Saturday 7 July 2012


This is a film about spirituality not religion and is not to be missed. 
In this day of scientific rule, dehumanization, transhumanism, genocide, atheism and so many other soul killing realities, Mike Adams, also known as the Health Ranger, offers insight to all of us that is so badly missing. The material he has amassed is large and not to be missed. Mike, has made another fine contribution to all of us. I know that I will be watching this a second time to fully absorb his words. He nails scientific hubris perfectly and tackles such "greats" as Stephen Hawkings, so widely revered.

I do not believe such men receive the media attention that they do unless they serve the elite plans on some level or another.  I am not casting doubt on their sincerity but I am questioning where they are coming from spiritually. Most of these men are atheists and part of, like it or not, the whole "God is dead" agenda which, in turn, dehumanizes the godliness of everything, both belief systems and ourselves. 

The elite want to stamp out spirituality and replace it with blind religion so that we can be more easily manipulated. Spirituality is one of the most valuable gifts we are given, one that has been horribly castigated and spat upon in the West for decades now. Mike Adams addresses this issue beautifully.
Divinity Now, Mike's new site, has its origins in the core values expressed by widely-practiced religions of the world. It expands on those core values with explorations of ideas in consciousness, free will, Divine rights, philosophy and more. It is not affiliated with any church or organization. No membership is required. All information offered is freely offered to any conscious beings who wish to participate in the open exploration of ideas that really matter such as:
• How was our universe created?

• What is our purpose for being here?

• Why do our actions and ethics matter?

• What happens after we die?

• What does our Creator expect of us?

• How can we develop a stronger spiritual connection?

• What is reality? What really exists?

• Are there such things as Divine rights?
Mike Adams, the founder of Divinity Now, believes:
• We are conscious beings

• There is an intelligent Creator

• We have Divine rights

• Ethics matter

• We are judged on our actions

• Life has value

• We are not alone

• Awareness is divine

• We are all spiritually connected

• Consciousness is in all living things
Divinity Now explores concepts in:
• Philosophy and ethics

• Religion and spirituality

• Physics and cosmology

• Parallel worlds and the multiverse

• Consciousness, free will and the mind

• Power of intention

• Karma and spiritual reckoning

• Origins of life

• Sociology and psychology

• Why EVIL exists, and why evil forces attempt to isolate conscious beings from knowledge and power
 Divinity Now

1 comment:

  1. Anaughty Mouser8 July 2012 at 03:28

    Thank you Noor for this. Great!


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