WE left Nathan Mayer Rothschild in London, after his business adventures in Manchester. He started the London office in 1804, and was naturalized as an Englishman in two years! Working in conjunction with his father at Frankfort, he was able to handle huge sums on the Elector of Hesse-Cassel’s account, moneys which he was commissioned to invest in British funds.
The Peninsular War offered him unrivalled opportunities of
profit. One of his earlier transactions was to purchase gold from the East
India Company; this he was able to do by the use of the Elector’s money at his
disposal; then he sold the gold to the Government at a large profit and
undertook the transmission of it to the battlefields in Spain. He had had
previous experience of this sort of thing, because he had for some time been
buying Wellington’s paper cheaply, cashing it at the Treasury and sending the
cash to Spain through France, the enemy’s territory!
All this was made possible by the fact that his brothers
James, Karl and Solomon were at that time free to work in France; these
brothers smuggled the cash through as far as Paris, where it was paid into
banks, which provided the Rothschilds with bills on Spanish and other banks,
which bills were in turn smuggled through to Wellington in Spain. We shall see
when we come to consider the activities of James Rothschild at Paris how all
this could be done right under the nose of Napoleon. France was being made the
vehicle through which Wellington was financing his campaign against Napoleon!
Both before and after Waterloo, England made
heavy loans to her allies on the Continent, and Nathan soon got the lion’s
share in this work owing to his family’s business connections.
Somewhere about 1806, Napoleon began to become
Jew-wise. Previous to that date, the Jews had used him as a convenient and
efficient tool for strengthening the revolutionary forces. It was in 1806 that
he called together an assembly of representative Jews and offered them
protection if they would abandon their scandalous commercial practices,
particularly usury; it is obvious that Napoleon was seeking the best solution
for everyone concerned in France; he was a firm believer in the literal truth
of Genesis (G, p. 139), but “I cannot regard as Frenchmen,” he said, “these
Jews who suck the blood of true Frenchmen.” In a letter to his brother Jerome,
dated 6th March, 1808, he wrote ~
“I do not want any more of them (Jews) in my kingdom. Indeed I have done everything to prove my scorn of the most vile nation in the world.”
Napoleon had realized also the true nature of
money, and knew that the real credit of France was derived from the work of
French people and not from stores of bullion owned by Jews.
From this time therefore, the full force of Jewry and of its
ally Masonry was brought to bear on him to secure his defeat. There is good
reason to suppose that the Jews’ share in bringing about Napoleon’s downfall
amounted to much more than mere money-lending to his enemies. Disraeli in his
novel Coningsby revealed that Marshal Soult was a Jew, and he is not
likely to have made a mistake over such a matter, although the Jewish
Encyclopædia denies the truth of the statement. Anyhow, Napoleon complained
bitterly of the way Soult failed him at the Battle of Waterloo.
Nathan Rothschild made a tremendous profit by getting early
news of the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, and buying up depressed stocks in
an anxious England before the man-in-the-street was aware of Wellington’s and
Blucher’s success. He shared his knowledge with the Government, no doubt,
because to have done otherwise would obviously have deprived him of the
Government’s confidence and prevented future business dealings.
A romantic story has been published over and over again to
the effect that Nathan himself was at Waterloo watching the battle, and that
when the result was apparent, he galloped to the coast on swift horses, crossed
the stormy sea at great danger to his life, and did some more galloping to
London so as to get in first with the news to profit on it. This, of course, is
rubbish; it takes a man in hard condition to do that galloping act, which would
be impossible for a Jew of Nathan’s wretched type; whilst the idea of a
Rothschild of that generation risking himself in a stormy sea is too absurd for
Actually the prosaic fact is that Rothschild had an agent at
Dunkirk, who, probably by means of cash advanced for the purpose, secured the
first newspaper account in the Brussels Gazette hot from the press,
risked the passage over a rough sea, and reported to Nathan who never left
The Rothschilds were not by any means universally trusted,
but when they failed to obtain the handling of a loan, they resorted to the
operation known as “bearing.” They would
employ every means of propaganda to attack and depress the stocks of
governments which had employed other agents for raising the loans. After a
few experiences of this sort, many governments who did not wish to employ the
Rothschilds had to surrender and give them a share in the work for fear of the
possible consequences if they did not do so.
“Prohibit ‘bear’ sales” says honest Chas. W. Smith in his Economic Ruin of the World “and all power is taken out of the hands of cunning unscrupulous intriguers and market manipulators . . . . Do away with ‘fictitious’ dealings, and no ten Rothschilds, Rockefellers or Pierpont Morgans combined could corner or smash any of the world’s leading commodities or shares.”
For the purpose of giving and receiving early news Nathan
Rothschild established his own courier service, whilst he made full use of
bribery of officials to obtain confidential information. He also had a
carrier-pigeon service. Sometimes if it paid him to do so, he would share this
early information, and it was Talleyrand who wrote that the English Cabinet always obtained information from Rothschild ten or
twelve hours before the arrival of the official dispatches (H, p. 273).
“Nathan issued the public loans of his period, always
unloading them of course on the public at a higher price than he paid for them
to the British Treasury. When he had sold the stock, he was not content, but
must needs juggle with the market, depressing it with false rumours, then
purchasing back the stock; and then again disseminating good news and elevating
the market, he would sell the stock once more and reap another profit.” (J, p.
From 1824 to 1829 the Rothschilds loaned huge sums to
“Brazil, since 1825 might have been described as a Rothschild State.” (J, p. 9).
In 1824, Nathan founded the Alliance Assurance Company in
opposition to the Gentile companies, particularly Lloyd’s. Sir Moses Montefiore
was his Jew partner in the venture. Now,
after 100 years we find both the companies, Alliance and Lloyd’s, united in one
racket. (See p. 25).
ED Noor: Tzar Alexander 1, poisoned 1825 by the Rothschilds
In 1830, a proposal was made by the Government to the East
India Company for the reduction of its dividends; the Rothschilds, who had
£40,000 of East India stock, sold it all out. Undoubtedly it was Rt. Hon. J. C.
Herries, then in the Cabinet as Master of the Mint and President of the Board
of Trade, who gave the Rothschilds notice of the intended change. (K, letter
9th Jan., 1830). Herries had always been hand-in-glove with Nathan ever since
he had been comptroller of accounts in the Napoleonic Wars. (It is significant
that Herries’ son was made Chairman of the Board of Revenue by Disraeli in
Nathan’s last big operation was that of raising a loan of 20
million pounds to compensate slave-owners in 1833 for the loss of their slaves.
Nathan died in 1836; in his will, he left his three
daughters £100,000 a-piece provided they only married with their mother’s and
brothers’ consent; otherwise, they got nothing. Marriage with the Rothschilds
was just a matter of business. He bequeathed nothing to charity or to servants
and dependants.
He had four sons, and of these it was Lionel who took the
leadership of the business.
* * * * * *
Lionel had the easy job of using the money power that his
father had left in his hands as a political weapon. It was the Jews’ interest
and object to make Britain strong and keep her strong and able to do their work
for them. “While he lived, the centre of the finance of the world may be said
to have been his office in New Court” (B, Vol. X., p. 501).
ED Noor: Much as they are doing with using America
as their military fist to bring about the final stages of their JWO/NOW.
The British Government used the Rothschilds now as their
unofficial envoys for confidential communications. Such is the power of Money
that for twenty years Tsarist Russia, which the Jews always regarded as their
worst enemy, employed Lionel Rothschild as its agent, although in 1861 Lionel
refused to help to raise a loan for her. Lionel “actively co-operated with the
Vienna Branch of his firm in directing the finances of the Austrian Empire” (B,
Vol. X., p. 501). He was friend and counselor of the Prince Consort.
The London house of Rothschild, under his management was
particularly flourishing because it escaped the upheavals of the 1848
revolutions on the Continent.
Lionel Rothschild’s principal tool was the perpetually hard-up Disraeli who, throughout his official career, worked unceasingly to obey his orders.
Disraeli was an early crony of Lionel and an intimate friend
of the Rothschild family and the Montefiores. On the marriage of Lionel’s son,
Leopold, Disraeli wrote to the latter (with Jewish delicacy)
“I have always been of opinion that there cannot be too many Rothschilds” (L, p. 168).
In 1845, Mrs. Disraeli desired to will all her property to
Lionel Rothschild’s daughter, Evelina. (M, p. 48).

Disraeli was the principal agent through whom Lionel
Rothschild, by granting financial and other favours to numerous traitors, at
last and after many failures, secured “emancipation” for the Jews, with
the right to sit in the House of Commons after taking a Jewish, not a Christian, oath.
Lionel was first elected in 1847 as Member for the City of
London, but as the House of Lords refused for years to pass Bills for Jewish
Emancipation which had already got through the lower House, he was unable to
take his seat. His constituency, however, returned him five times running. It
was only in
1858 that he was enabled by law to take his oath in the
Jewish form with his head covered. In 1850, he had actually the effrontery to
try and bluff the House by substituting the words “So help me, God” for “on the true faith of a Christian,” but was
told to withdraw by the Speaker.
The House of Commons has since been infested by the
following members of the Rothschild family: ~
Mayer Amschel, son of Nathan, for Hythe 1860-74.
Nathaniel, for Aylesbury, 1865-85.
Ferdinand, for Aylesbury, 1885-98.
Lionel Walter, for Aylesbury, 1899-1910.
Lionel Nathan, for Aylesbury, 1910-23.
James Edmond, for Isle of Ely, from 1929.
Lionel’s brother Anthony Rothschild was the third professing
Jew to be made a Baronet in 1846, and the first Rothschild to obtain a title in
this country.
In his letters to his sister, Disraeli wrote how Lionel gave
him advice and financial assistance; in questions affecting the emancipation of
the Jews Lionel and Disraeli “were so much of the same opinion that the
Conservative Minister almost always voted against his own party.” (A, Vol. II.,
p. 445).
Ed Noor: Tsar Nicholas 1, poisoned by the Rothschilds in 1855
Disraeli and Lionel worked together against Russia. Disraeli
was very friendly with Napoleon III., who mistrusted the Rothschild family.
Over a trivial dispute in Palestine, Disraeli managed to persuade Napoleon to
join with Britain in the Crimean War against Russia. Lionel Rothschild raised
sixteen million pounds for the purpose of carrying out this war.
Doubtless, like other wars, it had been deliberately
provoked, for the preceding year had seen an attempt upon Disraeli’s part to
form an alliance between Britain and France. (N, Chap. XIV.) Russia was always
the Jews’ most hated enemy, being the only country in Europe which steadfastly
defended its interests against Jewish penetration by refusing to recognize Jews
as Russians and compelling them to live and remain in particular localities
known as the Pale of Settlement.
It was always therefore the Jews’ policy to impress upon
Britain that Russia must never get an outlet into the Mediterranean and also
that she was a constant danger to India. The probability is that if Russia had
been able to take over Turkey, she would have gradually come under the
influence of Western Civilization by constant contact instead of following, as
she eventually did, an Eastern Bolshevism. This contact the Jews have
The Crimean War was a very definite step in the direction of isolating Russia from the rest of Europe.
ED Noor: History is repeating itself again. Or
perhaps, with a few particular occasions, this isolation policy has been
ongoing for centuries.
Rothschild told Duke Ernst II. of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha that he
would put any amount of money at his disposal for war with Russia. (O, Vol.
II., page 143).
The Rothschilds underwrote great loans for France and
Turkey, our allies. But they made huge profits in other ways out of this war.
During the period following the fall of Sebastopol in September, 1855, and
before the Armistice was arranged in February, 1856, rumours were set afloat
that there would be no peace. This caused a panic on the Stock Exchange and a
rush of sellers to “get out.” The truth, i.e., that peace would follow, came
from Sir G. H. Seymour, our Vienna diplomat, soon afterwards, and the funds
rose five points in two days.
“The Rothschilds and all the French, who were in the secret with Walewski, must have made untold sums.” (K, 18th January, 1856). Walewski was the illegitimate son of Napoleon I.
No doubt it was the knowledge that through Disraeli he could
exercise so much control over Napoleon III that made Lionel display dismay (M,
p. 144) over the surrender of the French Emperor to Prussia in 1870. Since the
Crimean War and the American Civil War, the London Rothschilds were
comparatively stagnant between 1865 and 1870 (L, p. 67), other firms getting a
better “look-in.”
In 1868, owing to the unsatisfactory results which often
accompanied the lending of money abroad, a Council of Foreign Bondholders was
formed with the object of influencing the Government to mould its policies so
as to protect the creditors’ interests. It was originally intended to make
Lionel Rothschild the Chairman, but it happened that two of the foreign debtors
who were behaving unsatisfactorily at the time were States for which the
Rothschilds themselves had issued the loans (Z.5, p. 316)! So the appointment
went elsewhere, although of course Rothschilds have always remained the most
powerful influence behind the Council’s actions.
One of the pet stories retailed by Jews to demonstrate how
much England really owes to them is the one about the purchase of the Suez
Canal shares. In 1875, the Khedive of Egypt, forced by financial stringency,
was anxious to sell his interest in the Canal. Mr. F. Greenwood, Editor of the Pall
Mall Gazette, received private advices that the shares might be acquired by
England, and, patriotically refusing to make a journalistic “scoop” out of the
information, hastened to Lord Derby with the news.
Lord Derby consulted with the Jewish Prime Minister,
Disraeli, and the latter bought the shares with money borrowed from his
Rothschild masters. Parliament was not sitting at the time, and the amount
loaned by the Rothschilds was four millions. It was, of course, a Jewish
interest that Britain should get control over the Canal.
The more power Britain exercised, the greater the strength of the Jews who really ruled her.
Disraeli had written to Queen Victoria saying “We have scarcely
time to breathe, we must carry the matter through;” but he need never have gone
to the Rothschilds at all. A letter in The Times, 20th March, 1930,
tears the veil from the figure of the Jewish Patriot and discloses the
unpleasant anatomy of this impossible conception. It was from Hon. G. M.
Kinnaird, and said: ~
“When Disraeli announced to the House his purchase of the
Suez Canal shares, my father, Hon. Arthur Kinnaird, M.P. for Perth, was seated
next to the Governor of the Bank of England. On hearing Disraeli’s statement
that he had gone to the only people who could have advanced the money, the
Governor of the Bank of England whispered to my father ‘What a lie! I could
have given it to him in a minute.’”
Thus, we know that the assistance of the Rothschilds was not
needed. But we take it that the Jewish estimate that they made a clear £80,000
over the deal (L, p. 77) does not err in over-estimation of the profits. The
Governor of the Bank at the time was H. H. Gibbs, later 1st Lord Aldenham.
Shortly afterwards, J. C. Biggar, M.P., asked in the House
whether Nathaniel Rothschild, Lionel’s son, at that time M.P. for Aylesbury,
had not rendered himself liable to £500 fine for every time he had voted
subsequent to the Suez Canal transaction, under the Act 22 George III, which
prohibited M.P.’s from holding any office of profit under the Crown. To this,
Nathaniel Rothschild answered with Jewish effrontery that the Act did not apply
to him as he was not a partner in his father’s firm; this quibble was
allowed to pass muster.
When Disraeli returned to England after signing the Treaty
of Berlin which, among other things, arrested Russia’s approach to the
Mediterranean and put Jews on an equality with other people in the Balkan
countries, one of the first to greet him on the decorated railway-platform was
Sir Moses Montefiore, the old Jew jackal of the Rothschild connection.
During Lionel’s lifetime it is estimated that he raised
loans to the amount of sixteen hundred millions for the British Government.
He died in 1879, leaving three sons, Nathaniel, Alfred and
Leopold, and two daughters who, according to the frequent custom of the family,
married back into it. The sons were tutored by the Jew revolutionary Dr. M. M.
Kalisch who had taken refuge in this country after participating in the 1848
convulsions on the Continent. This man also tutored the daughters of Lionel’s
brother, Sir Anthony Rothschild. (B, Vol. VII., p. 420).
* * * * * *
The three sons of course all inherited the title of Baron of
Austria. But Nathaniel Rothschild was the first to become a Peer of England;
this happened under Gladstone in 1885, the succession being as follows: ~
Nathaniel, 1st Baron, 1885.
Lionel Walter, his son, 2nd Baron, 1915.
Nathaniel Mayer Victor, the latter’s nephew, 3rd Baron, 1937.
These will be the only members of the family that I shall
refer to as Barons for the purpose of this book.
All Lionel’s sons lived lives of great material
magnificence, and their country seats were the meeting-places of the corrupt
politicians and other schemers which democracy cast up to the surface.
There was something to be got for nothing at the Rothschilds; or so it seemed at first; but it is plain that favours cannot be accepted frequently from the rich without return of any kind!
The reader will glean more about this in subsequent chapters
dealing with the relations of the Rothschilds to certain important
Nathaniel became the head of the firm in London, and
maintained its intimacy with Disraeli; this, in spite of the fact that he
represented himself to be a Gladstonian Liberal in Parliament, later becoming a
Liberal Unionist. He took up a strong line against Russia, refusing to raise
loans for her unless a promise was made that her protective ghetto laws should
be abandoned. Nathaniel was the Rothschild who financed Rhodes in South Africa,
a subject which is dealt with under the heading “Diamonds and Gold” (p. 61).
He also assisted the Vickers armament firm with new capital
at the time of its extension. (Z.5, p. 334).
Nathaniel’s brother, Alfred Rothschild, also bestowed
favours on Disraeli, placing a suite of rooms at his disposal at Seamore Place,
1880 (L, p. 141). He became Austrian Consul-General in London and held this
appointment at the outbreak of the Great War; and as, at that time (1914), the
Secretary of the German Embassy in London was Albert Goldschmidt-Rothschild,
grandson of William Rothschild of Frankfort, the family were in a good
strategical political position.
From 1868 to 1889, Alfred was a Director of the Bank of
England; he resigned because he had been discovered in a breach of faith,
searching out and publishing the amount of profits made by a dealer who had
sold him a French painting, these records being obtained from the Bank of
England’s books, the dealer being one of its depositors (L, p. 147).
From 1892 onwards, Alfred’s house was the usual
meeting-place of German Ambassadors seeking heart-to-heart talks with British
politicians, and the Jewish Chronicle (14th Sept., 1934), wrote: “It was
under his roof that Joseph Chamberlain met the German Ambassador to discuss
matters of common interest. Subsequently, Sir Ernest Cassel on the one side,
and Albert Ballin on the other, carried on the negotiations so far as to render
possible the Haldane official visit to Berlin.” Cassel and Ballin were of
course both Jews, the former being the late King Edward VII.’s bosom friend,
and the latter the Kaiser’s adviser.
The reader will find more about Haldane’s intercourse with
the Rothschilds on p. 50. He was Secretary for War at the time mentioned by the
Jewish Chronicle. “At one period,” says the Jew Roth, writing of Alfred
Rothschild, “he used to go to 10, Downing Street every morning to see Asquith,
another close friend, who set great store on his advice.” (L, p. 159).
Asquith was Prime Minister at Downing Street from 1908-15.
In the war, Alfred paid daily visits also to Lord Kitchener at the War Office.
(P, Vol. I., p. 134).
So well informed was Albert Rothschild, that when in the
Russo-Japanese War the Japanese won their naval victory at Tsushima, Albert
heard of it before the Japanese Embassy in London did. (Daily Telegraph,
31st May, 1934).
Alfred Rothschild never married, but he left the bulk of his
immense fortune to Almina, Countess of Carnarvon, who is stated in Burke’s
Peerage to be the daughter of Mr. F. C. Wombwell. She is the mother of the
present (6th) Earl of Carnarvon, and also of the wife of Sir B. C. Beauchamp,
Bart., Lady Beauchamp’s first names being Evelyn Leonora, the names of Alfred
Rothschild’s sisters.
Lionel Rothschild’s third son, Leopold, interested himself
in horse-racing and in Jewish communal affairs and his career calls for no
special remark here.
In 1911, a hideous Ritual Murder was perpetrated by the Jews
at Kiev, and the Rothschild legions were at once rushed up to the front to try
and prevent punishment of the culprit. A “British Protest” was dispatched to
the Russian Government against “the revival” of the Ritual Murder charge; this
was signed by the usual run of Archbishops and Bishops, together with Dukes and
Earls including, of course, Lord Rosebery (who had married a Rothschild), and
the inevitable Mr. A. J. Balfour; these people saw nothing improper in
interfering with the course of justice before the accused Jew’s trial was finished.
But Baron Nathaniel Rothschild thought of a typical Jewish
plan; he wrote to Cardinal Merry del Val, asking him to state authoritatively
whether the Bull of Pope Innocent IV., dated 1247, was authentic, Lord
Rothschild declaring that the Bull pronounced Jewish Ritual Murder to be “an
unfounded and perfidious invention.” When the Cardinal replied that the Bull
was authentic, Rothschild tried to make out that Innocent IV. had denied the
existence of such a thing as Jewish Ritual Murder. But, as shown in my book My
Irrelevant Defence, p. 44, the Bull does not contain any such statement as
was imputed to it by Rothschild. Nevertheless, the Cardinal’s reply has been
exploited ever since by the Jews as confirming Rothschild’s interpretation of
the contents of the Bull, whereas all the Cardinal did was to acknowledge the
authenticity of the Bull itself.
Could anything be more typical of Jewish methods?
With the object of looking after Jewish interests in the
British Empire, an “Anglo-Jewish Association” was formed in 1871, and
Rothschilds, Sassoons, Montefiores and Goldsmids have always been the most
prominent members. It works hand-in-glove with the Alliance Israelite
Universelle (see p. 27) and has almost daily correspondence with the Central
Committee of that organization (B, Vol. I., p. 414).
The all-Jewish Masonic B’nai B’rith held the inaugural
meeting of its first London Lodge at the house of Claude Montefiore, he being
at that time (1909) President of the Anglo-Jewish Association. The first
Council of the new B’nai B’rith Lodge had a Montefiore on its strength, and we
may judge from this that
B’nai B’rith will never deviate far from Rothschild policy in its secret interference with international politics.
The Presidency of the United Synagogue has been in
Rothschild hands since Lionel Nathan Rothschild set the fashion, followed by
Nathaniel, Leopold, Lionel Walter, and Lionel Nathan. During all this period,
the Leader of the Jewish community in this country may be said to have been a
Rothschild. The qualification for this leadership is obviously the ownership of
great wealth. The Jews have now succeeded in mesmerizing the Gentile community
into accepting similar ideas concerning leadership.
Several incidents reveal the commanding position of the
Rothschilds in the Great War 1914-18. In 1915, when Haig was made
Commander-in-Chief “the first definite information that reached him with regard
to his promotion, came, curiously enough, from his old friend Mr. Leopold de
Rothschild, who was a regular correspondent.
On Dec. 7th he wrote from London that ‘all had been
satisfactorily arranged’” (Haig, by Duff Cooper, 1935, p. 278). The mere
Prime Minister, Asquith, informed Haig officially of his promotion in a letter
marked “secret,” dated the following day (8th Dec.) in which he ended thus: ~“For
the moment, all these changes ought to be kept private.” This also is extracted
from Duff Cooper’s book.
Ever since this appointment, Haig acted with the Rothschild
Sir Philip Sassoon as his private secretary.
Here we ask the reader to see p. 51 where the cunning
Dardanelles expedition was freely discussed among the Rothschilds long before
it was actually attempted, and when the very idea was a secret of what Lord
Bertie of Thame describes as “the inner circle.” (P, Vol. I., p. 134).
Baron Nathaniel Rothschild died in 1915; his son, Baron
Lionel Walter Rothschild resigned from his seat on the Tring Urban District
Council because in 1916 it passed a resolution calling upon the Government to
take immediate steps for the supervision of all aliens whether naturalized or
In 1919, a number of well-known Jews published an open
letter in which they repudiated all sympathy with Bolshevism. The first
signature to the letter was that of Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild. So far as
he was concerned, there was no reason to disbelieve him. The Baku oil-wells of
the Rothschilds were in grave jeopardy from Bolshevism and were ultimately
confiscated by the Reds.
It is obvious, however, that the Rothschilds must have
prayed for the success of the Jew Kerensky’s Liberal Revolution, as they had
always regarded the Tsars of Russia as their worst enemies. Actually, at the
fall of the Tsar’s Government, the London Rothschilds sent one million rubles
to the Liberty Loan floated in St. Petersburg (L, p. 270) but they lost it all
later when the Bolsheviks took over power.
The Rothschild attitude towards Bolshevism changes with the
times; before Hitler took over the country, Czechoslovakia, which was under
Rothschild control, was semi-sovietized and allied to Red Russia. So was
France, under the Paris Rothschilds; she did all she could to bring about
Bolshevism in Spain in opposition to General Franco. Now, in the Jewish War of
revenge against the Nazis, we find the Rothschild agent, Sarraut, Minister of
the Interior, taking measures to stamp out the Communist Party in France.
Gold from the Lena goldfields in Russia was sent frequently
to the Rothschilds who refined it at the Royal Mint Refinery.
Lionel Nathan Rothschild, M.P. (Leopold’s son) distinguished
himself on 9th July, 1936, by attacking the position of the white man in Kenya.
He moved a reduction of £100 on the Colonial Office vote to call attention to
the Morris-Carter recommendations for ear-marking certain lands in that colony
for European settlement. He waxed eloquent on the subject of the paramountcy of
native interests over those of white men in our Colonies and Mandated
Territories, apparently oblivious of the
fact that in 1902 it had been seriously proposed to give large slices of the
very best Kenya land for a Jewish National Home!
No Jew was worrying about the paramountcy of native
interests in Kenya then! The amusing story how the Jews were prevailed upon ultimately
to give up the idea of Kenya as a National Home is told in The Fascist,
August, 1935.
According to the Daily Express of 28th April, 1937,
the present (3rd) Baron Victor Rothschild was asked by W. Hickey where he would
live when the lease of the Rothschild Piccadilly home fell in? The answer was
“Nowhere probably; I just don’t know. Not till after the war anyway.”
Thus it seems that the Rothschilds had made up their minds that there should be
a war. And there was. Pure coincidence, of course. But it was quite far-seeing:
two-and-a-half years! Remarkable.
Among the stockbroking firms which work for the Rothschilds
is Vickers da Costa, a partner in which is Mr. Winston Churchill’s brother, Mr.
J. S. S. Churchill. Another of these firms is Cazenove Akroyd & Greenwood,
and it is stated in Men of the Reign, 1885, p. 171-2, that Philip
Cazenove (1799-1880) became prosperous in the Stock Exchange because of the
“powerful interest of the founder of the house of Rothschild,” by whom Nathan
was obviously meant. Cazenove became a munificent supporter of Church
We may take it that Cazenove spells Rothschild, and it is
well known that the name Churchill stands for “the Jews,” from Solomon Medina
in the early 18th century who paid £6,000 a year for the information the Duke
of Marlborough (a Churchill) exchanged for that sum in the wars on the
continent, to Barney (ED Noor: Bernard) Baruch
on whose doorstep Winston broke his leg on his last visit to the U.S.A. Winston
Churchill is thus not altogether an inappropriate First Sea Lord in a war
against the Jews’ chief enemy Herr Adolf Hitler.
Until 1938, the Rothschilds had a large interest in the
multiple shops of Woolworth’s Chain Stores, amounting to two-and-a-quarter
million ordinary and 4,800,000 preference shares. The ordinary shares were sold
in 1938 through the Jew firm Philip Hill & Partners.
In late years, an absurd film has been boosted in Europe and
America called “The House of Rothschild,” in which Nathan Rothschild is
depicted as the chief of Britain’s patriots, whilst the Duke of Wellington
appears as a sort of clown. The absurdity of the immigrant Jew, Nathan
Rothschild, uncultured, never able even to speak decent English, and obviously
incapable of thinking like an Englishman, being a Patriot is clear to
anyone uncontaminated by such ridiculous propaganda. The first night performance
of this shameless travesty of history was arranged by Mr. Anthony Rothschild
and his wife (who is very active in pushing forward Jewish propaganda films),
the Jewesses the Marchioness of Reading and Mrs. Israel Moses Sieff. It was
acknowledged in the press to be pure Jewish propaganda for the Gentile.
Before leaving the English scene, the development of the
Alliance Assurance Co. which we have seen was started by Nathan Rothschild,
calls for a few sentences. Lloyds and the Alliance are now united. Lord Wardington,
Chairman of Lloyds is a Director of the Alliance. Sir Austin Harris,
Deputy-chairman of Lloyds, and a Director of the Commercial Union Assurance Co.
has a son married to the granddaughter of Nathaniel Rothschild. Nathaniel and
Lionel Walter Rothschild were both Chairmen of the Alliance in succession.
The Alliance Assurance Co. has the controlling interest of
the Rio Tinto Company which manages the Rothschild copper mines in Spain
(see p. 58), the Chairman of which is Sir Auckland Geddes. No wonder the Geddes
family gets on! The other Directors of the Alliance Assurance Co. include
representatives of the Bank of England, of Baring Bros., and the Oil Jew, Lord
Bearsted of the Shell Co. and of M. Samuel & Co.
ED Noor: The “Royal” German British family
are still large stockholders in Rio Tinto.
When Nathaniel Rothschild was one day looking through new
risks undertaken by the Company, he found (L, p. 249) that his son, Lionel
Walter, had actually insured his father’s life for £200,000, partly in
the Company. This was too much for Nathaniel, who discouraged his son’s
participation in Rothschild business thereafter. But the Jew C. Roth evidently
thought it was a very smart bit of work, or he would surely not have recorded
it in his book.
Four per cent. Industrial Dwellings is a Company formed by
Nathaniel Rothschild in 1885, and has an all-Jewish Directorate to-day.
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