ED Noor: Above pure childish innocence ~ a state of mind to be cherished in our young. The story below is about a man who is on par with the Obama appointee pictured below. Do you think, that within a year, this sweet mind should be filled with concepts of buggery and perversions?
A quick search of Professor Levin shows he is, indeed, a person of the Jewish persuasion. Talmudic teachings anyone?
A quick search of Professor Levin shows he is, indeed, a person of the Jewish persuasion. Talmudic teachings anyone?
Hang the buzztard for his perversion of children and GET HIS PROGRAMMES OUT OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM! NOW! Now that the parents are aware of this there is NO EXCUSE for their children to be exposed to this filth.
This is another plus in Putin's favour. He does not outlaw homosexuality as yidiots like Cher espouse, he just wants this objectionable material kept out of the minds of minors. Is that so terribly wrong? NOOOOOOOOO!
This is another plus in Putin's favour. He does not outlaw homosexuality as yidiots like Cher espouse, he just wants this objectionable material kept out of the minds of minors. Is that so terribly wrong? NOOOOOOOOO!
Child sex abuse (ED Noor: Talmudic corruption) is now official government policy.
“Grade 6 kids will be taught masturbation; Grade 7 kids about anal sex, as opposed to vaginal intercourse…““He had a hand in drafting sex lessons for children that will destroy the innocence of thousands of Ontario children.“
By Ezra Levant
(Ezra Levant.com/ Edited by henrymakow.com)
Via Henry
July 16, 2013
The two faces of Jewish educator Benjamin Levin, Former Deputy Minister of
Education in Ontario, charged with child pornography, released on $100,000
ED Makow: “1984″ is here ~
Levin is more proof society has been subverted by a Masonic Jewish (Illuminati)
satanic cult and public schools groom children for sexual exploitation. Introducing
children to sex before puberty is evil and sick. Even after puberty, “sex ed”
is an implied invitation to have sex which requires much more emotional and
intellectual growth. Furthermore, the State has no right to promote premarital
sex and homosexuality, which is a developmental disorder. The public gets up in arms over a small
sales tax increase, but remains comatose when their children are mentally
abused and warped for life. Has the public been lobotomized?
Benjamin Levin, Ontario’s former Deputy Minister of Education, has been charged with seven counts of child exploitation, including child pornography.
He hasn’t just been charged with possessing images of children being sexually abused.
He’s been charged with arranging for sexual offences against a child, making child porn and distributing it to others.
bail conditions include a ban on him using the Internet except at work ~ he’s a
professor at the University of Toronto.
he’s not allowed to use a cell phone that connects to the Internet or has a
camera in it.
are tens of thousands of civil servants in Ontario and, as a matter of
statistical probability, a number will be charged with crimes every year.
this is different.
Love or shame... the only options?
How in hell is a child supposed to wrap its mind around THIS?
ED Noor: The above is the utter crap that parents in Ontario are dealing with! How about not teaching this child ANYTHING about these matters and just let him or her enjoy play and being innocent. How about letting them figure out what they are without suddenly being presented with these options. PUTIN IS RIGHT!
charge of making child pornography is the gravest immorality, perhaps second
only to murder. This isn’t a shoplifting offence.
the second factor is what Levin does.
U of T, he teaches teachers how to teach kids.
what he did.
He was deputy minister during the development of the proposed, hyper-sexualized curriculum for Ontario grade schools. Those sex lessons will start in Grade 1 ~ when children are barely toilet trained.
of arranging for sexual offences against a child, of being a predator, are
horrific in their own right.
But how much darker is it that Levin had a hand in drafting the graphic sex lessons for young children?
our legal system, Levin is innocent until proven guilty. But what about our
political system?
must also ask if changing the Ontario curriculum to bring sex lessons to
children of tender years was coloured by Levin’s alleged proclivities.
sex lessons developed when he was deputy minister, include teaching Grade 1
kids ~ six-year-old girls and boys ~ detailed sexual anatomy and vocabulary.
are taught homosexuality ~ not just its existence, but its legitimacy as a
sexual alternative.
new curriculum is clear on this. A wide range of sexual preferences are to be
taught in an encouraging way, and any resistance ~ be it religious, cultural or
just a child’s squeamishness with such adult subjects ~ is to be reformed and
corrected by teachers.
6 kids will be taught masturbation; Grade 7 kids about anal sex, as opposed to
vaginal intercourse, in a discussion about abstaining from sexual activity. Not
objectively, but in an advocacy model.
This is extreme. Who would force such adult subjects on such young kids? And now the senior bureaucrat who promoted this curriculum is charged with sexually exploiting children.

ought to be a debate about when that education happens, and with what degree of
explicitness, and with what moral teachings to accompany it. But for God’s
sake, Grade 1?
criminalize pedophilia and child pornography, but not adult sex and adult
pornography, because we draw a distinction between consenting, mature adults
who are wise in the ways of the world, and children who we need to protect from
harsh, adult realities.
Levin is accused of violating that innocence in his private life.
trial will show us the facts.
we already know the facts about his public life: He had a hand in drafting sex
lessons for children that will destroy the innocence of thousands of Ontario
This column was written for Sun News July 13 2013.
'Sex' education in may day was about the anatomical differences between male and female, how the reproductive system works, and an essential part of biology class. That was in grade 8 or 9 if I remember correctly.
ReplyDeleteThis sick shit (sorry) they are inundating our kids with today in the name of tolerance could only have come from some perverted Talmudic mind, obsessed with sex and excrements trying to undermine true cultural and family values.
But I think the perverts and pedos are being flushed out now, and that's a good thing. Not that they have done enough damage already.
Noor, I am going to scream.
If the parents do not have this curriculum altered they are almost as much at fault as those who espouse it. I am so glad my girls were not exposed to THIS! Although I had a rather heated discussion with my older one last night who thinks they should know about these things just older. I wanted to scream but just kept working and realized she was a product partly of the things I believed when I raised her (not this stuff). She is partly a product of my past liberalism.... so....
DeleteAnal sex for middle schoolers? I am not sure anal sex is good for anyone. It has functioned as a kind of birth control for centuries . . . but that may have been a mistake. In any case young girls & boys could easily end up with the skin of the anal canal torn and be too embarrassed or ashamed to tell anyone. And there are other health possibilities as well. In ancient Greece doctors had to sew up the anus's of young boys on a regular basis. I suppose some got seriously infected. And it could be argued that any kind of sexual relationship at the age of 12 or 13 is not a good idea. Some thinkers have said that it puts an emphasis on the genitals too soon and takes it away from the heart and mind.
ReplyDeleteBut there is a darker side to this as well. The anal area connects to very different nerves than the genital. It is entirely possible even likely that this can cause a door to open to very dark and primitive sensations and emotions of the sort we associate with serial killers, torturers, and so on. It may amount to tampering with things beyond the control of many people. And certainly it would be unwise to introduce 12 year old kids to this area. Next girls will be picking up spending money from older guys after school . . . This is really madness.
I had never considered that aspect of ancient cultures. I wonder, do you think there was need for such physicians with those specific skills before infestation by a specific invasive and morally corrupt species of human being?
DeleteYou are right about the spiritual aspect of such abuse on young children. I believe it was the Jesuits who put it into precise language but I cannot find the text at the moment. But it mentioned young males under the age of three being ideal; during the assault the is a spot deep inside the body that triggers very dark spiritual response. Certainly it is all part of Satanic ritual abuse as well.
Considering the Jesuits were founded on Talmudic principles......
Think also of the MK ultra trauma based mind control and the very heavy sexual component involved there as well.
The ancient Chinese considered that male homosexuality generated excessive yang energy which produced disease. Excessive yin energy from lesbianism was considered to be okay and not a problem. Personally I have done what I could to see the good in the gay experience but could not get over a feeling revulsion. That is, I read some material and knew some gays and tried to get an insight . . . but while the men were affable enough they still seemed strange. Of course I was not willing to be a participant! As an older man I miss the comfort of just being around men as in men's rooms without the presence of paranoia which is often there now. I suppose women might also like an atmosphere where sex is absent. At Stanford years ago there was an outdoor swimming pool where the men did not wear suits; it would never have occurred to me back then that there was a homosexual element around--and there probably was.
ReplyDeleteTo have such a different sexual desire as a man would be to see the world very differently. A rather well known journalist and former civil rights attorney, Glenn Greenwald, is gay. He does good work. However, I prefer as a person someone like Paul Craig Roberts. He seems more mature and balanced; and of course he is older. And from the South. It is a puzzle. Probably society needs very severe consequences for child molesters. But then would even those scare the persons away? I don't have an answer other than careful parenting. My two daughters were friendly but I am sure they would not have gone anywhere with someone like that. They would have smelled trouble! Did not know the Jesuits were connected to the Talmud. With so many great scriptures how could anyone waste time on that demonic piece of writing?
de Loyola was, if I remember correctly, a marano.
DeleteThe gay issue is so not cut and dried. My daughters, for example, have a childhood friend who has been a boy in a girl's body all her life. But she is very happy as she is and I still love her dearly. I cannot judge her since I was advising her when she was running into problems as a youngster.
To me, I just think that it is all unbalanced. Two negative or two south poles ... the balance is off in my mind. as for authors and writers, so long as the person is on the mark in their work and does not play homage to the gay agenda, I am fine.
That makes sense. A woman swami, originally a German dancer, had an ashram in Alberta I believe. In one her books she has this look at being gay: these persons in the process of reincarnating were between genders. But you have to take one or the other. This makes sense to me since I am certain reincarnation is a fact. I like your idea of two south poles. I am always a bit surprised when someone introduces themselves as my name is John and I am gay; or earlier on, my name is Jim and I am a recovering alcoholic! I have always been a little shy and prefer the minimum--which may be why I avoid facebook.
ReplyDeleteIt's now 2015 and the elite sh*t has hit the fan again in the news... what nerve this schmuck has, and what perversions have stewed Benjamin Levin's little brain. If you don't get angry when you read about his sex education agenda, and his corruption of innocents, then go back to sleep. It's shocking to see that such degenerates as Levin have been put in charge of drafting up sex education curriculum especially in light of his preferences for underaged children ... Shame on you !!!