Thursday 10 February 2011


Let me get this straight. Two days ago, out of the blue, the Israelis dropped bombs on Ghazza’s 3rd largest medical storage building. Of course the West gives this no press because it is the Jews of Israel doing this.  Perhaps the seventh cousin of a member of Hamas was doctored by a medic using supplies from this Jabalayah building. Maybe a member of Hamas was hiding behind a roll of bandage?

Provoke provoke provoke. 
Jab jab jab. 
Kill kill kill.

It is what these Talmudic djinn, er Israelis, do. They have admitted this is part of their strategy, rouse the “enemy” until they can take no more and retaliate or lose all sense of self. Then they retaliate with over-compensating death and agony, claiming they were just victims defending their tiny little country because the “enemy” struck first. That is exactly what they did to spark and justify Operation Cast Lead and it was proven that Hamas had toed the line and Israel started things off.

Since the Gazan Holocaust they have never let up, a farmer here, a few children there, a young man gathering rocks, etc etc etc. The abuses by the Settlers and the land thefts increase in hatred and viciousness: this racist country has never been a good neighbor to anyone with their lust for power, land and water. They never will be until they have established “greater Israel” and even then we know they will not be satisfied. We know their ultimate goal. World War 2 allegedly came about to prevent Hitler from world domination. We all face the same threat again only Israel is a mad dog with nuclear weapons.

Now war criminal Ashkenazi is telling the Israelis they are preparing for war and the recruiting is on in the schools.  So many young have been raised on lies and hatred that it will not be difficult to fill the ranks with “born to kill” trigger-happy young fools. You can bet that there will be enlistments from America as well. There is a whole contingent of young fanatical Judeo-Christians who have been brainwashed from young childhood to fight for Israel. Check out “Jesus Camp” to watch them being trained.

The future looks grim over there and the only way to stop it would be to round up every goddamn Zionist on the planet, both Jewish and otherwise, and lock them up and throw away the key. Take the young children before they are warped and not allow the adults to breed so their kind die off. This is no more than what they have in store for the rest of the world if given the opportunity so I do not think I speak too out of turn. I am just fed up by now with these people. I am fed up to the eyeballs.

I am sure this rant will make me more enemies than friends but I am tired of tip toeing around and being politically correct ~ political correctness is a prison that they have wrapped us up in so I don’t give a damn about political correctness anyhow.

Oh dear lord did I really say all those things? Yes, I did, and I don’t feel at all sorry for finally voicing what so many people know and think. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programme.
In his final days on the job, Chief of Staff Ashkenazi warns about growing radicalization in region; given recent changes across Middle East, Israel must prepare for a battle in several theaters, he says
Boaz Fyler
February 11, 2011

Given recent changes in the Middle East, Israel must prepare for a battle in several theaters, outgoing IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi said Monday at the Herzliya Conference.

"The connection between the different players requires us to contend with more than one theater," he said.

The radical camp in the Middle East is gaining strength, Ashkenazi warned, adding that "the moderate camp among the traditional Arab leadership is weakening." He also made note of what he characterized as the "fascinating phenomenon" whereby power is shifting to the people of the region thanks to online social networks.
Army chief warns about growing threats (Photo: Uri Porat)
The army chief said that in the wake of the growing threat of radical Islam among Israel's neighbors, the defense budget would have to be boosted in the coming years. The main change faced by the army is the widening spectrum of threats, he said.

"Because of this spectrum, we must prepare for a conventional war…it would be a mistake to prepare for non-conventional war or limited conflicts and then expect that overnight the forces will operate in an all-out-war," he said.


However, Ashkenazi said that both Hamas and Hezbollah pose only a limited threat to Israel at this time.

"I do not underestimate Hamas or Hezbollah, but they cannot take over the Negev or Galilee," he said.

Hezbollah and Hamas understood that encountering the IDF on the classic battlefields is lethal, and are therefore fighting out of urban areas, the army hief added.

Ashkenazi also praised Israel's youths and said they possess impressive qualities despite their lowly image. The army chief also highlighted the growing desire among Israel's youngsters to join combat units.

"We are going to the schools, and I want to tell you that these young people, with the piercing and tattoos or whatever you call it, are enlisting," he said. "These are incredibly high-quality youths."

1 comment:

  1. Hey Noor,...I wasn't always a bellicose raving nutter, you can thank the Australian D.O.D for that (grin); you are expressing the natural desire of a passionate human being to strangle the shit out of every yid on the planet: Have a nice cup of jasmine tea and sit down for a while; you'll feel fine shortly.

    Then find a clock-tower and start culling the synagogue of satan, DEUS VULT! Cooooeee!

    lotsa lurv and support...



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