15 September 2013
If Americans
think they're decent people, how can they allow slime like Barack Obama and
John Kerry to deliberately lie to make war on innocent countries after
providing the chemical weapons that killed all those people in Syria?
All this
talk about averting World War III by placing Syria's chemical weapons under
international control conceals the real issue everyone conveniently ignores ~
America and its corrupt allies funded this so-called revolution that is really
a U.S. and Israeli invasion by mercenary proxies hired to destroy this innocent
country, and therefore Obama bears responsibility for killing all those
But the
majority of Americans have the attention span of gnats.
Befuddled by
deliberately misleading media and diminished by the poison food they eat, most
don't pay attention and deserve the so-called leadership they get. In general,
they are as disgusting, unconscious and untrustworthy as the phony leaders who
are destroying them as they dance to the latest technopop tunes and pretend not
to notice.
Here's the thing that makes U.S. President Barack Obama such a lying bottom-of-the-barrel loser working for an evil foreign power. The chemical weapons that murdered all those children in Syria were set off by the very thugs America hired to destabilize Syria, and the whole world knows it.
foreigners the press calls "rebels",
famously for publicly eating the organs
of Syrian
soldiers they have just murdered,
have even
admitted that they set off the gas by accident.
And when footage of the dead children
was shown on TV,
grieving Syrian
identified their children
as ones who had been kidnapped by the rebels
two weeks earlier.
Yet, even
that doesn't cause the American killers who revel in the needlessly spilled
blood of innocents to call off their insane clamour for yet another senseless
Barack Obama bears the responsibility for killing those kids and all those
other innocent people. And then he has the sick chutzpah to blame it on the
very people he used these horrible weapons against, as a perverted pretext to
obliterate yet another Islamic country at the behest of Israel and the
worldwide cabal of killer Jews.
Noor: It is at this point that one must realize that for all the confusion
about Obama’s checkered past and mysterious origins, his Jewish heritage is
truly coming to the foreground as he lies and blames. I have hesitated calling
him on religious grounds but at this point he is being as arrogant and obtuse
as his companion (whether he love him or not) Netanyahu.
Barack Obama, doing Israel's dirty work, like all of America's recent
presidents, both at home and abroad. Think of the list of people he has
unjustly killed that all should be mentioned at his trial for mass murder. The honourable
Muammar Qaddafi comes immediately to mind.
And here's
another thing that makes Barack Obama a certifiable conscienceless monster,
gayly prancing before the world as he rains death from the skies upon innocent
Here's a
creep who will reveal no single detail about his own past ~ fake birth
certificate, fictitious college résumé, reputed string of dead homosexual
lovers, no verifiable reason for him to have ever been elected to anything ~
supervising a massive intelligence operation that demands to know every
detail on every person through improper and invasive spying on everyone.
And the
perverted people he purports to represent eagerly participate in this
masochistic masquerade.
Bottom line:
Obama demands to know every single detail of our lives, but will reveal
absolutely nothing about his own.
Do you see something wrong here, my fellow comatose American dupes?Do you still harbour doubts that America ~ murdered on 9/11/2001, if not 12/23/1913 ~ is a police state?Do you yet understand that the real victim of this tyranny is about to be you?
How many
more cops will have to taze grandmothers, steal children, fabricate crimes with
phony evidence, and torture innocents for absolutely no reason, before you
realize something is very wrong ~ and that something is about to take your very
own life, right after it steals all your money and your property?
I'm assuming you already know that you own nothing; the bank owns your home and your money, and the government has secretly taken out a $1 million insurance policy on your life ~ on everyone's life ~ which makes it a very profitable venture to kill you.
All these
misguided twerps who say, "Impeach him!" are as stupid and gullible
as most of the rest of these totally dumbed-down Americans. If you think
impeaching Barack Obama is going to do a damned bit of good except provide our
prostitutes in the press more fodder for mindless, inconsequential blather, you
are sadly mistaken.
Who's going
to replace him? Joe Biden? The man who recently praised Jewish contributions to
the American "success story". He must have been talking about the
prostitution and poisoning of our children, the pollution of our lives and the
deliberate demolition of our environment.
Remember the
craze the Disney character Hannah Montana set off among pre-teen girls? Now
this same teen idol is performing pornographic dances on Jewish stages. Just
what the Jews want our children to learn, if they haven't already been killed
off by childhood inoculations or prevented from having either children or
normal lives after their doctors told them to take Gardasil.
Think about
the two losers Obama supposedly "defeated" in presidential elections:
John McCain, the evil twin of kosher nightmare Joe Lieberman, and Mitt Romney,
famous for his offshore bank accounts and prominent Israeli backers. So if you
wear one of those "I voted" stickers, you're announcing to the world
you're an idiot, for falling for this Yiddish scam they call voting.
Think about
all the other possible mental defectives who could move into the White House if
Obama were to be impeached. It's a choice between Newt Gingrich and Chuck
Schumer, or one of any number of Israeli puppets, willing to take the paycheck
for the perversions they promote.
is for delusional fools. The whole government needs to be arrested as the
threat to the world that it is. Arrested, tried, convicted and mostly executed,
for ten (OR A HUNDRED) years of mass murders they've committed ~ including
plenty of Americans, especially the servicemen they've poisoned with toxic
vaccinations and then taught to kill and torture the innocent people whose
countries they're busy stealing, abusing and annihilating.
And for
None of
these phony wars have been any benefit at all to ordinary, run-of-the-mill
Americans, but only to the rich Jewish bankers who have plundered our country
while our so-called men have been killing innocent victims all over the world.
thousands of American children are trying to go to school while living in their
cars, because their parents' jobs have been sent overseas by the last three
American presidents, Barack Obama sends his children on multi-million dollar
vacations in foreign countries, and sends his wife with an entourage of 75
close friends to exotic locales that cost more than entire small towns in
America will earn in a whole year.
While Obama lauds hard-working Americans who have to work three jobs to make ends meet, he allows the Federal Reserve Jews to rob citizens of trillions of dollars by unsound banking practices that continue the vacuuming of American bank accounts right down the sewer to Israel.
While Obama lauds hard-working Americans who have to work three jobs to make ends meet, he allows the Federal Reserve Jews to rob citizens of trillions of dollars by unsound banking practices that continue the vacuuming of American bank accounts right down the sewer to Israel.
ordinary Americans cringe in terror from an epidemic of black gangsterism that
goes mostly unreported in what is mistakenly called a free press, President
Obama urges everyone to forgive the behaviour of immigrant criminals while he
secretly authorizes the funnelling of weapons to Mexican drug cartels that are
ravaging the American southwest.
And while
people who are finally waking up and realizing that unnecessary doctor
prescriptions have created an entirely new category of diseases plaguing the
American public, his monstrous creation of Obamacare guarantees not only the
further plundering of people's bank accounts, but locks them into allopathic
medical care that is clearly not beneficial to anyone's health, with the
widespread distribution of harmful antidepressant drugs, unnecessary surgeries
and cancer treatment that absolutely does not cure cancer, while simultaneously
criminalizing the efforts of intelligent people trying to take care of their
own health.
And now
Barack Obama wants to start another war, because of events that he himself has
But, let's
be fair in our description of America's "duly-elected" president.
Obama's deliberately incompetent performance has not been much worse than his
two predecessors, whose dereliction of duty set the stage for many of the
atrocities the latest occupant of the White House has merely maintained and
After all it
was George W. Bush who non-supervised the destruction of the Twin Towers,
uttered the fateful words "they hate our freedoms", and began a
non-stop war on the world, the objective of which is to destroy every country
the Israeli Jews want us to destroy.
And it was
Bill Clinton who shepherded the avalanche of American jobs to Third World
countries, allowed the term "derivatives" to destroy what was left of
America's banking system, and announced we had a surplus which enabled Bush to
start giving money away the moment his term started.
All three of
these puppet presidents deserve the credit from how we got from there to
hundreds of trillions of dollars in debt in a mere decade. And as they
continued to get rid of all the really good American jobs, how many lives did
they throw away during their never-ending wars in the name of American
They say an
American president is merely the average representation of the American
population as a whole, and if this is true, maybe the Jewish world controllers
are right and the American population does need to be exterminated.
Clinton was a sex-crazed maniac who supervised the destruction of the American workforce by passing NAFTA and shipping all our jobs overseas while allowing bankers to create derivatives which destroyed the U.S. banking system and robbed everyone of their savings.
Bush was a drug-addled sociopath with no intellectual capacity whatsoever who ran the country with all the demonic finesse of Joe Sixpack at a hog calling context.
And Obama is
the gay street hustler who had no parents and was raised by the evil
plot-hatchers who put advocates of transexuals and child-kidnappers on the
Supreme Court.
This is a
perfect portrait of the American president and the American population, painted
by the Jewish world puppet masters who have captured the world's mind and
turned it into a total impulsive exercise in self-flagellation as we face a
future as bleak as has ever existed on this planet.
It looks
like that crazy guy in Australia was right after all when he said that Hitler's
biggest mistake was that he didn't gas the Jews, because if he had, we likely
wouldn't be talking about the real possibility that World War III could start
any day now, we wouldn't be choking on poisoned air unfit to breathe, and we
wouldn't be dying a little every day because the food our monstrous government
says is perfectly fine to eat is slowly but inexorably putting us to sleep.
Permanent sleep.
Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying
to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief
system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from
readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North
Port FL 34287 USA.
I can't trust a woman with no nipples.
ReplyDeleteThis sums him (Obama) up. My conclusion is, based on these:
That Mr. Obama has undergone numerous brain operations. I say he has multiple devices surgically implanted; including but not limited to, Receivers, Transmitters, Tracking, and an Explosive Charge Fail-Safe.
Who is this woman? Obama's "Jewish mother?
ReplyDeleteCan anyone explain what we're supposed to gather from that?
I posted this particular photo to show the type of family life Obama had. His mother, a government agent, was Jewish and known to use her charms to gain political objectives. Obama was raised a strict communist from the start from this woman.
DeleteI know all that is not conveyed in the image. I just wished to show the type of immorality he was instilled with from the getgo.