By Matthew Ehret
The Duran
May 10, 2021
It is the purpose of this brief study to shed light upon a character that has played a powerful role in creating the current dynamic shaping the monetarist, ecological and anarchistic tendencies now activated among the land of “strong and free”. The name of this character is Walter Gordon.
Who Was Walter Gordon?
Walter Lockhart Gordon, Former Finance Minister, and President of Privy Council of Canada
Walter Lockhart Gordon’s legacy typifies the Delphic methods applied by the British Empire to subvert the cultures of their victim populations. Walter Gordon’s master’s understood that in order to maintain a modern empire, both the greatest control of a victim population must occur while maintaining the greatest illusion of democracy. This is only possible to the degree that the perception of a victim is as far removed from their sad reality as possible. Gordon’s role in shaping the current of Canadian history is so strong, that a brief biography is in order before proceeding to the substance of this report.
While Gordon was an executive director of the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA- formerly the Rhodes-Milner Roundtable Group), he was known to be one of Canada’s wealthiest entrepreneurs, having inherited the reins to Clarkson Gordon from his father in the 1940s. For a time, Clarkson Gordon was the largest management consulting and accounting firm in Canada. Gordon became involved in the Canadian government during World War II when he worked alongside a young Lester B. Pearson on the Price Spreads Royal Commission of 1942. After becoming close friends, Pearson was assigned to work under the control of CIIA chief Vincent Massey in the London High Commission for the duration of WW II. In 1955, Gordon was assigned by his London masters to head the Royal Commission on Canada’s Economic Prospects. This Royal Commission produced the first report of its kind by officially painting America as an Empire poised to take over the Canadian economy.
The report called for a new economic strategy to cut America off from the Canadian economy even if it meant a lowering of living standards for Canadians!
This report was joined by a sister Royal Commission conducted earlier under the leadership of CIIA leader Vincent Massey calling for the need to create a synthetic Canadian culture for fear of the “Americanization” of the Canadian identity.
Both reports were promoted by the Canadian press and rapidly polarized the Canadian population into largely becoming paranoid of America’s immanent takeover (1).
This rampant anti-Americanism became the foundation for the policies that followed in the subsequent decades.
After helping to organize the downfall of the well-intentioned, but highly misguided Conservative government of John Diefenbaker, which fell in 1963, Gordon organized a complete cleansing of all pro-development “C.D. Howe Liberals” and brought in a new breed of technocrats to begin a revolution in bureaucratic affairs under the guidance of the newly formed Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) headed by Club of Rome co-founder Alexander King. During this time, Gordon was fully in control of Lester B. Pearson, having taken Pearson’s leash from Vincent Massey in the 1950s. Gordon had organized Pearson to head the Liberal Party ever since 1949, writing to Pearson in 1955 that “I have a feeling that people would like to follow your star in droves ~ if and when you decide the time is right to give them the nod.” (2).
Before even becoming a member of the Liberal Party, Gordon even paid for a large scale Nobel Prize gala in Pearson’s honour from his own pocket in 1958 (3).
By this time, Gordon was officially the kingmaker and controller of Pearson under whom he served as Minister of Finance from 1963-1965. Revisionist historian and Gordon protégé Peter Newman described his role during this time as being “in undisputed command of the liberal policy apparatus. Nearly every initiative taken during the 60 days was inspired by the Minister of Finance”. It was in this powerful position during the first “60 days” that Gordon began to apply the “nationalist” financial measures prescribed in his 1957 Royal Commission Report to limit foreign investment limits and cut off “continentalist” forces that were seeking greater US-Canadian involvement around a nation building paradigm.
The greatest threat from the continentalist forces centered around the continental approach to water and energy resource management provoked by the efforts of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose allies in Canada included B.C Premier W.A.C. Bennett and C.D. Howe. Eisenhower’s water management plans were announced for the first time in his 1955 address, and again re-iterated in his 1960 State of the Union. The political climate created by the strong intention to deal with water scarcity decades before the crisis was to strike inspired the design of the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) by the Parson’s Corporation in 1955. This orientation to breaking out of those closed parameters of water scarcity was advanced boldly by the likes of John F. Kennedy, and his brother Robert. RFK even endorsed the NAWAPA resolution introduced by Senator Frank Moss.
After two years, his economic program turned out to be such a disaster that Gordon was forced to resign from his position, only to become President of the Privy Council Office (1966-68) where he set the stage for the second purge of the Liberal Party and re-organization of the Privy Council Office.
It was this second purge which saw Fabian socialist asset Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Jean Marchand and Gerald Pelletier brought in to prominent positions within the federal Liberal Party.
Even though Gordon preferred Marchand (Pearson’s lieutenant in Quebec) to Trudeau, he became an early backer of Trudeau nonetheless. By 1967, Lester Pearson was considered compromised as he was too easily influenced by the anti-Gordon faction in the Liberal Party, and resigned due to “health reasons”.
Pearson’s incapacity to speak French had also contributed to making him incapable of dealing with the republican nationalist ferment created in Quebec under Premier Daniel Johnson Sr., and exacerbated by French President Charles de Gaulle’s intervention into Quebec in July 1967. De Gaulle sent shockwaves through Canada and the world when he called for a “Quebec libre” as a pillar to a global ‘Francophonie’ founded upon scientific and technological progress. After successfully attacking Johnson in a public debate, followed by a successful assignment coercing French speaking African leaders to ignore de Gaulle’s strategy in favour of a ‘Canadian option’, Pierre Trudeau was quickly rewarded by being made Prime Minister following a social engineering campaign seemingly modeled on Beatlemania.
Trudeaumania father and son.
Walter Lockhart Gordon left the government in 1968, and quickly set up two pivotal instruments as part of the ongoing social engineering campaign of which he had long been a part. The names for these organizations were:
1- Committee for an Independent Canada (CIC) in 1970
2- The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation in 1965
The Committee for an Independent Canada
The CIC was an influential group used to promote Gordon’s New Nationalism which involved a small coterie of populist gatekeepers influential in controlling mass perception such as authors Peter C. Newman and Abraham Rotsein, publishers Jack McClelland, and Claude Ryan. Ryan remained a strong voice for Liberals, especially as editor of Le Devoir and later, as head of the Quebec Liberal Party. A young founding member of the CIC was Mel Watkins who was recruited to head a Task Force of 1967 chaired by Walter Gordon called “Foreign Ownership and the Structure of Canadian Investment”.
This task force’s recommendations led directly to the creation of the Canada Development Corporation to “buy back Canada” from foreign investment in 1971, the creation of Petro Canada as Canada’s first state run oil company in 1976 and the Foreign Investment Review Agency to limit American influence in the Canadian economy.
The CDC was be headed by British asset Maurice Strong in 1980, who was also serving as Petro Canada’s first CEO. Strong had risen to prominence as a recruit of David Rockefeller, and given the role of Vice President of Canada’s conglomerate Power Corporation in 1963 before it was given to Paul Desmarais, whose family has run it to this day.
Other important institutions which Maurice Strong had run included the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) which arose out of the External Affairs Department’s foreign aid institution which Strong had headed under Pearson in 1968. CIDA’s job, alongside USAID, was to bring the third world countries, then seeking true sovereign development and access to advanced technology, into debt slavery and trap them into “ecologically appropriate technologies” instead of advanced infrastructure and nuclear power. This occured via Strong’s connections as the Secretary General of the first United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Environment in 1972 which formalized the framework of “bottom up planning” and NGOs in foreign aid.
CIDA’s sister organization, the International Development Research Center (IDRC) was created in 1968 and was also headed by Strong after he replaced CIIA agent Lester Pearson in 1970. The methodology applied in entrapping former colonies into a depopulation paradigm by offering barrels of money in one hand, while enforcing standards of “appropriate” technologies”, IMF conditionalities and cultural identities compatible with “indigenization” in the other, will be the same method applied to the First Nations in Canada. “Nuclear power and advanced infrastructure is incompatible with an “innately” tribal people” says the imperialist. (3)
Gordon’s young protégé Mel Watkins of the 1967 Gordon Task Force went on to co-found the Waffle Movement in 1969 as a radical socialist branch of the NDP whose founding manifesto called for socialist revolution to destroy capitalism, and an independent Canada free of American imperialism. They were one of the three major Marxist-Anarchist movements spreading across Canada at this time. The Waffle’s sister movements were the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) headed by Trudeau’s collaborator at the Delphic social engineering journal Cité Libre, Pierre Vallières and the Canadian Liberation Movement (1968-1975).
The Waffle movement was typically supportive of Quebec separation, and all three ran parallel to the Weathermen Underground terrorist movement in the United States.
The Waffle Movement took on steam during the 1970s, but petered out by 1983 as Canada’s internal and foreign policies were sufficiently controlled by the British Empire’s Fabian socialist agents such as Strong, Trudeau and their ilk. As the Canadian economy and population seemed adequately “domesticated” by this time, radical revolution was no longer deemed necessary.
The United States’ economic program of extreme liberalization under Reaganomics resulted in an economic re-colonization of American finance and industry which had advanced to the point that the City of London deemed Canada’s anti-American isolationist program no longer necessary. A new phase could be unleashed.
By 1984, Gordon’s New Nationalist program was sacrificed as Trudeau left his 17 year post as Prime Minister and entered into an array of new projects, one of which include his role as a founding member of the Inter Action Group, followed later by a role on the International Advisory Board of Power Corporation. Even though John Turner briefly stood in as Prime Minister for several months in 1984, attempting to undo some of Trudeau’s bureaucratic reforms, it is too little, and too late.
By the end of 1984, Power Corporation’s obsequious Brian Mulroney (5) became the Prime Minister with a landslide victory with his infamous battle cry “Canada is now open for business”. Full scale liberalization leading up to the North American Free Trade Agreement was brought in, the destruction of productive banking laws occurred in Britain and then Canada, the Maastricht Treaty was signed and George Bush Sr. and Margaret Thatcher proclaim the “New World Order” to have arrived.
The program to bind the Americas under a fascist monetary union similar to that of the Euro under the control of a “one world government” was begun.
Canada’s next two liberal prime ministers, Jean Chretien and Paul Martin Jr., have risen to prominence under Trudeau and Maurice Strong, and worked for Power Corp directly, while Canada’s current Prime Minister Stephen Harper has affiliated with Power Corp indirectly.
The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation
This think tank, begun by Walter Gordon and his brother in 1965, is partnered directly with the World Wildlife Fund, the Royal Bank of Canada, the Munk School of Global Affairs, the Canadian Water Network and George Soros’ Tides Foundation.
Since 1965, the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation has provided a continuous supply of grants to the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA) ~ now re-named the Canadian International Council (CIC), Massey College, the University of Toronto School of Global Governance, and the Canadian Club of Rome (CACOR). All of these organizations are prolific for their promotion of Malthusian de-population under a logic of world governance as the replacement for the nation state system.
Since Pierre Trudeau’s former principal secretary Thomas Axworthy was made President and CEO in 2009, the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation (WDGF) now focuses upon Arctic control, water conservation, and brainwashing the First Nations into believing their culture is irreconcilable with the tenets of a productive modern economy, especially scientific and technological progress. A September 2012 paper submitted by Axworthy at the Polar Law Symposium in Finland begins with the following statement which demonstrates the influence of the zero growth axioms of the Club of Rome on Axworthy which attempt to infuse an anti-development racist ethic under the cover of respecting indigenous rights:
“Indigenous people in the Arctic view themselves as an integral part of the ecosystem. Their inseparable relationship with their territories has a special importance for their cultures and spiritual values. Any emerging framework of policies and laws in the Arctic must fully accommodate indigenous perspectives and concerns.” (6)
The Club of Rome, having been brought into Canada by Axworthy’s mentors Pierre Trudeau and Maurice Strong decades earlier, had made the basis for its war on technological progress sit upon the dual precepts espoused in this paragraph, namely that:
1) ecosystems are fixed systems governed by entropy and thus always seek “equilibrium”, and
2) that humanity in its “pure” state is, like the other primates, in no way superior to the imagined fixed ecosystems. The Club of Rome’s notion of humanity is subservient to the ecosystem’s supposed entropic laws (7).
Under the “benevolent guidance” of the foundation, First Nations communities have been provided masses of free legal aid to ensure that they make as much money as possible when mining companies do business with their reserves. This apparent benevolence betrays a deadly trap which the First Nations have fallen into, as none of that abundance of cash provided to their communities is used to develop the conditions of life to even minimal standards. No lasting industries or durable infrastructural improvements are permitted to northern reservations under this approach and because of the foundation’s indoctrination, such development is rarely even desired from those communities. To ensure that talented native youth displaying leadership qualities become enforcers of this racist imperial policy, the foundation has been providing scholarships to create “native leaders to protect the natural ecology of the North” through its Arctic Fellowship Program.
One of the major initiatives advertized on the foundation’s website includes “the preservation of the largest basin in the world (the Mackenzie River Basin) from development”. Specifically, the Mackenzie River Basin Initiative is designed to stop the mega dam called “site C” in British Columbia from being constructed, as well as ending the Alberta oil sands’ use of this basin’s water.
Thomas Axworthy chairs the Blue Economy Initiative with the Royal Bank of Canada. The Blue Economy initiative seeks to monetize water’s conservation in the “new green economy” (a major success story on their website features several cities’ use of waste water for industrial use saving). Perhaps the initiative would be more aptly titled the “Brown Economy Initiative.”
While enslaving himself to RBC’s contemptible business model, Axworthy also sits as a senior fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs. The Munk School is typically a free trade-right wing hive whose monetarist doctrines have been associated with the Fraser Institute and Stephen Harper’s conservatives. It is of note that the school’s founder, Peter Munk made his fortune pillaging Africa and plundering its resources with his company Barrick Gold, whose International Advisory Board is chaired by Brian Mulroney and a company that once had George Bush Sr. as senior advisor. It is notable that Peter Munk was also a founding member of the 1001 Club alongside Maurice Strong in 1971 to finance the World Wildlife Fund’s activities and promote global depopulation and world governance.
Axworthy was appointed chairman of the Inter-Action Council (IAC) in May 2011. The IAC is a group of former heads of state who promote the British monarchy’s agenda of depopulation through conservation and global governance. Axworthy is joined in his post by Margaret Jay; she is the former leader of the House of Lords and Lord Privy Seal, and Minister of State for Health during the NHS reforms of 1999 which brought in the “useless eater” program under Blair and served as a model for Obamacare. In 2007, Mrs. Jay served as co-chair of the Iraq Commission that absolved Tony Blair of his sins in fraudulently starting the Iraq war. Axworthy proudly announces on his website that his work for the Inter Action Council involved the co-authoring of the utilitarian framework for a global constitution called “The Declaration of Human Responsibilities” in 1997.
On November 15, 2012, Axworthy formally attacked the Russian Ministry of Justice for suspending the RAIPON treaty (Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East) and the detention of two community leaders in Buryatia. RAIPON is a permanent participant in the Arctic Council. The Arctic Council’s blueprint goes back to 1971 and is the brainchild of the CIIA. In 1989 the CIIA Chairman and former Clerk of the Privy Council (1963-1975) Gordon Robertson, called for the creation of an “Arctic Basin Council”. The formation of this council was vigorously championed by none other than eco-globalist and British agent Mikhail Gorbachev.
The Arctic Council was set up in 1996 with the aid of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation to ensure that an anti-development logic was instituted as framework for Arctic relations ensuring that such projects as the Bering Strait tunnel program advocated by Vladimir Putin would never occur.
Today’s Strategic Situation: A Powder Keg Ready to Blow?
It is known that George Soros’ Tides Foundation, partner of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, was the catalyst behind the Occupy movements, and the green anarchists like Bill McKibben have been creating and recruiting Green potential terrorists from the more radicalized layers of the disenchanted youth who have increasingly come to be radicalized under the Extinction Rebellion, Zero Hour, and Sunrise Movement.
Other wealthy assets aside from the late-Maurice Strong, Walter Gordon, Peter Munk and George Soros which have become infamous for their role in promoting eco-anarchist movements includes the recently deceased Teddy Goldsmith and his Black Bloc.

“The above grounders would work to build sustainable and just communities wherever they were, and would use both direct and indirect action to try to curb the worst excesses of those in power, to reduce the burning of fossil fuels, to struggle for social and ecological justice. Meanwhile, the under grounders would engage in limited attacks on infrastructure, especially energy infrastructure, to try to reduce fossil fuel consumption and overall industrial activity. The overall thrust of this plan would be to use selective attacks to accelerate collapse in a deliberate way.”
The thread uniting these various anarchist organizations and their wealthy founders is not only to be found within a profound materialist interpretation of history, but complete lack of understanding of the role of the anti-entropic quality of mind which makes humanity both unique and superior to all forms of life within the biosphere.
The tendency to treat human economy as a mere closed entropic system striving for equilibrium as an “ecosystem” when applied in a conscious way will always lead the ideologue to conclude along with late WWF founder Prince Phillip, that the mass culling of the population is occasionally necessary when confronting resource scarcity. Ever since the OECD and UNESCO first began applying their doctrines of Cybernetics and Systems Analysis to world policy making, fixed parameters have been deemed necessary to help those “managers” of the world control the masses.
In Canada, this process began in full force with the ouster of John Diefenbaker and the emergence of the new age of Walter Lockhart Gordon, Fabian Cybernetics ideologue Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the Monarchy’s sociopathic promoter of Malthusianism Maurice Strong.
The only means currently available to reverse this downward trend in civilization is for nations of the west to let go of the Great Reset Agenda, say no to nuclear war with Eurasian leaders and instead choose to begin cooperating on Belt and Road Initiative projects at home and abroad.
This unlikely, yet entirely necessary reform begins with adopting a global Glass-Steagall and a policy of Productive Public Credit, followed by major scientific and infrastructural endeavours vectored around space exploration, asteroid defence, and arctic development. The quickest path to this orientation is to be found in the 64 km tunnel which can be built to accommodate high speed rail across the Bering Strait connecting the two great continents for the first time.
The parameters defining mankind’s limits
must be changed
via the fruits of creative thought,
not adapted to as
today’s genocidalist demands.
End notes
[1]While 60% of Canadians thought American investment should continue in 1950, that number had fallen to a mere 30% by 1957
[2] This PR campaign was popularly known as “Trudeaumania”.
[3] It is in this period that the Club of Rome is formed and brought quickly into Canada. The CIDA and IDRC would apply the Club of Rome’s “system’s thinking” to their methods of operation and Trudeau would enthusiastically attempt to make over the federal government using the same model.)
[4] The FLQ was the RCMP steered separatist movement used to usher in marshal law in Quebec during October 1970 when British Consulate James Cross and Liberal Labour Minister Pierre Laporte were kidnapped, suspending the Bill of Rights even across British Columbia where no terrorist activities were taking place. Cross was released within weeks, but Laporte was killed. The leader of the FLQ, Pierre Vallières had been given the editorial control of Pierre Trudeau’s Cité Libre magazine in 1965.
[5] Mulroney’s friend Ian Macdonald described Paul Desmarais, the CEO of Power Corporation, as “Mulroney’s mentor in the business world”
[6] After the Queen’s personal bank Coutts was found guilty in April 2012 of massive drug money laundering and settled in court for $8.75 million pounds, all of its offshore CaymanIsland, Caribbean and Latin American branches were purchased by none other than RBC a month later. See the Royal Dope: What is Canada’s Role in the Empire’s Global Drug Addiction, The Canadian Patriot #1, Autumn 2012
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and in 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation . Consider helping this process by making a donation to the RTF or becoming a Patreon supporter to the Canadian Patriot Review
I've read this guy's stuff before. What he wants is for Canada to be taken over and digested by the USA. No, thank you.