My daughter has a creative friend who paints beautiful work like the above around the globe. She paints the model and then, well I have seen her in action and it is an amazing process. As she paints, she also creates the head piece and builds the hair. I just found one I have never seen before of my daughter on one of their photo shoots in a local park.
And before that, the Pelosi family ran the city!
There's Noh business like show business.
As surely and inflexibly ritualistic as its Japanese antecedent, yet
another Kabuki performance is on display in our media. As koto music is
plucked in the background, we see Donald Trump astride the stage, boldly
making an "insensitive" tweet. His antagonist, in this case Elijah "Bowling Ball Head"
Cummings, then dramatically declares that Trump is a racist for calling
his largely black congressional district a "disgusting, rat and rodent
infested mess" and a "very dangerous & filthy place." Offstage, kodo
drums beat loudly to indicate that a storm is gathering or, perhaps,
just to wake up an audience that has seen this drama way too often.
Unavoidably, anything we could say about this idiocy would pretty much be Kabuki commentary
at this point, so we'll just say that it's pretty odd for a President
of the United States to be called a white racist because he says that
poor black Americans should be able to live in communities which aren't filled with rats, poverty, and crime.
Elijah Cummings is, of course, against that notion...
Not. On. Your. Life. This camping idea scares me silly.
Started off as a rather pretty plump brunette.
Actually, it was a kibbutz.
Stilton Says:
To be completely honest, we're writing this before Tuesday night's
Democrat debate (the first of a two night series) so we have no way of
knowing the specifics of what the candidates will say. But we still feel fairly safe in our assumption that the cartoon above has captured the essence of the event.
Still, even from our viewpoint here in the past, we think there are a
number of things we can predict about Tuesday's debate. Let's see how
many of these we get right...
• Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, finally on the same stage, will
shout themselves hoarse while trying to offer more free stuff than the other
candidate is offering. Their combined offerings will total more money
than there's ever been, or will ever be, but both will claim that the
cash will magically materialize if a massive tax is levied on the evil rich.
• Beto O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg will each try to eliminate the other,
so as to be the surviving "young, alternative" candidate. O'Rourke
hopes to accomplish this by inviting as guests several black high school
football players who kneel during the playing of the national anthem.
In this way, O'Rourke can make the important political point that it
isn't only women soccer players who are assholes. Buttigieg, on the
other hand, may respond that he is far, far more experienced in matters
related to kneeling.
And our predictions for tonight's debate...
• Joe Biden, after promising to be "not so nice" to his political attackers, will challenge Kamala "Biden and his Klan buddies threw garbage while Norman Rockwell painted me walking into elementary school" Harris to meet him behind the gym to duke it out.
• Cory Booker, after gaining no ground by claiming that his testosterone
levels make him want to punch Trump in the face, will walk back his
statement by claiming that he actually has so much estrogen that he only threatened to attack the President because he was feeling cranky during his period.
The big topics of both nights will be racism and healthcare, followed closely by student debt forgiveness and the absolutely critical
need to impeach Donald Trump for being Donald Trump. Little will be
said about Russia or Mueller, (except, perhaps, in the context of
discussing long term healthcare for the senile) and even less will be mentioned about the way Democrats routinely turn cities into soul-destroying slums.
Michael "Wearing a Black Hole Would Make Me Look Slimmer" Moore
is trying to promote the idea of Michelle Obama running for President,
saying that while there are a number of Democrats who could beat Trump, only Michelle could crush him.
genuinely nightmarish as the idea is, Moore might not be wrong. It
certainly wouldn't be the first time that a completely unqualified,
politically radical, self-invented facade of a person named "Obama" was
put in the Oval Office.
What magic is this?
Lessons. Connection. Gratitude.
What did you find?
What a beautiful little hound this pup is. Absolutely stunning.
Yeah, sure. Because the Windsors and their family are such stay-at-homes and environmentally sensitive in how they live!
Beautiful work. Such skies.
A warm summer evening...
(((An artist's))) version of a Trump Rally.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
As there's no Pulitzer Prize offered for "Subtlety in Editorial
Cartooning," we see no particular downside to taking a direct approach
in our criticism of CNN's Don Lemon and his wildly biased questions while moderating the most recent Democrat debate.
Lemon's declaration of Trump's bigotry as a "fact" is the sort of
drip-drip-drip Chinese water torture of constant misinformation that has
convinced half the country that Trump and his supporters (even his reluctant supporters) are racist bastards who always keep a noose in the glove compartment "just in case."
As journalistic standards don't really mean anything anymore, there's no
point in our suggesting that Lemon and his ilk "live up" to rules which
no longer apply. But entirely apart from that, there should be
repercussions for those in public positions who deliberately use untruthful hate speech to divide and incite the American public.
when we say "repercussions," we're not talking about the restriction of
free speech. We're talking repercussions in the sense of marketplace
pressures, or even condemnation of this kind of nonsense from any
remaining journalists who aren't complete whores.
And it's a pity that Lemon's sleazy lack of professionalism is a
distraction from the many interesting, accurate, and logical statements
made by the Democrat candidates on Wednesday night. Oh, not regarding policies ~ but rather in their attacks on each other. Blood was drawn, and we enjoyed every drop of it!
we'll be spared any new debates for at least a few weeks. Perhaps
during that time, Don Lemon can learn to prioritize journalistic
integrity over his hate-filled ignorance.
Ah, she is a friggin Rhodes Scholar! That should tell you plenty.
Those fake teeth. This is one diabolical infant.
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