OMG, the summer is over. Just earlier I noticed how very dark it was at only 8 pm. Back to watching my driving speed in school zones and dodging fewer kids in the pool. This summer has flown by with my daughter moving here and giving birth. Wasn't it just last week I tripped and hurt my arm on my 70th birthday? No, it has been two entire months!
The best part of autumn? Apple season! Before beginning this fast/diet thing last year, I would never have thought this. Now, an apple is my sweet of preference. So excited for this year's harvest.
They are regulating the hell out of marijuana; another cash cow to appease discontented voters. Justin has failed in everything but this will come through because it creates money and also because it is his easiest promise to fulfill yet still keep the international bosses happy.
They figure a stoned population might not notice the havoc being done to our nation by a Communist regime which is inept and hateful? Too occupied looking for munchies perhaps?
Just a few hours ago, yours truly was informed that my 7-year connection for good, clean, affordable weed was forced out of business by new government regulations; now I am stuck unless I get a goddam doctor's prescription and have to go to a costly shop to buy goods inferior to what I had access to before.
Unless I can come up with another alternative and I will begin that search tomorrow morning!
They figure a stoned population might not notice the havoc being done to our nation by a Communist regime which is inept and hateful? Too occupied looking for munchies perhaps?
Just a few hours ago, yours truly was informed that my 7-year connection for good, clean, affordable weed was forced out of business by new government regulations; now I am stuck unless I get a goddam doctor's prescription and have to go to a costly shop to buy goods inferior to what I had access to before.
Unless I can come up with another alternative and I will begin that search tomorrow morning!
Justine really does not look much like PET does he? The arrogance, the smirk, yes. The hatred of Canadians, yes. Physical resemblance, not so much. Hmm. "Oh, oh, oh, Fidel!" Margaret screamed into the dark Cuban night skies....
And this is the truth of the matter: virtue signalling.
Dixon Diaz is an extremely prolific creator, sometimes (more often than not) crude. I do not agree with his Israeli position so never post those; however most of his stuff is hilariously to the point. He is frequently removed from host sites; it takes time to find him in his resurfaced site.
The third from bottom regarding Israel: NOT a consideration IMHO. Not sure why it is on this list but it seems the Right has an unhealthy affection for these folks, just as do the Left; they are apparently inescapable at the moment. Perhaps a little Jewish scare-mongering.
This poor homeless migrant child.
Delicious autumn meal. The first thing I saw was the ooze of marrow from those beef bones. Mmmmm.
A fine example of "toxic masculinity"!
On closer inspection, it looks as if that mommy is the same male model made up as a woman!
This story tore me up; that poor child; how many of them are there out there who have been pulled into this dysphoria and madness at such an inappropriate age? You can bet this pink-haired idiot blames everyone and everything but her own politics in this tragedy.
This is the real flag Armstrong planted on the moon. And if you don't believe that you are anti-semitic.
Not to encourage this woman to remain fat but, imagine what those tats would look like when she slims down to 1/2 her current size. Uhm. Very scary but healthier than this. How many hot-blooded males want to take her up on that kiss?
For some reason, I believe this is also a distinct possibility.
This cartoonist has finally been pushed too far. For years I have followed his work; his comments on Muslims have always been impartial, balanced and not inspired by hatred; ever. It might have changed; here are his comments on this cartoon: Islam Means Peace: After the death threats on Cartoon Movement's Facebook page this week
and half a dozen personal death threats in my messenger inbox, I call Bullshit on Islam means peace.
Same artist: Head Wound: I respect a person's right to peacefully practice any type of religion, and Islam is no exception. But I have zero respect when practitioners of a religion are the
driving force behind vile death threats and calls to commit global acts
of terror over a cartoon contest.
I'm not a fan of Geert Wilders, but his decision to cancel that contest, thus "avoiding the risk of making people victims of Islamist violence" speaks volumes, and once again beggars the Question: Does Islam really mean peace?
Who wore it better?

When you stop to realize that this sign exists because someone most likely did just this, don't you question the (lack of) thought processes of so many people?
And yes, lots of the types of kids in the top photo exist. That is why illegals are such a slap in the face to legal immigrants who have slogged through the system to get their children to levels of achievement once known as "the immigrant dream". But now, multiculturalism means letting in almost anyone and giving the illegals a fine opportunity to disappear.
I say abolish people with big ears!
Especially beta males.
(((Not White)))
The SA government was very serious about never mentioning problems regarding the Boers; made a few threats; the above refusal, one of many, took place and these people could easily be dead. Now that Trump has focused the eyes of the world on this issue, just by ACKNOWLEDGING it exists, the globalist community has been in overdrive to discredit his words and insist, as was insisted regarding the Holocaust, on twisting the truth to the international community. Theresa May has been particularly nauseous in this endeavour with her cringe-worthy "African dance" in Kenya and denial of problems in South Africa.
She learned to dance from watching The Walking Dead zombies!
Unlike Presidents past, there has not been ONE Satanic handsign flashed; perhaps some Masonic stuff, but none of that Baphomet crap.
Does anyone plan to watch a football game for this sweet chappie?
Only posted full size because this one left me totally angry. Three of my brothers were altar boys; all were very beautiful children; they were never bothered; but they were CHILDREN at the time; CHILDREN. Hockey. School. Friends. Bikes. Cards. Games. Tests of strength etc.
That is all they cared about (along with food); or even knew about. Totally innocent of such things. How could they possibly be responsible for their responses if the one father (who was moved to another parish) had approached them? He was charismatic, handsome and they would be helpless; heck I had a crush on the handsome priest!
That Father Ryan, with his beautiful blue eyes and beautifully chiselled bone structure, taught me Catholic doctrine in Grade 10 and failed me because he did not approve of my stance on abortion. He said to me, "Of course you can write anything you wish but I still have to mark you accordingly". As a result of failing religious classes, I got myself transferred to a public school. It was all very cordial actually.
AH that goddamned global agenda.
Mr. Granlund's Mother Nature sure is one tough-looking mama!
ReplyDeleteAre those forest fires out now? They have pretty well disappeared from the headlines.
Good luck finding a satisfactory supplier of good weed, and best wishes for a pleasant holiday weekend.
Thanks for your good wishes. Back atcha.
DeleteAnd yes the fires seem to be calmed down; the air quality is back up again and I am heading out now to partake.
Noor, you may find this informative, as I know you take an interest in Venezuela:
Fantastic. My two favorites were Jewtropolis and the Jew-IQ-BS one right above it.
Pink Floyd with Frank Zappa - 1969
It's just a long noisy jam to trip on if somebody's high enough but what's fascinating is the video. A mere 3 years after he was basically starving on the streets of Hollywood (even after he managed to get a record deal and a 20 grand advance to make a double-album, FZ still had to beg the producers for a 10 dollar "loan" so he could buy sandwiches for his band who were too hungry and lacking in energy to play. The producer was not even allowed to give him $10 openly. They had to go somewhere where no one could see him slipping Frank the ten dollars) Zappa was already "iconic" enough in the rock music world to get 10,000 dollars, all expenses paid, just to go to Belgium and MC a festival show. No one told him that hardly anyone spoke English, so he ended up jamming with most of the bands, including the 3 year old Pink Floyd, now post-Syd-Barrett, with David Gilmour having joined for just about a year (since late 1967). Before that Gilmour, according to the official legend, was also literally starving, as he traveled across Europe, busking on the streets for his pay for a year. When he came back he was hospitalized for malnutrition.
~ Negentropic, MK I
(. . . continued from previous post)
ReplyDeleteSo, these were guys who, although all still in their 20s, had known starvation and having "nothing left to lose" (just another word for Freedom, the Kristofferson lyric that Janis Joplin made famous posthumously in 1971). They have that rough-&-tough "weathered" look that kids today, being much more pampered in every way (through the induced fear-&-paranoia of the parents more than anything else) don't have. This is also the quality of strength which makes them more attractive than today's people as you can read in some of the comments. People of today actually consider people from 50 years ago, more attractive! Isn't that a hoot?
FZ's also the only one not high-off-his-balls in the video, since he only favored self-destructing with coffee and cigarettes. As soon as you see Roger's eyes you know he's tripping on acid or some other heavy psychedelics; same with Nick Mason and every other band member and most of the audience members. lol
The last time I saw Roger Waters play, at the Wall concert a few years ago, at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, even though cannabis was legal in California for medical patients, you couldn't light up in your seat without some big usher/bouncer guy coming down to tell you to put it out. Ridiculous. Nowadays, I just take 60 milligrams of THC beforehand, like an hour before the concert and by the time the show starts I'm high as an F-15 and fully into it, the way I would at home. This way I don't have to deal with these uptight concert-venues and their nonsense anymore. I saw Dweezil Zappa play his dad's music this way last year, same with Mahavishnu John Mclaughlin's final concert tour with Jimmy Herring of the Allman Brothers (I saw that from the 4th row, which was friggin' awesome).
I can't even remember the last time I listened to music "straight." Screw that! That's like eating your food without salt and pepper or fat, without your taste buds, your hearing and other senses being activated. What's the point?
Zappa himself would have been better off smoking a few doobies and laying off the immense amounts of caffeine and nicotine consumption. The guy from Grand Funk Railroad, Mark Farner, who's a 9-11 truther now and a Christian "woke" friend of Paul Topete from Poker-Face/freedompalooza (they even wrote a song together), claims that Zappa drank more cups of coffee than he's even seen.
Of course, now we know that even ONE cup of coffee a day can have very dire consequences for physical health since its a diuretic. That and keeping your cell-phone in your pocket for hours at a time are total health hazards. Your cell-phone should be bare-minimum 3-feet away from you at all times or you're basically living in a microwave oven. You're much better off vaporizing a couple of bowls of Sativa in the mornings if you need a quick energy boost. And as far as alcohol goes, it's nothing but pure poison.
~ Negentropic, MK II