Friday 4 February 2011


 Well, it had to happen eventually. Now they are going after people who write and publish anything that is not pro Israel! Of course they sue for a lot of dollars at the same time to soothe their ruffled feathers. How could a senior statesman and retired American President think he could get away with saying a few things that the entire world knows is fact but that "maligns" a dictatorial rogue country?  Freedom of speech is under attack yet again by the Talmudists.

The photos are from a rally held at Berkley University when Carter was invited to speak. Supporters were out there but so were others very much against freedom of speech.
Book’s Criticism
'Violates NY Consumer Protection Law'
Insists Lawyer

by Jason Ditz, February 03, 

One wonders what drugs this lad is taking!
"Jews are for Peace" ~ tell that to their neighbours and victims.
In a move that calls back to the attempt by Texas cattlemen to sue Oprah Winfrey for “defamation of beef.” an Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid”   allegedly defamed Israel.

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner insisted that Carter’s book violated New York State’s Consumer Protection Laws  by asserting things, largely that Israel was not inherently reasonable and Syria was not inherently unreasonable, that “even a child” knows is untrue.

The suit went on to condemn Carter, saying he had an “agenda of anti-Israel propaganda” and condemned publisher Simon and Shuster for advertising the book as a work on non-fiction. The legal complaint insists Carter has the right to publish a book “to put forward his virulent anti-Israel bias” but insisted that such a book could only be sold as a work of fiction.

Lawsuits against authors alleging “defamation” of the government or a key ally, though common in some Mid East dictatorships, have never been particularly common nor successful in the United States. Likewise, it does not appear that New York’s Consumer Protection Law explicitly forbids criticism of Israel in a work of non-fiction, though if true this would surely make for an interesting Constitutional challenge to such a law.

 This lawsuit would not be supported much by the younger American Jews.

Simon and Schuster spokesman Adam Rothberg condemned the lawsuit as a “chilling attack on free speech” and promised that the company would oppose it in court. Former President Carter has yet to comment.

1 comment:

  1. I'm suspicious that this could be a publicity stunt (by the publisher) to generate books sales.


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