century
~ do so only because of a deadly misunderstanding concerning the peculiar
spiritual electricity that animates Judaic thinking in both the religious and
political sense. Within the context of such a misunderstanding, Judaism and its
cult members are perceived like any other religion, where universally-accepted principles,
manifested in a list of ‘thou shalts’ and ‘thou shalt nots’, guide the lives of
its followers in ways that lend towards inner peace with the creator and mutual
respect/cooperation with fellow man.
To make such a comparison is of course as erroneous
as saying that wolves and sheep are the same because they happen to share a few
similar characteristics, while at the same time leaving out of the equation the
fact that one by its very nature is a ravenous carnivore whose main diet
consists of the other.
Judaism ~ just as its followers state with a
measurable amount of arrogance at every given opportunity ~ is not like other
religions. There is no aforementioned menu of universally-accepted ‘do’s’ and
‘don’ts’ that guide its followers in ways that lend towards mutual
respect/cooperation with fellow man.
Judaism ~ as its name implies ~ is a political
paradigm whose nucleus is the Jewish people and as such, represents a political
arrangement no different than what is followed by gang members who live in a
state of war with organized society. It is a closed, members-only
politico-religious club operating under the same pretenses as does La Cosa
Nostra ~ ’our thing’ ~ the only variance being that ‘Cosa’ is replaced with the
word ‘Kosher’.
ED Noor: Above, the U.S. Supreme Court as compared to the Pantheon of ancient Rome. It was Roman architects who created the architectural dome.
More importantly, as it relates to the criminal activities associated with this gang and its war against America and the West, outsiders viewing all of this from the here-and-now perspective need to understand the deeply-historical elements that are its driving force. As difficult as it may be for the Gentile mind to grasp, nevertheless it is a fact that today’s Neoconservative termites chewing away at the body politic of the West do not see themselves engaged in a subversive, secret war with nations bearing names such as America, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, etc, whose populations originated in Europe prior to the age of colonization.
More importantly, as it relates to the criminal activities associated with this gang and its war against America and the West, outsiders viewing all of this from the here-and-now perspective need to understand the deeply-historical elements that are its driving force. As difficult as it may be for the Gentile mind to grasp, nevertheless it is a fact that today’s Neoconservative termites chewing away at the body politic of the West do not see themselves engaged in a subversive, secret war with nations bearing names such as America, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, etc, whose populations originated in Europe prior to the age of colonization.
Rather, these various nations and their various
peoples are seen collectively as the modern day extension of ancient Rome from
which all of them originated. Their culture is Roman. Their systems of
government are Roman. Their various languages and alphabets are Roman. Their
military power ~ unchallengeable virtually throughout the entire world ~ is
Roman, and all of this ‘Roman’ power is headquartered in the most ‘Roman’ of
all the various players, the United States, complete with its various
manifestations of Roman symbology ~ the Eagle, the Senate, it’s ‘presidential’
Emperor/Caesar and its sprawling military, economic, cultural, and political
dominance over world affairs.
ED Noor: The bundle upon which Lincoln rests his arm is the ancient Roman fasces, bundle of sticks, representative the unification of peoples.
It is for this reason then that the West ~ led by
the United States ~ was chosen by the people of Judea as the vehicle by which
her scattered, tattered people would be returned to their homeland and why
‘Rome’ would be the source in suckling the Jewish state up to this very day
with money, arms, and political protection. And
not ~ as most would assume ~ due to the West’s money and military power, but
rather in making good on that old Judaic dictum of ‘an eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth’.
The soon-to-erupt gathering storm cannot be
understood without first looking backwards into history, and not just that
period beginning with the Theodore Herzl’s First Zionist Congress held in
Basel, Switzerland in 1897, but rather all the way back to 66 A.D., in a
province on the eastern end of the Roman Empire known as Judea and the series
of revolts she waged against Rome that led to her destruction.
2,000 years ago, the Judeans, just as dangerously
xenophobic, fanatical, haughty, and prone to religious-inspired violence as
their progeny are today, engaged in a multi-generational program of
state-sponsored terrorism aimed at driving the Romans out of ‘Eretz
Y’Israel’. Led by a group known as the Zealots (whose progeny today exist
in the various right-wing parties in Israel going by names such as Likud,
Jewish Home, Shaas, etc) they utilized a network of spies and select assassins
known as Sicarii (‘dagger-wielders’) tasked with murdering both Romans
and fellow Jews deemed ‘not sufficiently patriotic’ vis a’ vis the occupation
of the land they believe was divinely deeded to them by their god, Yahweh.
Rome ~ understanding well the dangerous
implications associated with this growing lawlessness ~ sent in its legions to
put down the revolt lest it spread to the other provinces. Led by the
soon-to-be-made emperor Vespasian and his equally-soon-to-be-made-emperor son
Titus, the Romans ~ starting in Galilee to the North ~ went from village to
village, hunting down the insurgents and putting them to the sword.
After successfully destroying the rebellion in the
north, Jerusalem remained the last hold-out of Zealot/Sicarii resistance to
Roman occupation.
After an extended 7-month siege, whereupon Titus
and his troops breached the walls of Jerusalem, in the ensuing battle, the 2nd
Temple (a re-build of Solomon’s Temple destroyed 500 years earlier by the
Babylonians) that was the centerpiece of daily Jewish life caught fire and was

ED Noor: Jewish slaves pouring wine for their Roman masters.
Since it was Titus’ plan to present the Temple to the Roman emperor as a gift, hence there would be no reason for its destruction by the Romans, and it is therefore assumed that the fire was an unintended consequence arising out of the battle taking place or else the Jews themselves set it alight in order to prevent what would have been a total victory for Rome.
The aftermath was all-too-predictable…The defeated
Jews were taken away as slaves to Rome, along with all the Temple’s gold and
valuables. Those not taken as slaves were forced to flee and live their lives
as refugees throughout the Empire, from whence the term ‘Wandering Jew’ is
As a punishment for having breached the Pax
Romanum, a particular tax was levied against the Jews, the Fiscus
Judaicus, equal in amount to the 2 denarii tithe they paid for the upkeep
of their Temple in Jerusalem, which was then used for the upkeep of the central
place of worship in Rome, the Jupiter Optimus Maximus. Adding insult and
humiliation to injury, for 25 years after the defeat of Judea, the Romans
minted coins in every denomination celebrating their victory over the Jews,
reading ‘Judea Capta’ and showing a grieving woman sitting at the feet
of a victorious Vespasian.
Besides the Fiscus Judaicus being in place
for as much as 300 years, Judaism itself ~ seen as the electrifying and
energizing source of the rebellion ~ was also outlawed, at times punishable by
Nothing taking place today vis a’ vis Israel
and her interaction with America and the West
can be understood completely
without first plugging all of this history into the equation.
It must be remembered that this event ~ Rome’s
destruction of Judea and the dispersal/humiliation of the Jews ~ is credited as
the causal source of the constantly-cited ‘2,000 years of persecution’ which
finally culminated in the ‘persecution of all persecutions’ ~ the misnamed
‘Holocaust’ and its claim of 6,000,000 ‘blessed Judaic souls’ being
As Judaic reasoning goes, had the Romans not
destroyed Judea, this entire chapter of Judaic suffering would never have
occurred, and therefore, not only are the Jews deserving of ‘that land’ they
claim was given to them by their god, Yahweh, but more importantly, it is the
duty of those responsible for bringing about this extended tragedy to make it
happen, and since those responsible have gone on to meet their makers long ago,
the onus therefore falls upon the heads of their progeny, those making up ‘the
West’ today, in accordance with the old Judaic dictum that ‘the sins of the
father are visited upon the heads of his children’.
It is in this context therefore where it becomes more clear why the West is bled dry economically through ‘reparations’, financial ‘aid’ to Israel and usurious interest loaned by Jewish-owned banks to both governments and people alike.
It is in this context where it becomes more clear why the blood of the young men and women serving in the ‘legions of Rome’ is spilled on the sands of Iraq and other locales where they have been sent to fight those wars whose only beneficiary is Judea.
Since the destruction of Jerusalem left a power vacuum that was then filled several hundred years later by the followers of Mohammed, it is therefore the duty of today’s great, great grandchildren of those who served in the army of Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus to wipe away the sins of their forefathers by militarily vacating that land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers termed ‘Greater Israel’ of all traces of non-Jewish inhabitants.
And in this way, a major re-write of history is
affected, where the original celebratory phrase ‘Judea Capta, Roma Victor’
is reversed and thus becomes ‘Roma Capta, Judea Victor’, as clearly
evidenced not only in the Great Seal of the United States, but as well in the
‘coinage of the realm’ ~ the American dollar ~ which features a Judaic Star of
David sitting in superior position atop the eagle (the national symbol of
both ancient Rome and Nova Roma, the United States of America) as well as an
inverted Menorah placed over the eagle’s breast, one of the sacred items looted
by the Romans and taken to Rome following Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 A.D.
The tragedy associated with the destruction of both
Temples ~ first by the Babylonians and then by the Romans ~ is by no means
considered inconsequential or trivial. Every year the religious feast known as Tisha
B’Av ~ considered to be the ‘saddest’ day in the Judaic year ~ is
celebrated, where Jews the world over recall with mourning the destruction of
both temples and all the suffering that ensued, and particularly that 2,000
years of suffering that followed the events of 70 A.D.
It is of great curiosity to note that in Hebrew, ‘Tisha B’Av’ literally means the ‘9th of Av,’ and ‘Av’ being the 11th month in the Judaic calendar year, what this translates into is, literally, ‘9/11’.
It is also quite curious and interesting to recall
that on 9/11, the Twin Towers in New York ~ representing the 2 ‘temples’ of
American (Roman) economic power ~ were destroyed by fire, not ‘one stone being
left upon another’, in a reversal of fortune as befell the 2 Temples in
Across the river, in Jersey City, New Jersey, a
group of 5 Israeli intelligence officers were seen by witnesses that day both
filming and cheering at the destruction. They were arrested later that day,
held for several months for extensive questioning by the FBI and then quietly
sent back to Israel where shortly thereafter they appeared on a talk show,
admitted they were Israeli intelligence and that they were sent to ‘document the
event’, indicating not only clear foreknowledge on the part of Israel, but as
well involvement.
It must be remembered that on Tisha B’Av, 2001,
when the 2 Temples of American economic power were destroyed, thus began the
often-cited ‘clash of civilizations’ between modern Rome encompassing America,
Europe, and the West and 1.5 billion Muslims spread throughout the Middle East
and beyond. It is this same ‘clash of civilizations’ which Netanyahu (the same
creature who snickeringly characterized the destruction of the Twin Towers in
New York as ‘Good’ in that it would generate ‘immediate sympathy for Israel’)
predicted would last until the end of the century.
ED Noor: "Flight of the Prisoners" by James Tissot. The current to-do about the candidacy of Donald J. Trump grates the Judaic nerve ~ a repeat of the above must never happen again. Over the centuries they have never learned their lesson, such a headstrong and blind nation. The sting of that humiliation runs deeper than any gentile can possibly comprehend so today we are in the midst of their payback as well as the culmination of their millenia long agenda.
And, as stated previously, the notion that the outlines of this plan in bringing about the destruction of modern day Rome by the modern-day progeny of yesteryear’s Judeans–has somehow escaped the discovery of those elements highly-placed within the military, intelligence, political, and economic power centers of ‘Nova Roma’ ~ the new Rome ~ lies somewhere between the improbable and impossible…
And, as stated previously, the notion that the outlines of this plan in bringing about the destruction of modern day Rome by the modern-day progeny of yesteryear’s Judeans–has somehow escaped the discovery of those elements highly-placed within the military, intelligence, political, and economic power centers of ‘Nova Roma’ ~ the new Rome ~ lies somewhere between the improbable and impossible…
And, from stage right, enter one Donald J. Trump…
‘…And then a new king came to power in Egypt…”Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become far too numerous for us…Come, let us deal wisely with them, or else they will multiply and in the event of war, they will enjoin themselves to those who hate us and fight against us and then depart from the land…’ Book of Exodus
Those who’ve watched over the years as ‘the great
experiment’ in Judaic self-rule in the Middle East has descended deeper and
deeper into a type of religiously-sourced, rabid, ultra-violent madness are
doubtlessly hoping that with a Trump presidency, a planned re-enactment of
Titus’s destruction of the entire Judaic paradigm is in the works.
This may very well turn out to be the case, but in
terms of it being part of the planned paradigm that Trump & co envision,
this is unlikely.
Realistically, what Nova Roma and its would-be
Caesar, along with his consuls, advisors, and generals are planning is not to
hack the tree down at its roots, but rather to prune it and make it more
manageable. The situation involving not only the Palestinians, but as well all
the other peoples in the region has become a ticking time bomb about to go off,
and particularly now that a nuclear-armed Russia has entered an
apocalyptically-problematic mathematic equation where things could get out of
hand very quickly in ways that would prove irreversible.
More than likely, what Team Trump have in mind is a
distancing of Nova Roma from Judea and a situation where pressure is put upon
this unhealthy manifestation of religio-political madness.
Netanyahu & co will be told that high-noon has
arrived, that it is time to abide by the various international resolutions
requiring Israel to pull back to those original territories allotted to the
Jews by the UN and that all the land stolen after the 6 Day War is vacated and
returned to its owners.
AIPAC and all the other tentacles representing
organized Jewish interests in America ~ more sophisticated manifestations of
the Sicarri of yesteryear who engage in spying, bribery, blackmail,
political sabotage, etc, and all done in achieving the designs envisioned by
the Jewish state ~ will, after a series of criminal prosecutions and
convictions, be forced to register as agents of a foreign power in conformity
with the same FARA requirements which JFK and his US Attorney General brother
Robert were pushing to implement.
ED Noor: Trump threatens everything these people have schemed for for so very long.
What must be remembered however is that to Netanyahu and his band of fellow Zealots ~ who have all sworn blood oaths wholly dedicating and consecrating themselves not only to the destruction of Rome but as well to the realization of those ancient Judaic prophecies foretelling a New World Order with Jerusalem as its capital and with ‘Judaic values’ operating as the dominant protocols ~ the ‘change of plans’ envisioned by Trump & co are viewed as nothing short of an extinction-level event.
What must be remembered however is that to Netanyahu and his band of fellow Zealots ~ who have all sworn blood oaths wholly dedicating and consecrating themselves not only to the destruction of Rome but as well to the realization of those ancient Judaic prophecies foretelling a New World Order with Jerusalem as its capital and with ‘Judaic values’ operating as the dominant protocols ~ the ‘change of plans’ envisioned by Trump & co are viewed as nothing short of an extinction-level event.
A Judea ~ confined to a mere sliver of land
residing along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, rather than the
sprawling power lying between the Nile and Euphrates rivers ~ just as depicted
both in the ‘holy books’ making up the Torah and on the Israeli flag itself ~ would
in effect be a statement that Judaism and all its precepts is on its face a
At a time when the world finds itself bit by bit
evolving forward and upwards and in the process, shedding the skin of
irrational, antiquated and superstitious ideas in favor of the both personal
and collective enlightenment and progress that results from the application of
facts and reasoning, the liability that Jewry itself will break free from the
mental chains of its Judaism and walk cooperatively and peaceably with the rest
of the Gentile world is something that threatens the very existence of the
entire Judaic paradigm going all the way back to the Book of Genesis.
And it is for this reason then that today’s Zealots
~ firmly in control of apocalyptic power whereby entire civilizations can be
reduced to smoking, smoldering ruins, either through a pre-planned economic
first-strike (such as took place on 9/11/2008) or through the use of those
nuclear weapons which Israel has doubtless smuggled into the various provinces
making up Nova Roma (to say nothing of her state-of-the-art nuclear-armed
submarines) will simply not allow the change of political seasons heralded by
the person of Donald J. Trump to materialize without having the ‘last laugh’ in
the form of her often-threatened use of the ‘Samson Option’.
In many ways, the entire scenario is reminiscent of
the final scene from the film Gladiator, where the beloved Roman general
Maximus Decimus Meridius faces off against the scheming, ambitious, very
Judaic-in-appearance-and-behavior Emperor Commodus in the Coliseum. The crowd
watches with fascination the spectacle they are witnessing without realizing
that the fate of the entire Empire ~ and by logical and irrevocable extension ~
their own futures hinges on who wins this battle.
ED Noor: ANY excuse to post a clip from my favourite movie...
And in other ways, the desperate move on the part of certain elements within Nova Roma to circumvent the final stages of a 2,000 year old vendetta on the part of Nova Judea is reminiscent of the final stanza of a popular song from the 1970’s, where the author has just realized he has walked into a prison where his very existence is now in jeopardy:
And in other ways, the desperate move on the part of certain elements within Nova Roma to circumvent the final stages of a 2,000 year old vendetta on the part of Nova Judea is reminiscent of the final stanza of a popular song from the 1970’s, where the author has just realized he has walked into a prison where his very existence is now in jeopardy:
‘Mirrors on the ceiling…
Pink champagne on ice, and she said,
“We are all just prisoners here, of our own device”
And in the master’s chambers,
They gather for the feast…
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beast’…
Pink champagne on ice, and she said,
“We are all just prisoners here, of our own device”
And in the master’s chambers,
They gather for the feast…
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beast’…
‘Last thing I remember, I
was running for the door…
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before…
“Relax,” said the night man, ‘We are programmed to receive…
You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave…’
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before…
“Relax,” said the night man, ‘We are programmed to receive…
You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave…’
I will be damned, it is my favorite movie also. That along with Tombstone, of course with Tombstone I am biased as Doc is my cousin. Have two cds of gladiator but 7 of Tombstone. :)
ReplyDeleteA rare family photo of Doc Holliday at 3 years of age.
In fact my retirement plaque from the boys states, "A man who believed that what we do in life echoes in eternity"! cheers
Have an idea for a photoshop but it will feature Putin.
I would love for the above to be true about Trump, but have my doubts.
ʬH0®Eduh s/\/\artyPPants
/\rt Of The
trompe l'oil . . .
carl Icahn
“The only [candidate] that’s going to give real support to Israel is me,” said Donald Drumpf. “The rest of them are all talk, no action. They’re politicians. I’ve been loyal to Israel from
the day I was born. My father, Fred Trump, was loyal to Israel before me.”
In January 2013, Trump released a video endorsing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the 2013 Israeli elections
Trump has stated: "I have so many friends in Israel." ]
ʬHICH'S N 0 T jus/nyHiredHands
++their 'enforcers' ++
4 CIAMossad
– – – –
I posted this comment but it is so badly formatted I really am not sure what the point of it is other than I get the feeling it is something negative about Trump.
Delete"Nothing taking place today vis a’ vis Israel
ReplyDeleteand her interaction with America and the West
can be understood completely
without first plugging all of this history into the equation." Just what I've been looking for! I haven't been able to find my way as far back as I knew I needed to go.
Just another revisionist rabbit hole!
A Jones is backing trump. Jews own Alex Jones. What does that doe to your theory?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely nothing since I pay Jones absolutely no notice ~ just ignore him and his yidiocy, know far too much about him and left his wild eyed ranting very very long ago.
DeletePaul Watson and the rest of them.... well, they lost all credibility too over one betrayal or another. Just because we all agree that the sky is blue does not mean we have a common theory, just an similar observation.
I will pay attention to the work of a Mark Glenn or any other writer with brilliant and thoroughly plausible observations....