Tuesday 15 August 2023


One of Mr. Hampton's pieces manifesting a dream held by most Canadians... 

It is also a "smart island" and "smart city" Agenda. Conspiracies abound and there seems to be truth to much of it. For the past few months things have been said by the Governor and other top people that now make complete sense, like the direction they wanted to develop the island towards. A direction that included clearing desirable land. And of course Oprah's land purchase spree.


Someone's theory...

I know for a fact they programmed the route from my daughter's home to mine! They also added bicycle lanes to almost every road, blocked streets, created more one-ways, added more lights, etc. Driving is no longer a pleasure in this town. We are so Agenda 30 ready.

Grrrrrr. Expletives come to mind.

Again, world, I apologize on behalf of Canada, but that Greek should be hung out to dry!

Not that I count on FB for the news, far from it, let alone CNN, but this is what American news outlets look like up here now.

Canadian medicine is making a few changes to health procedures for those 'changing their gender'. The time wait for bottom surgeries is long. Now ~ to placate the impatient young ~ they are offering all the other surgeries involved in the process first. Why are Canadians supposed to pay for what are basic cosmetic surgeries (not life or death situations) and give up operating room time for more serious procedures for the rest of the populace. Below, a photo of a happy kid. (?)

Here we go again?

It is good to know that Hard Rock Hallelujah gets to seriously enjoy himself. Such is the life of a prize stud horse. That mare has also been bred to the gorgeous Hermit's Titanium in the past. The Russian woman who runs this horse operation leads the life many of us dream about.

Hard Rock, he moves like poetry
They are going to attempt to bring Poilievre down simply because he addressed some of the more commonly accepted "conspiracy theories" going around. Like the existence of the WEF for example.

I have been saying this for awhile. Mock him as a moron but don't believe it; Justin is a finely tuned instrument. His father called him "my idiot son". But the things he does now are not the result of stupidity; they are the agenda he is hooked into and his being a pawn in the game. He might even be a tad fragile thanks to his Mother's genes, but he is not stupid; just not so bright sometimes. And owned.

The russets return next month...

"Cut it off! Cut it off!"

Feinstein's hand

Where does this guy get his news?

Pity the poor pedestrian

More pyramid whimsy

Hmmmm.... giants?

I hope yall realize one reason they are pushing Barbiemania so hard is to not just rake in the moolah but to also drive Sound of Freedom from memory.

August Malmstrom, Fairies of the Meadow, 1850

Speaking of Maui.

Can anyone tell me anything about this frog creature?
Never fall asleep beneath a watermelon tree.

The Mallard

Published within days of these fires starting? How is this?
He laughs at you.
What the media is not saying.

This does not look like forest fire damage.
The spindly palm trees did not burn?
No trees to burn here. How are all these vehicles so damaged? It does not make sense.

Trees trees trees

Italian police. Hottest cops on the planet wearing the tightest of uniforms and serious boots.
A Russian costume party on surfboards...
They have been meming this nasty critter all week. Meme her till she breaks.

A River Runs Through It. Brad Pitt in one of the most memorable fishing scenes ever filmed.

I found a page of satanic/atheism images. I had not realized just how (not so) subtly this material is slipped into the mainstream. Some are a slam in the face. This is all part and parcel of the international Communist agenda to destroy religion and replace it with whatever the state sanctions in your part of the world. The current push to eradicate Christians of all races from the globe is facilitated by this material. Meanwhile, they are proponents of liberalism and the darkest of agendas with a strong eye to corruption of the young.


This came under the title "Religion".

This one made me laugh.
So did this one.

This Laurie Kelly is quite the number. Not a teacher I would want near my children.

Child trafficking and slavery has to be dealt with. This tiny shot is from the Dutroux Affair that almost took Belgium down a few decades ago. The highest members of European society were involved but the scandal was handled so that these royal criminals were not revealed.
Oh, ffs!
One of Walt's big rules around Disneyland was that he was the ONLY male allowed the privilege of a moustache. All other males had to be clean shaven. That was common knowledge along with a few of his other so-called secrets. So no bearded queens in his territories.

Looks like a frat prank more than anything. Gotta love those tuck panties there.
Is anyone going to weep over this? These were babies this FTM was diddling. A waste of oxygen. It was not a natural death.

Those lips look pretty cracked and dry.

Now say the same thing about tongue piercings, fellows.

The Coombs Goats just up Island. There is an entire market and farming community built around these creatures who basically live on the roof of the building. There are a dozen or so goats and they get rotated regularly.

Holy stink. Midget strippers are a thing! Both sexes. I found the woman referred to here.

This is how they do it. On a personal level. On an international level. Just a matter of scale.

Last week I bought a small 2.5 L aquarium. It is still a work in progress but my little betta is settling in nicely. Will decorate his place next week. However, several people in my building actually asked if I had gotten permission to have an aquarium in my apartment. I was stunned to think people would even consider asking permission! All I could do was laugh and ask, "Are you serious? Why would I care?"

Bee frequencies

That'll do it.


  1. Gracias, Noor!

  2. Louise Russell NE Wa/usa16 August 2023 at 06:55

    Favorite non-swearing insult that I have been waiting YEARS to use:
    Your mother tracks rabbits by scent.

  3. "Not that I count on FB for the news, far from it, let alone CNN, but this is what American news outlets look like up here now."

    If they block websites, use a proxy website like this (no affiliation):

    You go to it, enter the website you want to look at, enter, done.
    I have to use it to look at RT (Europe/Flanders), because the EU decided RT spreads "disinformation", and we could no longer read it.
    Fuck them. I'll decide what I deem "disinformation" or not...


  4. Too ill to comment. Goodbye, Noor.

    1. Au revoir ou adieu, traducteur??
      Meilleures salutations,

  5. Dear Noor, thanks again for all your work. Let me add something special, I am deeply concerned. Let us pray for the children, the descendants of early Christians. Kind regards from another Grandma


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