The following is an email a very savvy friend sent me. I post it verbatim for you to take from it what you shall.
When Martial Law comes to America, do not expect Fox News Network, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, BBC, CBC, News 24, ITV News Channel or Reuters to give a full or accurate account of the truth. Mass genocide will occur as it has in many other countries like Cambodia, Russia, China, Germany, Poland, Armenia, Georgia, Belorussia, Hungary and the Ukraine over the past 100 years. The best option for Americans is to leave your country and go and live in Europe or maybe Britain if you can stomach the Windsors and British politics.
When the day of Martial Law begins the 6 million UNISF and UNMNTF troops in America and Canada will be deployed to round up, gang rape and kill millions of Americans whose names appear on the CIA Red Hit List and the CIA Blue Hit List. Do not think it won't happen, it most definitely will. You have been warned. The American Empire, Pax Americana, has come to an end and now the Thirteen Illuminati Luciferian Families want to reduce the American and Canadian populations to a more manageable size and to create from America a Fascist Police State under dictatorial rule.
The US Government will issue D-Notices into the MSM to prevent any wayward journalists from even bothering to ask where all the poor families, the mentally ill, the physically impaired and those who are deemed as Patriots against the NWO and Illuminati Families actually are located once millions of people are placed in FEMA Internment Camps and DHS Concentration Camps. The Army of the Republic of Mexico is already waiting at the borders of America as the Ejército de la República de México are under UNMNTF, UNISF and UNPKF Troop control. The Ejército de la República de México will come onto the streets of Americans towns and cities very soon because the Windsor Illuminati Family who control America are destroying America from both within and from without. Remember, the Bush clan is related to the House of Windsor.
In Russia many local newspapers as well as the Russian MSM and news channels such as VGTRK, TV6 and TVBW are all writing articles concerning the huge numbers of Russian troop leaving Russia at the moment. TASS and Pravda have written endless reports concerning this issue. They report the Russian Imperial Navy, which includes the Baltic Fleet, are now anchored off US Navy Bases across America. These bases include the US Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island, US Naval Station, Everett and US Naval Station, Bremerton, all of which are in Washington State. These bases have reportedly accommodated thousands and thousands of sailors and ships from the Russian Morskoyo Flota or Naval Force and also the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Navy PLAN.

It is incredible that so many Americans, Canadians and Alaskans do not see the coming holocaust that is planned across the whole of North America. These are not pipe dreams or mad ravings of a bunch of fringe conspiracy theorists. There is so much hard evidence out there, it is unbelievable. A lot of Americans must be feeling a lot of fear, terror and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up from the brainwashing the Zionist/Illuminati owned media pumps into your heads all day long. Are you going to be a rabbit in the headlights? Or are you going to stand up and say 'enough is enough'? The US Government through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp, FEMA and the DHS has spent in excess of 12 trillion dollars building a massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years or so.
In America alone there are over 368 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada and Alaska. Almost all of these bases are over 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging from 10 miles up to 30 miles across!
There are over 600 FEMA Internment and Concentration Camps in America, Canada and Alaska. There is one such camp in Alaska that has a holding capacity for over 1.5 million prisoners. Most Americans will not believe that an American Holocaust will happen until they see it with their own eyes. Till then, it is just another strange conspiracy theory for them to laugh at. Trust me, this is no laughing matter. When it happens, it will be too late to stop it! For the love of God America, wake up and see the truth starring at you in the face! President Bush has already said he will "use foreign troops" on the streets of America if another 'fake Islamic terrorist attack' occurs, because there may not be enough US Military personnel to cope with the massive urban chaos and panic that will obviously ensue if it occurs.

Lastly, the Luciferian US Government has been involved covertly in the creation of a genetically created army of loyal, robotic, soulless soldiers of the future. These will have cybernetic and microchip implants and will fight anywhere in the world, without question, with total loyalty and without hesitation or fear. These evil Aryan Fascist soldiers were created at Brookhaven National Laboratories BNL, the National Ordinance Laboratories NOL and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT and covertly transferred under DOD and NSA control and planning. Allot of these NWO soldiers were stationed in Deep Underground Military Bases like the one under Denver International Airport. All of this information I give here is not fictional waffle coming out of my head, but well researched information that has taken a lot of effort to fit together properly. Wake up America, before it is too late!
In Russia there have been huge troop movements over the past 2 years that have been transported up into Yamantau Mountain in the Lower Ural Mountain Range in the Bashkortostan region of Russia. Within this mountain is a huge Deep Underground Military Base that goes down over 10 miles underground and is over 18 miles in length. The base is also constructed over 12 levels. Currently there are over 1 million Russian personnel within the Yamantau Deep Underground Military Base.
Denver International Airport, which from a plane is the shape of a swastika, has an 88.3 square mile Deep Underground Military Base underneath it. In other words this base is over 22 miles in diameter. This base goes down over 8 levels. Basically this Deep Underground Military Base is 8 cities on top of each other. The first level starts at around 1 mile underground. On the eight levels is a maglev train network that takes you out to hundreds of other Deep Underground Military Bases all over Mexico, America and Canada. This base is connected to the Los Alamos and Dulce Deep Underground Military Bases.
Every year in America over 1 million children go missing and over 450,000 adults go missing. Go to www.missingkids.com for further details. These slave children will be used as effective killing machines against innocent people in America and Canada in the very near future. As most of you now know there are already over 7 million UNISF and UNMNTF troops stationed across America and Canada readying themselves for the approaching day of Martial Law in America, when millions of Americans will be rounded up, gang raped, sadistically tortured and executed by these Luciferian UNMNTF, UNISF, UNPKF Troops.
In Russia the Gulag or prison population is over 2.6 million people in size. If the work and labor camp populations are added to this, it would amount to over 4 million Slavic Russians, Central Asians and Chechnyan Caucasian Muslims in incarceration in Russia. The NWO Illuminati want all people on this planet to be slave workers on low or nonexistent wages in the very near future. The creation of a Global Fascist Police State by the Luciferian Illuminati will become a reality on this planet in the 5 or 6 years if we do not all wake up and see what the world is becoming.
The Windsor Illuminati Family and Rothschild Illuminati Family are now fully enacting out the destruction of America and by placing key Illuminati Shills into high US Government positions such as the Attorney General, in concert with the Director of the FBI, the Administrator of the DEA, the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service INS and the Commissioner of the Customs Service CS who then end up reporting to Congress and the President on the true plans and efforts made while CNN and NBC feed the lies to the Sheeple and Lemmings.

The success of such efforts, to recruit and hire former Royal Hong Kong Police RHKP Police Officers into Federal Law Enforcement Agency positions is at an all time high. China and Russia will take America on when the Third World War commences. What Americans do not realize is that 7 million UNMNTF and UNISF Troops already exist in America ready for the day of Martial Law. The reports shall discuss any legal or administrative barriers preventing a program of adequate recruitment of former Royal Hong Kong Police RHKP Police Officers.
The US Government insists that because of the inner city violence, there is a need for a national police force and the hiring of UNMNTF and UNISF Troops, along with the confiscation of firearms. The British Government has used Nepalese Ghurkas as the Royal Hong Kong police for many decades, plus they used them as a mercenary army throughout the world. The Gurkha, considered to be among the bravest and hardiest fighters in all of history, have been training in the United States for a few years
Journalists and public officials in Montana have verified their presence. President George H.W. Bush signed an executive order allowing UNMNTF and UNISF Troops to be used in America to quell ELF Transmissions-created civil unrest that the NSA, CIA, DIA or US Army would be creating anyway.

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