ED Noor: I have added the images of
Eisenhower to this article. Considering
the content of this article, I have also included my name to the disclaimer
here. As a Canadian this is imperative since any discussion regarding Jewry and Zionism whether international or otherwise can be an indictable offense. The views expressed in this controversial exposé
of Jewish crimes are those of its author, JB Campbell, and do not necessarily
reflect the views of anyone associated with this website.
This essay ~ original source
here ~ has
been slightly edited and embellished with pictures, captions and comments by
Lasha Darkmoon.
DISCLAIMER. The views expressed in this controversial exposé
of Jewish crimes are those of its author, JB Campbell, and do not necessarily
reflect the views of anyone associated with this website. ~ Darkmoon Editor,
John Scott Montecristo
I don’t know what Jews are, but I know what they are not, which is human. I don’t know where they come from. For that matter, I don’t know where we come from, but it’s not the same place.
Jews are aliens in every sense of the
word. They even cultivate an alien appearance. Is there anything as
strange as an orthodox Jew with his sinister black clothes and curly earlocks
and ugly fedora?
And of course bathing is not the custom of
the orthodox, so they smell very bad all the time. They do this on
purpose, for effect, for the shock value on us humans.
Thanks to the latest Gaza slaughter,
things are coming into focus for many more people.
people are wondering: what’s wrong with Jews?
is it so easy for them to kill people?
do they enjoy it so much?
Personalizing and rejoicing ... bombs going to Gaza.
Thanks to the Internet, millions are now wondering this online. Before the Internet, there was no place to wonder this in public. We weren’t allowed to wonder anything about Jews except how wonderful they are.
Today the world
knows that Jews aren’t wonderful.
The world knows
that Jews are dreadful.
And the Jews know
The Jews want the
world to think of them as dreadful
and to be afraid
of them.
They want the
world to fear the Jewish nuclear arsenal
which they coyly
decline to discuss.
One of their military professors, Martin
van Creveld, was authorized to threaten Europe with Jewish nuclear attack if
Europe should turn against Israel.
Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld, threatening:
“We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
“We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
Based on the total FUBAR by Israel of its
part of Operation Cyanide in 1967, we have to wonder if the Jewish arsenal is
really a carefully contrived hoax.
Pretty much everything we think we know
about Jews is a Jewish hoax. For example, their Jewishness. The
Jewishness of Jews is the number one Jewish fable.
The Jewish writer Arthur Koestler
demolished this fable back in 1976 with his best seller, The Thirteenth Tribe, the first popular look we got at
the Khazars and their descendants, the Ashkenazim. The Ashkenazim are the
ersatz Hebrews who happen to make up the entire leadership of Israel.
Three years ago an Israeli named Shlomo
Sand ripped off Koestler with a virtually identical book, The Invention of the Jewish People. This book
again took the Jews by surprise, undercutting the basis of Zionism, the alien
invasion, occupation and mass theft and murder of Palestine.
Like the Koestler book, it wrecked the
“anti-Semitism” racket. Both authors explained to their Israeli readers
that they, the Israeli readers, were neither Semitic nor Hebrew. Same for
the New York readers and the LA readers and the Miami readers. They’re
all fake, wannabe Jews.
Briefly, the people of Khazaria were, around 800 AD, ordered by their king to adopt the law of the Hebrews as their own.We can’t call it a religion.
The Talmud and the Old Testament are actually manuals of war against humanity based on harsh racial laws.There is no mercy for their human enemies in these very unpleasant works.The name of their god, YHVH, also means the Jewish people.This allows them to choose themselves and to worship themselves in what we could call a closed loop of extreme and violent narcissism.
Their priests insist that non-Jews are on
this planet to serve them. And that it is kosher that non-Jews can be
cheated, lied to and murdered with impunity.
This Jewish principle is honored on their
most sacred holiday, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Another hoax,
because they atone for nothing. Instead of atoning for their crimes
against humanity, they declare a new war three times on this “holy day,” with
the thrice-recited oath, the Kol Nidre.
This vile “prayer” is a personal declaration of war against the humans. It is a warning that nothing a Jew says for the next year is true.
“All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas…which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next… we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths.” (See here)
“All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas…which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next… we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths.” (See here)
The Jewish story is a tale of murderous
insanity, as we have seen over the past week in tiny Gaza. The first time
we actually see this in the modern era is in the Bolshevik Revolution of
1917. Shortly after Jews massacred the entire family of Tsar Nikolas in
1918, Trotsky’s Red Army newspaper announced:
“Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies by the scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands. Let them drown themselves in their own blood. Let there be floods of blood of the bourgeoisie ~ more blood, as much as possible!” ~ Quoted in Anne Applebaum’s Gulag: A History of the Soviet Camps, p.9
“Bourgeoisie” is the Communist word of
contempt for the middle class; it is also said to be a coded word for the hated
non-Jewish or gentile masses.

Trotsky’s real name was Bronstein.
Lenin (Ulyanov) was revealed in declassified Soviet documents as a Jew.
Their Jewish colleague, Grigori Zinoviev, said this at a Communist meeting in
“We must carry along with us
90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia’s inhabitants. As for the
rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated.”

The Jews murdered a lot more than ten
million Russians and other peoples by the time they were done. Hell, they
probably killed that many just in Ukraine, rather than the advertised three
million. The generally recognized Soviet death toll is over sixty
million souls. Some researchers insist that the appetite of the GULAG for
seventy years of extermination of normal people by working them to death would
have exceeded even the Communist Chinese death toll.
[LD: The most conservative
figure for the Soviet Holocaust, now agreed upon by specialist historians and
even cited in the Times newspaper (UK) is 50 million dead
Russians. This figure, likely to be on the low side, was achieved within
a 36-year period of mass murder (1917-1953), initiated by Lenin the half-Jew
and continued by Stalin, a Georgian non-Jew, who surrounded himself on all
sides with Jewish commissars and sexy young Jewesses he liked to bed. However,
Solzhenitsyn calculates the figure at 66 million, which is also cited by
Eustace Mullins in his classic
essay, The
Secret Holocaust. It should be noted that one Jew alone, the infamous Lazar
Kaganovich, personally claimed responsibility for killing twenty million
non-Jews in the Soviet Union.]
The Jew traditionally has sought to be the
invisible power behind the throne. We usually didn’t see powerful Jews in
the US government until Louis Brandeis was appointed by Wilson to the Supreme
Court in 1916. JFK had the Rostow brothers as advisors and Johnson had
Abe Fortas and Arthur Goldberg working for him. Then all hell broke loose
with Nixon appointing Henry Kissinger as his national security advisor and then
secretary of state!
ED Noor: Let us not forget the
(in)famous Jew Bernard Baruch for his management of Woodrow Wilson and Winston
Churchill, or Jacob Schiff who, using his own and Rothschild money, brought
about the Bolshevik Revolution.
That unleashed the Jewish dogs of hell
which erupted in the Reagan administration with the so-called
“neo-conservatives,” virtually all Jewish Communists who switched to the
Republican Party and made it pro-Israel.
Communism and Zionism are virtually identical forms of terrorism except the former is based in New York and Moscow and the latter is based in New York and Tel Aviv.The Communists pretended to be our enemies and the Zionists pretend to be our friends.
Peter S. sent me an important point
yesterday which prompted this essay:
behalf of his sponsors, the Rothschilds,
Bonaparte commissioned
fabricated history of Ancient Egypt
Jean Francois Champollion
for the
purpose of “validating” the Torah
so the
Rothschilds could use it
to back
up their claim for Palestine.
They did
not want Palestine for the Jews,
wanted the Jews for Palestine,
to be
human shields for Mossad,
private intelligence and assassination service
of the
Lombardy bankers since Babylon.”
ED Noor: Now that above is food for thought and entirely in fitting with historical power of the ancient sabbataeans.
The same could be said for Cyrus Schofield
and his Zionist concordance bible. This ex-convict (for fraud and
forgery) was sponsored by the infamous Jewish lawyer, Samuel Untermeyer, and
the Jewish fixer, Bernard Baruch, to annotate the Bible to justify Ashkenazi
Jews flooding into Palestine.

This Schofield propaganda is the basis for
the Christian fundamentalists’ fanatical support
for Jewish terrorism and dominance in the Middle East.
Untermeyer and Baruch teamed up in 1917 to
pressure President Wilson to declare war against Germany, according to Benjamin
Freedman, who later accompanied Wilson to Versailles to lower the boom on the
defeated Germans, which led to incredible suffering, mass starvation,
hyperinflation and the eventual violent deaths of millions of Germans and
millions of others due to the actions of the Jewish monsters.
And then the same Untermeyer and Baruch pushed America into World War II with Untermeyer being authorized by the Jewish syndicate to declare Jewish economic war on Germany in 1933, when it became clear that Adolf Hitler was demonstrating to the world how to achieve prosperity with no Jewish gold, despite the denial of Jewish debt-based currency to the starving peoples of the world by the Jewish Federal Reserve.
This, in the middle of the Great World
Depression, was the German Economic Miracle that took destitute Germany from
starvation to full employment in a year and a half, simply by issuing debt-free

German prisoners, who surrendered, left to die of exposure and starvation in Eisenhower's death camps.
For this greatest of all offenses to Jewish finance capitalism, Germany had to be fire-bombed into smoking rubble and, again, subjected to slow death by starvation. According to James Bacque in Crimes and Mercies, Dwight Eisenhower’s post-war starvation orders resulted in the deaths of from nine to twelve million Germans from the end of the war to 1948.
In an interview after he was out of office,
Eisenhower said the smartest thing he’d ever done was to ask Bernard Baruch for
advice on his career when he was a lieutenant-colonel going nowhere in
1939. Soon he was on the fast-track to five stars and the mass slaughter
of the German people on behalf of Judaism ~ and the presidency as his reward.
That’s why I say that the Jews are some
alien life form that is totally hostile to the Earth’s human population.
I don’t pretend to know whence they came, or claim that they are
reptiles. They act like reptiles and are certainly as cold-blooded and
heartless as reptiles and what I do know is that they have to be wiped out
entirely, just as rattlesnakes under your house have to be exterminated.
The Jewish mayor of New York has the face of a reptile, so I can see how this
idea got started.
This is the guy who prohibited food being
given to the hungry because it didn’t come up to his Jewish idea of nutritional
value! If a non-Jew had done this, the New York papers would have made
him into a laughingstock. But a Jew must not be mocked in New York ~ or
anywhere else.
Remember one thing:
famine is the favorite Jewish method of extermination.
It costs nothing and it produces an
agonizing death. It’s what’s planned for America when the Jews think the time
is right. The reader must prepare for the famine that is planned for us
by the Jews. Have a look at Ukraine’s Holodomor. (See Dees cartoon here)
This is the model for what they, the Jews,
plan for us in America.
Precious metals will not be precious in a
famine. Food, water and ammunition will be precious. These are the
things we will need to survive and destroy Judaism.
While there is no actual connection
between the Ashkenazi Jews and the legendary characters of the Old Testament,
today’s Jews base their behavior on that of the legendary Jews.
The number one role model is Joseph,
eleventh son of Jacob, as told in Genesis.
Study this story of contrived shortages
and deliberately-caused famine.
It is the story of the Federal Reserve and Monsanto.
If we continue on our present course of
government borrowing from Jewish lenders, our monetary system will kill us
because society will collapse.
If we continue to eat poisoned food
provided by Jewish Monsanto, we are doomed.
The monetary policy can be fixed virtually
overnight but our genetically modified food may not be so easily neutralized.
Some say, forget about Gaza ~ concentrate
on America. Well, we can’t forget about Gaza because that’s our
baby. Gaza and the rest of Palestine is running in blood again because of
the Jewish American government. The only thing we Americans can do is
kill this Jewish government that is using Israel as its agent of sadism, murder
and total destruction.
Israel itself doesn’t do much damage
compared with the American air force and army obliterating whole countries such
as Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel can’t do much because it is run by inept
and kill-crazy but lazy Jews. But Jewish finance capitalism is the
quartermaster of the Jewish American death machine.
Without Jewish financing, Communism and
Zionism collapse. The US military will also collapse without Jewish
funding. Without Jewish direction, the US military will stop threatening
the world with extinction.
So our first great task as American
revolutionaries is to destroy every vestige of Judaism in America, in
government, banking, the food chain, medicine and information (mind control).
Everywhere we find Judaism, we must
eradicate it.
The first step toward anti-Jewish action
is to discuss this with friends and family. Jewish friends must be
dropped and Jews in general shunned. After all, what has any Jew whom you
know done or said anything to stop Israel from its plan to nuke Iran?
As Brother Nathanael has warned, every Jew
is politically aware and sees all issues by one measurement: “Is this
good for Jews?” If your Jewish friends aren’t talking, it’s because they
approve what America and Israel are doing to the humans.
Put as simply as possible ~ what the Jews
have done to their human enemies must be done to them. Everywhere in the
world but mainly in Jewish America. They’ve slaughtered millions of
Middle Eastern human enemies in the past two decades, not even to mention the
damage they did, the blood they spilled, in Russia and Germany. On a
one-for-one basis, the Jews owe us humans just about their entire population,
whatever that is.
It’s only fair.
One thing is certain: if we do not remove
every aspect of Jewish control from our lives, the human race will die out.
The day of reckoning is at hand.
I read this earlier and dang, Campbell just comes out and says it.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that struck me was was how much Zinoviev looks like Kramer of Seinfeld fame.
Love it. I gotta get him on.
ReplyDeleteIt's a sad state of affairs when one has to put so many disclaimers in front of an article to avoid being arrested.
ReplyDeleteI live in Poland, or call it: "the snakepit". I don't know why almost every pole serves the devil, but maybe that's of the jewish heritage here? You know, Poland had the most jews in Europe, maybe they had spoiled and dissolved the polish nation? The poles look very inbred to me, like the product of some incest. I am polish by myself, but differ from the majority here, I have human soul. These people, or call it the tares from the Bible, really behave like reptiles, no emotions, no mercy, only cold calculating, how to bring more harm. They have a hive mind, like ants, but the a ts employ it to build something, the devils employ it only to destroy humans. The biblical locust. One even hissed at me! They are fallen and want only one thing: revenge. I know that, because they hate me a lot, just think: a full-bred human in the snakepit. They stalk me all the time and hinder my every step. Take a look: wheatamidtares.blogspot.com. Wish me luck to survive.