Summer is halfway through! Amazing how fast it flies by. Or maybe it is my age; but endless summers have not been part of my life for a very long time. I don't know. Anyhow it is hot. It is also a slow news cycle but there is still far too much going on.
For starters, I would like to thank all the people whose Tweets I post here. James Perloff. James Woods. Blackbird9. Mark Dankof. Henry Makow. Wife With a Purpose. polNewsForever. Dr. David Duke. Andrew Joyce. I hope I left no one out. It seems rather nasty of me to be posting their wit without thanking them for their contributions.
As always, please enjoy and share widely.
Best cartoon of the week, alas. Just watch the goings on at al-Aqsa! Bibi is poking around to infuriate in the very same way Sharon did when he went to this place and set off an Intifada. Now Bibi wants a third because his people thirst for blood; and another war throws a great wrench into Trump's intended peace processes between the Palestinians and Israel.
Doesn't this idiot realize that, at 61, he is a dinosaur to most of his audience?
As with almost all cartoons, the above can be enlarged to read the print more easily.
Photographic proof of Trump/Russia collusion.
Major common sense.
Yes, Trudeau does indeed send sock selfies everywhere. Rather an indication of his depth of his spirit.
Note what Canada is famous for!
Try this at your local bank!
The Gulf crisis

Oh, my. I just did an image search on "Adamasgender" just to see what would come up. It seems every single one of these variations has its own flag and very specific definitions. These folks are silly but serious and not to be ignored.
This is, I suppose, amusing. But then consider the magazine stalls in France prior to the election of little Macron. Every magazine had an image of him to appeal to some sector of the populace. But then, in France, they don't jail cartoonists.
The worst assault on Trump this week was around his speech to the Boy Scouts of America. Every cartoonist had to take a jab about merit badges or comparisons to Hitler and the Youth. It was truly pathetic; they have so little to work with. Great report below.
Artist Pitch: Israeli Surveillance Camera: Israel replaces metal detectors installed at al-Aqsa Mosque compound in
Jerusalem after two police officers were fatally shot by Arab-Israeli
gunmen on July 14, with less obtrusive surveillance cameras.
Artist Pitch: Killing in the Name Of: "Honour" killings, which typically see Muslim men victimize wives and
daughters because of "westernized" behavior that has somehow insulted
their faith, are on the rise globally with hundreds of cases reported
each year.
An older British friend, grew up near the Cavern in Liverpool back in the day, turned me on to this beer. I am not and have never been a beer fan; I truly prefer fresh clear water. But this beer, as Jerry told me, was the beer the little old ladies sat and drank in the back of the pub. That it is beyond delicious is all I can say. I actually drank two in one afternoon! This thick brew does not feel like water, slides down your throat like silk, leaving so many different tastes lingering on your tongue! My fast is going well, but I think when I hit the 50 pound loss mark I might treat myself to a small pack of this stuff.
Ah, yes! The great McCain does have support from the Libs and Dems against Trump.
So does Israel aka the intended Pax Judaica.
But Israel gets a free pass to ignore the UN in the Middle East.
Just saying, I am in Canada right across the street from a nuclear naval base on the West Coast....
Artist Pitch: Section 8 Smoker: While it’s been legal to possess and consume cannabis in DC since February of 2015,
citizens here can still only do it in their private homes, which leaves
many rental housing residents ~ particularly tenants in
Federally-subsidized Section 8 public housing ~ in a rough spot.
Thanks to Whooli. This is one of the best spoofs. Ever.
Meanwhile, behind but in front of the curtains...
Artist Pitch: We are All Made of Stars: Research conducted by astronomers at Northwestern University in
Illinois has shown that nearly half of the atoms that make up our bodies
may have formed beyond the Milky Way and traveled to the solar system
on intergalactic winds driven by giant exploding stars. Read more here:
Maduro has been unable to uphold the legacy left behind by Chavez.
And it worked!
Last month it was Teen Vogue teaching these children about anal sex.
Happy August!