Indian Cobra by Kamalnv
Let us not forget the
strong ties between Israel and India, considered in Pakistan to be a common and
united enemy front. Mossad is very active in India creating false flags to have
blamed on the country of Pakistan.
Brig Asif Haroon Raja
December 6, 2011
The unresolved Kashmir dispute, inflexibility of jingoistic and
scheming Indian leaders to reconcile with Pakistan’s existence as an
independent state and their burning desire to gain unchallenged hegemony over
all South Asian nations has kept India and Pakistan on the warpath.
Lack of trust built up as a consequence to three wars and two
local conflicts together with competing interests of two rival super powers
during the cold war gave grist to antagonism. Trust deficit and sense of
insecurity came in the way of meaningful reconciliation between two
Moscow helped India in development of its economy and became the
biggest supplier of weapons to build up its military power. It also thwarted
settlement of Kashmir issue by applying veto power whenever the issue came
under the scrutiny of UN.
The US tilt towards India was first seen during and after 1962
Sino-India border conflict. In 1965 and 1971 wars when five times superior
Indian forces invaded Pakistan, instead of helping Pakistan, the US indirectly
benefited India.
Whenever Pakistan’s interests clashed with India, the US shied
away from annoying India but never hesitated to hurt Pakistan. Ignoring India’s
strategic alliance with USSR and its vociferous opposition to US policies, the
US diligently kept wooing India to bring it in its loop. The US avoided
censuring India even when it welcomed Soviet invasion and occupation of
Afghanistan in December 1979 and later condemned US sponsored proxy war against
Soviet forces.
The US dream to win over India came to fruition in 1989 when
India’s chief patron suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Afghan
Mujahideen duly assisted by Pakistan and decided to withdraw from Afghanistan
under Geneva Accord.
Fragmentation of the USSR and end of cold war left India out in
the cold. It however hastened to snuggle into the waiting embrace of USA and
declared itself America’s natural ally so that it could become its strategic
partner and also breakup Pak-US relationship.
India didn’t waste any time in forging intimate relations with
Israel since it knew that route to winning the heart of Washington was through
Tel Aviv. By mid nineties the three countries formed a well-knit nexus to
pursue common agenda against the Muslim world.
Nuclear capability of Pakistan became a common worrying factor
and hence the trio vowed to disable it either physically or covertly.
Armed uprising in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) since 1988 has
locked up over 700,000 Indian troops, which has reduced Indian military’s
offensive options against Pakistan and impacted its economy.
Massive human rights violations against Kashmiris have given a
bad name to the democratic credentials of secular India.
Pakistan’s tit for tat response to Indian nuclear tests in May
1998 and its impressive developments in delivery means extinguished the fire of
jingoism of BJP leaders and roaring lions turned into mewing cats.
Pakistan’s Kargil venture in summer of 1999 humbled Indian
military might. USA and G-8 countries came to the rescue of India and bailed it
out of an embarrassing position by pressuring Pakistan to withdraw its
irregular troops from the heights occupied deep inside Dras-Kargil-Leh sectors
in IHK.
Indian media converted India’s humiliating defeat into victory
on the media plane and censured Pakistan for aiding and abetting terrorists.
In the face of series of setbacks, India was desperate to settle
scores with Pakistan. Terrorist attacks in New York and Pentagon on 9/11
impelled USA to invade Afghanistan so as to punish the perpetrators of the unforgivable
crime which had embarrassed the sole super power and deeply anguished the
ED: Back to the 911 Mossad/CIA operation… Blah blah blah blah blah.

India offered its services to tackle both Afghanistan and
Pakistan simultaneously, but when it failed to convince the US leadership, both
decided to first weaken Pakistan from within through a well coordinated covert
war, disable its nuclear capability and then go for the kill by the end of 2008
if not earlier.
In accordance with the chalked out plan, Pakistan was pushed
into the inferno of war on terror so as to gradually enfeeble its political,
economic and military strengths and to rip apart its social fabric. India in
the meanwhile embarked upon another round of force modernization program with
the generous assistance of USA, Israel, western world and Russia. India kept
increasing its defence budget every year to be able to procure latest
state-of-art weaponry and technology.
Unearthing of Dr AQ Khan nuclear network enabled USA to launch a
vicious propaganda campaign against Pakistan’s nuclear program so as to
undermine it. At the same time, the US in complete violation of NPT and CTBT,
signed a civil nuclear deal with India to bolster its nuclear capability. In
order to prevent Pakistan from exercising its nuclear option, the Indian
military formulated Cold Start doctrine, which entailed use of 7-8
pre-positioned mechanized battle groups close to the border, jumping across and
confining limited war to the border belt only. Later on, the numbers of
self-contained battle groups were increased to 15 and targets marked.
Pakistan lowered its guard after declaring ceasefire along Line
of Control (LoC) in Kashmir, signing of peace treaty with India in January 2004
and accepting false promises of Indian leaders that all chronic issues
including Kashmir would be resolved through composite dialogue. Once India
completed fencing of LoC and controlled the highly explosive situation in IHK
with the assistance extended by Pakistan, it concentrated all its efforts
towards Pakistan’s western border.
RAW transferred bulk of its assets to Afghanistan and with close
cooperation of CIA, MI-6, Mossad, BMD and RAAM, it managed to create TTP in
FATA, and BLA, BRA, BLF in Balochistan. Later it developed links with TNSM in
Swat. RAW had already established its network in rural and urban Sindh with the
help of fifth columnists and regional political parties and was also associated
with a political party in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
It made contacts within Afghan refugee camps and managed to
recruit sizeable numbers of agents to undertake clandestine operations. With
consistent efforts of six intelligence agencies based in Kabul, Pakistan became
engulfed in flames of terrorism. Foreign funded, trained and equipped militants
in Balochistan and in FATA played havoc and jolted the foundations of the
country. With aggressive India in the east and the militarized environment on
its northwestern and southwestern borders together with growing militarization
of Indian Ocean to its south, it made the geo-political situation of Pakistan
extremely dangerous.
From 2009 onwards the six King Cobras in Kabul started stinging
Pakistan more frequently. Suicide and bomb attacks, group attacks and drone
attacks were stepped up and vilification campaign against its premier
institutions intensified. The gang of six employed multiple means to
systematically chip the foundations of Pakistan.
It included sabotage and subversion, supporting insurgency in
FATA and in Balochistan, drone war, violation of airspace, economic and
diplomatic coercion as well as enticement, and threats of physical attack.
2009 and 2010 proved to be worst years for Pakistan. It suffered
heavy casualties on account of suicide and drone attacks and military
operations in Swat, Bajaur and South Waziristan. These strongholds of the
militants duly funded, equipped and trained by RAW-RAAM-CIA were cleared at a
heavy cost.
Although Pakistan found out the involvement of foreign powers, it
remained closely aligned with them and continued to do more as demanded by USA
because of the docility of ruling regime. The first strains in Pak-US relations
appeared after the arrest of CIA agent Raymond Davis in January 2011.
Relations became rocky after the 2 May stealth assault by the US
Special Forces in Abbottabad and dropped to lowest ebb after the unprovoked
brutal NATO attack on Pakistani border posts in Mohmand Agency on 24 November
causing death to 24 soldiers and injury to 16.
For the first time the political and military leaders have
jointly taken purposeful steps to express their displeasure to Washington and
so far are standing firm on their decisions taken in the Defence Cabinet
Committee meeting on 27 November duly approved by the Parliament. Gen Kayani
has taken the right decision to authorize commanders in the field to
instantaneously shoot intruders without waiting for clearance from higher HQs. Pakistani
troops deployed along the western border should kill any rattlesnake trying to
slither into our territory.

It is to be seen how long the NRO cleaned rulers will be able to
withstand the US pressure. They have passed the first test by not attending the
Bonn conference on 5-6 December and may also pass the second test of getting
Shamsi airbase vacated by 11 December.
The real test will be how long the supply routes for NATO
containers will remain blocked.
Till such time the US renders an official apology and gives a
firm commitment that no such violation will ever take place in future, it
punishes the culprits and adequately compensates the families of the victims,
agrees to reduce terms of engagement in war on terror in black and white, stops
its vilification campaign against Army and ISI, ceases its demand for an
operation in North Waziristan, prevents India from supporting insurgency in
Balochistan, and agrees to provide civilian nuclear technology as given to
India, Pakistan should shun its friendly overtures.
If the US refuses to fulfill the above noted requests, Pakistan
should disassociate itself from the war on terror as well as from stranglehold
of the US aid.
Historically, Pakistan has made greater progress when under the
US sanctions
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