As I put together information on the Jesuits, I frequently stumble across items that I have to verify before using. Often these are things I would never have believed myself until further research. In this case here, I would never have even IMAGINED it. I found this site while investigating the activities of the Bush Cabal, Jeb in this instance, with the Vatican.
For anyone who loves children and values the sanctity of the family, in these instances, the American family, this site is worth taking a look at. Listen to what these people have to say. In one instance, the worker was convicted of 25 instances of fraud doing this crime, but the family is still being systematically destroyed. Amazing.
I remember when I took my daughter in to the hospital, several times as a child, for injuries. They always searched her entire body for any signs of abuse. I thought , "Well that is great. If it catches one abuser, so what if they look at MY child." Oh, my, but I was naive! I still think these checks are necessary, of course. But you will see how easily things can go terribly awry with a corrupt government when children are involved.
Please give these people a few moments of your time and draw your own conclusions. Yes, this is in Florida, Jeb Bush's fiefdom. But could these things not be happening in other places? And if these things take place for the reasons put out by the victims, what can be done? It is indeed a level of corruption I could never even have imagined!
For anyone who loves children and values the sanctity of the family, in these instances, the American family, this site is worth taking a look at. Listen to what these people have to say. In one instance, the worker was convicted of 25 instances of fraud doing this crime, but the family is still being systematically destroyed. Amazing.
I remember when I took my daughter in to the hospital, several times as a child, for injuries. They always searched her entire body for any signs of abuse. I thought , "Well that is great. If it catches one abuser, so what if they look at MY child." Oh, my, but I was naive! I still think these checks are necessary, of course. But you will see how easily things can go terribly awry with a corrupt government when children are involved.
Please give these people a few moments of your time and draw your own conclusions. Yes, this is in Florida, Jeb Bush's fiefdom. But could these things not be happening in other places? And if these things take place for the reasons put out by the victims, what can be done? It is indeed a level of corruption I could never even have imagined!

"Bush and corruption"
The two words seem to go together like "tar and feather".
The two words seem to go together like "tar and feather".
=( its agonizing