Saturday 28 October 2023


I just realized I used this same title for a blog awhile back. Careless.

This image is titled PTSD.

The great hero, Robert E. Lee

You won't learn this in school.

They want their stamp on everyone.

Showgirl Cassandra Peterson aka Elvira is gay so choose accordingly.

Old photo. Wouldn't you love to hear this conversation?

This one just never gets old.

As much as I detest this woman, I see nothing wrong with this particular set of words.

Interesting name for an album.

Except they were both little girls. And they still hold hands all the time.

We need this culturally enriching cuisine in my town!

Brilliant. Classy.

Tell us that Harry is not a chip off his real father's block? No one wanted to believe Diana strayed into the arms of Major James Hewitt but she did. To be honest, he was never considered to be more than a spare; it was William's they wanted with that special bloodline. After producing him, Diana strayed.

Hamas has no missiles for this sort of thing. Israel has a proven record of such actions.

I don't even find crocodile tears; I find "Israel has to defend itself". I find myself sickened by the events and by these people.

Stirring up WW3 as fast as they can. Filthy creatures crawling from the sewer and infesting the Middle East to feed their insatiable avarice and innate cruelty.


This is an old one. I loved it then; I love it now.

The face of evil

Why did Hamas poke the elephant? Because Hamas is Mossad and that was the plan!

Lovely Hermit's Titanium and his Mistress preparing for the Day of the Deat

This old house. Memories.

The Hospital Bombing Truth

I have made some very sophisticated artistic attempts to keep these cartoons from being used other that this; to show how much ignorance there is out there and how easy it is to keep folks confused. The propaganda, I just cannot share it unaltered. As I have mentioned, even stellar cartoonists are .... making mistakes. Until they can make the Hamas/Mossad connection they will keep making mistakes.

Should have marked this one as well.


Inquisitive raven

Very unhealthy attitude. We don't live in a vacuum. And America IS an instigator!

Now we get to the really dirty stuff.

Empty soup bowl

To the person asking for more corona material, if I don't find it I cannot post it. Sorry.


  1. That one with Ben-Gurion and Einstein can't be repeated enough. If they had only given their ethno-state another name--any other name!--then we would not be on the brink of World War Three. America is a nation with a shallow history, so we deceive ourselves into thinking that we'll play a world-historic role and usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ. No offense, but it's something only a Boomer could believe

  2. I understand that you can't squeeze blood from a stone, Noor!
    Thank you for trying!

  3. "The Hospital Bombing Truth"

    You could already see that in the video Israel showed as "proof" Hamaz bombed the hospital.
    When you look at the video, from where the rockets are launched, to where the hospital is, the trajectory of the rockets is so steep, even if the propulsion was turned off, they would've flown miles past the hospital.
    It's impossible for those rockets to hit the hospital.
    Israeli's are so stupid, they can't even get that right...


  4. "You inherited this cabin in the woods. Keep or sell."

    If there's a chance to make it self reliant, I'd keep it, and see what it needs.
    Fuck society, fuck the MSM, fuck politicians, fuck the internet, fuck the world.

    All I need is my girl, the food I grow and hunt, clean water from a stream, the candles we make, firewood we harvest, and a shitload of books, because I love to read.


  5. The Pikachu costume comment is hilarious lmao



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