Well the media is not going to let this one go away either. They are bound and determined to make America afraid. They still write about this as if it really happened. I found THIS in today's Glove and Mail, a major pro Israel newspaper. There is not even a letters to the Editor option that I could find in which to comment with the fact that this terrorist is Jewish!
Lone suspect sought in failed car bombing ~ Extremists who threatened makers of satirical cartoon South Park for trying to depict Prophet Muhammad not yet ruled out.
Why don't these news reporters check into their stories first? Here you have Mr.Clean Cut News guy Anderson Cooper interviewing a secular Muslimah about the threat of this idiot. This is soooo typical of propaganda news. If Cooper was serious, he would have investigated before filling all this air space (between ears as often as not) with idiocy and malicious emotions towards Muslims. This Jew will probably not even be charged any more than Adam Pearlman was. In fact I can hear the compliments and laughs already, "Good one, Man!" and high fives all around.However, let a Muslim try such a thing and be caught and he would be up the creek without the proverbial paddle. Honesty in the media? I think not.
April 26, 2010
South Park ran an unedited image of Muhammad in 2001 in an episode called “Super Best Friends“… and nothing happened.
In fact, the episode had been on the South Park website for viewing at any time for the past few years (they just removed it)… and nothing happened.
For 4 seasons they had that image in their opening segment for every single show… and nothing happened.
So for years on end no Muslim group, “radical” or otherwise, has threatened Matt and Trey or Comedy Central about the image of Muhammad that has been available for all to see every single day.
All of a sudden last week a group called “Revolution Muslim” threatened violence against Comedy Central if they aired an image of Muhammad which forced Comedy Central to censor the show and now you have even liberals talking about those “radical Muslims” and their threats of violence. Karl Rove couldn’t have done it any better.
Problem is, Revolution Muslim was started and run by a “converted” Israeli settler who studied at an orthodox rabbinical school in Israel before becoming a settler in the occupied territories.
You don’t think a orthodox Israeli settler would have any desire to see progressive Americans start to hate “radical Muslims” do you? You think “Revolution Muslim” helps or hurts the Israeli PR campaign after Operation Cast Lead and the Goldstone Report?
Here’s the research your team should have done before you went out and spun-up the neoconish ”radicalized Muslim” hype for your progressive audience…
“Revolution Muslim” is always there to say just the wrong thing to make Americans hate “Radical Muslims”. They praised the killing of Daniel Pearl with a childish puppet show. They sent “Get Well” wishes to the guy who shot those 13 people at Fort Hood.
Yousef al-Khattab, 41, a radical Muslim in the borough of Queens who runs RevolutionMuslim.com, claims on the site that the soldiers massacred at the Texas base deserved to be massacred, and he insists the victims are in “eternal hellfire.” As for the suspected gunman ~ Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan ~ Al-Khattab hails him as a hero. Fox News
You can count on “Revolution Muslim” to say the wrong thing at the right moment to get Americans to hate all those “radical” Muslims.
But the only thing is… “Revolution Muslim” (his creative fake “Scary American Terrorist” website) was started and run by a man named Yousef al-Khattab. Yousef al-Khattab was born Joseph Cohen, in Brooklyn, New York. He was Jewish. But not just Jewish, he was a settler who went to Palestine to live on the illegal Israeli settlements.
Joseph Cohen isn’t alone though. There is another “radical Muslim” convert from Judaism (the original fake “scary American Terrorist“) who makes sure that “radical” Muslims are hated in America, his name is Adam Pearlman and he went by the “radicalized” Muslim name “Adam Gadahn“. Adam Pearlman is actually the grandson of a (deceased) member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League.
Gadahn grew up on a goat farm in rural Riverside County and moved to Santa Ana to live with his grandparents, the late Dr. Carl Pearlman and his wife, Agnes, in the mid-1990s. It was here that he learned of Islam via the Internet and later fell in with a radical sect at the Islamic Society of Orange County OC Register
And the funny thing is, after all that hate speech and those calls to violence, Cohen never got arrested. Hell, even Fox News knew exactly where he was. Guns, death threats, and all the rest and amazingly Yousef al-Khattab (Joseph Cohen) was never arrested.
A New York City bicycle cabbie who mocked the murder of journalist Daniel Pearl and posted a prayer on the Web calling for the murder of Jews is now sending a ‘Get Well Soon’ message to the suspected Fort Hood gunman, the New York Post reported.
After growing up in a Jewish neighborhood in New York and attending a orthodox rabbinical school in Israel, Joseph Cohen went to live in a settlement in the West Bank to help steal Palestinian land from Palestinians.
His story is that he “converted” to Islam after meeting someone in a chat room. You know what “settlers” are like in the occupied territories don’t you Mr. Stewart? Ever see that video of them beating the old Palestinian woman with a baseball bat?
Ever see that video Mr. Stewart?
If not, take a look here.
This video was released by B’Tselem
(an Israeli peace organization).
Al-Khattab has claimed that he has nothing to do with the site any more but the person he founded it with left prior to all of this earlier this month. al-Khattab claims to have quit the site in late Dec. last year. His partner who started it with him also claims to have quit the site earlier this month. I guess no one wanted to go to jail for issuing death-threats over the Internet. But someone did it.
I find it funny that after being born and raised as a Jewish person, after attending orthodox rabbinical school in Israel, and after being radical enough to move to occupied territories in Palestine to live as a settler (the most hard-core of Israeli Zionists), ALL OF A SUDDEN Joseph Cohen dropped all of that teaching and suddenly became a “radical Muslim’ after a chat in a chat room. He became a “radical Muslim” then just HAPPENED to move back to the city he lived in before… Brooklyn, N.Y.
Anybody believe that crap?
Jon Stewart does.
So much so he mocks “radical Muslims”
for threatening South Park.
In looking for an image of this fake, I found quite a few angry Jewish writers spewing venom on radical Muslims due to his "escapades". Who knows how much damage he did before being found out?
I have caught a lot of disinformation over a myriad of topics from both Stewart and Colbert over the past year or three, but this beats all. Absolutely Jon has sold out or suddenly regained his naiveté rather like a naughty girl her maidenhead. However, this fake had a lot of people fooled.
Now, go here and watch Jon Stewart joke and make derogatory comments about the group that threatened the creators of South Park for showing the image of Muhammad on their recent show. Then he thanks all the “other” religions for not behaving like the “Radical Muslims” did when Stewart makes fun of their religion. He then shows clip after clip showing how they have made fun of Jewish people without anyone threatening violence.
Radical Muslim is a COINTELPRO site, run by a “converted” Jewish settler pretending to be a “radical Muslim”. He is the ONE Muslim that complained about the South Park episode… an ex-radical Israeli settler, Mr. Stewart… real Muslims haven’t threatened South Park once since 2001 when they FIRST ran an image of the prophet on their show.
Adam Yahiye Gadahn: The Fake Terrorist

Angry Muslim ~ aren't they all?
Smug Jew ~ aren't they all?
The FBI lists Gadahn's aliases as Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb, Yihya Majadin Adams, Adam Pearlman, and Yayah.
But Adam Pearlmen is his REAL name! Adam is the grandson of the late Carl K. Pearlman; a prominent Jewish urologist in Orange County. Carl was also a member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League, which was caught spying on Americans for Israel in 1993, much as AIPAC has been caught up in the more recent spy scandal.
On any given day, log on to RevolutionMuslim.com and a host of startling images appear:- The Statue of Liberty, with an ax blade cutting through her side;
- Video mocking the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl, entitled "Daniel Pearl I am Happy Your Dead :) ";
- Video of a puppet show lampooning U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq;
- The latest speech from Sheikh Abdullah Faisal, an extremist Muslim cleric convicted in the UK and later deported for soliciting the murder of non-Muslims.
Even more surprising is that RevolutionMuslim.com isn't being maintained in some remote safe house in Pakistan. Instead, Yousef al-Khattab, the Web site creator, runs it from his home in the New York City Borough of Queens.
Formerly known as Joseph Cohen, al-Khattab is an American-born Jew who converted to Islam after attending an Orthodox Rabbinical school, which he later described as a "racist cult."
It is all news to me Noor. I don't watch south park or Anderson Cooper. I don't watch much TV period unless I am watching one of my own cds.
ReplyDeleteI highly recommend, Braveheart, Gladiator, Marko Polo, Conspiracy Theory, The Patriot, Dancing With Wolves, Wounded Knee, Tombstone and American Outlaws.
Of course I should probably check in once in awhile just to see what they are up to. TV can be a good gauge I suppose. Whatever they recommend do the opposite.