We must use terror, assassination, intimidation,
land confiscation, and the cutting of all
social services to rid the Galilee
of its Arab population. ~ Israel Koenig
land confiscation, and the cutting of all
social services to rid the Galilee
of its Arab population. ~ Israel Koenig
When I began this piece on Boycotting Caterpillar, my aim was no more than that, to show people why it is important to halt the company's participation in any legal way possible. But the more I learned, the more I wept at the injustice and cruelty involved. This is more than just (!) homes, villages, and lives; it is a means of destroying an ancient way of life, displacement, the ethnic cleansing (HOW I DETEST THAT EXPRESSION!!!!!) of a gentle people of the land now driven to desperate means to survive. Yes, Caterpillar is an American corporation, not a product of Israel, but it profits greatly while it provides one of the major tools used in the decimation of the Palestinian people. As such, it is "worthy" of international attention, preferably the kind it would wish to avoid.
Here you will find images, much information, as well as three excellent movies. Please take some time and learn why CATERPILLAR must be stopped. I pray that you, too, as you learn, will emphasize with the native people of this land will feel motivated to take action however you can.
Here you will find images, much information, as well as three excellent movies. Please take some time and learn why CATERPILLAR must be stopped. I pray that you, too, as you learn, will emphasize with the native people of this land will feel motivated to take action however you can.
The Israeli military has deliberately destroyed thousands of Palestinian homes since the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1967, leaving tens of thousands homeless. Several Palestinian civilians and one American student have been killed during these demolitions. The majority of these crimes have been carried out by bulldozers supplied to the Israeli military by the Caterpillar Corporation in the United States.
So one can see that the bulldozer has emerged as one of the most fearsome weapons in Israel's war against the Palestinian people ~ routinely used to demolish the homes of Palestinian families (whether or not occupied at the time) especially but not limited to the homes of relatives of anyone resisting the Occupation. This includes merely arguing to save your family, your home or ancestral fruit and olive groves from certain destruction. In all, some 7,000 homes have been destroyed since 1967. Just as often as not, these attacks have occurred in the wee hours of the morning on families unaware and sleeping in their beds.
These demolitions are War Crimes under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The main supplier of the bulldozers used to commit these crimes is Caterpillar, manufacturer of the dreaded D9 and D10 heavy tracked armoured bulldozers as used to destroy the centre of the Jenin refugee camp in 2002.
From the dawn of the occupation, Caterpillar has been a major arms supplier to Israel, no less than those who provide planes, cannons and tanks. Not for nothing are peace activists trying to call for a boycott of the manufacturer. Israel has sown almost unimaginable destruction using heavy equipment. Go to Rafah, stopping in Khan Yunis on the way, and see the results of the destruction scattered there to this day. Whole neighborhoods razed, the contents of houses ~ possessions and memories ~ crushed under the treads.
Have you ever seen a street after being "stripped" by a bulldozer? Cars are crushed like tin cans and homes become piles of rubble, along with their contents. Minus the chemical pollutants, visually these areas are just as ruined as any bombed out in the latest military bombed out cities and towns of Gaza. The displaced inhabitants are cast into immediate poverty. As often as not, Zionist settlers are already to take over the land within hours.
Have you ever seen a street after being "stripped" by a bulldozer? Cars are crushed like tin cans and homes become piles of rubble, along with their contents. Minus the chemical pollutants, visually these areas are just as ruined as any bombed out in the latest military bombed out cities and towns of Gaza. The displaced inhabitants are cast into immediate poverty. As often as not, Zionist settlers are already to take over the land within hours.

Citizens run after this Caterpillar tank kills 15 year old boy, injures 12,
and demolishes a block of family apartment houses.
and demolishes a block of family apartment houses.
In 2004, for example, 10,704 Palestinians were made homeless after the IDF destroyed 1,404 homes, mostly in Gaza, due to "operational needs." In the Jenin refugee camp, Israel destroyed 560 homes; the legendary bulldozer driver "Kurdi" told how he would swig whiskey as he "turned Jenin into a soccer field."
Read Kurdi Bear's own account of the 75 hours he spent bulldozing homes in Jenin with a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer. Interview on 31 May 2002. Fascinating as it shows how his anger at his own poverty and suffering in a far-right-wing Israel found its outlet in destroying Palestinian lives. After publication of Kurdi's tale ~ and in spite of it ~ he and his unit received from the army command an official citation for outstanding service. The Most MORAL army on the planet?
Caterpillar's exemplary "Social Responsibility" policies. But how come the company doesn't mind assisting the perpetration of War Crimes?
Rachel’s murder by a D9 dozer in Rahah, Gaza - four eyewitnesses give their accounts.

These photos tell it all. The unnecessary murder of a young
American woman who was doing as she believed, the right thing.
American woman who was doing as she believed, the right thing.
Site dedicated to Rachel Corrie, murdered by an IDF soldier who deliberately ran her over with a D9 bulldozer at the Rafah refugee camp.

Rachel's murder did not result in frightening peacekeepers away.
Instead, her martyrdom drew many who did not want the sacrifice of
her life to be in vain. Protesters try to halt a tractor from razing
yet another family home and farm.
Instead, her martyrdom drew many who did not want the sacrifice of
her life to be in vain. Protesters try to halt a tractor from razing
yet another family home and farm.
Caterpillar Inc - the home page.
This is a Bulldozer Caterpillar D10, not yet fitted with an armoured crew cab and cannons especially for the IDF. It is nicknamed Duby ~ Hebrew for Bear.
This is a Bulldozer Caterpillar D10, not yet fitted with an armoured crew cab and cannons especially for the IDF. It is nicknamed Duby ~ Hebrew for Bear.

The SUSTAIN Caterpillar campaign page has links to a many good articles, resources etc on the Caterpillar menace.
The Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD) is an excellent campaign exposing the utter criminality of the demolition of thousands of Palestinian homes. The group has extended its focus to include the destruction and theft of olive trees and farmland.

Jamil Haj Salim and Tawfik Salim, the two owners
of the orchard claim that their family has ownership
of this olive grove for 110 years and
it tears their hearts out to see this desecration.
of the orchard claim that their family has ownership
of this olive grove for 110 years and
it tears their hearts out to see this desecration.

The first olive tree is ripped from the earth. put onto a lorry.

The driver tells the Salim brothers that he will bring the trees to the Tel Aviv area, to be sold there.

This is what remains of the ancient orchard. Throughout Palestine
this scene has been repeated thousands of times.
this scene has been repeated thousands of times.
While leaving one of the soldiers tells the family
"to be happy since nobody died today."
"to be happy since nobody died today."
Washington DC Indy media protest against Caterpillar, March 19, 2008.
The Caterpillar Effect, by Neve Gordon, CounterPunch, 2 June 2002. "This is the first time that bulldozers have determined the outcome of a war..."
Pro-Palestinian Group Opposes Bulldozer Sales, by Jeff Johnson, CNSNews, 8 August 2002. "...the U.S.-based Caterpillar Corporation is facilitating war crimes by selling bulldozers to the Israeli Defense Forces..."
The Stop Caterpillar ~ site created and maintained by Jewish Voice for Peace.
Pro-Palestinian Group Opposes Bulldozer Sales, by Jeff Johnson, CNSNews, 8 August 2002. "...the U.S.-based Caterpillar Corporation is facilitating war crimes by selling bulldozers to the Israeli Defense Forces..."
The Stop Caterpillar ~ site created and maintained by Jewish Voice for Peace.

Caterpillar bulldozes destroys parts of homes as well as three cars,
dumping the wreckage on top of a neighboring house.
Here stones and parts of homes are being collected to be
dumped on the home on the right. ~ Photo by Michael Ramallah
dumping the wreckage on top of a neighboring house.
Here stones and parts of homes are being collected to be
dumped on the home on the right. ~ Photo by Michael Ramallah

The main difference between Bosnia and Palestine is that
ethnic cleansing in the former took place in the form of dramatic
massacres and slaughters which caught the world's attention,
whereas in Palestine what is taking place is a drop-by-drop tactic
in which one or two houses are demolished daily, a few acres are
taken here and there every day,
a few people are forced to leave. ~ Edward Said
Caterpillar Headquarters Occupied. "Today pro-Palestinian activists occupied the Caterpillar HQ in Desford, Leicestershire, UK, in protest at the bulldozer-building company profiteering from the murderous Israeli activity in Palestine..."

Palestinian youths throw stones at an Israeli army bulldozer in
Gaza Strip. For the third day Israel had carried out incursions
into the Palestinian autonomous Gaza Strip,
killing over 20 people including a child.
Gaza Strip. For the third day Israel had carried out incursions
into the Palestinian autonomous Gaza Strip,
killing over 20 people including a child.
Caterpillar Annual Shareholders Meeting Picketed and Disrupted by Palestine Solidarity Activists. June 13, 2008. In Chicago on June 11, more than 50 Palestinian solidarity activists from numerous organizations gathered to oppose Caterpillar Corporations annual shareholders meeting. Caterpillar, an American company, is responsible for building and outfitting militarized bulldozers to sell to the Israeli army.
Chicago Tribune: “Palestinian issue dominates Caterpillar meeting”. June 15, 2008. “Maybe you don’t want to choose sides,” Before the meeting ended, Rachel Corrie’s mother, took the floor to send the message that by selling the equipment to Israel, “you’re choosing the side that uses these machines as a weapon."
Chicago Tribune: “Palestinian issue dominates Caterpillar meeting”. June 15, 2008. “Maybe you don’t want to choose sides,” Before the meeting ended, Rachel Corrie’s mother, took the floor to send the message that by selling the equipment to Israel, “you’re choosing the side that uses these machines as a weapon."

Craig and Cindy Corrie, the parents of Rachel Corrie,
parents of Rachel Corrie, murdered by an Israeli driven Caterpillar.
parents of Rachel Corrie, murdered by an Israeli driven Caterpillar.
Protesters highlight Caterpillar home wrecker’s visit to London. November 22, 2006. On Wednesday 22 November around 50 protesters, including the Rhythms of Resistance samba band, turned out to ‘greet’ Michael Baunton, the Vice President of Caterpillar. He was due to speak at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers’ Annual Dinner.
Send a letter to Cat dealerships! Tell Caterpillar dealers to stop selling to Israel and to support an investigation into Israel's use of Caterpillar's equipment.
Letters go to more than 40 Caterpillar dealers by e-mail. To date 3,049,738 letters have been sent.

CATERPILLAR FACES AN INTIFADA. February 19, 2009, Salon Magazine
CHURCH OF ENGLAND divests from Caterpillar as pressure grows over mining shares, EKKLESIA JOURNAL, February 10, 2009
Caterpillar Troops Don’t Back Stimulus, Says Rep. Schock, February 13, 2009
Caterpillar Moving Forward With $240 Million in New Plant Construction in the South, an Industrial Info News Alert, February 16, 2009
Send a letter to Cat dealerships! Tell Caterpillar dealers to stop selling to Israel and to support an investigation into Israel's use of Caterpillar's equipment.
Letters go to more than 40 Caterpillar dealers by e-mail. To date 3,049,738 letters have been sent.

MY BEAUTIFUL OLIVE TREE ~ This moving film presents clear evidence how Israelis destroy Palestinian olive trees as collective punishment. Ironically, often Jews, STILL to this date, claim that Jews ONLY made the desert boom, a baseless myth. How could the person who made the desert bloom commit these crimes? Those in the West may not understand the strong connection Palestinians have with their land, most importantly with the olive tree. A good part of our traditional and cultural celebrations revolve around this life sustaining tree. Many of us Palestinians feel as our children are killed when an olive tree is uprooted. It makes many of us angry, full of rage.
1. Direct action ~
Campaigners can engage in protests and blockades of industries and public or military facilities complicit with Israel’s arm imports or exports. This raises awareness about the international complicity in arming the occupation. In many cases, trials on activists for protests, blockades or even destruction of weaponry have proven to be high profile media events as the defense can often highlight the breach of international law this arms trade constitutes and which the activists have attempted to stop.
2. Publicize cooperation with Israeli military ~
In many occasions, Israeli military and “security” experts are invited abroad to share their experience in hi-tech war against people and to share their extensive experience with oppression and war crimes. Public awareness campaigns can successfully stop these events.
3. Put pressure on the government to impose military ties ~
Governmental representatives can be subject to pressure from constituents. A concerted campaign of letter writing, lobbying and spreading the word can convince the governmental representatives that the issue of arms to Israel is taken seriously by their constituents. See the Sanctions section of this website for more details.
4. Bring prosecutions of Israeli war criminals ~
While all activists can be supportive in the efforts of the campaign, the specialized nature of bringing about the prosecution of war criminals relies upon lawyers to take up cases. In some cases lawyers and legal firms may be sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and willingly give their time and resources to solidarity initiatives. However, a minimum amount of expenses in bringing cases to court cannot be eliminated. Solidarity groups can consider fund raising to hire legal firms to take on and challenge Israeli apartheid and occupation. Court cases have recently become a tool to isolate Israel and target those who have been guilty in carrying out war crimes against Palestinians. Such actions highlight that the occupation and its officials are considered criminals by the rest of the world and ensure that they eventually face justice for their crimes.
Opportunism We Can Believe In : Obama's Caterpillar Visit a Thumb in the Eye for Human Rights Activists ~ by Stephen Zunes, February 14, 2009
CHURCH OF ENGLAND divests from Caterpillar as pressure grows over mining shares, EKKLESIA JOURNAL, February 10, 2009
CATERPILLAR FACES AN INTIFADA. February 19, 2009, Salon Magazine
WHO PROFITS from the Israeli Occupation Industry. This site exposes international and Israeli corporations directly involved in the occupation: in the construction of Israeli colonies and infrastructure in the occupied territories, in the settlements’ economy, in building walls and checkpoints, in the supply of specific equipment used in the control and repression of the civilian population under occupation.
CHURCH OF ENGLAND divests from Caterpillar as pressure grows over mining shares, EKKLESIA JOURNAL, February 10, 2009
CLEAN TERRITORY: URBICIDE IN THE WEST BANK , Open Democracy, 2002. The Israel–Palestine war is not simply a struggle over territory between two national entities. It is Israel’s denial of modern urban life to the Palestinians. One of the lessons of the battle of Jenin is that the bulldozer that demolishes houses is also a weapon in the wider strategy to prevent the Palestinians from creating a modern, normal, urban society.
Caterpillar Troops Don’t Back Stimulus, Says Rep. Schock, February 13, 2009
Caterpillar Moving Forward With $240 Million in New Plant Construction in the South, an Industrial Info News Alert, February 16, 2009
ReplyDeleteI see that you used one of my photographs without permission. I kindly ask you remove it from your site.
Best regards,
Johannes Abeling
Consider it gone although I did give credit and a linkback to your site. I don't understand the problem but... as you wish.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you might look into the giving philosophy of other professional photographers like Trey Ratcliff whose work is there for public consumption and use, copyleft, as they put it.
The end result of his generosity is an outpouring of love and a HUGE international fan base.
Your attitude, while of course your business and to be respected as such, comes across as polite but niggardly.