By Arthur Topham
July 22, 2014
current global crisis in Gaza, Palestine, where the Israeli military is once
again slaughtering the entrapped Palestinian people with willful intent and
destroying the region’s infrastructure, has forced Canada’s major political
parties ~ the Conservative Party of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada and the
New Democratic Party of Canada ~ to reveal their hand in terms of where they
stand with respect to the carnage being perpetrated against the Palestinian
surprisingly, for those who have been observing the persistent, aggressive, war
(otherwise known as “ethnic cleansing”) against Palestine over the past
sixty-six years, all three parties have opted to “STAND WITH ISRAEL”. This
revelation has astounded and angered many decent Canadians who still clung to
the old belief that Canada ought to remain either in a neutral position or take
a more pro-active stance and speak out against the illegal and immoral actions
of the state of Israel.
the latest round of unwarranted attacks upon Gaza has resulted in for Canada as
a nation is the irrefutable and unequivocal realization that all of our major
political parties and their leaders are firmly in the grasp of the Zionist-Jew
controlled forces working through what is euphemistically referred to as the
“New World Order” (aka NWO) and their words and deeds are but the reflective
mouthings of three Zionist-controlled Puppets suspended in conscience and
dangling haplessly from the covert, occult hidden hand of a tyrannical and
blood-thirsty power structure that is driving the world into a state of
madness, confusion and soon-to-be, endless chaos and civil strife.
Canadians have always been told that as a nation we tend to lag about a decade
behind the USA in terms of our political policies and the present example of
these three zio-stooges basically confirms this assertion.
the October, 2001 edition of my former monthly tabloid The Radical (shown in the image
below) I used the same bold header as I’ve done for the present article. Only
the names have been changed. That edition (13 years past) was the first
reaction to the events of September 11, 2001 when this same criminal NWO cartel
pulled off what was, without a doubt, the greatest false flag operation since
their 1917 coup in the former Republic of Russia when the Zionist/Communist/Marxist
forces were able to mastermind the absolute take-over of one of the world’s
largest and diverse nations. The world we’re now living in is but an extension
and magnification on a global scale of what transpired 97 years ago.
Canadians had any illusions as to their sovereignty as an independent nation
those cherished dreams have now been shattered forever. All that’s left for
Canadians who still desire peace and respect for the democratic principles that
have fostered our growth and freedom as an independent nations up to the
present is to accept the fact that we are no longer in control of our
individual and national destinies and begin to take steps in the direction of
redressing what’s happened to us a country since 911 and the advent of present
global tyrannical situation that’s affecting the people and the planet as a
dilemma, for us as a nation, is having to accept the obvious fact that all of
our major political parties are now controlled by the Zionist NWO. With a
federal election coming up in 2015 this presents voters with a major conundrum
in terms of who to vote for. Not voting is not an option but there’s still time
for people to redefine their prerogatives and choose to support a party that
might be the Canadian Action Party or some newly formed party. The chances of
the Green Party of Canada opting for pro-Palestinian, anti-Zionist policies
that directly conflict with those of Israel are next to impossible yet, even
there, miracles do happen.
the final questions must be: Are we going to allow the overly preponderant
power of the Jewish lobbyists here in Canada to dictate our domestic and
foreign policy? Are we going to stand by submissively and submit to decisions
emanating forth from Ottawa that conform, not to the wishes of the majority of
Canadians, but to the Zionist-Jewish power elite that run our banking
institutions, our economy, our media and our academic infrastructure?
we expected just to give up hope that Canada will ever regain its former status
as a respected member of the world community merely because of the subterfuge
and deception that has allowed for the electorate to be bamboozled by the
Zionist media into believing that the Conservative Party of Canada and its
leader Stephen Harper would somehow STAND FOR CANADA instead of a foreign,
apartheid country that treats its Arab population as second-class citizens and
is, in itself, the only racist, Jews-only nation on the face of the planet?
we, in other words, willing to give up our collective rights and freedoms and
bow down slavishly to the dictates of this dark and sinister New World Order or
are we going to regroup, rise up and resist?
choice for Canada is there still. If we don’t act soon though it may be too
bless Canada.
God bless Palestine.
And God bless all who strive for freedom,
love, peace and dignity.
...did KleptoKahns a StateHome decree...