The Canadian PM, ever eager to be the New World Order lackey has jumped on the Pro-Israel band-wagon espoused by his masters and the letter below is a reasoned response to the party-line.
There are not enough words in the air to apologize for the actions of this creature who displays such appallingly dangerous idiocy on the world stage. He stands for non Canadian values but is insidiously slipping these new cancerous attitudes into the mindsets of our youths. I just wish to say we are not all into his sick Illuminati-fueled concepts or his Neocon small-mindedness.
There are not enough words in the air to apologize for the actions of this creature who displays such appallingly dangerous idiocy on the world stage. He stands for non Canadian values but is insidiously slipping these new cancerous attitudes into the mindsets of our youths. I just wish to say we are not all into his sick Illuminati-fueled concepts or his Neocon small-mindedness.
Canada's Ignorant Prime Minister
By Khalid Amayreh
May 13th, 2008
May 13th, 2008
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently made outrageously ignorant comments on the plight of the Palestinian people.
He claimed that criticism of and opposition to the Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing and apartheid against the Palestinian people amounted to "anti-Semitism."
This is amusingly ignorant considering that the Palestinians, by blood alone, are true Semites and closely aligned with the blood of Palestinian born Jews!
"Unfortunately, Israel at 60 remains a country under threat ~ threatened by those groups and regimes who deny to this day its right to exist," Harper said in a Toronto celebration marking the inauspicious anniversary of Israel's birth. "And why? Look beyond the thinly veiled rationalizations; because they hate Israel, just as they hate the Jewish people."
Obviously, Harper was trying to curry favor with the rogue Chabad Lubavitch Jews by appearing more Israeli and more Zionist than many Israelis themselves are. But in truth, he is harming Jews, because it is not a sign of true friendship to encourage one's friends to walk along the path of evil as Israel has manifestly been doing for decades.
In fact, Israel and Jews in general need sincere friends who should tell them that the pornographic oppression being meted out to the Palestinians is wrong and ought to stop immediately.
Since this was written two years ago, Israel's crimes have grown beyond belief and yet, even in the face of absolute proof observed in the news all around the globe, denies everything, assigns blame on others, and when any other country dares to speak against their brutal policies even in a soft whisper, that country is termed anti semitic. Then diplomats and politicians swarm until Israel, who attempts to portray itself as the bluebird of happiness, has its feathers preened by international toadies. With his every grovel, Harper further embarrasses all Canadian by his actions.
Today, Israel is intoxicated by its arrogance of power and the predominance of her supporters in North America, especially in the US. And as is the case with drunken people whose true friends don't let them drive, lest they kill themselves and cause harm to others, Israel's friends should likewise advise her to get sober and abandon her criminal discourse.
The thing is, that according to the Talmud, Israel is just doing what it was instructed to do by way approved theft, murder, and a myriad of actions to non Jews are criminal. So to their way of thinking, THEY are not criminals and the rest of us are just simply goyim to be used and scorned. But they do like their useful fools and that is where goyim in power come in handy. Bring on the Harpers and Clintons of the world.
America, both the US and Canada, are bowing over backwards to help Israel always at the expense of their own citizens. Meanwhile, these countries have abandoned the traits that made them great and are becoming as rude, corrupt, small minded and racist (denied of course) as Israel itself.
Harper's equation of opposition to Israel's policies its actions with anti-Semitism and "hatred of Jews" would be as outrageous as claiming that opposition to the Third Reich and its crimes and genocidal designs emanated from intrinsic hostility to the German people and the 'Aryan' race.
Well, doesn't Harper realize that there are thousands of honest and conscientious Jews who reject Zionism and its virulent brat, Israel?
Harper is actually more than just ignorant.(That, dear reader, is a great understatement.)
Otherwise, who in his or her right mind
would dismiss the ghastly Israeli crimes
against the peoples of the Middle East
as "thinly veiled rationalizations?"

What Harper has done about Palestine is basically this. The newspapers rarely, if ever, mention Palestine. If they do, even if it is what appears to most as an impartial piece, they carry the usual mind warping trigger words to leave an unwholesome impression.
Even during the slaughter of Gaza, there was nothing to be found in most papers. Certainly nothing on the news unless it was about Israel's brave IDF protecting "the little country with great heart" against the big bad rocket dropping, rabble who hide behind children. As a result, even today it is very difficult to find anyone who notices, let alone cares, about this struggle.
In 1948, Israel acted and behaved like Nazi Germany when it destroyed more than 460 Palestinian towns and villages and expelled more than 700,000 Palestinian Muslims and Christians to the four winds on no grounds other than the fact that the victims were not Jews. Is that a thinly veiled rationalization?
Israel, this hateful thiefdom, massacred them, destroyed their homes, confiscated their farms and property, stole their valuables before claiming that the refugees left their homes voluntarily. Moreover, Zionist terrorists, acting on instructions from the Zionist leadership, poisoned water wells in the depopulated villages in order to prevent the refugees from returning. And those who did try to return, even to retrieve some of their movable property, like my three uncles tried to do, were summarily executed in the fields.
Perhaps Mr. Harper should have spoken with some of the refugees, or their descendants, some of whom live in Canada, before he made his ignorant remarks. Harper should understand, if he is really willing to listen and is interested in knowing the truth, that the strife in Palestine is not about religion or about anti-Semitism. After all, both the Israelites and the Palestinians are Semitic people
The truth is Harper does not want to understand. He is the NWO lackey and does exactly as he is told by his buddies in the Chabad Lubavitch who have showered him with useless honours and rewards. He is a thorough neocon, religiously conservative and pushes the Judeo-Christian agenda in his dishonest, say nothing "leadership". He has proven himself to be an extremely arrogant and small minded dictator over the past years.
The conflict in Palestine is about theft, dispossession, colonialism, occupation, racism, ethnic cleansing, oppression and persecution. It is about killing people because they don't belong to the right tribe, it is about demolishing homes because the proprietors don't belong to the "right race," it is about murder, rape and oppression carried out for the purpose of cleansing the land of the natives, the inferiors, the goyim, the Ǖtermensch, the children of the lesser God....the aboriginals!!
It is about the arrogation of Palestine by racist Zionism through organized mass murder and mass terror, and the displacement and deportation of the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants; it is about the attempted physical annihilation of an entire people, the people of Palestine.

It is really sad and lamentable that while Israel is indulging in these shameful acts against a people that is as helpless as European Jewry was under Nazism, morally desensitized western leaders, obviously including yourself, Mr. Prime Minister, are cheer leading these crimes against humanity, committed callously by the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the holocaust.
Canada, a country that used to pride itself on its commitment to the rule of international law and regard for human rights and dignity, should stop this blind fanatical and unrestricted support for Israel and instead adopt a balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Canada should tell Israel that killing Palestinian civilians in Gaza, knowingly and deliberately, is wrong; that starving and tormenting and killing innocent people in order to weaken Hamas is wrong; that withholding critically-needed fuel and electricity supplies, let alone food and other consumer products, amounts to a crime against humanity.
The man is aping Zionist values.
Do you really expect him to say these things?
Do you really expect him to say these things?
Unfortunately, instead of doing what is morally right, Canada is cheering Israel's criminality and evil behavior, very much like the Fuhrer of the
White House who called Israel's certified war criminals "men of peace," ignoring the fact that they have tons of innocent blood on their evil hands.
From another report on this same public appearance by Harper:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper passionately vowed Thursday night that his government would always stand behind Israel, at the same time denouncing what he called “a rising global tide of anti-Semitism.”
More like a rising global tide of outrage towards the murderous racist Natzi State of Israel
Harper’s speech to members of the Jewish community in this Toronto suburb came amid planned court action by a British MP George who was banned from entering Canada.
I won't even bother to quote the Zionist propaganda shit dribbling from the mouths of Harper's weasel puppet government. Suffice it to say that Canada is an embarrassing disgrace on the world stage.
As a Canadian, it truly makes me want to weep to know that this man is bringing our once great nation to this low.
Well, birds of a feather flock together.
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