Not a PEEP on the American elections today. Why not? Because I already have a full folder prepared to go in a few days dedicated to that extravaganza ~ it is difficult to find unbiased material when it comes to fair coverage of The Donald although I hope last week's "Hillary Dump" gave you all a little more material to work with! I do have more including an alleged x-ray of the blob on her "brain" such as it is. Coming soon.
Please excuse the crude X's above, but I damaged it so that I am not responsible for its being posted elsewhere to push this ridiculous claim against Putin. This "cartoon" from Cartoon Movement is intended to place responsibility for the situation of this poor child, Omran Daqneesh, at the feet of the evil Vladimir Putin who is so hypocritically kind to his own Russian children who cringe and cry at his vile touch. The cartoonist had this up within hours of the story of this boy going viral.
As I have said before, international cartoonists, most of them, kowtow sickeningly to the editorial lines. When I wade through these thousands of repetitive and often ugly on the eyes and brain cartoons which I then glean down to what is posted here, I have often seen up to a hundred treatments of the same event and it is startling, the similarities to so many of them. Now the same messages to the public seem to be the same whether the cartoonist be in Los Angeles or Calcutta or London, with only local differences. I try hard to dig out the ones which are different ... because there is more freedom for certain topics in some countries...
Please read: The boy in the ambulance: The US State Dept-funded groups behind latest 'iconic image' designed to demonize Russia and encourage further bloodshed in Syria
Oh. My,. Gosh. Putin IS responsible for the fall of Atlantis! Look at what he is doing here...
As I have said before, international cartoonists, most of them, kowtow sickeningly to the editorial lines. When I wade through these thousands of repetitive and often ugly on the eyes and brain cartoons which I then glean down to what is posted here, I have often seen up to a hundred treatments of the same event and it is startling, the similarities to so many of them. Now the same messages to the public seem to be the same whether the cartoonist be in Los Angeles or Calcutta or London, with only local differences. I try hard to dig out the ones which are different ... because there is more freedom for certain topics in some countries...
Please read: The boy in the ambulance: The US State Dept-funded groups behind latest 'iconic image' designed to demonize Russia and encourage further bloodshed in Syria
This one of Putin, however, gets a top honour here. PUTIN DID IT! Remember the next time your jeans rip or you lose your keys, PUTIN DID IT! I hear he is responsible for the fall of Atlantis. But they are still trying to find Atlantis first, they just know he is responsible.
This week, just a lot of stuff and commentary. Afghanistan, immigration, burkini madness, Omran Daqneesh, Obama, Erdogan, Putin, guns, Rio, political correctness. These are a few of your favourite things. Sit back with a cool drink and enjoy. The dog days of summer are upon us....
Time to make sure life can be sustained on some distant planet and throw a few humans away. We could begin on a municipal level and then move up to provincial (state) level and continue upwards. It would be very easy to do a lot of house cleaning.
OK, this one just cracked me up. Maybe we should sell a few of these to the Germans with modifications for sauerkraut and Black Forest cake perhaps. After the mess the RCMP made with the "BC pressure cooker bombers", the Canadian authorities are at their wits end to wash the egg off their face and create a problem where there never was. See: Ottawa Pledges Deradicalization Hire Despite Skepticism at Anti-Terror Effectiveness.
"The creation of a deradicalization adviser, who will run a $10-million-a-year office, fulfills a 2015 campaign promise by the Liberals. At the time, the party criticized the then-Conservative government for its law-and-order approach to fighting terrorism."
Pure Canadian idiocy. Just about as sensible as the cartoon which is at least funny. And below, a cartoon on the same issue in America. Gotta laugh because both have their points. Remember, Ronald Reagan and his love of the Taliban?
Just sayin;....
Back to reality somewhere in America:
Cuban artist Angel Boligan, a true revolutionary, always does the most exquisite work possible and never fails to tease both eye and the spirit. This one is entitled "A Populist Government" and carries as many interpretations as you can come up with all of them political and deeply moving.

How to create a cartoon and not offend someone can be quite a problem!
(Unless, of course, offense is just what you are after!
That is an entirely different but equally important skill.)
Poppies of Afghanistan
More images of Omram Daquneesh further down. This child has become the latest poster child for the Syrian War machine by creating the opportunity for a grand boost of donations to fund raising charities claiming to assist the Syrian people.
NBC gave worthy coverage to the heartbreaking photo of a shell-shocked and injured Syrian boy this week, but the Peacock network made no mention of President Obama’s foreign policy failures that have allowed ISIS and Al Qaeda to turn the nation into a bloodbath over the last five years. ~ FOX: Bias Alert with NBC NewsDoesn't this really sum it up in the cold face of reality?
I have struggled with the same question once or twice myself.
As a swimmer, no matter how sympathetic I am towards modesty, there is no way you can convince me that the burqini is not a handicap to swim in. Why swim if you cannot feel the water on your skin? The lovely Muslim girls can pose all they want and smile, but a good one piece is the way to go for a serious water lover. However, no one should impose what can or cannot be worn in the water. A few decades back they were banning bare-breasted sunbathers. That being said, nor do the supporters of the burqini have the right to look down on the local customs of the natives in the country where they now find themselves living. The burqini is an expensive garment, even more so than a good structured suit and I doubt available to the average poor immigrant.
So, according to this artist, the Burqini ban is only applicable to young slim women. When it comes to obese women, they are mandatory wear.
The Liberal Canadian cartoon making light of this well-documented immigration crime.
The truth of the situation. Dishonesty Should Not Be the Path to Citizenship
The work scene for far too many in Canada.
I have also seen this photo with the caption:
"AMA-Approved cure for erections lasting over 4 hours".
And consider many are now unable to read cursive writing, a dying art, eventually they will all become one step short of illiterate and unable to read important documents.
The above reminded me of the infamous quote below from Bob Dylan's personal rabbi:
In 1492 CE, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion (after the fall of Muslim rule in Spain).
This was the reply:
”Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
In 1492 CE, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law threatened expulsion (after the fall of Muslim rule in Spain).
This was the reply:
”Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. [Emphasis mine]
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
Enlarge to read. This goes on in Canada also. Shocking but true.
Save this for the appropriate occasion. Zuckerberg is big on censorship.
PARTS 1 & 2:
Those three Pioneer stereo pieces would cost a small fortune for an honest person. Pioneer is not your lower shelf product.
Another beautiful portrait of the great Muhammad Ali.
This slacking GOOF is the President of America. Whatever that means...
Now this is just how low journalism has sunk...
SERIOUSLY? Yes, seriously. This is true. And you think Hillary is not determined? Or supported by the same criminal element?
The idiot clown LOVES this goofy pose.
Organ donations....
I watched the video of the child being apprehended by the soldier that inspired this, and several other, cartoons. The situation was quiet and did not seem threatening although the child could easily have been terrified by the encounter. The officer himself speaking to her did not seem to to anything terribly wrong I thought but what do I know? The pettiness of tossing her bicycle was unnecessary, it could have been walked a few feet to a safe place.
Just so long as Sam is cool with manly Scots in kilts, I am in full agreement!
This real time ad caught my eye. How young is that model for an adult product packaged in phallic shaped bottles??

Funny but, alas, quite real. Russia is damned coming and going, no matter what everyone else is doing!
But meanwhile, Olympics officials are arrested in the wee hours for fun and games of a different type. See: High-ranking IOC Official Arrested in Ticket Scalping Investigation. Do you think they will find a way to blame Putin for this crime?
See: I told you earlier: Putin does EVERYTHING bad in the world.
OMG too funny!
This Palestinian Cartoonist is showing how she feels about Hamas setting up shop in the West Bank.
Fleeing Aleppo/Syria
Things have changed somewhat. Please enlarge and read below the tale of the photographer of the famous shot of a dying child stalked by a vulture. The journalistic success this photo brought him drove him to suicide. Do you think the media photographing this young Omran Daqneesh have any such sensitivities in their speed to get out the story and make top headlines around the globe? No they do not.
This child, this young boy is being used by America as a tool to continue demonizing Russia in the Syrian Wars. You are to look at him and THINK OF PUTIN!
This child, this young boy is being used by America as a tool to continue demonizing Russia in the Syrian Wars. You are to look at him and THINK OF PUTIN!
Nostradamus go the exact date of 911. "In the year 1999 and seven months then will great god of terror fall to earth..." Which was an anagram for 9/11/01 and September (Sept Mois in French.
ReplyDeleteHe says elsewhere that WWIII will begin a year with the number 7.
St. Malachy prophesied that the last Pope is in Play and that Rome will be destroyed. The Pope is 76. Do the math.
Well all I can say is ... huh? Who brought Nostradamus into this? And.... I am at the point of... "who cares? The lunatics are in charge now. Eat ice cream and enjoy it. Tomorrow we may no longer have refrigeration."