As far as the situation in the Middle East stands, America and Israel are conjoined in an unholy alliance that has the rest of the world on tenterhooks. The recent horrors perpetrated on Gaza by Israel, and an election won by that has many regarding it as a fascist state with a These two countries are tied together in an unholy alliance that has everyone feeling nervous and wondering what will happen next.
Once upon a time in an office rented to them by the American Heritage Foundation, a group of powerful men directly connected to the halls of the capital and the defense and energy industry. This American neoconservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. lasted from early 1997 to 2006 and formed a fringe right wing organization based loosely on the teachings of Leo Strauss. They called themselves the Project for the New American Century. The Project is an initiative of the New Citizenship Project (both chaired by William Kristol) and as such is largely funded through it. Direct funding for PNAC comes from, but isn’t limited to, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation ($700,000), the Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation ($50,000), and the John M. Olin Foundation ($70,000)
PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership." Fundamental to the PNAC were the view that "American leadership is both good for America and good for the world" and support for "a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity. The Project for the New American Century may have officially passed on but its neo-Con spirit thrives to this day.
These guys drew up a plan for using our role as last remaining super power to expand their respective global markets through force. Specifically, their published documents call for the violent overthrow of regimes around the world that weren’t friendly to their business interests.

Furthermore, labor unions were outlawed and reconstruction jobs that would normally help to rebuild the economy and employ Iraqis are handed without bidding to well connected American and British corporations. Thus after a year of relative calm, the insurgency erupts and the United States and it’s allies are caught in a quagmire that serves as a catalyst for terrorist recruitment world-wide, a rise in support of violent extremism and puts us at risk of more terrorist attacks.

Dick Cheney Vice President
Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense
I. Lewis Libby Vice President Cheney’s former Chief of Staff and Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs.
Aaron Friedberg Vice President Cheney’s deputy National Security adviser
Robert Zoelick US Deputy Secretary of State
Paula Dobriansky Undersecretary of State
Elliott Abrams Deputy National Security Adviser
Frank Gaffney Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
Fred C. Ikle Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
Eliot A. Cohen Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
Henry S. Rowen Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
William J. Bennett Presidential speech writer
Jeb Bush Governor of Florida
Paul Wolfowitz World Bank President
John Bolton Frmr Ambassador to the U.N.
Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad Former Envoy to Afghanistan, Current Ambassador to Iraq
The PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership." Fundamental to the PNAC were the view that "American leadership is both good for America and good for the world" and support for "a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity. It is very important people become aware of this horrendous document because it effects our very lives and has already cost the world millions of people and created unimaginable horrors for the people of the Middle East, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, and now Afghanistan, Pakistan and, should Iran and Syria be pulled in, as scheduled, the entire planet could possibly finally face that horrendous Armaggedon so many of us have had nightmares about. So, there is a little information on PNAC. Follow the links and learn even more.
Once upon a time in an office rented to them by the American Heritage Foundation, a group of powerful men directly connected to the halls of the capital and the defense and energy industry. This American neoconservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. lasted from early 1997 to 2006 and formed a fringe right wing organization based loosely on the teachings of Leo Strauss. They called themselves the Project for the New American Century. The Project is an initiative of the New Citizenship Project (both chaired by William Kristol) and as such is largely funded through it. Direct funding for PNAC comes from, but isn’t limited to, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation ($700,000), the Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation ($50,000), and the John M. Olin Foundation ($70,000)
PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership." Fundamental to the PNAC were the view that "American leadership is both good for America and good for the world" and support for "a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity. The Project for the New American Century may have officially passed on but its neo-Con spirit thrives to this day.
Unsurprisingly these three exceedingly conservative foundations have strong ties to weapons manufacturing and several members of the Project are former CEOs and board members of defense contractors and energy companies. (Halliburton, Trireme, Bechtel, etc.)
The plan, as it was drawn out, called for the toppling of Saddam Hussein and seizing control of the Iraqi oil fields. Also, the regime of Afghanistan had to be deposed in order to construct a pipeline to secure access to the natural gas reserves of Central Asia. Once the energy resources were secured, the next step in the plan was to create an archipelago of military bases throughout the Middle East and Central Asia as a staging point for further operations ~ including the toppling of Iran and Syria.
On page 52 of a document published by them called Rebuilding America’s Defenses (.pdf), they stated that there was such resistance to transforming America’s military machine for the job of acting as the world policeman that there would have to be “a catalyzing catastrophic event, similar to a new Pearl Harbor”.

Of course, they also had to be returned to the halls of power in the U.S. government first…
Enter George W. Bush. Upon his selection to the Presidency, with a lot of help from his brother Jeb, then Governor of Florida, George promptly appointed the hierarchy of this organization to the top levels of the white house, the pentagon, and the state department. Once these men were placed into their respective positions, two very interesting things happened.
First, the cabinet level position created by former President Bill Clinton of “terrorism Czar” was disbanded and it’s members were reassigned to different duties. This position had previously been meeting at least weekly, specifically on the threat and whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda network. The incoming National Security Adviser refused to meet with The former “terrorism Czar”, Richard Clarke, causing him to send several urgent messages to Nat’l Security Adviser Rice demanding “an immediate meeting regarding the threat of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden”. These requests for meetings went unanswered. Dick Cheney himself has been quoted as saying “Richard Clarke was kept “out of the loop”. Shortly after 9-11, Rice penned an editorial in the Washington post where she claimed the outgoing Clinton administration made no effort to express the threat posed by Al Qaeda. This claim has since been disproved by the public release of several memos penned by Clarke calling for an immediate meeting on that very subject.

Second, the Bush administration invited the Taliban to the United States to discuss a Unocal natural gas pipeline deal that had been stalled. The Taliban wasn’t invited to Washington, but rather to Sugarland Texas, home of Tom Delay’s district and Unocal headquarters. No deal was reached and the Taliban went home.
With the security apparatus that had been monitoring Al Qaeda effectively disbanded, the network was able to orchestrate and carry out the worst terrorist attack in American history. Testifying under oath before the 9-11 commission (which the white house tried to prevent) the Nat’l Security adviser, Condi Rice (Who the White house also tried to prevent from testifying and then later tried to prevent her from having to testify under oath) testified under oath that the Bush administration had no idea that domestic flights could be hijacked and flown into domestic targets in a coordinated terrorist attack.
Not only did the the famous August 6th PDB seem to refute this in general terms, but also it has come to light that the FAA and the FTA had sent 52 memos to the White House specifically mentioning the impending threat of domestic flights being hijacked and flown into domestic targets in a coordinated terrorist attack.
Shortly after 9-11, the Taliban regime is toppled, and Hamid Karzai is placed as the President. Karzai is a former Unocal Adviser and CIA asset. Zalmay Khalizad, another Unocal adviser, is placed as the United States envoy to Afghanistan. Shortly after, the natural gas pipeline is finished and Osama Bin Laden is allowed to escape.

The proposed Enron pipeline from Turkmenistan to India.
For the next two years, President Bush fails to mention the name Osama Bin Laden in public and instead embarks upon a national media campaign to connect the regime of Saddam Hussein with the threat of terrorism and the terrorist attacks of 9-11. It’s effective enough to persuade a compliant Congress to allow the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
The regime of Saddam Hussein is deposed and a puppet regime is installed. Paul Bremer, working as head of the Coalition Provision Authority (CPA) issues a series of orders regarding the rewriting of the Iraqi Constitution in violation of the Geneva Conventions. Orders 39 (.pdf) and 81 give a good deal of insight unto the capitalist utopia that was installed for the benefit of the corporations that fund and support the leadership of the occupying countries.
Some examples:
One would think that Iraqi farmers, now prospering under "freedom" and "democracy", would be able to plant the seeds of their choosing, but that choice under Order 81, is now illegal. What makes Order 81 even more outrageous is that Iraqi farmers have been saving wheat and barley seeds since at least 4000 BC, when irrigated agriculture first emerged, and probably even to about 8000 BC, when wheat was first domesticated. Now they must purchase new seeds from Monsanto with every planting season.
In post-war Iraq, a farmer will be jailed if he does not use Monsanto
Terminator seeds rather than those grown for thousands of years.
American and international interests have monopolized entire sectors of industry by the occupying countries. Telecommunications, insurance, banking, all have written into the Iraqi constitution the 100% foreign ownership by foreign entities and must allow for the 100% expatriation of profits. Call it the Walmartization of Mesopotamia. Similar to the way Wal~Mart comes to town and bankrupts main street and ships all of it’s profits back to Bentonville, AR. American and British companies are now doing the same. Iraq has been turned into a colonial state to be emptied in the same way.
Thus justifying the toppling of more regimes and setting the scene for perpetual war. Bring on Iran and Syria. And don't forget about Pakistan.

Dick Cheney Vice President
Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense
I. Lewis Libby Vice President Cheney’s former Chief of Staff and Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs.
Aaron Friedberg Vice President Cheney’s deputy National Security adviser
Robert Zoelick US Deputy Secretary of State
Paula Dobriansky Undersecretary of State
Elliott Abrams Deputy National Security Adviser
Frank Gaffney Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
Fred C. Ikle Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
Eliot A. Cohen Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
Henry S. Rowen Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
William J. Bennett Presidential speech writer
Jeb Bush Governor of Florida
Paul Wolfowitz World Bank President
John Bolton Frmr Ambassador to the U.N.
Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad Former Envoy to Afghanistan, Current Ambassador to Iraq
PNAC’s June 1997 statement of principles repeated many of the same goals laid out in Kristol and Kagan’s Foreign Affairs article, including the use of preemptive force.