By Franklin Lamb
November 12, 2012
Over the past twenty months, as the Syrian crisis continued
beyond most early predictions, this observer learned something about the Syrian
people that I had known for decades about Palestinians. And that is their great
concern for their countrymen wherever they are found and whatever their current
When I am in Syria I am frequently asked “how are our
people doing in Lebanon as refugees from this crisis?”
In Lebanon, I am often asked “how are our (internal)
refugees in Syria and what of our people in Jordan, Iraq or Turkey, how are
they being treated and are they getting the basic necessities they need to
And many Syrian refugees there are these bitter days. As of early November, 2012, close to 700,000 have fled their country with the UN now expecting close to one million by early next year if the fighting does not stop.
Soon, it is likely that there will be close to 2 million
displaced persons inside Syria according to the Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
There are currently, according to the 10/12 UNHCR Syrian
Refugee Report, 205,000 in Jordan, approximately 60,000 in Iraq (the first
known refugees who have sought refuge in Iraq during the past quarter century)
110,649 in Turkey and 110,095 in Lebanon. The true figures are higher by an
estimated 13% if one were to include the many Syrian refugees who are unable or
do not want to register with local authorities or NGO’s for various reasons
Dr. Attar works around the clock in SARC’s HQ
in Damascus cajoling donations from inside and outside Syria. He inspires
his volunteers and they him as the SARC team administers by Syrians to Syrians urgently
needed humanitarian aid
“Many more Syrians have recently been displaced within our
borders and we are bracing for a long conflict.” Dr. Abdul Rahman Attar,
Director of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent told this observer during a meeting in
his Damascus office. Dr. Attar explained that "internally displaced
persons" now exceed 1.5 million and close to 8.5% of the entire population
have fled their homes during the last 19 months of conflict. Nearly 400,000 in
Damascus alone.
Panos Moumtzis, UNHCR’s regional co-coordinator for Syrian
refugee’s advised that more than 3,000 refugees flee to neighboring countries
every day, or approximately 90,000 per month. Both agree that due to the
collapse of public services, and given that perhaps 1.2 million people need
humanitarian aid inside the country, it brings the total number of Syrians
requiring some form of relief to 2.7 million ~ or roughly 12 per cent of the
total population.
Syrians, Iraqis, and Palestinnians from
Yarmouk refugee camp arriving at a Syrian Red Crescent Society reception
in central Damascus. Once registered all will be issued household necessities,
health services, and begin receiving monthly 21 kilo parcels of basic food
stuffs. As of mid-October 2012 approximately 2 million people are internally
displaced due to the conflict while nearly 500,000have fled abroad. (Photos:
flamb Damascus-10/22/12))
Whereas in Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq, official refugee
camps are providing shelter at no cost to more than a quarter million Syrian
refugees, the government in Lebanon has not yet permitted the construction of
similar sites due to confessional fears that perhaps a political or other
advantage might somehow accrue to a rival sect ~once more exposing how deeply
its current anarchist confessionalist arrangement paralyzes Lebanon.

The number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon who fled the violence in their homeland has increased sectarian tensions with one result being Syrian workers and refugees being targeted by elements of the Lebanese government.
This despite the enormous aid Syria gave Lebanese refugees
during the 2006 war when hundreds of thousands of Lebanese sought safety next
door in Syria. Nadim Houry, deputy director of the Middle East and North
Africa for Human Rights Watch, has documented growing political harassment of
Syrian workers in Lebanon. He reports: “We’ve seen the army and the police
detaining and roughing up a number of Syrian workers. Most recently, the
Lebanese army beat up 72 workers; most of them were Syrian,” Houry reported.
“The Lebanese army rounded up the migrant men in the neighborhood and decided
to ‘teach them a lesson’ instead of doing police work.”
Against this dismal backdrop one can find across the border
in Syria hope and even inspiration. It is coming from the Syrian people
themselves and their mainly Arab friends.
Between 10,000 and 11,000 volunteers, including Iraqi and
Palestinian refugees, are manning across Syria more than 80 Syrian Arab Red
Crescent Society (SARC) aid “sub-stations.” These include more than a dozen
mobile clinics and pharmacies as well as 10 “on the spot readiness centers.”
Depending on the level of localized conflict on any given
day, SARC volunteers operate 24/7 anywhere from 6 and 30 ambulances, as they
liaise with the Palestine Red Crescent Society volunteers, among others. Since
mid-summer, SARC volunteers have been opening centers for psychological support
services for children as well as adults. Recently a phone “hotline” has been
set-up to help citizens find emergency help. International volunteers are most
welcomed at any of SARC’s centers.
The food package shown is the standard one
given to Syrian refugees every month when available. It is meant to feed
a 5 member family for four weeks
As part their winterization program, SARC and its aid
partners are working to distribute blankets, mattresses, cooking utensils, and
heavy shoes ahead of the rapidly approaching frigid season.

Foreign donor countries giving the most support currently
include Germany, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy and Britain. Others help
as well, including money and foodstuffs from Iran and cash from the American
Red Cross, the latter channeled through the ICRC so as not to raise
Congressional outcries about possible violations of heavy US sanctions being
imposed on the Syrian people.
Founded in 1942, as the French colonizers withdrew from this 7000 year old civilization which they occupied in 1917, as part of the English-French Sykes-Picot arrangement, the Syria Arab Red Crescent society became linked with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1946. SARC receives no government funding.
This observer had the opportunity to meet SARC staff and
volunteers of such singular commitment to helping their countrymen that more
than a dozen have given their lives while trying to bring assistance to those
stranded in Homs, Aleppo, Idlib, Deraa and elsewhere.
One SARC team leader to me:
“When one of our people is killed we bury the martyr and by the next morning we have 20 or more new volunteers who want to take their place and bring aid to those trapped in the most dangerous areas. I must tell you that this hell we are living through-we are confronting directly—it has made me very proud of my people and to be Syrian. Inshallah, we will overcome this chaos and killing and we will be stronger than before as a people.”
At the United Nations on 11/5/12, a top relief official said
the UN aid effort in Syria, which means mainly SARC’s volunteers, “is very
dangerous and very difficult.” The official, John Ging, director of operations
of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, stated that the aid
efforts in Syria (mainly being done by SARC volunteers) was supplying 1.5
million people in with food and that nearly half was being delivered into areas
of conflict, but “there are areas beyond our reach, particularly areas under
opposition control for quite a long time.”
Despite UNCHR’s role in studying the refugee problem and
coordinating yet more studies and some registration of aid applicants during
the current crisis, some familiar with its activities in Syria, including a few
other NGO’s and some Syrian officials, have been critical of its performance to
One highly respected governmental official told this
observer recently,
“I said to UNCHR’s local administration, “We have noticed the many fine vehicles that you flew into Syria, and we have met some of the well paid staff that you have brought to help us, but please can you show us that you have to date delivered even one loaf of bread to our desperate people?”
In fairness to UNCHR, after an admittedly slow start in
Syria, it has recently picked up steam and its international staff is learning
much from the local Syrian Arab Red Crescent volunteers.
Nor is SARC is without its critics.
Tawfik Chamaa, spokesman for the Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organizations (UOSSM) speaking from his comfortable Geneva office issued an ad holmium broadside on 11/6/12 against the Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society and its nearly 11,000 volunteers. He charged that cash or materials sent to SARC was being “confiscated by the regime. It will not reach the civilians who are bombed every day or besieged,” telling reporters in Geneva, “Ninety, even 95 percent of everything that is sent to Syrian Red Crescent headquarters in Damascus goes to support the Syrian regime, especially the soldiers.”
However, according to AFP, the International Committee of
the Red Cross and the UN World Food Program (WFP), which both work closely with
the Syrian Red Crescent Society, strongly denied their aid was being seized by
the government or anyone else. This observer, during the late night of 11/7/12
contacted “Wassim”, a friend and a volunteer at the Damascus SARC HQ who last
week arranged visits for me of SARC aid distribution centers and Wassim also
flatly denied the UOSSM report. (Wassim is reachable c/o
Wassim informed this observer on the evening of 11/7/12 that
SARC will immediately prepare a response to the USOOM allegations.
UOSSM itself has been criticized, as have a few other NGO’s working in Syria, for becoming politicized, polarized and for being inordinately top heavy administratively with bloated salaries and ” humanitarian team leaders” sitting in offices in Paris or Geneva and elsewhere far from Syria. Mr. Chamaa, himself, is a high salaried founding member of the Western group of 14 aid organizations from countries including France, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States.
According to SARC volunteers working in field aid
distribution centers in Syria, Mr Chamaa could learn more were he to visit
Syria and actually observe what’s happening on the ground before making
unsupported claims. The UOSSM was set up at the beginning of the year mainly by
Syrian doctors living in NATO countries. Some speculate that UOSSM hopes
to be part of a possible future NATO affiliated “transition team” while
others claim its political charges against SARC volunteers, without proof, are
irresponsible and hurt those suffering most in Syria.
The reason is because such alarmist press releases tend to
damp down much needed donations of medical aid and necessities. This affects
directly the 1.5 million people inside Syria who are in need of emergency
humanitarian aid.
In response to Charmaa’s sensationalistic headline grabbing
charges, UN World Food Program spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs told the media on
11/7/12: "I believe there is absolutely no confiscation. WFP food monitors
are able to visit most areas to check that food is reaching the people who need
it most. Even in some dangerous areas, they use WFP armored vehicles." She
insisted that the Red Crescent, "as the designated coordinator of
humanitarian assistance in Syria, operates through branches in an independent
The ICRC said it was aware of Chamaa’s allegations. Its HQ
stated on 11/7/12: "Whenever such facts are clearly established, which
does not appear to be the case in Syria, we treat them very seriously and would
address directly the management of (the Syrian Red Crescent) and Syrian
authorities" ICRC spokeswoman Anastasia Isyuk stressed that the ICRC and
the Syrian Red Crescent "strive to assist all populations in need without
any discrimination, which is a challenging task given the deteriorating
humanitarian situation and security conditions." The ICRC and SARC
volunteers recently managed to deliver medical and food aid to
1,200 people in the Old City of Homs, and since the beginning of the year they
have provided food, water and other assistance to more than one million people
across Syria, according to ICRC spokeswoman Anastasia Isyuk, and as reported by
On 11/8/12 exhibiting exasperation, a sense of foreboding and just a whiff of defeatism, ICRC president Peter Maurer to a conference in Geneva that “We are in a situation where the humanitarian situation due to the conflict is getting worse. And we can't cope with the worsening of the situation. We have a lot of blank spots, we know that no aid has been there and I can't tell you what the situation is or what we can do.”
A destroyed Syrian Arab Red Crescent ambulance
sits amid rubble in Homs
In a late breaking development Friday morning, 11/9/12, the UN human rights chief expressed concern after the ICRC said it was struggling to deliver aid in war-ravaged Syria. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay told AFP during an interview at the Bali Democracy Forum in Indonesia: "The fact that they've now said they are unable to perform their core functions makes the humanitarian crisis in Syria extremely critical. Nearly hopeless."
Don’t tell that to Zeinab Tamari, a thirties something
Palestinian volunteer from the Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp in Damascus who
is travelling across Syria bringing aid and relief to her fellow Arabs.
And don’t tell either it to Syrian student Mahar Saad whose
home was destroyed during fighting in Homs and who daily risks his life
remaining in his neighborhood helping his neighbors despite losing family
members in the fighting. Both are SARC volunteers appeared without
being asked at one of the aid organizations outlets across Syria to help.
They inspire hope for Syria and for all humanity, regardless of the outcome of
the current crisis.
The staff and volunteers who perform the Syrian Arab Red
Crescent Society’s humanitarian work undertaken in the main by Syrians for
Syrians, with Syrians are a credit to their country and warrant the blessings
and support all people of good will as they risk their lives to bring aid to
their countrymen.
Franklin Lamb just returned to Beirut from
Damascus and is reachable c/o
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