Well, my dear friends, the season of shopping madness is almost upon us. Black Friday is next week after American Thanksgiving so it is definitely time to consider your shopping practices and how to best utilize your resources. People on my list can count on things like fine local pottery, woodwork, beauty products. Or even classes to learn a skill; I consider buying a pottery class with one and taking it with her. There is no shortage of high quality goods. No more malls and I enrich local artisans not those who don't need it. All these electronic gifts are, IMHO, are not even an option.
To all of you who left kind words and messages during my hiatus, thank you so much. It is good to hear you are appreciated! It is a two-way street and feedback is so good!
To all of you who left kind words and messages during my hiatus, thank you so much. It is good to hear you are appreciated! It is a two-way street and feedback is so good!
This is very important when you consider the horrors in Africa. People don't consider Chinese involvement/investment in Africa nations; it is huge.
I advise saving this little factoid. It is worth following up on.
Excellent catch, this Tweet.
Wheel of Fortune has made Mr. Sajak very wise!
The world lost one of its greatest musicians this week; Roy Clark, America's finest guitar picker. Roy was known as the good boy who could play a mighty bad guitar.
"A TV camera goes right through your soul," Clark said of his screen
work. "If you're a bad person, people pick that up. I'm a firm believer
in smiles. I used to believe that everything had to be a belly laugh.
But I've come to realize that a real sincere smile is mighty powerful."
Trump visits California this weekend. What he says is correct; I watched the same poor forest practices of neglect in British Columbia. Years ago I worked interviewing forestry pilots who had reported small plots of infested areas to the authorities and watched for decades as nothing was done and now, the fires each year are horrific. But blame climate change as an easy out.
Do you remember the fires that ran rampant in Greece over the summer? Do you see any similarities between the fires of California and Greece? Beyond the fact that the greenery does not burn, only homes and vehicles almost evaporated?
The LA dream of yesteryear vs Today's LA Reality:

Send in a clone, America!
Stilton says: Socialist Representative-elect Alexandria "Way Too Much Caffeine" Ocasio-Cortez is already dismayed with Washington because, during early orientation, people keep assuming that she's just a young, clueless intern instead of a young, clueless member of Congress.
We've already heard from her own frighteningly toothy mouth that Cortez
foolishly believed she would be "inaugurated" into her new job, and that
she would suddenly have the power to sign bills into law. So perhaps
she also assumed that she would have automatically received an
aura of political power and authority which the rabble would be able to
recognize from afar, no doubt shielding their eyes from the magnificent
glare as they hastily knelt in her presence.
But nooOOooo. It turns out she just looks like any other ambitious,
over-amped jerk in a city which was already crawling with them.
We sincerely look forward to her future crushing disappointments.
In one of the quickest and most appropriate cases of Karmic smackdown
we've seen recently, creepy porn lawyer (and Democratic presidential
hopeful) Michael Avenatti has been accused of repeatedly punching a woman in the face, with security personnel witnessing the immediate after effects of the beatdown while Avenatti screamed at the victim in anger.
This is the same a**hole who talked aging porn performer Stormy "I'll Do Anything For $5"
Daniels into suing Donald Trump (and losing), brought forth false
testimony from a bimbo claiming that Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rape
mastermind (which not even the Democrats believed), and now finds
himself with yet another high profile political case: in a restaurant, a male board member of a feminist organization (!)
berated newscaster Tucker Carlson's daughter as a "whore" and a
"f*cking c*nt" when she committed the unforgivable sin of walking past
his barstool. Carlson's son then threw a glass of wine in the nitwit's
face and told him to get the hell out ~ which he did.
(ED Noor: more on this incident later)
So serial liar and alleged woman-beater Avenatti has subsequently taken
the male feminist who believes women are whores and c*nts as a client,
in order to charge both Tucker Carlson and his son for assault and
battery using an unexceptional bordeaux.
Oh sure, it all sounds crazy. But when it comes to truly spectacular lunacy in Washington, there's a whole new show in town...
Did. Not. Age. Well.
Well? Answer the question!
Michelle Obama is back on the publicity circuit (not that we're sure she
ever left it), and recently told oppressed billionaire Oprah Winfrey
that, following Trump's inauguration, the former first lady boarded the
departure helicopter and wept for 30 minutes. Which is apparently how
long it takes to roll out the drink cart on Marine One.
She didn't mention if Barry also shed a few tears or, just possibly,
banged his head on the floor like a spoiled toddler while screaming
through the tears and snot cascading down his "angry face."
Michelle's current high profile is fueling speculation that she may be
laying the groundwork for a presidential run in 2020 ~ a task she might
find a bit easier now that another contender looks like he's going down
in well-deserved flames...
Not a very nice group when you study them even minimally.
Yes, we spelled "poling" that way on purpose.
Tomorrow is Election Day, and one way or another it's going to pack a
wallop. We're either going to see the effective end of the Trump
experiment as House Democrats begin two years of unending lawsuits,
investigations, and impeachment attempts...or delicious agony and
despair from Leftists as they're forced to endure ongoing gains in
pretty much every measure of American success.
Actual logical discourse about which party should win has pretty
much disappeared, as exemplified by the Democrats' ad in which a bunch
of naked women stare dolefully at a camera while holding paper ballots
over what is apparently the only important part of their anatomy.
Their message is clear enough: "we are ambulatory reproductive systems
without enough sense to practice simple birth control or, God forbid,
abstinence, and nothing matters to us other than the convenience of
killing babies."
Seriously, shouldn't all women be offended by this campaign? Especially
when they notice that there's no corollary in which men are being
encouraged to vote with their schwanzstuckers?
The choices in
this election are stark: mobs versus jobs, capitalism versus socialism,
hate versus debate, division versus unity, logic versus emotion, and
responsibility versus hedonistic chaos.
On Tuesday night, things are going to change. And sadly, the naked truth is that we don't know which way.
And speaking of confusing realities, we'll end this by noting our
baffled reaction to alleged comedienne Amy Schumer's "get out the vote"
tweet in which she showed an ultrasound of the child she's carrying in
order to express the vital importance of people getting out and voting in order to keep unfettered abortion as available as drive-thru hamburgers.
Put another way, even Schrodinger's box isn't as confusing as Schumer's.
Put another way, even Schrodinger's box isn't as confusing as Schumer's.
Now they do their damnedest to confuse Patriotism with Nationalism; to further muddy the dialogue of destruction and deconstruction of European nations. I could not find a single image or quote in favour of Nationalism and, indeed, changed my views of several people I had once admired because it showed a side of them I had not noticed before, historian Howard Zinn especially.
Huh? Sigh. It gets so confuddling sometimes! This piece is overflowing with incongruities and cognitive dissonance. Where, oh where, to start this idiocy?
THIS is how I view Nationalism; an natural protective response to invasion of my land and people by unwanted elements of globalization (life under the Talmud).
Absolutely ludicrous statement. How about I just want to preserve what has been successful so far?
This cartoonist totally misses the point of decent nationalism. But then, as we know, the last century's wars were primarily to erase the bulk of the brightest and best Western men, weakening nations for the implementation of just what we see happening today; the emasculation of the remaining under feminism, males, the Kalergi-Coudenhove Plan in full swing. The madness of illegal migration is being totally ignored by Paresh.
Seriously they praise this Macron shill, the Rothschild Rectum of France.
Six Rabbis. That Pope is about as Catholic as he is Jewish as he is anything; we do know he is a traitor to humanity, however, just like the company he keeps.
Democrats are serious about keeping Ruth around for a few decades! To be honest, it must be painful to have to live up to such pressure at her advanced age; cracked ribs and so on are hard. It is also said that her cancer has returned and she plans to step down in January. I would never wish ill on anyone but I wish Ruth a speedy farewell into retirement.
We have been saying this for years. No excuses but definitely common sense fact here.
Do you think GQ is trying to tell us something about this character?
Just dropping this here. All races have their own standards of beauty. This is just more hate from a plate this woman ate too much from.
I found this in a list of TV shows cancelled over the past few months. Here is one with Baldwin, literally closed down. Perhaps this accounts for some of his nasty temperament when combined with his general rudeness.
If you are female and know who Jamie is, you understand this sentiment. I have spent hours reading the books when the series came out, never forgetting Jamie; the man they finally deemed suitable to play Jamie took them over 2 decades to locate but the wait was worth it.
Cartoonists support Acosta and seem to only see Trump as limiting freedom of speech.
From Toy Story. I missed this visual sexual pun the one time I saw this children's movie; the new ToyStory will also be including toys from the Mother's private collection. Disney? Explain this if you can.
Absolutely excellent
I peeked into Acosta's diary.
Bingo moment!
(((Stan))) left a huge legacy, larger than I can begin to imagine; I remember reading his comics in the 50's and early 1960's. I like the comments from Stilton:
Stan Lee, the man who pretty much reinvented superheroes and comic books, died recently at age 95. That's a good long run for anyone, and considering all the joy he brought into the world this doesn't seem like a time for grief so much as remembrance and celebration.
Stan Lee was a prolific writer whose work was paired with that of a spectacular array of comics artists: Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Wally Wood, and too many others to name. Together they created Marvel comics, which were simultaneously more fun and more serious than the "kid stuff" comics which preceded them. Stan the Man was the driving force behind cultural phenomena like Spiderman, the Avengers, Iron Man, the Fantastic Four, the Black Panther, the Incredible Hulk, and dozens (if not hundreds) more.
Unlike previous superheroes, those written by Stan Lee had greater complexity, insecurities, and identifiable problems which superpowers alone couldn't solve. Not that their superpowers weren't spectacular and satisfyingly kinetic.
As a youth who could be charitably described as a waddlesome nerd some 55 years ago, I loved the Marvel titles and collected them religiously. My idea of Heaven at the time was to buy the latest issues at the drug store (comics were priced at about 12¢ then) and scurry off to my basement bedroom, frequently with a bag of BBQ chips to enhance the number of senses being stimulated at the same time.
I thought I was just having fun, but it turns out I was also learning a lot about concise, visual storytelling. This served me well in later years when I was writing and laying out picture books, as well as scripts for television and film (stories for another day). But did those comics do more for my career than four years of college? In all likelihood, the answer is yes. And here I am, more than half a century later, still telling stories with characters who live in little boxes and speak in word balloons.
I still have a lot of those old comics, lovingly stored in individual plastic envelopes. And it's a good thing, because new Marvel comics really aren't what they used to be. Oh, the films are alright if you're in the mood for big, dumb, eye-popping CGI spectacle (and sometimes I am). But the comic books themselves have taken a hard left political turn and are now primarily vehicles for the wish fulfillment of their Social Justice Warrior writers and artists.
You have superheroes fighting Trump stand-ins, storming the battlements with (not against) Antifa types, and fighting things like income inequality and inflexible gender roles rather than city-devouring monsters, evil scientists, and planet-conquering aliens. Many of the classic superheroes created by Lee have been "updated" with minority figures in the name of diversity. And there's nothing wrong with diversity, but when Stan Lee wanted a black superhero, he damn well created one who was black rather than simply transferring the costume of an existing hero to whatever ethnic stereotype was the flavor of the month.
And I don't have a problem with Ice Man from the X-men coming out as gay, but do we really need page after page of him flirting with other guys instead of saving the world? Is Captain America a better hero for our times since Marvel declared that this super-patriot has actually been an undercover Nazi all along? And is The Mighty Thor quite as awesomely god-like now that he's been given a vagina? A process which sounds like it would leave you mighty thor, as Daffy Duck might say.
Mind you, all of this SJW stuff is absolutely killing Marvel financially on the comics shelves. Unsurprisingly, no one wants to read this crap.
Stan Lee gave us heroes instead of whiners. And in so doing, became something of a hero himself.
Stan Lee, the man who pretty much reinvented superheroes and comic books, died recently at age 95. That's a good long run for anyone, and considering all the joy he brought into the world this doesn't seem like a time for grief so much as remembrance and celebration.
Stan Lee was a prolific writer whose work was paired with that of a spectacular array of comics artists: Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Wally Wood, and too many others to name. Together they created Marvel comics, which were simultaneously more fun and more serious than the "kid stuff" comics which preceded them. Stan the Man was the driving force behind cultural phenomena like Spiderman, the Avengers, Iron Man, the Fantastic Four, the Black Panther, the Incredible Hulk, and dozens (if not hundreds) more.
Unlike previous superheroes, those written by Stan Lee had greater complexity, insecurities, and identifiable problems which superpowers alone couldn't solve. Not that their superpowers weren't spectacular and satisfyingly kinetic.
As a youth who could be charitably described as a waddlesome nerd some 55 years ago, I loved the Marvel titles and collected them religiously. My idea of Heaven at the time was to buy the latest issues at the drug store (comics were priced at about 12¢ then) and scurry off to my basement bedroom, frequently with a bag of BBQ chips to enhance the number of senses being stimulated at the same time.
I thought I was just having fun, but it turns out I was also learning a lot about concise, visual storytelling. This served me well in later years when I was writing and laying out picture books, as well as scripts for television and film (stories for another day). But did those comics do more for my career than four years of college? In all likelihood, the answer is yes. And here I am, more than half a century later, still telling stories with characters who live in little boxes and speak in word balloons.
I still have a lot of those old comics, lovingly stored in individual plastic envelopes. And it's a good thing, because new Marvel comics really aren't what they used to be. Oh, the films are alright if you're in the mood for big, dumb, eye-popping CGI spectacle (and sometimes I am). But the comic books themselves have taken a hard left political turn and are now primarily vehicles for the wish fulfillment of their Social Justice Warrior writers and artists.
You have superheroes fighting Trump stand-ins, storming the battlements with (not against) Antifa types, and fighting things like income inequality and inflexible gender roles rather than city-devouring monsters, evil scientists, and planet-conquering aliens. Many of the classic superheroes created by Lee have been "updated" with minority figures in the name of diversity. And there's nothing wrong with diversity, but when Stan Lee wanted a black superhero, he damn well created one who was black rather than simply transferring the costume of an existing hero to whatever ethnic stereotype was the flavor of the month.
And I don't have a problem with Ice Man from the X-men coming out as gay, but do we really need page after page of him flirting with other guys instead of saving the world? Is Captain America a better hero for our times since Marvel declared that this super-patriot has actually been an undercover Nazi all along? And is The Mighty Thor quite as awesomely god-like now that he's been given a vagina? A process which sounds like it would leave you mighty thor, as Daffy Duck might say.
Mind you, all of this SJW stuff is absolutely killing Marvel financially on the comics shelves. Unsurprisingly, no one wants to read this crap.
Stan Lee gave us heroes instead of whiners. And in so doing, became something of a hero himself.
In Russia a migrant from Kazakhstan was found slaughtering a husky he had strangled with wire; apparently he was supplying the meat to a local kabob shop. He claimed it was normal where he came from and had been in this business for some time.
Welcome back, Noor. Good to find that you're as feisty as ever.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! We missed you!
ReplyDeleteCooked meat? Full of carcinogens (cooking anything and especially meat kills the nutrients and value of the food and releases toxins) and little nutrition left, even at medium rare. As far as "well done" goes, you might as well eat a piece of leather. lol
ReplyDeletePlus, cooked meat and especially worthless vegetables and seeds and, god forbid, the total poison of bread make the stomach bloat because they just just sit in your stomach for hours waiting to be digested. With raw meat, most of it is already digested before it reaches your stomach, therefore the stomach never bloats, not even, first thing in the morning when you have to go take a dump. Raw eggs, same thing. I eat at least 12 a day, never cooked or even stirred. Plop, plop, one after the other. If I go hiking, which at the level I do it is very grueling, since I don't use any protection on my feet, I eat at least 24 raw eggs and raw kefir milk on top of that plus raw liver and rib eye right after. Start with Sashimi from a place that has it very fresh. Then get giant scallops. It melts in your mouth raw just like sashimi. Get the bone marrows and eat the marrow raw. Any raw meat you can eat without being "grossed out" by it will give you more nutrional benefits than anything "cooked" you can eat anywhere, even in the best restaurants. When my Uncle came here to L.A. to visit from London, we took him to a French restaurant where the dishes cost 25 dollars or more a plate. Screw that. Taste never trumps nutrition and the feelgood you get AFTER you consume the food. That's where the real "taste" is to be had, through all your senses together being so calm and collected that you can truly feel nature and life and also through through a very jacked-up libido and once you realize that, the little taste rushes you are conditioned to get from eating little morsels of cooked, i.e., destroyed food, will never be that attractive again.
My raw meat eating friends in Kiev, Ukraine. I will meet them when they come to California in a few months. Look at what a beautiful city Kiev is and so cheap compared to Europe (uber driver charge 2 Euros for the same drive that in Berlin costs 30 euros or more):
~ Negentropic
I am going out for sashimi tonight. Love fresh high quality raw fish although Fukushima put a large damper on that pleasure. My dad did raw eggs in the morning, every morning. Grossed us out! LOL.
DeleteI like my meat rare, medium rare. Agree with the leather comment. However raw is a tad too much for me. And from my medical knowledge, the thought of eating liver, considering its function in the body, has never appealed to me in the least although now I do have access to free range animal flesh. I seem to have drifted to lighter flesh (fish and fowl) over the past years but the visual appeal of a steak still makes me drool.
What I find had a bad bloat effect (past tense) is mixing foods. I do not eat cereals/pasta/breads. Been 25 years since my last spaghetti. the trad meal of flesh, veggies, starch then a sweet? Forget the last two.
My daughter lives in Europe and is sent all over the place for conferences. No bare feet but she hikes all around Norway and sends home awesome shots. The cities are so clean but then she is in academia and well taken care of while traveling.
At 70 I don't see myself embracing raw meat too much. I still walk freely and take almost no meds so am doing something right.
Glad that you are posting again Noor, hope you had a good nice rest. Pity the world did not get any better during your absence.
ReplyDeleteWe all need to unplug somewhat. It is just a need. I still cruised the pc but avoided most of this stuff. If my knees could take it I would have gone off to the woods for a complete unplug! People are beginning to realize this is necessary for our mental health, something challenged every second of the day in the world of negativity we find ourselves in. It is difficult to "shine" when surrounded by nothing but gloom.
DeleteAnd no, things will not get better during my lifetime. The struggle will continue however