Salaam ailikum to you all. Tonight I will just opine on a serious topic facing all of us on the planet today. If you read the papers at all and follow the current situation regarding the Euro and the Dollar you cannot help but be concerned. Forget Paris and jail time for a few moments and let’s get real!
“People who believe that there is no major world conspiracy which involves a small number of people manipulating humanity through a hierarchical structure of control toward a New World Order, all have one identical factor in common. They have, in actual fact, not looked genuinely into the abundance of well-researched information on world conspiracy to see if thttp://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/here is one! “~ David Icke
“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance.”~ James Madison.
“These are the men who, without virtue, labour, or hazard, are growing rich, as their country is impoverished; they rejoice, when obstinacy or ambition adds another year to slaughter and devastation; and laugh, from their desks, at bravery and science, while they are adding figure to figure, and cipher to cipher, hoping for a new contract from a new armament, and computing the profits of a siege or tempest.” ~ Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.” ~ Sir Josiah Stamp
Americans are finally beginning to feel the pinch of what is to come. I sense much of the anger we are seeing about us is du to the simple fact that frustration and fear tend to create paranoia and anger in the minds of those who are blindest. You know what you see going on around you but do not quite put it together yet and in your frustration you lash around in a patriotic frenzy.~ kind of like a big cat in an ever shrinking cage. “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official.” said Theodore Roosevelt. The Bush Cabal is throwing away the key. Americans have been sold out.
“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks,” said Lord Acton discussing an Illuminati banker Rothschild several hundred years ago. There is no evidence that the latest Rothschild is any less avaricious for the bodies and souls than his predecessors. In fact, it seems to point in the opposite direction.
Another of his predecessors, Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.” Yet on her deathbed, his wife, Gutle Schnaper countered this with, "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”
As unpleasant as it is, I, a Canadian patriot, foresee this is what is coming to America. First the United States and then in swift following will be Canada, Britain, New Zealand, and Australia. Never mind that I also foresee a nuclear attack on American soil any time now. It will be once again a red flag operation as was 911. Between the dollar and the panic resulting from this attack, America will tumble into chaos. Mad Max was but a taste of what is to come. All due to our greed and our dependence upon the dollar for trade. We are not victims here at all. We let this happen under our watch people!
Over the last few days, there have been a number of articles in the media about the steady decline of the $US against the Euro. While many economists have forecast the possibility of the dollar declining against the Euro for some time, most do not comprehend the significance of this when it actually does occur, and occur it shall. Some believe that the decline of the dollar against the currencies of American's trading partners will help correct the USA's trade deficit, and the dollar will stop falling when the trade imbalance is corrected.
However, the evidence is that the opposite is happening ~ the $US has declined 40% against the Euro over the last 2 years, and during this time America's trade deficit has continued to deteriorate. There is now nothing the USA can do to prevent the collapse of its currency, and its economy. It has no reserves to support its value, and is the most indebted country in the world, is dependent of the credit from America's former enemies. Over the last couple of days, both Russia and China have said they will be switching their considerable dollar reserves into Euro.
One of the unmentioned justifications for the attack on Iraq was because Saddam was in the midst of switching to the Euro from the dollar. Iran is also in the process of switching to the Euro as well. Once this is done, the days of the dollar are done. War was declared on Iraq to prevent this, among other reasons almost too macabre to reiterate.
This will only hasten the lack of confidence in the dollar, creating a global lack of confidence in the currency, and setting into free-fall. It will soon bring about the total collapse of the dollar, and the American economy. The collapse of the dollar will throw the world into a global depression. Those nations with large external debts will not be able to trade sufficiently to earn the income to service their debts, and will slide into bankruptcy.
The Asian economies, which have depended upon American trade, will also be severely affected. However, they will recover after a period, but only after considerable political and economic turmoil.
The EU will be in a much better position to survive the coming economic chaos. An influx of capital into the Euro zone by those selling dollars will provide the funding for rebuilding the economies of the new United States of Europe. However, the collapse of the $US will still severely affect the already depressed German and French economies. As well much wealth has been quietly removed from America by those “in the know”, primarily Zionist bankers and their fossil fuel promoting allies. The names Rothschild and Rockefeller come to mind but these cabals are only the proverbial tip of the proverbial iceberg. Many of these people are already claiming another part of the world as is being noticed in this little island far, far, far away from the U.S. of A.
The resulting economic turmoil will create the need for the acceptance of a strong EU leader, who will be able to make the necessary political and economic reforms to enable Europe revive their economies. Those nations that accept the new EU Constitution will come under the control of this new leader, creating Europe as the world's new Super Power. For some reason I think it will boil down to Italy and France.
The Euro will become the world's only reserve currency, creating the means for the new United States of Europe to become the dominant economic power in the world. The new Europe will be able to dictate the terms on how the global economy should be run. They will take over the administration of America and Britain, placing the Anglo-Saxon people in bondage for repayment of their debts.
Regarding the finances of America, Thomas Jefferson left us this, yet another unheeded warning, “If the American people ever allow PRIVATE banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive The People of all property until their children wake up HOMELESS on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to The People, to whom it properly belongs.”
First was the genocide of the First Nations peoples of America. The British used their usual harsh methods to claim North America for its own. These people claimed property of North America for the Throne and the Bankers financing them. These are referred to as The Black Nobility. America has had one calamity after another thrown their way, at an ever accelerating pace for the past years. Each one has left the nation weaker, the people with fewer freedoms and more power in the hands of the few. Each one has resulted in a reshuffling of wealth at great cost and bloodshed. But, with the Elite also pushing for a tremendous culling of the human populace, don’t think humanitarianism will flow from above.
It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ~ Henry Ford
Americans do not appear to comprehend the bitterness that has grown around the world as a result of their illegal invasion of Iraq. While once Europeans looked up to, and admired America; today it is held in utter contempt for its arrogance and warmongering. The contempt Americans have shown the world is the result of the Elite’s purposeful destruction of the education system. An uneducated or, strategically educated, populace is easily duped by their government especially when the propaganda begins sometimes at birth.
As for Britain, its roll in this current state of international affairs is not forgotten by the peoples who were decimated over the past centuries as part of "colonization." To understand this, please read The Confession of a Spy by Mr. Hempher. This true autobiographical account of Britain’s meddling in empires to bring about their collapse offers an uncanny eye into history. Britain and more recently the U.S. have been Israel’s lap dogs, recently become dogs of war.
I am in one of the countries that will collapse with America and it frightens me. I have done what I can but it is not pretty what we face. However I still get out into the sun and enjoy the world. So I am not being harsh here, just telling you what to expect at the rate we are going.
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