Thursday 18 August 2011


August 18, 2011

Taking a break from Syria to focus on the planning for war on China. Seriously.

It appears that Pentagon plans are full steam ahead! Despite the fact, as the articles I will quote from make clear the US has serious budgetary woes.

First an aside:
Hillary Clinton warns that budgetary woes shouldn't be a factor in the US missing the opportunity to reshape Middle East politics.
"The US may lose its chance to reshape the Mideast politics if budget pressures hobble support for democratic forces emerging in these countries", says Clinton
Ah poor Hillary.
The promoter of democracy and the rights of people to choose.
Let the American people go without, as long as the US can use unlimited tax dollars to continue to "reshape" the Middle East. While reshaping the Middle East all roads lead to China

Where even more taxpayer dollars are being used to prepare a new war front.
Just what the world needs.
More war.

August 13/2011 ~ Despite budget woes, the military is preparing for a conflict with our biggest rival ~ and we should be worried.
This summer, despite America’s continuing financial crisis, the Pentagon is effectively considering trading two military quagmires for the possibility of a third.
Reducing its commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan as it refocuses on Asia, Washington is not so much withdrawing forces from the Persian Gulf as it is redeploying them for a prospective war with its largest creditor, China.
According to the defense trade press, Pentagon officials are seeking ways to adapt a concept known as AirSea Battle specifically for China, debunking rote claims from Washington that it has no plans to thwart its emerging Asian rival. A recent article in Inside the Pentagon reported that a small group of U.S. Navy officers known as the China Integration Team "is hard at work applying the lessons of [AirSea Battle] to a potential conflict with China."

AirSea Battle developed in the early 1990s and most recently codified in a 2009 Navy-Air Force classified memo, is a vehicle for conforming U.S. military power to address asymmetrical threats in the Western Pacific and the Persian Gulf ~ code for China and Iran.
(This alone raises a crucial point: If the U.S. has had nothing but trouble with asymmetrical warfare for the last 45 years, why should a war with China, or Iran for that matter, be any different?)
It complements the 1992 Defense Planning Guidance, a government white paper that precluded the rise of any "peer competitor" that might challenge U.S. dominance worldwide.

The Planning Guidance is the Pentagon’s writ for control of what defense planners call "the global commons," a euphemism for the seaways, land bridges and air corridors that are the arteries of international commerce.

For a foreign power to challenge this American dominion is to effectively declare war on the United States, and that is exactly what China appears to be doing in the South China Sea, a resource-rich and highly contested waterway in Southeast Asia.
I should not have to spell out for you what this means.
A U.S. mobilization in Asia is well underway, in faith with a spring 2001(This makes the events of September 11/01 seem even more suspicious. Since the "war on terror" presented the means to begin containing China) Pentagon study called "Asia 2025," which identified China as a "persistent competitor of the United States," bent on "foreign military adventurism."

Three years later, the U.S. government went public with a plan that called for a new chain of bases in Central Asia and the Middle East, in part to box in the People’s Republic. 

Similarly, the nuclear energy cooperation deal signed by the U.S. and India in 2008 was an obvious containment maneuver aimed at Beijing.

In late March, press reports detailed a major buildup of American forces in Asia, including increased naval deployments and expansive cooperation with partner countries.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is forging ahead with a multi-year effort to transform Guam into its primary hub in the Pacific, an initiative so vast that John Pike of the D.C.-based has speculated that: 

Washington wants
to "run the planet 
from Guam and Diego Garcia 
by 2015."

Ready for global tyranny.

Ready for global repression.

Ready to read some more on this frightening scenario?

It is no revelation that long-term U.S. Air Force and Navy planning is focused on China. But while some innovations are underway, like the unmanned combat aerial system (UCAS), U.S. options in response to Chinese threats largely do not include the rapid development and deployment of major new weapons, especially with limited research, development and procurement resources under increasing budget pressure.

The US is pillaging from its citizens to pay for imperialist adventures.

Though the people of America are not alone in being robbed from.

It appears for all intents and purposes Canada, France, Italy, Australia, to name a few nations, have leaderships in place that are robbing the people to pay for a Corporate/Elite Empire.

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